However, this time, Qin Ye's good luck was all used up.

Not long after he went to the front, he realized that this small space had come to an end.

Helpless, he could only return the same way.

But fortunately, there has been a lot of gains before, so it will not disappoint him.

Returning to the place where the spiritual liquid had just been, Qin Ye was about to ask Long Qing where they were, and the next moment Long Qing's figure appeared in his field of vision.

"Master!" As

soon as he saw Qin Ye, the three-headed imperial beast couldn't help but speak.

Qin Ye didn't care so much, waved his hand at them, and let them fall to his side.

After they fell, Qin Ye didn't hesitate, and said directly, "

Have you seen the spiritual liquid in front of you?"

"You all go down and let me suck it."

After Long Qing and the others heard Qin Ye's words, they also couldn't help but drool.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't notice this scene.

As soon as Qin Ye finished speaking, they couldn't wait to run over.

All of a sudden, they all jumped into the pool of spiritual liquid.

For a while, Qin Ye didn't know what to say about the three of them.

Fortunately, there is enough spiritual fluid itself, and there will be no scramble.

Otherwise, Qin Ye would have to be driven crazy by them.

It didn't take long for this small pool of spiritual liquid to be absorbed by Long Qing and the three of them.

Long Qing also rose from the first diamond order to the sixth diamond rank.

Xuankong was upgraded from the second order of diamonds to the seventh order of diamonds, and the fire dance was also very similar, upgraded to the sixth order of diamonds.

This made Qin Ye, who benefited the most, not know what to say.

At the same time, I was very happy in my heart, and I was also glad that they would stop here to rest at that time.

Otherwise, he would have missed such a good resource point.

After taking a final look at this small space and finding that there was nothing missing, Qin Ye didn't stay here for long.

called Long Qing and the three of them, who were immersed in their own strength, and left this small space.

Coming out of this small space, Qin Ye didn't give up this place shrouded in a hidden formation.

However, this time, he didn't have anyone to search, and directly sent all three of Long Qing and them out.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't have much hope of finding something good in it.

He didn't believe that there were so many good things in this space.

Sure enough, after Long Qing and the three of them went out for a walk and came back, they all found nothing.

Although it was expected in advance, after really knowing that nothing had been achieved in this operation, Qin Ye was actually a little speechless.

"Let's go!"

"Since we didn't find anything, we'll go out." Qin

Ye was not a grinding person, and after knowing that there was no gain, he spoke directly.

Of course, Long Qing and the three of them didn't have any opinions, although they had just let them run for nothing.

But after absorbing the spiritual fluid before, the three of them have really advanced to many levels.

So the three of them don't lose money.

Therefore, after hearing Qin Ye's call

, they barely hesitated, and replied, "Good master!"

and said that they all consciously stood beside Qin Ye.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and left this space with the three beasts.

As soon as he came out of this space

, Nuo Bai ran up and asked, "Master, are you back

?" "How is this harvest?"

Qin Ye looked at Nuo Bai's harmless appearance of humans and animals, and almost thought that

it was sincere, but in the next second, Qin Ye knew what it was thinking.

However, Qin Ye didn't care so much, and after directly taking out a top-grade spirit stone from the space and throwing it to it, he said

, "Okay, don't bother me, you guy." "

Nuo Bai is also a self-aware imperial beast, and after getting the spirit stone, it didn't wander around in front of Qin Ye anymore.

I directly found a place to digest the spirit stone.

"Yan Hong, come back!" When

she came back, she didn't see Yan Hong's figure, and Qin Ye knew that she must still be patrolling.

So after throwing the spirit stone to Nuobai, he directly contacted her.

After Yan Hong heard Qin Ye's transmission, she didn't hesitate to reply quickly.

"Okay master, I'll come back now!" Qin

Ye didn't care, he just wanted to talk to Long Qing and let them wait for Yan Hong.

As a result, before he could speak, he saw Yan Hong's figure flying over.

Now, he doesn't have to speak.

When Yanhong landed beside him, he said

, "Okay, now that we're all here, let's get ready to leave." But

at this time, Nobai appeared again.

"Master, there is a situation!"

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, and asked with some doubts:

"Where are you ......"

But before his words fell, he found out what Nuo Bai said.

At this time, Yan Hong's voice on the side also came.

"Master, this thing seems to be a spirit rhino.

Qin Ye nodded and didn't say anything.

But his probing eye had swept over.

"[Species]: Mutant Spirit Rhino. "

[Level]: Golden Fifth Order. "

[Attribute]: Water. "

[Origin]: A species endemic to the Misty Forest, mutated from the Spirit Rhino.


reading the introduction, Qin Ye didn't take it to heart.

After all, this is not the secret realm of the Xia Kingdom, and he Qin Ye will not make a move for no reason.

He came to the secret realm to hunt for treasure, not to clean up the secret realm.

So he just waved his hand and said

, "Okay, don't worry about them.

"Let's just leave.

After saying that, he jumped directly onto Yan Hong's back.

And his imperial beasts didn't think much about it, Qin Ye had already told them before.

Here, they didn't have to bother to clean up the monsters inside.

They're just here for treasure hunting.

So after hearing Qin Ye's order, they almost didn't hesitate, and they all flew up.

Of course, Qin Ye and the others made such a big move, it was impossible for this group of spirit rhinos not to find out.

It's just that by the time this group of spirit rhinos found Qin Ye and them, it was already too late.

Qin Ye and the others had already flown into the air, and this group of spirit rhinos just wanted to trouble Qin Ye and them, but they were also beyond the reach of the whip.

And Qin Ye directly ignored the provocation of this group of spirit rhinos, and took Nuo Bai and them directly back.

It's just that it didn't take long for Qin Ye to take out the communicator and contact Commander Han Cheng again.

He was afraid that Commander Han Cheng and them would leave their original place, so for the sake of conservatism, he still contacted Commander Han Cheng in advance.

Soon the voice of Commander Han Cheng came from the communicator.

"Boy Qin, what's the matter!" Qin

Ye didn't think much about it when he heard Commander Han Cheng's familiar voice, so he said

, "Commander, I'm ready to come back." "

So ask where you are in advance. Commander

Han Cheng was also quite shocked when he heard Qin Ye say that he was coming back.


?" "Are you sure you kid is coming back?"

Qin Ye didn't hesitate, he nodded back

, "Well, sure!"

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