Back at his residence, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and fell asleep on the bed that Commander Han Cheng had prepared for him.

Unlike Shu Chang on Qin Ye's side, Commander Han Cheng was already a little anxious at this time.

He is not like Qin Ye, who can be a hands-off shopkeeper and don't have to worry about anything.

As the leader of this operation, he happened to encounter the freezing point of the relationship between the two countries.

He wasn't worried that it was fake, although on the surface, Da Mao didn't dare to offend Xia Guo.

But who can guarantee that they won't make some disgusting little moves?

And this time they left from the Da Mao Secret Realm, Commander Han Cheng knew very well that Da Mao would definitely not let them leave so easily.

There will definitely be all sorts of things that he will have to take on.

With a sigh, Commander Han Cheng said to himself,

"Eventful...... What an eventful season!"


Elder Xia Guosan's office.

"Commander Han Cheng, are they coming back?" the

third elder asked with some surprise.

The secretary of the Third Elder didn't think much about it, nodded and replied

, "Well, Commander Han Cheng has already contacted me.

"If I hadn't asked them not to leave the secret realm first, I guess they would have been out of the Misty Forest secret realm by now.

After hearing this, the third elder also nodded in agreement and said

, "Well, you did a good job. "

Let's let them stay in the secret realm for a while. "

We need to solve the problem of Da Mao before we can let them out. The

secretary of the third elder didn't think much about it, nodded his head, and said,

"That's what I thought at the time. The

Third Elder nodded, and didn't say anything more.

"In that case, you can let them stay in the secret realm for a while.

Speaking of this, the third elder looked up at his secretary again before he spoke

, "By the way, how is the training going on on in the army. "

Compared to other things, the thing that the Third Elder wants to know most now is the situation on the army's side.

That's why he's in such a hurry, and he asks this question almost every day.

And his secretary seems to be used to it.

Therefore, he had already expected why the Third Elder would suddenly ask him like this.

So it was very refreshing to answer this question.

"The current progress is not too ideal, and as before, due to the rapid improvement of strength, many soldiers cannot adapt.

After hearing this, the three elders also frowned.

He had heard this answer many times.

Before, he had been emphasizing that they should train more intensively.

But this time he was a little at a loss, he couldn't say the same thing every time!

So he thought about it for a while, and then

asked, "What is the cause?"

The secretary of the Third Elder was also very helpless, he had already asked the relevant person in charge of the army before.

They had already stepped up the training of the soldiers as requested by the three elders.

But the results were not too good, although they had already strictly followed the requirements of the three elders.

However, the situation that the strength does not match the actual combat is very serious.

Therefore, for a while, he really didn't know how to explain it.

The Third Elder also saw his secretary's situation, so he said, "Let's go to the scene to see what the hell is going on!" The

Third Elder's secretary was worried that he didn't know how to explain it?

After hearing the Third Elder say this, he didn't hesitate at

all, and immediately said, "Okay!"

After speaking, he

walked in front of the Third Elder and began to lead the way.

Here in the Kyoto Military Region of the Xia Kingdom, after hearing that the three elders were going to come to the barracks for inspection, they were also quite happy.

Because they had been distressed before, they didn't know how to explain the situation to the three elders.

And this time, after the three elders came to the site to actually investigate, they were able to stand on the spot and explain to the three elders.

So the news that the three elders were coming to the barracks soon spread among the army.

At the same time, almost all of them were ready and waiting for the three elders to contact them.

The three elders didn't let them wait long, and soon the three elders came.

The third elder was also an anxious man, and as soon as he came up, he asked people to take him to see the training of soldiers.

His meaning is also obvious, he wants to feel the specific situation for himself.

Only then will he be able to make effective recommendations.

Soon, the group hurried to the place where the soldiers were trained.

At this time, there was a regiment of soldiers who were training to fight.

The three elders did not let people interrupt their training, but still watched their training from a distance.

Soon, the third elder noticed the problem, but he didn't stop the training.

Half an hour later, the training was finally over.

At this time, he walked to the front

and said, "Comrades, I don't know how you think you just practiced?"

As soon as the third elder said this, everyone on the scene was stunned.

It's not that they don't know the three elders, it's that the three elders don't know how to answer.

The three elders saw that they did not answer themselves for a long time, nor did they get angry.

Instead, he said aloud,

"I know you don't know how to answer my question.

"But that's okay, I'll answer for you.

After speaking, he also deliberately stopped to look at the reaction of the group of soldiers below, and saw that there was no questioning, so he said:

"I know that you are training very seriously and hard.

"But I've just seen that you have a big problem.

"That's why you've all taken training as a family, and you're not serious at all.

Speaking of which, the Third Elder also knew that they couldn't

be blamed for this matter, so he waved his hand again and explained, "Of course, you can't be blamed for this matter, I didn't expect so much at the beginning. However

, although the Third Elder said so, the people below were still confused, because until now they didn't know what the Third Elder was talking about.

When the three elders saw this situation, they immediately reacted.

So he hurriedly explained:

"The opponents you practice in actual combat are all your partners and comrades-in-arms who get along day and night, and you have no blood at all, and you are keeping your hands everywhere."

"In such a situation, it is strange that you can improve your combat effectiveness.

As the words of the three elders fell, almost everyone reacted.

He Junren, who is now in charge of the military region, couldn't help but muttered to himself at this time:

"No wonder I always feel that this training is almost something?" "

It's right here!"

Of course, it's not too late to discover this problem.

And the three elders didn't stay in the military region for long, although they found a problem, but this was only a problem.

How to solve these things, he needs to discuss these things with the Great Elder, and then come up with a feasible solution as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will be too late, and their plans will be delayed.

The Kyoto Military Region also held a meeting for the first time to study this issue.

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