Qin Ye was almost not shown off by Commander Han Cheng's operation.

Directly speechless, he said

: "Commander, you cow

!" "I admire the little one!" Commander

Han Cheng changed his previous serious face at this time, and said with a smile:

"You kid, don't talk about calves." "

Tell me about your boy's harvest this time.

Qin Ye didn't grind either, and said

, "I don't know how many things Da Mao took out from this secret realm, but I can be sure of one thing.

"That is, there is nothing good about this secret realm now. "

Commander Han Cheng didn't feel that Qin Ye was bragging.

With his understanding of Qin Ye, since Qin Ye said so, this matter is most likely true.

So he laughed and said,


"You kid can do it!"

Qin Ye also smiled at this time:


" "I'm also lucky, I just collected a little more things." "

It's not worth mentioning...... It's not worth mentioning......"

Commander Han Cheng smiled, smiling very happily.


" "I just like the way you kid take it for granted."

Qin Ye didn't have any idea of refuting Commander Han Cheng's words.

He felt that even if he refuted, Commander Han Cheng would continue to find a reason that he couldn't refute to convince him.

So he simply didn't bother to refute and just didn't speak.

However, just when he thought that his move would have an effect, Commander Han Cheng directly slapped him in the face.

Seeing this, Commander Han Cheng said directly:

"Okay, what's the matter with your kid's silence."

"If you have anything to say, don't be a mother-in-law.

Qin Ye was directly dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say.

But in order not to let Commander Han Cheng say that he deliberately did not speak.

He still opened his mouth and said

, "Commander, what do you want me to say.

"You've said everything I'm going to say. Commander

Han Cheng also reacted at this time.

It seems that there is such a thing.

So I didn't know what to say for a while.

But Commander Han Cheng was a commander after all, and he quickly adjusted.

"Alright, don't give me a fuss, you kid. "

Say you've found a few spirit beast eggs this time. When

asked, he didn't forget to mutter, "At least six!"

Qin Ye was already about to answer his question, but he didn't

expect Commander Han Cheng to suddenly come up with such a sentence.

For a while, Qin Ye didn't know what to say.

Say six

? Commander Han Cheng probably still doesn't believe it, let's say ten?

Qin Ye felt that there was no need to expose all his net worth.

After pondering it carefully, Qin Ye finally chose a compromise solution.

"Commander, not much.

"It's just seven.

This time, Commander Han Cheng was speechless, he directly glanced at Qin Ye, and then said angrily:

"Hehe, you kid is so angry.

"It's only seven, and it's not much?"

"I really don't know who taught you this kind of thinking, kid." "

This time, Commander Han Cheng's sudden frenzy really made Qin Ye a little confused.

But he's also a thick-skinned guy no matter how he says it.

So as for Commander Han Cheng's small complaint, he didn't take it to heart.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said

, "Commander, how can you say that?"

"I won't say anything about the others, just take me as an example."

"I'm going to contract eight or nine imperial beasts alone, but you don't know, except for the first imperial beast, the rest of the imperial beasts have to be found on their own. "

From this point of view, are these seven spirit beast eggs really a lot

?" "I don't think it's enough?"

Commander Han Cheng was directly defeated by Qin Ye's strange idea.

He had never seen anyone think like Qin Ye would think about a problem like this.

So he said

, "All right, according to your boy."

"No one in this world is rich. I have to be ashamed to death by your kid's rhetoric.

In the end, Qin Ye couldn't resist Commander Han Cheng's words, and directly raised his hand and surrendered.

"Commander, don't talk about it. "

Boy, I can't surrender yet......"

Commander Han Cheng saw Qin's appearance, and he didn't continue to look for him.

Returning to the topic, he said

, "Okay, since you kid don't want to continue on this topic. Then let's change the topic!"

Qin Ye didn't take Commander Han Cheng's rhetoric to heart, and felt that Commander Han Cheng would not say anything more terrible than this.

So he nodded

directly and replied: "Okay, Commander, you can say it

!" And after Commander Han Cheng received Qin Ye's affirmative answer

, he didn't hesitate, and asked directly: "Okay, you kid let me ask, I can't live up to your kindness, right!"

After speaking, he didn't care about Qin Ye's expression, and directly asked:

"In addition to the spirit beast egg, what else do you kid gain?"

As if he was afraid that Qin Ye would say something inconsequential, Commander Han Cheng urgently added:

"Pick up the key points, don't say some inconsequential things." Qin

Ye didn't plan to do this, if he did, he would wonder if there was something wrong with him.

After all, he has gained so much, if he really talks about it, I'm afraid he won't be able to finish talking about it for three days and two nights.

So he didn't care about what Commander Han Cheng said later, and directly picked up the key points and replied

, "Actually, there aren't so many good things. "

I found hundreds of liters of spiritual liquid or something. "

Poof...... At

first, Qin Ye said that he hadn't found anything too important, but Commander Han Cheng believed it.

But after hearing Qin Ye's words, he directly spit out all the tea he had just drunk and was shocked.

There's no way, what Qin said is too far away.

What do you mean by a few hundred liters of spiritual liquid

? This is not Versailles, what is it?

After glancing at Qin Ye rather speechlessly, Commander Han Cheng spoke

, "Okay, don't talk about it, you kid."

"I'm afraid that you kid will say something earth-shattering. Qin

Ye felt that he was really innocent, and he didn't do anything, didn't

he just tell the truth, how did he become Versailles.

So he said

, "Commander, according to what you mean, should I keep a low profile?" Commander

Han Cheng smiled, smiling very happily.


naughty, boy!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said directly:

"Okay, if you kid is fine, go down!" "

By the way, your room is next to me, just turn left after you go out." Qin

Ye didn't expect that Commander Han Cheng would directly let him leave.

But he didn't think much of it, and he felt tired anyway.

It's also a good idea to go for a break.

So he nodded and said

, "Okay, I'm leaving." Commander

Han Cheng didn't think much about it, and waved his hand to let him go down.

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