After Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng spoke for a while, the flying boat came to the airspace of the Xia Kingdom.

After knowing that the flying boat had safely entered the airspace of the Xia Kingdom, both Commander Han Cheng and Qin Ye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Commander Han Cheng even exhaled a mouthful of turbid air without any scruples.

Then he spoke:

"Qin boy, now we can really put our minds at ease."

Qin Ye was also noncommittal to Commander Han Cheng's words.

"Yes, it's really not easy to go out of the country!"

"If it weren't for the fact that we still have the Great Elder as the backing, I suspect we would all be eaten cleanly." Commander

Han Cheng barely thought about it, and then laughed and said,


" "You kid can do it!"

Qin Ye was also a little embarrassed to be praised.

Hurriedly shook his head and waved his hand and said

, "Commander, you look up to me, I'm not as powerful as you say."

Then, the two began to ramble aimlessly.

Of course, I have to say that the only good thing about this is that time flies really fast.

Qin Ye didn't feel anything, so they came to the sky above Kyoto unconsciously.

Seeing the familiar environment, Qin Ye also reacted immediately.

I couldn't help but sigh

: "It's good to be back

!" Hearing Qin Ye's exclamation, Commander Han Cheng didn't forget to echo on the side:

"Yes!" "

No matter how comfortable it is outside, it is not as comfortable as your own kennel."

This time, Qin Ye didn't reply again, because he saw that all the soldiers who went out this time stood up.

All of them stared eagerly at the environment below, and from time to time there were a few shouts of joy.

Commander Han Cheng also laughed heartily when he saw this scene.

However, this situation did not last long, and soon the flying boat began to descend slowly.

At this time, everyone did not speak again, and all returned to their places, waiting for the flying boat to land.

Even Qin Ye returned to his position for the first time.

And Commander Han Cheng came to the front, and as the height of the flying boat became lower and lower, Qin Ye's mood couldn't help but get nervous.

As the altitude of the flying boat became lower and lower, until it slowly descended into the square.

Qin Ye clearly saw the three elders standing at the front.

When the flying boat landed and stopped, he couldn't wait to come forward and greet Qin Ye and them one by one.

even surrendered his identity and shook hands with them one by one.

This made Li Xingxing and his group of soldiers very excited, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

However, there were not many people who paid attention to them, and they were taken down after a while.

When only Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng were left on the scene, the third elder spoke:

"Let's go to the office to talk!"

After Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng heard this, of course, they didn't have any opinions.

Nodding his head, he followed behind the three elders.

Soon, they were in the office of the three elders.

As soon as they entered the office, the third elder spoke, "

Commander Han, Qin boy, sit down!" Qin

Ye and Commander Han Cheng were not polite, and sat down on the sofa indicated by the third elder.

After Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng sat down, the third elder spoke

, "Commander Han, Qin boy, you have worked hard this time.

When Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng heard this, they both hurriedly shook their heads and waved their hands in denial:

"Third Elder, it's not hard...... It's not hard!" The

third elder didn't say anything, and when Qin Ye and the others quieted down, he opened his mouth and continued:

"Okay, I said that you two are really, do you need such a big one?"

"Since I said it, it must have been understood, what's the use of you denying it." After

Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng listened to this explanation of the Third Elder, they were quite embarrassed.

They never imagined that things would come to this point.

So he hurriedly said,

"Yes...... Yes, the Third Elder, what you have always taught. "

The three elders didn't mean to blame Qin Ye for them.

So he didn't say anything, he just waved his hand and said

, "Okay, I don't mean to blame you.

"You don't have to admit your mistake here.

"Let's get down to business

!" After listening to the words of the third elder, Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng didn't dare to have any opinions, and hurriedly nodded and replied

, "Okay!"

The third elder didn't care about the reaction of the two, and directly said,

"You came back this time and should have let you rest for a while.

"But there's been a lot of big things lately, so I'll have to continue to trouble you.

After Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng heard this, they stood up without thinking about it and said

, "Third Elder, we are not tired.

"Leave it to us whatever you want!"

"We'll do it well." Regarding

Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng's sudden reaction, the three elders were also a little speechless.

He moved his hand and said,

"Okay, what are you two doing here?"


Ye and Commander Han Cheng glanced at each other and knew that they were too anxious.

So he hurriedly sat down again.

After Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng sat down again, the third elder spoke

, "This mission is actually not difficult, it's just to go to the neighboring country to find some demon beasts to come over.

"But you don't have to be busy, the Great Elder has already asked people to investigate the situation, and when the situation is clear, it will not be too late for you to act. "

Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng originally wanted to say that they would start acting immediately,

but they had to wait a few days.

But before he could speak, the third elder continued to speak

, "By the way, Qin boy, didn't Commander Han say that you caught a few misty ink crows?"

"Take it out and show me, what's so special about this thing."

Qin Ye was not surprised by this, but he still opened his

mouth and said, "Third Elder, are you here?" "Wouldn't this be a little bad?"

Commander Han Cheng on the side also hurriedly opened his mouth to help

: "Yes, Third Elder

, there is no place to put misty ink crows here?" The

Third Elder waited for Qin Ye and them to finish speaking, and then he said angrily:

" Okay

, what are you two thinking?" "I'm not so old and dizzy, can I not know what you are talking about?"

After speaking, he didn't forget to glance at Bai Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng again.

Then he said,

"Let's go!" and "Let's

change places."

Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng also knew that they were wrong, so they also patted their foreheads very embarrassed.

With an embarrassed expression, he said

, "Yes, Third Elder. Then

he walked out after the three elders.

It didn't take long for the three elders to take Qin Ye and Commander Han Cheng to a room dedicated to seizing demon beasts.

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