Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 103 Human nature [Please subscribe]

Although he is the owner of "Qingshuang Cave Mansion".

However, Master Liu Shiyun was very protective of his disciples and did not prohibit them from bringing monks from outside the sect to the cave as guests.

So after Liu Shiyun brought Zhou Chun outside the cave, she just said hello to a senior sister who was in charge of the mountain-protecting formation, and then easily brought Zhou Chun into the cave.

Perhaps because all the previous owners of the cave were Kun Dao, the decoration inside the "Qingshuang Cave" has a special feminine color.

For example, many trees on the mountain have been replaced by fruit trees that can bloom with gorgeous flowers. There are also various flowers and plants that bloom at different times throughout the year, as well as exquisite and elegant pavilions and other buildings.

Liu Shiyun's residence is a large courtyard located at the foot of the main peak.

That courtyard was much larger than the one Zhou Chun lived on top of Pagoda Peak, at least three times the size of his courtyard.

There are more than a dozen houses and buildings with different functions in the courtyard. They are all built in an elegant style. It can be seen that a lot of thought has been put into them.

"This courtyard was originally the residence of a certain uncle of Shiyun. Because the uncle passed away a few years ago and there were no descendants left, the master gave it to Shiyun to live in."

Seeing Zhou Chun's eyes looking towards the yard with surprise, Liu Shiyun immediately explained, then opened the door and invited Zhou Chun in.

Arriving in the yard, Zhou Chun quickly saw Liu Qingshan who rushed over to greet him after hearing the noise.

I don’t know if the water and soil of Qinglian Temple are really so nurturing. After not seeing him for a while, Zhou Chun discovered that this fellow Daoist Liu had not only reached the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but his face looked a few years younger.

Seeing Zhou Chun and Liu Shiyun coming over at this time, he immediately laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, fellow Taoist Zhou has finally arrived, and the food and drinks have been prepared at Liu's side. I must not get drunk with fellow Taoist today!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately smiled and said: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Not only has his cultivation level improved, but also he looks younger. Could it be that the water and soil of Qinglian Temple are really so nourishing?"

"Hahaha, maybe it's because I saw Shiyun join the Qinglian Temple, became a good teacher, and all the burdens in my heart were gone. Liu is now relieved!"

Liu Qingshan smiled again, expressing his joy with a smile on his face.

As a father, when he sees his children becoming famous and successful in their careers, he will probably be as proud and happy as he is.

Although Zhou Chun has never been a father, he still knows the truth.

At that moment, he followed his words and praised Liu Shiyun again, which made both father and daughter burst into laughter.

Then the three of them went to the living room to eat.

I saw that the dining table was full of dishes, all made from monster meat and elixirs and herbs. There was no need to be picky about the workmanship or materials used.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun was also a little dazed. He didn't expect that the food and wine mentioned by Liu and his daughter would be so sumptuous.

But just when he was in a daze, Liu Qingshan looked at him with gratitude and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou is our father and daughter's great benefactor. At the beginning, Liu said that after Liu got away, he would give a banquet to Friend Zhou in Tianxian Tower. A meal.”

"It's hard to go to Tianxian Tower now, but fortunately, there is also a spiritual chef specializing in spiritual meals in Qinglian Guanshan Gate. This table of spiritual meals should not be any worse than the signature dishes of Tianxian Tower. !”

Having said this, he stepped forward and picked up a jade pot containing wine on the table, poured a cup of golden spirit wine and handed it to Zhou Chun, saying: "There is also this pot of [Golden Liquid Jade Dew Wine], which Shiyun originally became a disciple of. At that time, the gift given by her senior sister is said to be worth more than 100 Ling coins per pot, so today is a good time to take it out and have a try with fellow Taoist Zhou!"

"You two fellow Taoists think too highly of Zhou!"

Zhou Chun opened his mouth and let out a sigh that made him laugh or cry.

He never thought that the father and daughter would actually prepare such a large table of food just for themselves.

It can only be said that they have accepted their wishes, but it is really not necessary at all.

Perhaps the father and daughter, who were both casual cultivators, had never eaten spiritual meals before joining Qinglian Temple, so they had great expectations for this thing.

It is more likely that he has been listening to other casual cultivators bragging about how delicious spiritual meals are and how useful they are to his cultivation, which has formed his inertial thinking.

That's why they thought that by entertaining Zhou Chun with a sumptuous spiritual meal, they could show their importance and gratitude to Zhou Chun.

