"It seems that we have to let Yan Hong speed up, otherwise my strength is really not enough.

After Qin Ye sighed, he plunged into his secret realm.

When he entered, he saw Yan Hong and Nuo Bai cultivating, while Long Qing and the three of them were practicing their skills.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye was quite satisfied.

Originally, he didn't want to disturb anyone, but Yan Hong still asked about his breath.

Immediately woke up from his cultivation.

"Master, you're here!"

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, nodded and said

, "Yan Hong, why did you wake up."

Yan Hong knew what Qin Ye meant, so she hurriedly replied

, "Master, Yan Hong smelled your breath, so I wanted to come and see what you had to say."

After listening to Yan Hong's explanation, Qin Ye was also quite surprised.

But now that Yan Hong has withdrawn from cultivation, it is useless for him to say anything.

Therefore, he didn't say anything, just waved his hand and said

, "Yanhong, go and continue cultivating!" "

I'm just coming in and seeing, it's nothing."

Speaking of this, Qin Ye felt that he had better say his thoughts by the way.

So he added by the way:

"By the way, Yanhong, we will return to China tomorrow, so you and Nuo Bai have to speed up their cultivation."

"Otherwise, our strength will not be enough."

Yan Hong didn't expect Qin Ye to come in just to talk about this matter, but she didn't hesitate, and immediately opened her mouth to promise:

"Master, don't worry!" "

At most, in three days, I will definitely be able to advance to the king level."

Qin Ye was also quite happy to hear Yan Hong's assurance.

Reaching out and touching Yan Hong's feathers, he praised:

"Okay, Yan Hong, you are good."

"I'm relieved to have your words.

Yan Hong also enjoyed Qin Ye's touch very much, but she did not sink because of this.

After seeing that Qin Ye really had nothing to do, she opened her mouth and said

, "Master, if you don't have anything to do, I'll go and cultivate."

Qin Ye didn't think about it, so he said

, "Go, I should go out too." Qin

Ye knew that his current stay here would indeed affect Yan Hong's cultivation.

So he didn't grind, and after Yan Hong turned around and went to cultivate, he decisively left the secret realm.

After knowing that Yan Hong was about to advance to the king level, Qin Ye had no worries, so the whole person relaxed.

After having no worries, Qin Ye felt that it was boring to stay in the room, so he swaggered out of the tent directly, he wanted to see if he could touch anything interesting.

As soon as he came out, he saw the soldiers of the night watch walking back and forth.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and after saying hello to them, he came to the square of the camp alone.

Looking at the brightly lit camp environment, Qin Ye felt a little illusory.

Qin Ye, who had been idle for a while, suddenly wanted to see if there was any trace of the Misty Ink Crow around.

He knew that the Mist Crow would be invisible, so he didn't do useless work.

Directly using the flames to open the way, he didn't find any trace of the Misty Ink Crow at first.

But soon he spotted the trail of the Misty Ink Raven higher up.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye was directly interested, and after using the Fire Chain Technique to trap this misty ink crow, he changed directions to investigate.

After a while, Qin Ye used the same method to tie up four or five misty ink crows.

And such a big movement of him also attracted the attention of the night watchmen.

They all looked at each other, Qin Ye was not curious when he saw this scene, and directly said

, "Can you see clearly from such a distance?" "

If you can't see clearly, just get closer!"

After hearing Qin Ye's words, these soldiers who were on vigil all approached.

When they got closer, these night vigil

soldiers pointed and said, "So this is the Misty Ink Crow!"

"I thought it was amazing?"

"It wasn't that scary

...... "......"

Listening to the discussion of this group of soldiers, Qin Ye was also a little funny.

However, he did not pause his search for the Misty Crow.

He thought that he was going to leave, and it would be too much of a loss to see the endemic species in the Misty Forest.

But he searched for a long time, but he couldn't find any trace of the other Misty Crows.

This made him wonder if he had already tied up all the Misty Crows he had sent here.

But just as he was about to give up, he suddenly saw the trail of a misty ink crow on the left side of his vision.

This made the corners of Qin Ye's mouth couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe, I'll see how you run. With

that, he threw a fire chain spell at the misty ink crow.

The fireball technique accurately tied up the misty ink crow, and it was only then that the misty ink crow reacted.

But no matter how much it struggles, it won't help.

With a little force, Qin Ye pulled it down.


After slamming the Misty Ink Crow on the ground, before Qin Ye could speak, the soldiers who had been pondering the Misty Ink Crow here before were also shocked when they saw another Misty Ink Crow fall.

For a while, he began to move again.

Before Qin Ye could speak, they began to discuss again, and for a while, the scene was like entering a downtown area, and they chattered.

And the noisy sound outside quickly attracted the attention of Commander Han Cheng.

When he heard this, he also walked out of his tent with curiosity, wanting to see what was going on.

Sure enough, as soon as he came out, he saw a group of people discussing something around him.

Without saying a word, he came to the side of the group of soldiers.

When he saw the five or six misty ink crows lying in front of him, he couldn't help it, and sighed directly.

"This ...... Is this the Misty Ink Raven?" It

was because of his words that the soldiers who were still immersed in discussing the Misty Ink Raven reacted.

They all turned their heads to look at Commander Han Cheng, and after seeing that the other party was Commander Han Cheng, they all immediately stood up straight

and said, "Commander!" Even Qin Ye also opened his mouth at this time:


and Commander Han Cheng didn't think much about it, waved his hand and said

, "

Okay, you don't have to be so polite."

"I just came here to see what was going on.

After speaking, he pointed to the misty ink crow on the ground and said

, "Assistant Qin, is this your handwriting?"

In front of others, Commander Han Cheng was still called Assistant Qin Ye Qin.

In order to keep Qin Ye's identity secret, and Qin Ye was used to it, so he didn't think much about it, so he said:

"Yes Commander

!" "I'm not bored!"

"And we're going back tomorrow, so we need to study the characteristics of this demon beast anyway?"

"If we really study something out, then won't we be lucky?"

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