On the way, although Qin Ye was a little inexplicable, he also knew that now was not the time to speak.

So he didn't speak out loud.

Soon, they came to the current capital of Da Mao, Ola City.

Fortsky had been waiting for them outside the city walls for a long time.

Seeing Commander Han Cheng coming, he still greeted him respectfully.

"Commander Han!" Commander Han

Cheng didn't give Fortsky a face, he was still very enthusiastic.

He also greeted him and said enthusiastically,

"Your Excellency, you are polite.

Qin Ye looked at the hypocritical appearance of the two, and he didn't know what to say.

But fortunately, Qin Ye was not allowed to touch it, otherwise he would have been disgusted to death.

Just when Qin Ye was about to vomit because of the hypocrisy of the two, someone finally came up to receive them.

Qin Ye was also very excited when he saw this scene.

And Commander Han Cheng also took the time to return to Qin Ye's team at this time and said

, "The team will be under the command of Assistant Qin later, I still have some things to deal with, and I am estimated to be able to come back at noon." After

speaking, Commander Han Cheng also glanced at Qin Ye with a little meaning.

But I don't know if he was afraid of being watched, Commander Han Cheng didn't find a chance to talk to Qin Ye alone.

After arranging the affairs of the team, he left decisively.

Qin Ye didn't care about this, he knew very well that this team of more than twenty people didn't need him to ask at all.

Just now, Commander Han Cheng said this, and it is estimated that he is just making a show for Da Mao's side.

Of course, Qin Ye was not surprised by this.

They followed Da Mao's people to the hotel where they rested last time, and they haven't been out of the hotel.

On the other side, after Commander Han Cheng and President Fortsky came to the conference room, before Fortsky could speak, he directly said: "President Fortsky,

I have a gift for you here. The

reason why Commander Han Cheng said this was also to gain an advantage in the subsequent conversation.

And Fortsky was also quite confused when he heard Commander Han Cheng's words.

He had no idea what Commander Han Cheng was having.

However, out of politeness, he still opened his mouth and said

, "Oh

?" "I don't know what Commander Han said about the gift?" Commander

Han Cheng didn't sell anything to Fortsky, and said directly with a smile:

"Your Excellency, this thing was specially brought out by me from the Misty Forest Secret Realm.

"There's something special about this thing though, so I want you to find an empty room."

When Fortsky heard that the gift came from the Misty Forest, he smiled with interest.

He also wanted to know if the gift that Commander Han Cheng had said would be a mysterious thing that had sneaked up on them.

Therefore, he almost did not hesitate, and when he heard Qin Ye speak, he decisively opened his mouth and said to the secretary on the side:

"Go...... Go and prepare the empty room.

When his secretary heard this order, he did not hesitate and immediately went out to arrange an empty room.

After his secretary left, Fortsky was not idle, and while he was building relations with Commander Han Cheng, he was leading the topic to the relationship between the two countries.

He wanted to know what Commander Han Cheng thought, but what he didn't know was that Commander Han Cheng had actually prepared for a long time.

Therefore, whenever he asked some tricky questions, Commander Han Cheng could always resolve the problem as easily as a fish in water.

For a while, he didn't even gain anything, and just when he wanted to continue asking, his secretary returned.

Obviously, when his secretary came back at this time, the room must have been prepared.

Therefore, he didn't continue to listen to the side, he also wanted to know what Commander Han Cheng was preparing for him to continue.

So, he collected his mind and said

, "Commander Han, we ......"

But Commander Han Cheng already knew that his secretary was coming, and his eyes were sharper than his.

So without waiting for him to finish speaking

, he spoke in advance: "Lead the way!"

Although Commander Han Cheng's reaction surprised Fortsky, he still did not hesitate at all, and led Commander Han Cheng to the empty room they had prepared in advance.

Coming to the empty room, Commander Han Cheng just glanced at the surrounding environment, and without the slightest hesitation, he immediately released the corpse of the Misty Ink Crow that he had put away.

That's right, it's a corpse, and Commander Han Cheng wasn't stupid enough to hand over the living misty ink crow to them.

After all, there are so many secrets on the Misty Ink Crow, if they were to lose the two living Misty Ink Crows, no one could guarantee that they would not be able to study any secrets from these two Misty Ink Crows.

So for the sake of insurance, Commander Han Cheng still killed the two misty ink crows, and then they were thrown to the other party.


Looking at the two misty ink crows that Commander Han Cheng threw on the ground, Fortsky was a little dumbfounded.

looked at the two misty ink crows on the ground with a confused face, and didn't know how to speak for a while.

However, Commander Han Cheng was not a fool, he didn't have time to play with Fortsky.

So he hurriedly explained:

"Mr. President, I'm afraid you don't know what this thing is!"

After speaking, he also glanced up at Fortsky.

Seeing Fortsky nodding, he said

, "I guess you also know that there is a mysterious killer in the secret realm that comes and goes without a trace!"

But as soon as Commander Han Cheng's words came to this, he was interrupted by Fortsky.

"Commander Han, could it be that this thing is the mysterious killer who came and went without a trace?" Commander Han

Cheng was interrupted and didn't care, he still looked happy and replied:

"That's right, it's what you think."

After receiving Commander Han Cheng's confirmation, Fortsky couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Of course, his jealousy of Commander Han Cheng also deepened.

However, Commander Han Cheng didn't care so much, and he still looked light.

After being silent for a long time, Fortsky spoke

, "Commander Han, thank you so much.

"If it weren't for the two corpses you brought, we wouldn't have known what that mysterious thing looked like this. Of

course, Fortsky would never have thought that Commander Han Cheng and they could actually catch the Misty Ink Crow alive.

As he spoke, he didn't give his secretary a look and asked him to take the corpses of the two Misty Crows away.

And he quietly lured Commander Han Cheng out.

In fact, what they didn't know was that Commander Han Cheng had already seen this move of theirs.

It's just that Commander Han Cheng didn't say it.

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