Tchaikovsky was very opposed to the task, he knew it would be difficult.

But when confronted by Fortsky, he couldn't object.

Therefore, he could only be reluctant and reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, President, I'm going to go down and get in touch. "

No way, Tchaikovsky is afraid, he is afraid that if he continues to stay, Fortsky will arrange some strange tasks.

So it was the best choice for him to run away at this time.

And Fortsky didn't plan to assign him any more tasks, so he didn't think much about it when he saw that Tchaikovsky wanted to leave in such a hurry.

"Okay, you go!" After

speaking, he didn't care about Tchaikovsky.

And that's what Tchaikovsky wanted.

Seeing that Fortsky waved him away, he almost didn't hesitate and immediately ran out.

Leaving Fortsky's office, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I kept muttering in my heart:

"It's good that I ran fast, otherwise I might have happened." On

the other hand, Fortsky didn't care about Tchaikovsky's reaction at all.


from Xia Guo's response, he probably knew that the other party knew his little ninety-nine.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to reply to yourself so bluntly.

But at this time he is also a first two big.

On the one hand, he didn't want to make enemies with Xia Guo too much, because he knew very well that Xia Guo was the only country in the world today that could confront the demon beast clan.

If he made enemies to the other party at this time, he was very afraid that the demon beast clan would take the opportunity to attack them.

On the other hand, he also knew that he had indeed deceived the other party this time.

But after being in a high position for so many years, he didn't want to bow his head and admit his mistakes like this.

So it happened all at once.

On the other hand, on the Xia Kingdom's side, no one remembers the previous Da Mao incident at all.

The matter discussed by the Great Elder and the Third Elder at this time was about the rise of the Xia Kingdom this time.

"Where's the situation on the army side now, old man?"

"We need to pick things up.

"Otherwise, when you want to deal with something, you always have to think about this and that, which really affects your mood. "

The Third Elder still doesn't know what the Great Elder thinks.

So he didn't say nonsense, and said directly:

"The current progress has far exceeded the plan, and almost everyone has improved by more than one level.

"But it's not enough to just improve your strength, and you can't lack actual combat experience."

"So I've asked them to improve their strength and pay attention to their actual combat experience at the same time. The

Great Elder also understood the Third Elder's intentions, so he didn't say much.

Instead, he agreed

, "Well, you're right.

"We really can't just focus on improving our strength, we also need to have the corresponding actual combat experience.

"Don't become a cripple with empty strength when the time comes, then the gains outweigh the losses. The

Third Elder took a bite of food before replying

, "So Great Elder, so that we can't lose any more time.

"Otherwise, there will be fraud." The

Great Elder was still calm, but his brows were furrowed even deeper.

After a few moments, he spoke

, "In that case, it really shouldn't be compressing time. "


" "Forget it, I'll just be holding back for a while." The

third elder didn't say anything about this, and began to eat with relish.

The Great Elder didn't speak again, and the scene fell silent for a while.

Except for the sound of the two eating, there was no other sound.

After a long while, the Great Elder suddenly spoke

, "By the way, old man, what is the situation with Eagle Sauce now?" Speaking of Eagle Sauce, the

Third Elder also stopped.

After thinking about

it, he said, "Hey, don't say it, I haven't followed up on Eagle Sauce's problem for a long time, and I don't know what their situation is now!"

The Great Elder couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words of the Third Elder.


" "Since we mentioned it today, let's find out, right?"

After speaking, he shouted outside:

"Secretary Sun, come in!" Secretary Sun

, who had been waiting outside for a long time, heard the call of the Great Elder and immediately walked in.

"Great Elder!"

"Is there any arrangement?" As

soon as Secretary Sun came in, he asked very respectfully.

When the Great Elder saw Secretary Sun coming in, he didn't think much about it, so he said,

"Do you know the current situation of Eagle Sauce?"

Secretary Sun didn't expect that the Great Elder would suddenly ask this question.

So for a while, he was really unprepared.

So he said

, "Great Elder, I really don't know anything about this.

"I'll find out right away, and then I'll send it to you." The

Great Elder didn't think much about it, waved his hand and said

, "Okay, you can find out!"

After speaking, he let Secretary Sun go down.

After Secretary Sun went down

, the Great Elder spoke to the Third Elder, "Old man, it seems that we still need to wait a while to understand the situation of

Eagle Sauce!" The Third Elder was not in a hurry, and said while eating

, "In my opinion, Eagle Sauce can't jump anywhere no matter how much he jumps. "

I don't believe they can solve the problem of monsters on their own.

After hearing this, the Great Elder also laughed.


" "Old man, aren't you talking nonsense?" "

If they could solve the problem of demon beasts, it wouldn't be like this."

"I'm afraid I'm already showing off my might. The

Third Elder also knew that what he said was indeed too exaggerated, so he said,


" "It's still the Great Elder, you're right.

Just when the two were chatting, Secretary Sun walked in.

"Great Elder, I'm back with the materials. The

Great Elder didn't think much about it, and said directly, "Okay, you can introduce the specific situation!"

Secretary Sun didn't think much about it, and immediately said


"Great Elder, according to our information. "

Eagle Sauce doesn't have any obvious movement right now.

"But the presidential secretary has changed ......

" Hearing that they were all useless clues, the Great Elder

frowned, and then said, "Isn't there any useful news?"

Secretary Sun wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said,

"There is nothing big about Ying-chan at the moment. Upon

learning the news, the Great Elder instantly lost interest.

And the three elders didn't think it was interesting, so the two of them made eye contact.

I understood the secret of this.

So the Great Elder directly stood up and said

, "Secretary Sun, since this is the case, there is no need to say anything more.

After hearing this, Secretary Sun didn't care and nodded directly and said,


and then stopped.

The Great Elder thought for a moment, then spoke again

, "Alright, we don't have anything to do. "

You go down!" Secretary

Sun didn't think much about it, nodded and withdrew.

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