Hearing Qin Ye's boasting, Commander Han Cheng was also interested.

There is no way, he is indeed very greedy for what Qin Ye said.

Just like Qin Ye said, if he could study something from the Misty Ink Crow, it would be terrible.

So he also smiled

and said, "Haha......

" "It's still Assistant Qin's thoughtfulness!" "

Since Assistant Qin has said so, then I'll also observe the old man, and see what this famous misty ink crow looks like." After

saying that, under the bewildered eyes of the soldiers, they began to take care of themselves and look at the situation of the misty ink crow lying on the ground.

To be honest, Qin Ye was also a little stunned when he saw this scene.

What he said before was just talking, and he didn't really want to do anything!

But now that Commander Han Cheng had said so, he couldn't explain anything.

I could only accompany Commander Han Cheng here to observe the characteristics of the Misty Ink Crow boringly.

And the night patrol soldiers who were here to watch the excitement before saw Commander Han Cheng coming, and they also knew that they would have nothing to see if they stayed here any longer.

So they all found a reason to say goodbye and left.

For Qin Ye, this is actually nothing, it's just that there are a few fewer people watching the excitement.

So he didn't care so much and let them go.

When only Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng were left on the scene, Commander Han Cheng asked

, "Tell me, what is your kid's idea?" "

Don't tell me you're really just having fun. Hearing

Commander Han Cheng's words, Qin Ye's whole person was stunned.

He was just playing, how

did he get into the mouth of Commander Han Cheng, and he became a person with a deep meaning.

Just when Qin Ye didn't know how to answer this question, Commander Han Cheng suddenly spoke up again

, "I know, you kid must want to catch a few misty ink crows as gifts for Da Mao. Commander

Han Cheng became more and more excited the more he spoke, and even danced with his hands.

"Yes, it must be that.

"You must want to take the opportunity to send the Misty Ink Crow to paralyze the big fur so that you can return to China smoothly." Qin

Ye didn't know how to explain to Commander Han Cheng, anyway, he thought that he didn't have the other party's brain circuit.

And just when Qin Ye just wanted to explain, Commander Han Cheng began to make up for it again.


"Your kid's plan is okay, why didn't I think of it in the first place?"

Looking at Commander Han Cheng's idea as if he was enchanted, Qin Ye directly gave up struggling and didn't explain.

He wanted to see where Commander Han Cheng could make up for it.

However, it was obvious that Qin Ye was thinking too much, and after Commander Han Cheng thought that he knew Qin Ye's thoughts, he didn't say anything more.

With a wave of his hand, he arranged:

"Since you kid has arranged everything, I will just ask about your plan."

"But if you give it to Da Mao, it's almost the same if you give one or two.

"Take the rest back to China and hand it over to the three elders, let the three elders arrange for someone to study and study, maybe we can really study any useful knowledge points from it?"

Qin Ye didn't have any so-called plans in the first place, but seeing Commander Han Cheng's appearance that I already knew your plan, Qin Ye didn't want to explain anything.

So he nodded indifferently, and agreed with Commander Han Cheng's statement.

And Commander Han Cheng saw Qin Ye nodding in agreement, and he didn't think much about it, so he said directly:

"Okay, since you have agreed to my proposal."

"I'll take the two misty ink crows that I handed over to Da Mao, after all, I'm the leader of this operation, and it's better for me to hand them in."

"As for the few remaining misty ink crows, you kid can just put them away.

"When you get to the country, you can hand it over to the three elders. With

that, he waved his hand and took away the two misty ink crows.

Qin Ye didn't say anything when he saw this, and then put away the rest of the misty ink crows.

After watching Qin Ye put away the remaining misty ink crows, Commander Han Cheng first glanced at Qin Ye meaningfully.

Then he said

, "You kid did a great job this time!" "

But don't be proud, keep it in the future." Then

he turned and left.

But as soon as he took two steps, he turned his head back and looked at Qin Ye and said

, "By the way, your kid should rest early, maybe there will be a big show to watch tomorrow?"

Although Qin Ye was a little inexplicable, he still said,

"Okay commander." Commander

Han Cheng didn't care about Qin Ye anymore and left on his own.

Qin Ye looked at the disappearing back of Commander Han Cheng, and then turned around and returned to his camp.

Early the next morning, before Qin Ye got up, the sound of dismantling the camp tent came from outside.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and suddenly sat up from the bed.

Sure enough, by the time he came out, half of the camp outside had been taken away by the soldiers.

Just when he was stunned, Commander Han Cheng suddenly came to him and said

, "Okay, don't look at it, you kid." "

Go get something to eat, we'll be off right away." "

We try to get out of Da Mao as soon as possible.

After Qin Ye heard Commander Han Cheng's words

, he didn't think much about it, so he nodded and replied, "Okay!"

Then he didn't care about so many things, and got up and left.

When he returned from eating, he found that all the tents had been dismantled.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Commander Han Cheng appeared.

I saw Commander Han Cheng standing on the square of the original camp and shouting

, "Everyone assemble!"

Hearing this voice, Qin Ye did not hesitate at all, and immediately ran in the direction of Commander Han Cheng.

In less than a minute, all the personnel were assembled.

I have to say that the execution of this army is really strong.

After seeing that everyone was in place, Commander Han Cheng spoke:

"I won't say more. "

Let's go!"

After saying that, he took the lead in leaving.

Qin Ye and the others did not hesitate, and immediately followed the pace of Commander Han Cheng.

They hadn't gone far before a burst of white light appeared and enveloped them.

By the time they saw their surroundings again, they had already appeared outside the secret realm.

What shocked Qin Ye was that they had just appeared here, and soon a team of big hairy soldiers appeared in front of them.

The leader came up and said

, "Commander Han, we are ordered to pick you up. After

speaking, he also handed Commander Han Cheng a piece of paper.

Qin Ye estimated that the content above should be an order

, but Commander Han Cheng didn't look at the paper they handed over, but directly said

, "Okay, let's not talk nonsense." "

Take me directly to meet your president!" After

speaking, Commander Han Cheng didn't wait for the group of people to react, and walked forward on his own.

This made the group of soldiers who came to pick them up a little confused.

However, the group of soldiers was not slow to react, and soon caught up.

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