Therefore, Qin Ye barely hesitated at all, and replied

, "Well, that's the case.

"But we can't stay in this secret realm all the time, right?"

Qin Ye's words made Commander Han Cheng a little unsure of how to explain it.

He couldn't tell the truth, saying that the three elders didn't want you to go back yet!

, so he pondered for a while before he spoke

, "Of course, we can't sit still.

"But you don't have to worry about it, the three elders are already outside and starting to figure out a way.

"I think it won't be long before we can go back.

Qin Ye also didn't know what to say, he didn't know that the three elders were afraid that after he returned to China, they would secretly go to Footbasin Chicken Island to check the situation, so they deliberately left him here.

Therefore, when he heard Commander Han Cheng's explanation, he was also very helpless.

In the end, Qin Ye could only sigh and say

, "Okay then!" "

Since the situation is like this, then we can only stay in this secret realm for a few more days." Commander

Han Cheng also knew that his explanation was a bit far-fetched, so he took the initiative to bring up the topic that Qin Ye was interested in.

"By the way, I have another news here, I believe you kid will be interested.

Qin Ye didn't think about it, so he opened his mouth and asked

, "Oh?" "What news are I still

interested in?" Commander Han Cheng didn't sell it, and directly smiled and said,


" "

I don't believe that your kid is not interested in the news of the Blood Void Prince. Hearing

the Blood Deficiency Prince, Qin Ye couldn't help but be stunned.

He was actually really curious about how the Blood Void Prince came back to life, and he also regained his talent.

Therefore, when he heard the words of the Blood Void Prince, he involuntarily sat up straight.

And it was because of his move that Commander Han Cheng found out.

So Commander Han Cheng smiled and said, "Aren't you kid not interested

?" "Why did you sit up straight with excitement as soon as I talked about the Blood Void Prince?"

Qin Ye didn't want to explain so much now, he wanted to know what Commander Han Cheng

knew about the Blood Void Prince.

Therefore, he directly said

, "Commander, don't you sell Guanzi?"

"Say, what has happened to the Blood Void Prince."

Seeing Qin Ye's impatient look, Commander Han Cheng didn't continue to

sell Guanzi, and directly said, "Since you kid is in such a hurry, I won't sell Guanzi." "

That's right, when I contacted the Third Elder before, he revealed to me

about the Blood Void Prince...... so Commander Han Cheng told Qin Ye about the previous Blood Void Prince's breakthrough to the diamond level and the direct killing of the Xia Kingdom.

After listening to Commander Han Cheng's story, Qin Ye was also shocked.

He was extremely puzzled and asked

, "This Blood Void Prince is not crazy, is it?"

"It dared to come to the Xia Kingdom to provoke a demon beast that had just entered the diamond level?"

Commander Han Cheng didn't know what the Blood Void Prince thought at the beginning, so he Yaoyao said,

"I don't know about this. "

Anyway, at that time, the Blood Void Prince was heading in the direction of the Xia Kingdom.

"If it weren't for the timely appearance of the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor, it is estimated that the Blood Void Prince would have become a corpse at this time. Although

Commander Han Cheng's words were so, Qin Ye still had a lot of questions.

So he opened his mouth

and said, "Does the Blood Void Prince have other ideas, will it not go to the Xia Kingdom?"

Qin Ye's words made Commander Han Cheng feel shocked, and he felt that what Qin Ye said was not unreasonable.

He didn't believe that the Blood Void Prince would be so iron-headed, knowing that Xia Guo was an existence that he couldn't afford to provoke, it would still crash into it like an iron.

After thinking about these things clearly, Commander Han Cheng was also quite shocked.

"Then where will the Blood Void Prince go?"

he then asked rhetorically, so that Qin Ye didn't know what to say.

However, after thinking about it, Qin Ye still opened his mouth and said

, "Although it doesn't matter where it's going now, I estimate that its destination should still be Foot Basin Chicken Island!" Qin Ye's

words made Commander Han Cheng stunned for a long time without reacting.

He had been thinking about what loopholes Qin Ye had in what he said, but after thinking about it carefully for a while, he found that there was nothing wrong with what Qin Ye said.

So he also replied in agreement:

"It seems that this explanation of yours is the most reasonable."

Qin Ye didn't forget to add at this time,

"I suspect that the rise of the Blood Void Prince is inseparable from Foot Basin Chicken Island. "

It's a pity that when I said that I was going to explore Foot Basin Chicken Island, the three elders didn't agree, otherwise we wouldn't have to guess here now. Hearing

Qin Ye's words, Commander Han Cheng couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, thinking to himself if it wasn't for what you said at the time, where would we still have to do nothing here?

But he couldn't say this, so he could only smile awkwardly.

"This is your kid's right!"

"How can you go to danger in such a dangerous place as Footbasin Chicken Island?"

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, he felt as if he hadn't said anything

wrong? Why did Commander Han Cheng point the finger at himself for a while?

and said that it was his own fault, the more he thought about it, the more wrong Qin Ye immediately opened his mouth and asked:

"Commander, why did you still teach me a lesson?"

"Is it in the wrong direction?" Commander

Han Cheng also discovered this problem at this time, so he hurriedly said,

"Haha...... Isn't that getting used to it!"

"Don't mind, you kid.

As if he felt that he wanted to cover up his words, Commander Han Cheng hurriedly and forcefully brought the topic back and said

, "Okay, don't mind so much about you kid. "

We continue to discuss the issue of the Prince of Blood Void.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it at this time, so he said,


Then they began to discuss the purpose of the Blood Void Prince's doing this.

But they don't have the slightest clue about the Blood Void Prince, it's all up to them to guess here.

So after discussing for a long time, they didn't discuss a result of substantive significance.

In the end, Commander Han Cheng could only sigh and say,

"It seems that it is useless for us to rely on speculation here.

"Discussions come and go, and in the end it's all an illusory thing.

Qin Ye also felt that it was not interesting to discuss it any longer, so he said

, "Commander, then we don't need to discuss it any further, right?" Commander

Han Cheng didn't expect that Qin Ye would actually say what he wanted to say in advance.

But the result was the same, so he didn't care.

He opened his mouth directly and

said, "Okay, you kid said that, can I disagree?"

Qin Ye also knew that Commander Han Cheng was joking with him, so he also smiled and said,

"Okay commander!"

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