However, Zhou Chun had already eaten the spiritual meal more than once, and he knew very well that this food was like the golden meal in his previous life, and it was purely something to improve his personality.

In fact, the taste of spiritual food is no better than ordinary food, and its effect on improving cultivation is completely incomparable to that of elixirs, unless it is eaten every day.

If Zhou Chun really had to choose, he felt that it would make him happier if Liu Qingshan and his daughter directly gave him a bottle of elixir for improving cultivation, or a century-old elixir.

"It's just a small kindness. Compared with Zhou Daoyou's kindness to our father and daughter, this little kindness is nothing!"

Liu Qingshan naturally didn't know what Zhou Chun was thinking. He just thought that Zhou Chun was embarrassed that they were spending so much money, so he smiled and waved his hand as if he didn't care.

This made Zhou Chun also know that the best thing for him to do at this moment was to accept the other party's "kindness".

So I could only sit down with a wry smile in my heart, and started feasting with the Liu family's father and daughter.

Not to mention, it may be that the spiritual chefs at Qinglian Temple are really good at cooking, or they use better seasonings. The taste of the spiritual meals on the table is indeed much better than those that Zhou Chun had eaten before.

Moreover, these spiritual meals may not be very good at improving cultivation, but they seem to be very effective in replenishing qi and blood. Zhou Chun felt hot all over after eating, and there were some signs that he was not replenishing.

Obviously Liu Qingshan also discovered this very quickly, and immediately shook his head and said: "No, no, no, you can't eat it anymore, or you will vomit blood if you eat it again!"

Then he took Zhou Chun to drink together.

That pot of [Golden Liquid Jade Dew Wine] is indeed the spiritual wine sent by the monks in the foundation-building period. Not only does it taste great, it is also much more useful for improving cultivation than spiritual food. One sip of Zhou Chun feels like it is worth one or two to himself Meditate and practice every day.

He and Liu Qingshan had one drink for you and one for me. It took less than an hour to finish a pot of spiritual wine. They both sat back on their chairs with satisfied expressions on their faces.

Seeing the two people who didn't want to move, Liu Shiyun couldn't help but shake her head. She could only put away the leftovers on the table, and then brewed a pot of spiritual tea to sober up the two of them.

After drinking another pot of spiritual tea like this, Zhou Chun seemed to have remembered something. He suddenly looked at Liu Shiyun and asked, "I dare to ask Miss Liu something. How many people were chasing the black dragon in Yunzhou that day?" Senior Qinglianguan, has he ever successfully killed the black dragon?"

Hearing his words, Liu Shiyun couldn't help but shook her head and replied: "No, it is said that several uncles only cut off the tail and two claws of the black dragon, and then let it escape into Longyuan Ze."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but sigh: "Because the two dragons were not successfully killed, but several uncles were injured because of it. This incident also caused quite a stir in the sect, so that those who participated in the dragon slaying All my uncles were reprimanded and punished by the temple master!"

After saying that, she looked at Zhou Chun apologetically and said: "Shiyun originally wanted to get some dragon flesh and blood for fellow Taoist Zhou, but because those uncles were reprimanded and punished by the master, the master did not let Shiyun go find them now. them."

When Zhou Chun heard what she said, he quickly bowed his hands and thanked her: "Zhou understands Miss Liu's wishes, but she no longer needs to worry about this matter. Zhou was reminded by the girl that she has obtained some dragon blood spiritual objects from Yunzhou." , it’s enough.”

After speaking, he also took the opportunity to tell his true intention.

"Actually, Mr. Zhou came to visit Daoyou Liu and Miss Liu this time. Firstly, he wanted to thank Miss Liu for her previous summons. Secondly, he wanted to give a gift to Daoyou Liu."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the information account books of the new members of Hualong Sect, and explained their origins.

Of course, according to his statement, he was not the one who killed the old man in black, but died at the hands of the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

After all, things like Qi Refining and Foundation Building were still a bit too shocking. Neither Zhou Daoyi nor Zhou Chun wanted to let outsiders know.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Liu Shiyun immediately declined and said: "How can this be done! We, father and daughter, have not repaid Zhou Daoyou's life-saving kindness to our father and daughter, so how can we accept what should belong to your noble family?" Credit to the patriarch!”

Liu Qingshan also helped: "Yes, yes, Shiyun is now an inner disciple of Qinglian Temple. This contribution is just the icing on the cake for her. There is really no need for Fellow Daoist Zhou to do this."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only clarify the matter and said: "The matter is not as simple as the two Taoist friends thought. This matter involves big forces such as Hualong Sect and Qinglian Temple, not a small family like our Zhou family." Households can mix it, so our Zhou family must not hand this thing over to Qinglian Temple."

