After three hours of discussion and discussion, the Great Elder finally came up with a result.

According to the meaning of the Great Elder, this time they will go to the places around the Xia Kingdom to "borrow" some demon beasts and come back.

At first, the three elders did not agree to the Great Elder's proposal, but after more than an hour of explanation, the three elders finally compromised.

So a shocking plan was formulated.

After discussing the plan, the third elder spoke

, "Great Elder, since our plan has changed. "

Besides, now is the time to employ people, I think we should let Han Cheng and them come back!" The

Great Elder thought about it, and also felt that it was not the same thing to keep them on Da Mao's side all the time.

And what the third elder said was indeed the case, so he nodded and replied

, "It's okay, let them come back!" "

When the time comes, just find something to do for Qin Ye's kid."

After the Third Elder received the approval of the Great Elder, he spoke:

"Okay, I'll tell Commander Han Cheng when I go back in a while, and let them come back." The

Great Elder thought for a moment and didn't speak again.

With a wave of his hand, he let the three elders go down.

The third elder didn't think much about it, nodded and withdrew.

After the three elders walked out, the Great Elder spoke

, "Secretary Sun, immediately go investigate the distribution of demon beasts around us. "

Secretary Sun knew that the Great Elder was about to start acting.

So he didn't dare to slack off, and immediately nodded and replied, "

It's the Great Elder!" After speaking, he turned around and left the Great Elder's


On the other side, after the third elder returned to his office, he took out the communicator and contacted Commander Han Cheng.

As soon as Commander Han Cheng connected, he said, "Commander Han, how is it!"

As soon as Commander Han Cheng

heard the voice of the Third Elder, he immediately became respectful.

He replied respectfully:

"You have Third Elder Lao, you are concerned, everything is fine on my side."

After hearing this, the third elder stepped into the main topic and said

, "That's good, I have good news to tell you on the phone today. As

soon as Commander Han Cheng heard the good news, he was immediately interested.

He opened his mouth very excitedly and asked

, "Oh

?" "Third Elder, what is the good news for you?" The

Third Elder didn't mean to entertain Commander Han Cheng, so after hearing Commander Han Cheng's impatient tone, he didn't think much about it and said,

"That's the case, after my discussion with the Great Elder, we all agreed that you are returning to China.

Commander Han Cheng was also a little surprised when he heard this, but he quickly thought of his previous plan.

So he hurriedly asked

, "Third Elder, this won't affect our plans, right?"

Although Commander Han Cheng didn't want to stay in this secret realm, he also wanted to return to China.

But he still has a clear distinction between right and wrong.

If it was said that his return with Qin Ye would affect the honor plan of the Xia Kingdom, he would rather not stay here and not go back.

And the three elders on the other end of the communicator were a little amused when they heard this.

However, he also knew that Commander Han Cheng could not be blamed for this.

So he smiled and said,

"Commander Han, don't worry!" "

This decision is the conclusion that I and the Great Elder have come to after careful consideration.

"So the problem that your grandson is worried about is completely nonsense, and there is no reason for it to exist at all. Commander

Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the Third Elder's answer.

He was really afraid that he would ruin the plan for his own reasons.

After receiving the third elder's affirmative answer, he didn't have the slightest worry, and hurriedly said

, "That's good, I'll leave the camp and return to China tomorrow!"

The third elder didn't care what Commander Han Cheng arranged.

He briefly discussed some other matters with Commander Han Cheng before hanging up the phone.

As soon as he hung up the phone

, Commander Han Cheng shouted outside: "Li Xingxing, come in!" Li Xingxing

, who was on duty outside, did not hesitate after hearing Commander Han Cheng's voice, and hurriedly came to Commander Han Cheng's room.


!" Commander Han Cheng didn't think much about it, and said directly:

"Okay, these false courtesies will be forgiven!" "

I asked you to come in because I told you something."

After Li Xingxing heard Commander Han Cheng's words, he didn't think much about it, and immediately straightened his waist and replied, "

It's Commander!" Commander

Han Cheng was also quite satisfied when he saw Li Xingxing's appearance.

"Okay, this is what it looks like!" After

praising Li Xingxing, Commander Han Cheng got down to business.

"You go and tell everybody to get ready, and we'll leave camp tomorrow and go home. Hearing

this order, Li Xingxing was also quite surprised.

But in an instant, he reacted.

He immediately replied in a loud voice:

"It's the commander!"

After speaking, he hurriedly ran out to inform everyone.

Commander Han Cheng couldn't help but laugh when he saw Li Xingxing's impatient look.

And just returned to his tent, and was about to enter his Kyushu secret realm to see how Yan Hong and Nuo Bai were doing.

But just then, he suddenly heard a burst of cheers from inside the camp.

This made him a little confused, so he didn't think much about it, and went out of his tent to see what was going on.

But before he could go out, there was a knock on the door of his tent.

Qin Ye, who looked confused, didn't think much about it, and said directly:

"Please come in!"

Soon, the person who had just knocked on the door outside appeared in front of him.

Seeing that the person who walked in was Li Xingxing, Qin Ye suddenly became even more confused.

But before he could speak, Li Xingxing spoke first.

"Assistant Qin, the commander asked me to inform you that we will return to China tomorrow and let you prepare in advance.

Qin Ye was still a little confused, but after hearing Li Xingxing say this, he understood.

Of course, his reaction was not slow, and he immediately said

, "Okay, thank you, Captain Li."

"I know about it.

Li Xingxing didn't think much about it, nodded and said

, "Assistant Qin, you are too polite. With

that, he was ready to turn around and leave.

Qin Ye was also a little surprised when he saw this scene.

But he still opened his mouth

and said, "Captain Li, sit down and take a sip of tea before leaving?"

But Li Xingxing shook his head and said

, "No, Assistant Qin, is the commander still waiting for me to go back and give feedback?"

"And I also have to be on duty, so ......"

When Qin Ye heard this, he also knew that he was abrupt.

So he hurriedly said

, "It's okay Captain Li, I'm too abrupt."

After speaking, under Li Xingxing's strong resignation, he was sent out of the room.

After Li Xingxing left, Qin Ye returned to his room and sat down.

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