On Xia Guo's side, after the Third Elder and Secretary Sun came to the Great Elder's office, they told the Great Elder what had happened today.

"Great Elder, you have an idea!"

"Let's see how we are going to reply to Da Mao. The

Great Elder smiled, and then said

, "This big hair is really, don't you know what you have done?"


soon as the Third Elder heard the Great Elder's words, he knew that he was losing his temper.

So he persuaded him:

"Great Elder, although the words are so, but the other party didn't tell us about it?" "

They must have thought that we didn't know the little Jiujiu in their hearts, so they came to ask." The

Third Elder's words made the Great Elder successfully relieved his anger, but he still had no intention of letting the other party go.

He didn't answer this question directly, but instead asked,

"Is the news of the inquiry clear

?" "Did Da Mao know about the secret realm and deliberately hide it from us?"

The Third Elder and Secretary Sun didn't expect that the Great Elder would suddenly ask such a question.

I was a little confused for a while, but soon Secretary Sun reacted, and he took the lead in speaking:

"Great Elder, we used our chess pieces on Da Mao's side, but the effect was not ideal.

"The news he got was that Da Mao had suffered a large number of casualties in the secret realm before.

"But this matter was blocked on Da Mao's side, and the secrecy was very thoughtful, and it is said that no one else knew what was going on inside except for a few high-level officials.

"So our inside line can't help us much.

"The only thing that is certain now is that there is something wrong with this secret realm.

"And they had the news before our men went in.

"But it's not clear exactly how many details they know.

After Secretary Sun finished explaining, the Great Elder said in a speechless

manner, "So, is it certain that Da Mao's side deliberately concealed the facts and deceived us?"

The first time he reacted, Secretary Sun spoke

, "Great Elder, if you say that, then there's nothing wrong with that.

"Da Mao did deceive us on this matter.

After the Great Elder received an affirmative answer, he barely hesitated, and immediately said

, "Then what else do we have to explain?"

The Third Elder was stunned for a moment, and secretly thought to himself, Great Elder, how can this matter be as simple as you think.

Although Xia Guo said that he was not afraid of any opponent, our people were still there? What if the other party's dog jumped over the wall and suddenly made a move on our people?

At that time, we would not be able to reach the whip!

Besides, there was still

an army of demon beasts around Xia Guo who was eyeing each other, and he couldn't say anything at this time.

So after thinking about these things clearly, the three elders hurriedly stood up and persuaded

them, "Great Elder, this is not appropriate, is this?"

"Look at ......"

Immediately after, the third elder told the Great Elder all over his thoughts.

After hearing the scruples of the three elders, the Great Elder was not as angry as before.

He also knew that although what the three elders said was something that could only happen under extreme circumstances, no matter what, this possibility existed.

So when he deals with things, he needs to take these things into account.

Otherwise, when this kind of thing really happened, he would really regret it.

So his attitude softened, and he said

, "Then how do you think we should reply to them?"

Seeing that the Great Elder's attitude softened, the Third Elder hurriedly spoke on the side and said, "Great Elder,

I think our reply will be successful as long as we don't have a showdown with the other party.

"Of course, it would be nice if it could be a little softer.

Secretary Sun consciously did not express his position, and stood aside and waited for the Great Elder to make a statement.

The Great Elder thought about it for a while, and finally said,

"Then you can just look at and reply to them!"

"I didn't bother to meet them?"


Third Elder knew that the Great Elder had regressed, so he didn't say anything more.

"Alright, I'll take care of that.

After this matter was decided, the third elder opened his mouth and

asked, "Great Elder, you specially asked Secretary Sun to find me, is there something big?"

It was only at this time that the Great Elder came back to his senses.

"Well, didn't you say that I almost forgot?" After

speaking, the Great Elder glanced at the time before he spoke

, "Secretary Sun, you go and let the canteen prepare the meal, and the Third Elder and I will chat while eating." The

three elders didn't object, after all, it was already time for lunch.

Taking advantage of this gap, the third elder still called his secretary and asked him to handle this matter according to his own requirements.

Originally, this kind of trivial matter didn't need the Third Elder to worry about so much, and he didn't even have the qualifications to go to his table.

This time, it was because Qin Ye was in Da Mao, so he made an exception to make the three elders worry so much.

And after the secretary of the three elders received the instructions of the three elders, he did not hesitate, and put down the matter in his hand and gave priority to dealing with this matter.

Soon, Xia received a reply from the Foreign Liaison Department.

Seeing that it was the secretary of the three elders who came to reply in person, the External Relations Department also attached great importance to it.

The staff who had received a call from Da Mao's diplomat Tchaikovsky quickly received a reply, asking him to reply to Da Mao's side as soon as possible, and asked him to tell Da Mao's side that it was the decision of the Great Elder Xia Guo to terminate the cooperation at this time.

As for the reason, Mr. Fortsky, the president of your Great Mao Country, knows better than anyone else, and I think you should ask him instead of coming to trouble Xia Guo.

When the staff member saw the content of this reply, he was a little shocked.

It was the first time he had seen such a situation in his long time in the Outreach Department.

But this was the task given to him by the head of the External Relations Department, even if he had a lot of confusion, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately began to contact Da Mao.

The process was smoother than he had imagined, and almost instantly, the other side was on the other side of the phone.

This made me feel a little puzzled, and I was still thinking in my heart, could it be that the staff on Da Mao's side were so hard

? The phone rang and was answered?

But when he heard that the voice coming from the other side was actually Tchaikovsky's, the whole person was even more shocked than just now.

Because he knew very well that Tchaikovsky was a big hairy diplomat and an existence of a second-class officer, how could he personally stand by the phone.

But before he could be shocked, he heard an anxious voice from Tchaikovsky on the other side.


"Can you hear me?" "

Please answer if you hear it, this is the ...... of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Da Mao."

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