"What's going on?"

"Why did Xia Guo cancel the material deal that he had negotiated with us before?"

"Fortsky only learned today that Xia Guo didn't know for what reason, he actually suspended the material trade with their Da Mao State in the recent period.

This made the president of the big Mao country a little unable to sit still.

The diplomat who found him asked.

And Tchaikovsky, who is a big Mao diplomat, was even more confused, he did not receive the news of the mission.

So in the face of the most powerful person in Da Mao, he is very passive.

"Mr. President, I haven't received a message from Xia Guo either.

"So I don't know what's going on!" Originally

, Fortsky didn't want to hear Tchaikovsky's defense, but he knew that it was Xia Guo who terminated their cooperation this time.

This existence they can't afford to provoke, so he can only swallow this breath.

As for finding trouble with Tchaikovsky and curing the other party for a crime of inaction, although it is also reasonable.

But he was sensible now, and knew that it wouldn't work, so he didn't do it!"

Tchaikovsky did not hesitate, and after hearing Fortsky's order, he immediately got up and went to do it.

When Tchaikovsky left, Fortsky rubbed his brows and said to himself:

"Will it be what I think?"

"It seems that I underestimated Xia Guo......"

On the other side, after Tchaikovsky came down, he contacted Xia Guo as soon as possible.

Xia Guo only received a call from a small clerk, so when faced with Tchaikovsky's question, he couldn't answer.

So he said

, "Comrade, you wait a minute, and I'll report to my leader." Although

Tchaikovsky was in a hurry, now he had no choice but to agree.

The staff on Xia Guo's side didn't care so much, and hung up the phone directly after speaking.

This made Tchaikovsky on the other end of the phone very aggrieved, but he couldn't help it.

Who let the opposite side is the Xia Kingdom that he can't afford to mess with.

On Xia Guo's side, although this staff member hung up the phone, he was still very serious about doing things.

The matter was quickly reported, and the news was not something his boss could have answered.

So this matter was reported online layer by layer.

Finally, I came to the Three Elders.

The third elder who knew the news was not surprised, he just glanced at the contents of the document, and then said

, "Secretary Sun, do you say that these people have eaten too much.

"Wouldn't it be okay to find a reason for this kind of thing to prevaricate in the past!"

"Why did you send it to me?" Secretary

Sun is also the secretary of the Great Elder, and the reason why he is here with the Third Elder is because the Great Elder asked him to come over and invite the Third Elder to discuss the matter.

Who knew it would be such a coincidence, and I just came across this kind of thing.

However, Secretary Sun is such a smart person, how could he casually express any opinions!

"Third Elder, I think you better don't ask me, it's useless to ask me. The

third elder also knew what Secretary Sun meant, so he didn't ask him again.


" "Didn't the Great Elder come to me to discuss things?" "

It just so happened that I also asked him to consult and see how to deal with this matter!"

So this matter was dragged down.

On Tchaikovsky's side, he sat by the phone and waited for three or four hours, but he didn't see a word back.

Therefore, he couldn't wait anymore and called again.

This time, it was the same staff member who received the call.

"This is the Xia Foreign Liaison Office, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Hearing this, Tchaikovsky had to patiently reintroduce himself again, and re-stated his own question.

The staff member on the other side also had a decent memory, and as soon as he heard Tchaikovsky's voice, he knew who he was.

So when the other party finished speaking, he replied embarrassedly:

"Mr. Tchaikovsky, I'm very sorry, I have already reported your problem to you."

"But the results haven't come down yet, so I can't help you.

When Tchaikovsky heard this answer, he was speechless for a while.

However, in front of Xia Guo, he still didn't dare to be presumptuous.

So he said in a good voice:

"It's okay, this matter will trouble you!" "

If you receive a reply, please call me back." The

staff member on the other side did not refuse his request, and happily agreed to his request.

So the two hung up.

As a diplomat of Da Mao, it is quite aggrieved for Tchaikovsky to be reduced to such a situation.

But what can he do, except to endure it, he can only endure it.

He didn't dare to say anything superfluous.

Tchaikovsky, who knew that he would not receive a reply in a short time, did not wait much here.

Soon he was back in Fortsky's office.

Before he could speak, Fortsky, who knew that he was coming, asked

, "How is it?" "How did

Xia Guo reply?"

Tchaikovsky, who was still worried about being ignored by Xia Guo just now, immediately felt a little frightened after hearing Fortsky's inquiry.

Because he wasn't sure if Fortsky, hearing his answer, would take his own out of his anger and drive himself away.

So when answering this question, he has always been cautious.

"Your Excellency, Xia Guo has not yet given a reply.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard this answer, Fortsky was very upset.

The tone became stiff as well.

"What's going on

?" "Have you offended them?"

Tchaikovsky was aggrieved by Fortsky's questioning.

But he still knew that he had to explain, otherwise waiting for his punishment would not be as simple as losing his job.

"Your Excellency, that's not the case...... "

It's the External Relations Department of Xia Guo who doesn't know what's going on, they say they need to report it."

"So it takes a little bit more time. "

And ...... And I just called again and asked, and he ...... They said they hadn't heard back either.

"That's why I'm here to report to you first.

After listening to this explanation, Fortsky's face looked much better.

But he still said with a straight face:

"In that case, you go and guard." "

After receiving the reply, they came to me as soon as they received the reply.

Tchaikovsky didn't dare to have any superfluous thoughts, and immediately replied:

"Okay, President, I'll go."

With that, he hurried out, as if he were afraid that Fortsky would suddenly stop him.

Fortsky didn't care so much, he just wanted to know what kind of attitude Xia Guo had now, and as for the punishment of Tchaikovsky, he hadn't even thought about it.

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