Hearing the anxious voice on the other side, Xia Guo's staff member didn't scare the other party anymore, and hurriedly said:

"Can I hear it, is it Mr. Tchaikovsky?" Tchaikovsky

on the other side was also happy when he heard this.

Hurriedly spoke:

"Hello, I am Tchaikovsky. "

Excuse me......"

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Xia Guo's side.

The staff member immediately said:

"Mr. Tchaikovsky, there is a reply to the question you entrusted me with earlier. Hearing

this, Tchaikovsky was not even depressed about being interrupted.

Hurriedly said excitedly

: "Oh?"

"Then this is really great......

but before he could be happy for too long, Xia Guo, a soldier from the Foreign Relations Department, said:

"Mr. Tchaikovsky, I'm sorry to tell you that according to the feedback from our side, the cooperation between the two countries was terminated this time, all because of your reasons. As

soon as he heard the news, Tchaikovsky felt like he had been hit by five thunders, and his whole person instantly softened.

He kept muttering,

"This...... How is this possible......

" However, Xia Guo's staff didn't care about him this time, and directly continued to speak:

"Our Great Elder personally stopped this cooperation, and he also asked me to tell you that if you want to know the situation here, go to your President Fortsky.

"He should know better than anyone else why.

In fact, his answer was already polite, and if he really did what his leader said, he suspected that Tchaikovsky would have to be angry with him.

But when he finished speaking, he didn't hear Tchaikovsky's answer on the other side.

So with the attitude of helping others, he said it again.

For a while, Tchaikovsky, who was doubting his life on the other side, was even more sad.

It's a pity that the Xia Guo staff member on the other side of the phone can't see him, otherwise he would have been shocked.

"Hey...... Mr. Tchaikovsky, are you still listening?"

But after waiting for a long time, there was no sound from the other side, which made the staff who encountered this situation for the first time confused.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

So out of the other party's responsibility and responsibility for the matter, the staff member of the Liaison Department continued to ask:

"Mr. Tchaikovsky, are you still listening?"

What he didn't know was that Tchaikovsky on the other side was deliberately silent in order to make him hang up the phone.

But he never thought that the other party would be so persistent and kept holding him.

After more than ten seconds, Xia Guo, a staff member of the External Relations Department, still didn't hear any response.

This time, he didn't continue to ask either.

So he

muttered into the phone,

"This is too rude, isn't it?"


that, he hung up the phone.

And when Tchaikovsky on the other side heard this, he was already miserable enough, and he once again spat fragrantly.

But unlike before, he scolded in his heart before, for fear that the other side would hear it.

But this time it was different, the other party had already hung up the phone, and he was no longer afraid that the other party would hear it.

So he scolded directly.

After spitting fragrant for more than ten minutes, he was relieved.

But now the problem he faces is not simple.

It is clear that even if he were given ten guts, he would not dare to question President Fortsky.

Of course, Xia Guo didn't dare to offend him, in this case, he wanted to tell the truth, but he was worried that he would be scolded.

I wanted to say it in a more relaxed way, but I couldn't find a suitable way to say it for a while.

So he was hot-headed for a while, and he simply didn't want to think about it.

Just choose to put it badly.

Rushed straight to Fortsky's office.

But when it really came, he began to lose his legs again.

Just when he was hesitating and hesitating, the door to Fortsky's office was opened.

It didn't give him even a chance to react.

The person who came was Fortsky's secretary, and when he saw Tchaikovsky outside, he didn't think much about it, and said directly:

"Mr. Tchaikovsky, are you here to find the president?"

"He's inside, you can go in!"

At this time, even if Tchaikovsky wanted to defend himself, he didn't even have a chance to retreat.

So he emboldened himself and said

, "Well, I know, I'll go in." Although

Fortsky's secretary felt that Tchaikovsky's behavior was a little strange today, he didn't think much about it because he had something to do.

He took the initiative to make way for Tchaikovsky.

And Tchaikovsky, in order to hide his previous strange behavior, did not stay any longer, and directly passed quickly.

As soon as he came to Fortsky's office, before he had time to sort out his mood, Fortsky opened his mouth and asked

, "Say, how did Xia Guo reply?" The

reason why Fortsky didn't look up and knew that it was Tchaikovsky who came in was because he had already heard what they were saying outside.

And Tchaikovsky, who was asked this question, was a little speechless.

I thought to myself, how now that everyone has learned to interrupt themselves, they have learned.

But he only dared to think about this kind of thought in his heart, after all, he couldn't afford to provoke any of the two people who interrupted him.

After putting away his mind that he was about to fly out, Tchaikovsky hurriedly replied respectfully:

"Your Excellency, Xia Guo said that this cooperation was personally stopped by the Great Elder of Xia Guo.

After saying this, he deliberately paused to see if Fortsky was reacting.

But what he didn't expect was that when Fortsky heard this, he was not shocked at all.

Still very calmly, he said:


?" "Is that really the reply from the other party?" "Is

there anything else you haven't said?"

Tchaikovsky called Fortsky really god in his heart, you can guess it.

So he hurriedly explained:

"Yes, Your Excellency, Xia Guo did reply to me like this.

"Yes, they have something to say, but it's a bit harsh.

But Fortsky didn't care so much, but said directly:

"Just tell me what you say, don't worry about anything!"

When Tchaikovsky heard this, he didn't dare to hide anything, so he said the original words that Xia Guo told him.

Hearing this, Fortsky was obviously stunned for a moment, but his concentration was also very good, and he quickly covered up the past.

Tchaikovsky did not find this out.

So when it came to the back, Tchaikovsky was still a little confused.

But before he could think about it, Fortsky said,

"Go down!"


You go and try to contact Xia Guo to see if you can help me make an appointment with their Great Elder.

"I want to talk to him!"

but as soon as he said this, Fortsky felt that the probability of this happening was too small.

So he opened his mouth and said

, "It's really not good, it's okay to contact other high-level officials in the Xia Kingdom!"

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