Sure enough, when the patriarch of the Ink Crow clan heard this, his face turned green.

Originally, it wanted to pass the buck on this matter, but now that it was in this situation, it was unlikely that it would want to shift the conversation to the second elder.

But it's impossible to get it to take on the responsibility personally.

So it turned its gaze to the other people.

The people below saw that it had not spoken, so they looked up at it.

This glance made all the ink crows tremble.

The gaze of the Ink Raven Patriarch swept over them one by one, and finally landed on the heads of the three elders of the Ink Raven Clan.

This made the scalps of the three elders of the Ink Crow Clan tingle, and they hurriedly stood up and trembled and defended:

"Patriarch, I am also responsible for investigating the details of that human beast master, so I am not suitable!"

When the patriarch of the Ink Crow Clan heard this, it seemed that this was the case, so he shifted his gaze to the other Ink Crows.

Seeing this, the three elders of the Ink Crow clan were immediately overjoyed.

I thought that I was lucky to have received something before, otherwise I would really be in a catastrophe this time.

So it escaped the clutches of the patriarch of the Ink Raven Clan, and while rejoicing in itself, it also looked at the others.

It wondered who would be so unlucky to be chosen by the patriarch,

and the other crows panicked when they saw this.

While complaining about the three elders of the Ink Crow clan in his heart, he was also hoping that their patriarch would not hit him.

Under the gaze of the Ink Crow Clan, the patriarch of the Ink Raven Clan finally set his eyes on the heads of the four elders.

The four elders of the Ink Crow Clan were also extremely speechless when they saw the Ink Crow Patriarch's gaze fall on them.

It wanted to refute, but it didn't know what to say.

In the end, I could only take this hot task with tears in my eyes.

The Ink Crow Patriarch was extremely happy to see that this matter had finally been thrown out.

So even the voice became high-pitched.

"Fourth Elder, this matter will trouble you!"

"But don't worry, if anyone of us here dares to disobey your command, you just have to tell me." Listening

to the high-sounding words of his patriarch, the four elders felt that their whole head was confused.

And the other ink crows saw that this matter was finally settled.

They were all relieved, of course they were sympathetic to the four elders of the Ink Crow Clan.

They all cast sympathetic glances at it.

No matter how unwilling the four elders of the Ink Raven Clan were, it would not be able to escape this matter.

So the four elders of the Ink Crow clan, who broke the jar and broke it, simply didn't say anything.

Let the patriarch of the Ink Crow clan say whatever he wants.


On Qin Ye's side, he didn't know that due to his own reasons, the Mo Crow clan had civil strife.

At this time, he was immersed in the joy of collecting treasures, and there was nothing that happened in the unexpected side.

"I just don't know if there are any spirit beast eggs in this collection. "

This is a good thing!" Qin

Ye muttered to himself a few words before continuing to the next cave.

This cave is the eleventh cave that Qin Ye collected in this operation.

Although the ten caves in front were also rich in supplies, they did not find what they needed.

So Qin Ye still has some regrets.

"Heavenly Spirit, Earth Spirit

!" "There must be spirit beast eggs in the cave ahead!"

After silently praying, Qin Ye stepped into this cave.

The materials that caught his eye were still some ordinary things, which made Qin Ye begin to doubt his life.

However, Qin Ye did not dislike these materials, and with a wave of his hand, he still collected these materials into his own space.

Qin Ye, who had already lost any hope, never thought that good things were actually inside.

After he collected the several piles of materials on the outer layer into his space, he found that there were actually five spirit beast eggs behind these piles of materials.

This directly blinded Qin Ye's eyes.


" "Sure enough, the sky lives up to me!" Qin

Ye, who was excited, couldn't help but completely release the depression in his heart.

Yan Hong, who was patrolling in the air, couldn't help but cast her eyes at him when she heard Qin Ye's heroic and uninhibited laughter.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing Yan Hong's inquiry, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, so he opened his mouth to explain:


" "It's nothing, I just found something good, so I couldn't help laughing."

After knowing that Qin Ye was laughing because of this, Yan Hong ignored him and continued to go on patrol.

And Qin Ye didn't care so much, after he put away the five spirit beast eggs, he continued to look inside, wanting to see if there were any spirit beast eggs inside.

But alas, as soon as he looked around, he found that the cave had come to an end.

This inevitably made him a little disappointed, but it was a blessing to be able to find five spirit beast eggs.

You must know that every spirit beast egg is priceless, priceless, and has no market.


, this is just a cave, and maybe there will be spirit beast eggs in the next cave.

So with this thought, Qin Ye looked at the next cave.

Hardly looking back, he came to a new cave.

Before entering the cave, he prayed as usual.

Although this kind of thing is actually useless at all, even if it is at ease, Qin Ye doesn't care.

After praying, Qin Ye walked into the cave without hesitation.

Like the previous cave, entering this cave is still a batch of bits and pieces.

The kind that is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

However, Qin Ye didn't have that habit, as long as it was a material, he would not hesitate to take it away.

In his view, as long as it is used properly, there is no waste in the world.

Therefore, adhering to the spirit of not wasting it, Qin Ye generally accepts materials when he sees them.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, this time is no exception, it is still a big hand, and the resources all over the ground are collected into the space.

However, the spirit beast egg he was looking forward to did not appear in front of him, which made him somewhat regretful.

However, looking at the materials exposed behind him, Qin Ye was not disappointed, maybe these two lessons of the Snowy Spirit Tree did not seem to be as valuable as the spirit beast eggs for the time being.

But like this precious spirit tree, Qin Ye still likes it very much.

So he didn't hesitate to put away the two spirit trees.

After making sure that there were no more supplies inside, Qin Ye turned around and left.

Glancing at the remaining caves, Qin Ye estimated that there were only seven or eight left.

So he wasn't that busy, and he felt a little hungry.

So he said

to Yan Hong, "Yan Hong, do you want to eat something?"

but Yan Hong's response to him really didn't need it.

After getting this answer, Qin Ye didn't care.

Shook his head and left them alone.

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