After Commander Han Cheng was sure that Qin Ye was coming back, he didn't say much, and replied directly:

"Okay, it's all up to you." With

that, he hung up the phone.

And Qin Ye didn't think much about it, after putting the communicator in his pocket, he swaggered in the direction of Commander Han Cheng.

Along the way, Qin Ye was also quite chic, and he didn't rush blindly.

Instead, it is relaxed, and after a while, you will rest for a while.

In this way, it took him seven or eight hours to arrive at a distance that could have taken him five or six hours.

As soon as he came back, he saw that the camp where Commander Han Cheng was located was brightly lit.

If he hadn't known that this was Commander Han Cheng's camp, I'm afraid he would still think that this was a night market?"

"Boy Qin, you're finally here.

Just when Qin Ye was stunned, Commander Han Cheng suddenly walked out of the camp and spoke.

Qin Ye was also quite speechless after hearing this.

But he didn't think much about it

, so he said: "Commander, didn't I delay a little more time on the road

!" "How can you say so unbearable!"

At this time, Commander Han Cheng also smiled

and said: "Haha......

" "I just said it casually, and I didn't have any intentions."

"You kid don't have to care!" Qin

Ye said very speechlessly

: "Commander, is this what you think too much

?" "Do you think I am

like that?" As soon as he finished saying this, Qin Ye was afraid that the other party would not give him face, so he hurriedly saved himself:

"It's not like it!" Commander

Han Cheng was also shocked by Qin Ye's self-questioning and self-answering operation.

It took a long time to react, and then he sneered:

"Okay, you kid is not that kind of person."

Qin Ye didn't care what Commander Han Cheng thought, he directly turned his head to look at their brightly lit camp and said

, "Commander, I don't think you guys are ready to leave yet?" Commander

Han Cheng didn't hide anything, and said directly,

"This is really what you kid said."

"Originally, we were about to leave, but just as I was about to order them to clean up the camp, the Third Elder came with a message that we should wait a few more days.

"So, that's it.

After listening to Commander Han Cheng's explanation, Qin Ye was also quite shocked.

He didn't expect that he would just say it casually, and he would be right.

But he also knew that he was only talking about not being ready to leave this little thing.

He didn't know the real reason yet

, so he asked curiously

, "What do you mean by this, is there something big going on outside?"

But obviously, Commander Han Cheng didn't know what was going on.

Facing Qin Ye's question, he could only shake his head and sigh:

"I really don't know the specific situation, so you kid asked in vain."

Qin Ye also felt as if he had asked in vain, but he didn't think about it that much.

After knowing that Commander Han Cheng didn't know the situation, he changed the topic and said

, "Commander, what's going on in your camp?" "

How do I feel that you have been prepared for this.

This time, Commander Han Cheng didn't shake his head, but said with a smile:

"You kid is not right.

"We were prepared. "

Do you think we're really here to explore the secret realm?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ye was instantly speechless.

He felt like he was completely caught up in the trap.

I didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"Commander, I can't even argue with what you say.

When Commander Han Cheng heard this, not only did he not sympathize with him, but he also smiled and said

, "Boy, this is the kind of result I want.

"Otherwise, you kid won't know how to respect the old and love the young."

Faced with Commander Han Cheng's explanation, Qin Ye could only shake his head and sigh:

"Commander, I don't even know how to say that you are good. "

Does respecting the old and loving the young have anything to do with the topic we discussed

this time?" Commander Han Cheng also knew that he had used the wrong words at this time, so he also smiled awkwardly:

"Okay, you kid don't talk to me here."

"Let's talk about your kid's harvest this time, right?"

Qin Ye looked at his surroundings and said with some speechlessness:

"Commander, this is your mistake. "

I haven't even entered the camp yet

?" "Why did you inquire about my income?"

After Commander Han Cheng followed Qin Ye's eyes and scanned the surrounding environment, he suddenly felt that what Qin Ye said was also right.

So he hurriedly smiled and said

, "Haha......

" "I'm old and confused, don't mind you kid Ha......"

After speaking, he invited Qin Ye into the camp.

In this regard, Qin Ye is also quite funny.

But don't really say it, Commander Han Cheng and the camp they built really have two brushes.

After Qin Ye looked around inside, he was taken to his camp by Commander Han Cheng.

Entering the camp tent

, Commander Han Cheng asked, "It's okay now

!" "You kid, tell me quickly, how is your harvest this time!"

Hearing Commander Han Cheng urging himself again, Qin Ye was also quite strange.

He didn't know what Commander Han Cheng was using to urge him like this.

Even if he told Commander Han Cheng about his gains, it didn't seem to be of much use to him, but since Commander Han Cheng

had spoken, he didn't hesitate too much, and immediately said

, "Commander, you will never guess how rich my harvest is this time. Commander

Han Cheng, who was originally asking casually, immediately became interested when he heard Qin Ye's words.

He looked at Qin Ye, and then asked curiously

, "Looking at your kid's appearance, I can't lose anything if I think about it."

"Then the old man, I just reluctantly guessed?"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Qin Ye to react, so he stared at Qin Ye's eyes.

This made Qin Ye not know how to speak for a while.

After a long while, Qin Ye couldn't help it, so he opened his mouth and asked

, "Commander, do you see what's coming?" "If you really can't see

it, just say it."

"Don't worry, boy, I will never laugh at you!" Commander

Han Cheng was directly broken by Qin Ye's words, and said angrily:

"You kid really think that I can see things just by staring at your eyes

?" "I'm not a god

?" "What do you want?"

Qin Ye was stunned by Commander Han Cheng's upside down operation.

It took a long time for him to react.

"Commander, you're too bored, aren't

you?" "Didn't you tell you if you said earlier?"

After speaking, Qin Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Commander Han Cheng was not happy, he glared at Qin Ye fiercely, and then said angrily:

"What did you kid say?"

"It's not big or small." "

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