Commander Han Cheng was not worried about Qin Ye's safety, he was still very confident in Qin Ye's strength.

Turning his head to look at the remaining 25, he turned back and thought about other things.

As for the treasure hunt, he didn't care at all.

Anyway, he brought so many people here this time, in fact, he came to make soy sauce.

"Let's camp here, you guys set up all the tents!" Several

people who were still a little interested heard this, and they fell silent.

Commander Han Cheng had already watched their every move.

But he just didn't open his mouth to let these guys go to the waves.

And this group of soldiers also knew very well that they could not leave here without the permission of Commander Han Cheng.

So he simply didn't speak.

Setting up camp was not a big deal for them.

You can even say that you have hands.

So the seemingly complicated task was placed in their hands without much time.

Commander Han Cheng also saw this scene, so he opened his mouth and said

, "Okay, since the camp has been settled, then I will allow you to go out and explore the secret realm."

Seeing that the group of people under his command were obviously very excited, Commander Han Cheng continued to speak, and added,

"But don't be too happy. "

I haven't finished my sentence yet?"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the soldiers who were full of passion just now wilted in an instant.

Commander Han Cheng didn't care so much, and still said with a look of indifference:

"First of all, you must always keep half of the battalion alive.

"Secondly, you people who go out to explore the secret realm cannot leave the five-kilometer radius around the camp. After

thinking about it, Commander Han Cheng added

, "Of course, if necessary, after you have finished exploring the situation around the camp, I can consider moving the camp according to your opinions.

After listening to Commander Han Cheng's speech, the soldiers didn't think much about it.

Anyway, what they focus on is to obey orders.

After Commander Han Cheng glanced at their reactions, he didn't think much about it.

He said

, "Okay, don't stand stupid.

"I have already told you how to arrange it, you can do it yourself.

"I don't care.

With that, he went into his tent without looking back.

In fact, Commander Han Cheng knew very well that if this secret realm was really full of treasures, it would be impossible for Da Mao to let them come.

Who would be a fool, there is a kind of good thing that does not know how to hide.

It's just that the group of soldiers under his command want to see the world, so he let them arrange it themselves.

If it were him, he wouldn't even bother to toss.

Outside the camp, 25 soldiers under the command of two squad leaders quickly divided into two teams.

The first team was responsible for the first wave of reconnaissance tasks, and the second team stayed in the camp and was responsible for the first stage of home guarding tasks.

The task assignment was completed, and Chen Haonan, the leader of a small team, set off with his own team.

And Li Xingxing, the captain of the second team, beckoned his team members to station.

Although Commander Han Cheng did not go out, he was clear about what was happening outside.

However, he didn't interfere with their arrangements, the main thing was to let go of himself!

When his eyes came to Qin Ye's side, after he and Commander Han Cheng separated, he summoned all five of his imperial beasts at the same time.

He had seen it with the Eye of Exploration, and the fog in this secret realm was a real fog, not a fake.

Although he wanted to see through this annoying fog, his strength did not allow it.

So he had no choice but to do it.

The five imperial beasts were advancing in one direction at the same time, which made Qin Ye's vision expand a lot at once.

However, what made Qin Ye very unhappy was that he had been looking for so long, but he didn't find anything.

But when he thought about it, he figured it out.

If it was so easy to find resources, it is estimated that Da Mao would not let them come.

Maybe it was because the resources were very rich before, but they were all picked up by the Great Maoists.

But no matter what the case is, the current secret realm is a very poor existence.

Thinking of this, Qin Ye suddenly had a terrifying thought.

So he immediately became vigilant, and the reason was very simple.

In either case, there will be a premise that he can't get around.

There must be something terrifying in this secret realm that he doesn't know about now, otherwise, with Da Mao's temper, no matter what the reason is, they will not be able to ask for help from Xia Guo.

Although at the beginning, the letter for help said that the fog of this secret realm was dangerous, which greatly limited their exploration progress.

There is also a non-trivial remark, their soldiers have sacrificed a lot for unknown reasons.

Now it seems that this sentence may be the point.

So he immediately looked around with his probing eye.

I want to find some clues from the surroundings.

Sure enough, with his perseverance and hard work, he finally made some discoveries.

"[Item]: Mist Ink Raven!"

"[Level]: Gold 1st Order. "

[Ability]: An assassin in the Misty Forest, extremely fast, extremely stealthy, and good at sneak attacks at night.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye finally knew what was going on.

But he didn't say anything, but silently conveyed instructions to Yan Hong.

Originally, with his current strength, it was simply an easy existence to grasp a gold-level little crow.

But this guy is not only extremely fast, but also stealth.

This made Qin Ye have to deal with it carefully.

He also hopes that through this fight, he can find out the weaknesses of this ink crow.

In this way, he can have no scruples in this secret realm.

Qin Ye's eyes kept staring at each other to see if it moved.

However, maybe it was the reason why Qin Ye's strength was too strong, although Qin Ye kept staring at it, but he didn't react at all.

Just when Yan Hong was almost in place, and Qin Ye thought that he had a chance to win, an accident appeared.

The misty ink crow was hidden under his nose.

Qin Ye was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot, of course, Qin Ye was the most speechless because of his own probing eye, it couldn't detect the other party's weaknesses.

Otherwise, how could this happen!,

but Qin Ye did not lose his mind.

He knew very well that this misty ink crow must have noticed their movements, so he chose to be invisible.

But even if it is invisible, what if Qin Ye is still afraid that it will not succeed.

Directly said:

"Long Qing, Fire Dance, Nuo Bai, and Xuankong form a formation!" "Yan Hong, pay attention to the top!" Immediately

the four holy beasts returned to their positions, Long Qing was in the east, Nuo Bai was in the west, Fire Dance was in the south, and Xuankong

was in the north.


Four Spirit Formation was formed! Immediately, the location where the Misty Ink Crow was originally located was shrouded by the Four Spirit Formation.

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