Sure enough, through the Fire Spirit Array they had arranged in advance, everyone could clearly see that the Misty Ink Crow was staring at them at this time.

Probably until now, the misty ink crow didn't know that it had been discovered.

So Commander Han Cheng, who saw this interesting scene, immediately had an idea.

"Come on, any of you have ranged skills!" "

Give me a blow at it and see what it finds."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone stood up.

The man who came out was the vice-leader of a small squad, and his ranged attack was an ice arrow.

In the past, his trick has often had unexpected results.

So when he stood up, the soldiers on the scene had great hopes for him.

Commander Han Cheng didn't say much, and directly ordered:

"You grasp the opportunity yourself, as long as you feel that the time is ripe, you can make a move."

With Commander Han Cheng's permission, the deputy captain hurriedly nodded and replied,


and then began to aim.

Three seconds later, an ice arrow flew out of his hand.


In the eyes of everyone, the speed of this ice arrow is getting faster and faster, and it is about to hit the target.

But a second later, the ice arrow shot by the vice-captain flew straight through the body of the misty ink crow.

Seeing this scene, everyone below was shocked, although Commander Han Cheng had said before that the Mist Ink Crow was immune to damage in the stealth state.

But in the back of your mind, you know that there is a difference between what you see with your own eyes.

Commander Han Cheng can be regarded as having truly seen what it means to be immune to damage.

However, he didn't stop there, and finally met a misty ink crow who could cooperate with them so much, of course he wouldn't let go of this opportunity.

Then he spoke again:

"Change to someone with other attributes." This

group of soldiers also knew what Commander Han Cheng meant.

So they didn't drag, and soon a soldier came up.

Seeing that someone had come up, Commander Han Cheng said

, "Let's talk about your attack attributes first, and then start acting." Hearing

Commander Han Cheng's words, the soldier hurriedly spoke,

"Okay commander."

"I'm a member of a small team, and my attack attribute is wind!" Commander

Han Cheng didn't speak, and made a gesture at him, signaling that he could attack.

After receiving the order from Commander Han Cheng, he didn't hesitate, and the misty ink crow aiming above threw out a wind blade.

The lightning-fast wind blade came in front of the Misty Ink Raven in the blink of an eye.

But like the previous attack, this wind blade didn't hit the body of the Mist Crow, but went straight through.

Seeing this scene, Commander Han Cheng didn't speak, and directly waved his big hand and said

, "Next!"

Although he was very disappointed, he still walked down very consciously.

As soon as he came down, one of the soldiers of the same team walked up.

This time, he didn't need Commander Han Cheng to ask, he took the initiative to speak:

"Commander, I'm Cai Qiang, a member of the first team, and my attack attribute is thunder and lightning.

After saying that, after seeing Commander Han Cheng nodding, he threw out a thunderbolt towards the misty ink crow in mid-air.


the thunderbolt sounded, but like his two previous teammates, the lightning attack passed directly through the opponent's body, and did not hurt the opponent in the slightest.

Commander Han Cheng still said with an expressionless face, "

Next." Then

the next soldier stepped forward.

However, the result was not ideal, the soldier's attack was wooden, and like his previous three teammates, his attack still missed.

After this soldier, five or six more soldiers stepped forward, but the result was the same.

This made Commander Han Cheng understand that it would be useless to try again.

So he opened his mouth

and said, "Do you have fire attributes?"

At this time, Li Xingxing stood up and said

, "Commander, I am!" Commander

Han Cheng didn't think much about it, and said directly:

"Okay, you go and try."

"This misty ink crow is also the strength of the first order of gold, and you are all of the fifth order of gold, I think you should be able to easily deal with the other party."

Li Xingxing was still very confident in his strength, so he didn't refuse, and said with certainty:

"Don't worry, Commander, I won't let you down."

After saying that, he walked out with his head held high.

Commander Han Cheng didn't say anything about this, just looked at him quietly.

After Li Xingxing came to the front, he didn't exaggerate.

He calmed down for a few moments, and then suddenly charged up and shot an extremely fast rocket at the Misty Crow above.

The rocket was extremely fast, faster than all the soldiers had attacked before.

In the blink of an eye, the rocket shot by Li Xingxing came in front of the Misty Ink Crow.

This time, the rocket hit the Misty Raven directly in the chest, and the Misty Raven fell straight down to the cheers of the soldiers.


!" "Shot!" Commander

Han Cheng was also quite happy and put down his clenched fist.

Clapped his palms and said,

"Li Xingxing!" "

That's good."

Li Xingxing couldn't help laughing at this time.


On Qin Ye's side, he didn't know that so many things had happened during the time he had closed his eyes and recuperated.

At this time, he had just rested and stood up and moved his whole body meridians for a moment before he spoke

: "Yan Hong, has anything happened during the time I closed my eyes to recuperate?"

Yan Hong rushed down from mid-air, stood on Qin Ye's shoulder and replied:

"Master, no!" "

I have been paying attention to the situation around me, and I have not noticed anything different.

After listening to Yan Hong's explanation, Qin Ye didn't think much about it.

He patted his buttocks and said

, "Since we haven't found anything, let's take the initiative to trouble them."

"I'm a big fan of spirit beast eggs.

Of course, Yan Hong had no problem, so she said in Qin Ye's ear:

"Master, I completely obey your arrangement, and I will do what you say."

Qin Ye reached out and touched her feathers again, and then said

, "Hello Yanhong!"

After casually saying a few words to coax Yanhong, Qin Ye released Nuo Bai and them.

This time he was going to play with a big one, and he had to find the spirit beast egg of this secret realm there.

After Nuo Bai and the others came out, they didn't run around like before, but all gathered around Qin Ye.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye was very satisfied, and glanced at all the imperial beasts one by one, and then said

, "Okay, today's task is the same as yesterday, which is to find resources. However

, a few imperial beasts didn't react, which made Qin Ye speechless.

After thinking about it, he was still extremely reluctant to take out five top-grade spirit stones from his space and throw them to Nuo Bai.

After each of the imperial beasts had obtained a top-grade spirit stone, they went out to collect resources according to Qin Ye's request.

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