"What else can I do, of course, to make the other party pay a little price?"

"Can't I make the other party uncomfortable?"

"Okay!" "

You are the Great Elder, you have the final say." The

three elders didn't care how Da Mao felt.

For the current Xia Kingdom, if it weren't for Commander Han Cheng, they would still be in Damao.

Based on what Da Mao did today, Xia Guo would have already done something to them.

How can there be such a good temper here to play some painless moves with them.

Therefore, he had no intention of opposing the decision of the Great Elder.

And the Great Elder didn't think much about it, and continued to speak

, "Han Cheng's side will tell him not to worry first, everything is up to us!" "Okay, I'll

convey your meaning to him in a moment." The

third elder didn't think much about it, and spoke.

The Great Elder had no opinion on this.

He discussed a lot of things with the third elder before ending the chat.


On Qin Ye's side, he had been working hard to find the spirit beast egg since he spoke to Commander Han Cheng.

But the result was not too ideal, he searched for almost half of the secret realm, but he didn't see any trace of the spirit beast egg.

Fortunately, he didn't find nothing, and he found a lot of bits and pieces.

Of course, there are also a lot of misty ink crows that he has solved.

Every time he finds something good, he always sees it.

So much so that he became accustomed to it, as long as he saw something good, the first time he didn't choose to pick up the good thing, but to look for the traces of the Misty Ink Crow.

After going back and forth, Qin Ye suspected that the misty ink crows in the secret realm would be solved by him.

finally had time to rest, and Qin Ye did not forget to be vigilant.

At the first time, he said to Yan Hong without hesitation:

"Yan Hong, you pay attention to vigilance, don't let the misty ink crow take advantage of the loophole and run to our side."

Yan Hong has also gotten used to the existence of the other party along the way, and she has been playing soy sauce almost all the way.

So now that she heard Qin Ye's order, she didn't hesitate, and said

, "Don't worry, master!" "

Since their weakness is fire, it is impossible for them to escape my fiery eyes. Qin

Ye didn't doubt Yan Hong's words, after all, Yan Hong was a phoenix.

Her ability to control flames is probably unmatched.

So Qin Ye said with confidence:

"Okay, I'm relieved to have your words."

After saying that, he didn't talk to Yan Hong anymore.

The rush along the way made him feel tired, so after he arranged his respective tasks, he began to close his eyes and recuperate.

For a moment, the area fell silent.

About five or six kilometers away from Qin Ye and them, more than a dozen misty ink crows were sitting together discussing countermeasures against Qin Ye and them.

The misty ink crow at the head was the first to speak

, "Magic Flute, tell me, what is the situation of this guy who has killed hundreds of our clansmen now

!" The magic flute sitting at the end heard the leader call it by name, it didn't dare to slack off at all, and quickly said,

"Okay patriarch!" "

The human beast master who just came in is fundamentally different from the previous group of rice buckets.

"As soon as he entered, he noticed the people we had sent to keep an eye on.

"Damn that guy doesn't know what kind of indiscriminate means he used, and he actually crushed our people to ashes. "


was originally fine with its previous words, but it became more and more outrageous later.

If Qin Ye was here, he would have to give it a big bib because of this.

Of course, it is not completely without gains, and it is precisely because of its refueling and vinegar that many of the misty ink crows sitting on it have been moved by it.

For example, the three elders of the Mo Crow clan became hostile to Qin Ye because of his words.

"Magic Flute, you said that the other party found our weakness, how is this possible?"

"Who would have thought of the weakness of our ink crow clan except us!" "

Coupled with our ability to be invisible, I don't believe he can find our weakness.

For a while, the entire members of the Ink Crow Clan were silent.

The words of the three elders were like nails, nailed to their hearts.

The Magic Flute was also confused at this time, and it didn't know what was going on.

I only knew that none of the clansmen sent to keep an eye on Qin Ye had returned, so in order to divert attention, it could only be arranged like this.

No one had ever debunked it before, so it had always thought so.

But I didn't expect that today it would be ruthlessly debunked by the three elders of the clan.

For a moment, it didn't know what to say.

And at this time, the patriarch sitting on the throne spoke up.

"Magic Flute, what about you?"

"You're dumb!" "The

Magic Flute knew that it couldn't hide it anymore at this point.

So he truthfully told everything he knew to his face.

After it finished speaking, the patriarch sitting on the throne scolded angrily:

"You guy, you are simply bold. "

Don't you know that just because of your words, how many clansmen will die due to misjudgment?"

But everyone knows that the Magic Flute is useless this time.

Because of the magic flute, the meeting of the Ink Raven clan could not be carried out directly.

This meeting was originally based on the advice given by the Magic Flute.

But now it suddenly turns out that the advice given by the Magic Flute is actually fake.

This made the high-level leaders of the Ink Raven clan directly not know how to proceed.

So under the leadership of the patriarch of the Ink Crow clan, a new round of plans against Qin Ye began again.

This time, in order to prevent the recurrence of this situation just now, the patriarch of the Ink Crow Clan specially designated the three patriarchs of the Ink Raven Clan to be fully responsible for the early news investigation work.


On Commander Han Cheng's side, he secretly inquired about the news and found that this time the big hairy person's mouth was extremely tight.

No matter what the price he pays, he can't get the news from others.

But he didn't care, and the more it did, the more they had a problem.

But just as he was pondering, Li Xingxing suddenly knocked on the door from the outside.

Only then did he wake him up!

"Come in!"

After Li Xingxing walked in from outside, he said

, "Commander, we have found the trace of a misty ink crow, do you want to go and take a look?"

As soon as Commander Han Cheng heard the news, he immediately became interested.

He hurriedly said,

"Let's go and see what this legendary misty ink crow looks like." After

saying that, he took the lead and walked out.

Seeing this, Li Xingxing also hurriedly walked to the front to lead the way.

In a few moments, they came to the front of the main camp.

At this time, the front of the battalion was already boiling, and except for a few people in the post, all the other people had already arrived.

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