Although Commander Han Cheng did not say anything about Fortsky's behavior, Fortsky, who was the person concerned, was embarrassed.

Originally, Fortsky's idea at the beginning was to leave Commander Han Cheng until tomorrow no matter what.

But the current situation caught him a little off guard.

"Commander Han, look...... Why don't we go to dinner first?"

His idea was actually very simple, he didn't want to keep Commander Han Cheng anymore.

And Commander Han Cheng didn't know what the other party was thinking.

Therefore, Commander Han Cheng still had some joy in his heart.

But on the surface, he didn't show any flaws, but said:

"President Fortsky, then you

don't have to!" "I'd better go back to those little cubs, we'll go back to China in the afternoon, I'm afraid that these boys don't know what to do, and cause some trouble." "

If Commander Han Cheng had said this before, he would definitely not have agreed, but now it's different.

He felt that it was useless to keep Commander Han Cheng here.

So after thinking about it, he said

, "That's okay!" "

Since Commander Han and you have said so, then I won't keep you." When

Commander Han Cheng heard Fortsky say this, he was also secretly happy in his heart.

But he also understands that he can't reveal his thoughts just yet.

So he wasn't too excited, but replied as he always did

, "President Ford, don't think too much about it.

"With our relationship, we can meet again at any time. "


didn't know what Fortsky thought, Commander Han Cheng just talked to him a few words, and he was actually fluttering.

Commander Han Cheng left this place of right and wrong without much effort.

After returning to the station, Commander Han Cheng did not hesitate at all and ordered everyone not to go out.

And be prepared by two o'clock in the afternoon, just in case.

But that didn't happen, and soon it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Commander Han Cheng also did not stop for a moment, and as soon as the time came, he gave the order to set off.

The person who came to see him off this time was the vice president of Da Mao, and as for Fortsky, it is estimated that he is now studying the corpse of the Misty Ink Crow.

After a period of greetings, Commander Han Cheng decisively ordered to set off.

As the flying boat slowly rose into the sky, Commander Han Cheng was also a lot more relieved.

After Da Mao's capital slowly disappeared from view, Qin Ye came to Commander Han Cheng's side

and said, "Commander, there should be nothing wrong now, right?" Commander

Han Cheng did not rush to conclusions, but shook his head and said

, "If you don't return to China, everything is still possible."

"So we can't take it lightly.

Qin Ye didn't refute anything, and nodded to acquiesce to this statement.

At this time, Commander Han Cheng spoke again:

"This time it's really thanks to your two misty ink crows, otherwise we probably wouldn't have been able to get out so easily."

Qin Ye thought to himself, I was also

an unintentional move, okay? How did I know that this unintentional move of mine would have such an effect at the beginning!

But on the surface, Qin Ye didn't think about it so much, and still said with a calm look: "Actually, I didn't think ......about it so much at the time

, but Commander Han Cheng didn't want to hear so much now, especially Qin Ye's

meaningless explanation.

So he interrupted him and said

, "Okay, it doesn't make sense for you kid to explain it now.

"Now that things have come to this point, let's talk about what we did before is not that important.

After Qin Ye heard this, he didn't speak again, he looked at Commander Han Cheng, waiting for Commander Han Cheng's next words.

And Commander Han Cheng didn't disappoint him, and quickly said

, "We have a mission to go back this time, so you have to be prepared!"

Qin Ye was also a little confused, he didn't know what Commander Han Cheng meant by this.

But he still nodded and said,

"Don't worry, Commander!" "

I know what to do."

Seeing Qin Ye thinking this, Commander Han Cheng couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

But knowing the specifics, he said,

"This mission is different from other missions you've done before.

"I won't hide it from you, the content of this mission is to catch

monsters!" "What

?" "Catch monsters?"

After Qin Ye heard the news, he was really shocked.

He can understand the monster killer, but what the hell this monster hunting beast is, he can't quite understand it.

Commander Han Cheng didn't expect that Qin Ye would have such a big reaction.

So he didn't explain anything at this point.

After careful consideration, he said

, "If you really don't understand, it doesn't matter much.

"After you go back this time, I'm sure the Third Elder will explain it to you.

"All I can tell you here is that if this mission goes well, it will be the last small mission before the big war. "

Commander Han Cheng has said this, even if Qin Ye is stupid, he knows the content of this sentence.

Therefore, he looked at Commander Han Cheng differently.

He was even more shocked in his heart, but after the shock, he became even more urgent to improve his strength.

I can't wait to advance to the god level right away.

And Commander Han Cheng on the side knew what he was thinking after seeing that Qin Ye had not reacted for a long time.

So he said:

"It's useless for you kid to think so much, what you kid should really do is to calm down and improve his strength."

"Although your kid's strength is not weak now, this is not enough.

"If, I mean if, if there is a god-level beast master in our Xia country, the demon beast clan still has to listen to us.

"If we let

it go east, will it dare to go west?" "Obviously, it will not dare, so you have to understand that in any era, it is strength that determines status.

"As long as you are strong enough, even if you are an enemy, then you have to surrender obediently. "

Qin Ye can be regarded as a human being in two lifetimes, and he doesn't know this.

So when he heard Commander Han Cheng say this, he was very empathetic.

I almost echoed it loudly.

"Commander, I understand what you said. "

Don't worry!"

"I won't let you down." Commander

Han Cheng was also very relieved to see that Qin Ye had not been blinded by his previous small victory.

So he said

, "Well, I still believe in your boy's temperament.

"And I'm sure you won't let me down. "

Receiving Commander Han Cheng's affirmation, Qin Ye was also quite happy.

So he couldn't help but nod and replied:

"Don't worry, Commander, I believe that one day will definitely not be too far away."

Looking at Qin Ye's determined eyes, Commander Han Cheng couldn't help but believe it a little.

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