Qin Ye thought about it for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion.

That is, these supplies are his.

It's no wonder that Qin Ye thinks so, because in his opinion, although this batch of materials used to be the owner's thing, it was also a previous thing.

Anyway, now that this batch of materials is ownerless, what does he have to scruple about?

After saying that, he didn't bother to think about it so much, and directly started to collect the materials again.

Soon, he had explored all the outer caves of the group.

He also moved all the things inside into his own space.

Qin Ye couldn't help but wonder how many people this clan had killed before to collect so many supplies.

Now, Qin Ye began to suspect that the other party might be from the Misty Ink Crow Clan.

After all, in this secret realm, there is a group that can have such means, and he Qin Ye has only heard of or only seen the species of the Ink Crow Clan.

The other species either don't exist, or Qin Ye hasn't encountered them yet.

Not in terms of the area of the secret realm that Qin Ye had browsed, if there was such a powerful race that he had not yet encountered, he was really a little suspicious.

Just as he was locking the information onto the Misty Ink Raven Clan, he was in a valley that was almost dozens of kilometers away from him.

All the people who had just been transferred from the Ink Raven Clan stopped here to rest.

At this time, the Mo Crow Clan, who was in charge of the broken end, flew in front

of the Mo Crow Patriarch and said, "Patriarch, the other party didn't come with you!" "

I suspect that he is looting the materials we have collected, do you think we should turn back and catch the other party off guard?"

Before the Ink Raven Patriarch could speak, the Great Elder of the Ink Crow on the side stopped first.

It directly retorted:

"No!" "Don't

say whether we have this chance to sneak up on him, just talk about his strength, which is an existence that we can't afford to provoke." Slowly

, its tone calmed down.

However, he was still a little anxious, only to see him open his mouth and analyze again:

"Judging from the information we have explored so far, that human beast master has at least the strength of the ninth order of diamonds, in this case, even if he can't detect the sneak attack of our clansmen."

"But what can we do when our people are close?"

"Our attack can't do anything to him, we can't hurt him in the slightest, isn't our attack just tickling him for him?"

"This is still the most ideal state, but what if it is an extreme situation

?" "He dared to run into the secret realm alone, isn't there any killer feature?"

It seems that the more he talks about it, the more afraid he becomes, and he can't help but swallow his saliva.

But it still held back the fear in its heart and continued to speak

, "We all know that after he entered the secret realm, he killed many of our clansmen, and almost all the clansmen we sent over to watch the sentry also went to die one by one.

"Don't you still understand so many facts in front of us?"

"He must have a way to see through our stealth skills, so at this time, even if we send out as many clansmen, it will be the same, and there will inevitably be no return!"

After speaking, he also glared viciously at the clansman who had just made this suggestion.

This misty ink crow who had just proposed to sneak attack Qin Ye felt cold all over his body for the first time.

Before he could argue, the three elders on the side couldn't sit still, and stood up to accuse it and said

, "I think the Great Elder has made it clear enough, if there is anyone who doesn't have long eyes and wants to challenge the other party, just stand up now." After

speaking, his eyes swept over the surrounding clansmen one by one, and finally stopped at the clansmen who had just made this suggestion.

This frightened the misty crow to its knees.

Fortunately, at this time, the clansmen of the Ink Crow clan spoke in time

, "Okay, clansmen, there is no need to be so stiff.

"Since the Great Elder and the Third Elder are both opposed to this action, then we will abandon this suggestion.

"But we can't keep back down

like this, right?" "How will this allow our Crow Clan to gain a foothold in this world in the future?"

The words of the Ink Crow Patriarch were also very penetrating, like a sharp knife, and stabbed into the hearts of every Crow Clan member present, so that they could not ignore this problem.

At this time, no one stood up and spoke for the first time, after all, they all knew that if this matter was not handled well, it would be easy to die.

But the question raised by the patriarch, if no one expresses their opinion, if it continues like this, it will inevitably be too indifferent to this patriarch.

So the second elder, who was relatively tactful, hurriedly stood up to relieve the siege and

said, "What the patriarch said is very reasonable, and we can't keep backing down.

"Otherwise, we will have a stain on our foothold in this world in the future."

"So I propose that we urgently convene a general assembly of the whole clan and let the people decide the course of this matter. After

all, none of the people present were stupid, and it was strange that this kind of thing could be discussed at the whole clan meeting.

Who doesn't know what the all-clan assembly is like, and generally only unimportant matters will be put on the all-clan assembly for discussion.

But although all the ink crows saw the second elder's little Jiujiu, no one stood up against it.

Because everyone knows that it is easy to stand up against it, but it is too difficult to give your own opinion.

So, for the first time, all the ink crows looked at the patriarch sitting on the throne to see what it said.

And at this time, the Ink Crow Patriarch was really speechless, it didn't want to take this responsibility in the first place, so it threw out such a question.

But it didn't calculate everything, and no one in his group was a fool.


pot it had just thrown out was returned to its hands intact.

Sighing, it also knew that it couldn't think of a good way to do it in a short time.

Therefore, it thought that it would simply agree to the second elder's proposal first.

So under the gaze of all his subordinates, it said extremely reluctantly:

"Okay, since you all have nothing to do, then let's do it according to the second elder's proposal for the time being!"

Until this time, it did not give up its scheming.

The Second Elder of the Ink Raven Clan had also discovered this problem, but it also knew now that it was useless to say anything now.

But although the idea was it, if it hadn't done it, then this matter would not have so much to do with it.

Therefore, after the Ink Raven Patriarch finished speaking, it preemptively took over the topic, and said with a righteous and awe-inspiring face:

"Patriarch, since we are going to hold a whole clan meeting, then we must find a relatively safe place

!" "So the next thing is to be presided over by the Patriarch!"

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