"It's impossible to get a monster beast in your hands.

"So we need to think of something else. When

the Great Elder heard the words of the Third Elder, he spoke on the side.

The third elder didn't think much about it, nodded and said,

"It seems that this is the only way to do it. The

Great Elder smiled and said,

"Okay, if it really doesn't work, it's not impossible for us to go to the Demon Beast Clan to borrow some demon soldiers." Hearing

the words of the Great Elder, the three elders were all stunned.

Why did you get the idea of the demon beast clan again?

But he didn't have time to think about it before he was pulled down by the Great Elder.


On Qin Ye's side, after he slept all night, he felt comfortable when he woke up the next morning.

But before he could think about it, a soldier came to call him for dinner.

This made Qin Ye a little confused, this kind of day when someone asked him to eat had not been encountered for a long time.

"Here we are!"

But he did not hesitate, and after saying yes, he put on his clothes and walked out.

As soon as he walked out, he saw Commander Han Cheng waiting for him in front.

Seeing him come out, he opened his mouth and said

, "Qin boy, hurry up!"

Although Qin Ye was a little confused, his speed was not slow.

Soon came to Commander Han Cheng's body.


Commander!" Commander Han Cheng didn't care about Qin Ye's attitude, patted Qin Ye's shoulder and said

, "You kid!"

Qin Ye was a little confused, he didn't know what Commander Han Cheng was going to do!


Qin Ye had been confused before, what the hell was going on.

Why did they stay in the secret realm and not go out, after hearing Commander Han Cheng say this again this time, he felt that he should ask.

So he didn't care so much, and directly asked

, "Commander, why is this

?" "Are we still afraid of the threat of Da Mao?"

Commander Han Cheng knew what he thought when he heard Qin Ye's words.

And he also knew Qin Ye's thoughts at this time, but he was not surprised.

In his opinion, Qin Ye can only be considered normal if he reacts like this.

Therefore, he didn't blame Qin Ye for having this reaction, but instead smiled and said

, "You kid ......"

But before he could finish speaking, he found that he had already come to the camp for dinner.

So the words that came to his lips suddenly stopped.

Glancing at Qin Ye, Commander Han Cheng said

, "Okay, eat first!" "

I'll explain to you later."

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, although this kind of words came to his lips, his behavior of only saying half of them was very unpleasant.

But he also knew that it was most normal to eat when it was time to eat.

Therefore, he also hurriedly

said, "Okay commander!" After

eating, Commander Han Cheng took Qin Ye and said,

"Didn't you kid have a lot of questions before?"

"Now I'll explain it to you."

When Qin Ye heard that Commander Han Cheng was about to explain to himself, he immediately made a serious appearance of listening.

At this time, Commander Han Cheng spoke:

"Actually, it's not surprising that you have this kind of thought, Da Mao really doesn't pose any danger to us.

"But you're thinking too simply.

Speaking of this, Commander Han Cheng also deliberately stopped and looked at Qin Ye's reaction.

Seeing that Qin Ye began to frown, he spoke:

"Have you ever thought about how we should deal with the big hairy dog when he jumps over the wall.

When Qin Ye heard this, his brows furrowed even deeper.

But after thinking about it for a while, he still didn't think of what Da Mao could do with them.

So he didn't shy away from it at all, and said directly:

"Even so, Da Mao can't do anything about us, right?"

"Their strength is not as strong as ours, why are they jumping off the wall in a hurry!" Commander

Han Cheng seemed to have known that Qin Ye would say this, he smiled and said,

"I haven't thought about this issue carefully when I see you kid.

After speaking, he pretended to hate iron and steel

, and said: "Have you ever thought about it, since they are all jumping off the wall in a hurry, why should they tell the Demon Beast Clan about our whereabouts

?" "Do you think the Demon Beast Clan will let us go when the time comes

?" As if he was worried that Qin Ye would not be able to react, he continued:

"You kid probably don't know the importance of your genius in the eyes of the Demon Beast Clan, right?"

Qin Ye was indeed a little confused at this time, so he said

, "Commander, this can't be either!" "

Da Mao doesn't seem to know my true identity over there?"

Hearing Qin Ye's words, Commander Han Cheng smiled directly.

And very proud.

"I'll just say that

you kid is superficial, you can't do it, it's all at this time, do you think they need to care about the truth of this news?" Qin Ye still wanted to argue, but Commander Han Cheng directly didn't give him this opportunity, and directly said again:

"I know what your kid wants to say, but have you kid thought about it, do the demon beast clan really care about the truth of this news?"

And do you think that even without you, with my attraction, it is not worth the risk of the demon beast clan to do it. "

Oh yes, they don't actually have to take any risks at all, because they have enough ways to keep the Great Elder from coming. "

Commander Han Cheng's words didn't have any element of bragging, and even Qin Ye didn't have any doubts about this.

Commander Han Cheng said so much, but he saw that Qin Ye was still frowning and thinking hard.

So he asked in an extremely funny way

, "What, do you have any other ideas

?" "Or do you think what I said is false?"

After Qin Ye heard Commander Han Cheng's question, he quickly shook his head and denied it: "Commander, I didn't

!" "

I agree with what you said!"

Commander Han Cheng was not so easy to fool, seeing Qin Ye say this, he asked rhetorically:

"Then what were you kid pondering just now?"

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had just been stunned by the commander.

Therefore, he adjusted his mood for a moment before he opened his mouth to explain:

"Commander, I just want to think about how likely it is that Da Mao will do this!"

After listening to Qin Ye's explanation, Commander Han Cheng's face improved a little.

Of course, he also had some ideas about the question that Qin Ye was thinking about.

So he said:

"Actually, it's unlikely that the big hairy dog will jump off the wall in a hurry, but you also know that as long as there is a possibility of this kind of thing, we need to take it into account."

"And prepare for the worst. Qin

Ye didn't expect that Commander Han Cheng would say this.

However, he was very much in favor of Commander Han Cheng's words.

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