Soon, the three elders came to the office of the Great Elder.

The Great Elder knew about the Third Elder's going to the military region.

So as soon as the third elder came in, he opened his mouth and asked

, "What's the matter, old man, didn't you go to the military region

?" "Why did you come back so quickly?"

"And I see if you're in such a hurry, if you're in a hurry, you're not running into something. The

Third Elder didn't expect the Great Elder to ask him so many questions at once.

So I didn't know how to answer him for a while.

Fortunately, he was also well prepared and reacted quickly.

"Great Elder, I have made a great discovery this time. When

the Great Elder, who had still had many questions, heard this, he immediately paused.


?" "Old man, tell me quickly, what is the big discovery?" The

third elder didn't think much about it at this time, pursed his lips and said

, "This matter is like this Great Elder, didn't we talk about the fact that the actual combat strength of the soldiers can't keep up with the strength?"

Hearing this, the Great Elder also nodded hurriedly and said

, "Well, there is such a thing!"

The Third Elder was not interrupted by the Great Elder's words.

After he waited for the Great Elder to finish saying this, he continued to speak

, "Today, I went to the field to take a look, and only then did I find out that there was a problem.

"Our soldiers are trained in pairs and teams for confrontation.

"And this raises the problem that they are all familiar comrades, and they can't fight to the death like they did against the enemy. "

In fact, at this point, the Great Elder already understands the problem.

However, he did not interrupt the explanation of the three elders.

It wasn't until the Third Elder finished speaking that he spoke,

"So we need to find another way to fight training?"

The Third Elder barely hesitated, and immediately spoke

, "Well, we have to do this, otherwise this situation will get worse and worse." The

Great Elder didn't doubt what the Third Elder said, but he didn't say anything at the first time.

Because this kind of thing is difficult to explain in a sentence or two.

"Old man, since you have raised the question, do you have any opinions? The

Third Elder didn't hide his clumsiness in this matter, and said directly

, "I think that if you want to solve this problem, you must first solve it in essence. The

Great Elder was interested, and said with a strange expression,



three elders didn't care about anything.

Then he said,

"What I mean is that we should give them a different opponent to practice. "

The Great Elder didn't expect the Third Elder to think like this.

So it's very shocking.


?" "Change to a training partner

?" "Then what do you think we should change to?"

The third elder didn't think about it, and then said, "

Demon beast!"

The Great Elder was stunned.

"You say demon beasts?" The

third elder didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding the Great Elder's doubts, and said directly

, "Yes, it's a demon beast!"

"Only in this way can our soldiers do it mercilessly.

"Only in this way can the effect of exercise be achieved. The

Great Elder nodded, agreeing with the Third Elder's proposal.

However, he still spoke:

"Old man, this proposal of yours is good, but where are we going to find so many demon beasts?"

The third elder also knew about this problem, so he didn't know what to say for a while.


......" "This ......

" The Great Elder also took this into account, so at this time he also spoke:

"Although there are problems, we must also solve them!" "

Otherwise, as you said, our training will be meaningless." The

Third Elder also spoke at this time, "

We should be able to solve the problem of the Demon Beast Clan.

"I don't believe that we have so many secret realms, and we can't get all the demon beasts we need. The

Great Elder smiled

, "Actually, we don't need to gather so many demon beasts, so it's okay to have less.

"With the level of the demon beast clan, as long as we are careful, we can save a lot of demon beasts. The

Third Elder immediately understood what the Great Elder meant.

So he

nodded and said, "This is a good way!" The

Great Elder nodded and said directly

, "Then this matter will be decided first, let people count the specific number of demon beasts in our secret realm." "

Good!" the

Third Elder nodded and replied.

The Great Elder didn't think much about it, and shouted

outside, "Secretary Sun!"

After hearing the voice of the Great Elder, Secretary Sun outside did not hesitate and immediately walked in.

"Great Elder, is there anything wrong?" The Great

Elder was not polite, and said directly,

"You go and count how many demon beasts there are in the secret realm we have mastered.

Although Secretary Sun was very confused, he didn't know what the Great Elder wanted to count the demon beasts for

, but he still opened his mouth and said

, "Okay Great Elder!"

After speaking, he withdrew.

After Secretary Sun withdrew, the third elder spoke

, "Then the great elder, I'll go and get busy first." The

Great Elder didn't think much about it, he also knew that they had no way to make a corresponding plan until they counted the number of demon beasts.

So he said, "Okay, then you can get busy first

!" "When the number of demon beasts is counted, we will discuss the plan!" The

third elder nodded and said

, "Okay!"


speaking, he retreated.

Not long after the three elders left, Secretary Sun returned.

As soon as he walked in

, Secretary Sun said, "Great Elder, the statistics are out!"

Looking at Secretary Sun's panting appearance, it was also a little funny.

"Okay, let's drink saliva and talk about it!" Secretary

Sun didn't think much about it, picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

After drinking a cup of tea, he said

, "Great Elder, here is a statistical document. The

Great Elder didn't think much about it, he took the document handed over by Secretary Sun, he opened it carefully and read it, and then muttered,

"Is it so bad?" "

It seems that we need to fight the idea of the demon beast clan."

Secretary Sun listened to the headless words of the Great Elder, and was very confused.

But he didn't ask.

The Great Elder thought for a moment, and then said

, "Okay, Secretary Sun, you go find the Third Elder."

"I have something to discuss with him.

Secretary Sun didn't think much about it, and immediately got up and left.

After a while, Secretary Sun walked in with the three elders.

As soon as the Third Elder came in, he spoke, "

Great Elder, have you made the statistics?"

The Great Elder nodded, and also took the opportunity to hand the document that Secretary Sun had just handed him to the Third Elder.

The Third Elder didn't think much about it, took the document handed over by the Great Elder and read it.

It didn't take long for him to finish reading it, and then he said,

"Is it so bad?"

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