Hearing his words, Liu Qingshan suddenly said worriedly: "If Shiyun hands over this thing, will she be targeted by the Hualong Sect?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he said with determination: "Absolutely not. Miss Liu is only at the eighth level of Qi refining and has never left the Qinglian Mountains. Even if the Hualong Sect knows that she handed over the things, I won’t think that she killed the Black Dragon Messenger.”

After speaking, he continued: "And as Miss Liu is an inner disciple of Qinglian Temple, Qinglian Temple will definitely keep her secret!"

"Then let's leave this thing to Master. I will send this thing to Master and explain its origin. Let's see what Master has to say."

Liu Shiyun pondered for a moment and expressed her opinion.

When Zhou Chun heard what she said, he couldn't help but look at her in surprise, then nodded and said, "That's okay."

So Liu Shiyun immediately left her residence with her things and went to the mountain to meet her master.

After Liu Shiyun left, Zhou Chun suddenly looked at Liu Qingshan with deep meaning and said, "Miss Liu has a delicate and clear mind. Fellow Daoist Liu can enjoy peace of mind and happiness in the future!"

It turned out that he had realized through Liu Shiyun's words just now that Liu Shiyun might know his true intention of visiting him.

That's why he followed the trend and brought the matter directly to his master to help him pull the strings.

Liu Qingshan is also an old man. At this time, listening to Zhou Chunyi's words, he also came back to his senses.

After his expression changed for a while, he smiled bitterly at Zhou Chun and said, "It was Liu who was stupid earlier. He was only worried about Shiyun's safety, and he didn't even see what Fellow Daoist Zhou meant."

"It is human nature for Liu Daoyou to worry about his beloved daughter."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't care.

But Liu Qingshan seemed to have made up his mind at this time. He quickly looked at him with a firm expression and said, "Anyway, since Shiyun can help Fellow Daoist Zhou, in this matter Liu She will definitely do her best to help Taoist friends!"

It is better to report the life-saving grace early.

Otherwise, no matter whether their father and daughter's cultivation status is higher or Zhou Chun's cultivation status is higher in the future, the price of repaying the favor will not be as small as it is now.

This is not to say that Liu Qingshan is so bad. He always wants to repay his kindness quickly and put aside the relationship.

But no one likes to be owed a favor all the time, and they are even more afraid that someone will use this favor to make them do something they don't want to do in the future.

Therefore, although Zhou Chun saw Liu Qingshan's thoughts and plans, he didn't mind at all. Instead, he admired the other party's character of repaying kindness.

There shouldn’t be too many ungrateful people in this world!

Liu Qingshan and his daughter did not forget to repay their kindness even after they became successful. This is considered to be very moral and conscientious.

And Zhou Chun knows better that relying on kindness to help others is far less effective than relying on benefits to help others.

Normal people would feel tired from running around and working hard to repay a favor. Whether you can persist all the time depends on your personal moral conscience.

However, no matter how tired you are from running around and working for your own interests, people will feel happy and satisfied in their hearts. No matter how hard and tired they are, they will grit their teeth and persevere.

Human nature cannot stand the test!

Zhou Chun doesn't want to use kindness and morality to test human nature.

Or the bundling of interests is more practical and secure!

After waiting with Liu Qingshan for almost an hour, Zhou Chun waited for Liu Shiyun's return.

"Master said that she has collected the things. After waiting for a while, she will take Shiyun to the Zhou family to visit the Supreme Elder of the Zhou family and thank the Zhou family for this gift."

In the living room, Liu Shiyun told the results of her trip in a cheerful tone.

Obviously, she knew the meaning of her master's actions.

After hearing what she said, Zhou Chun also beamed with joy, and immediately said: "Then please Miss Liu, please tell the Master that everyone in the Zhou family will sweep the couches to welcome the distinguished guests!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhou, Shiyun will definitely bring your message to you later."

Liu Shiyun nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look deeply at the Liu family's father and daughter, and then said in a deep voice: "Anyway, thank you Miss Liu for what happened this time. In the future, you two don't have to always regard Zhou as a benefactor or a benefactor. We should still It is better to have friendship with fellow Taoists."

At this point, regardless of how the Liu family's father and daughter's expressions changed after hearing this, they immediately cupped their hands and said: "Zhou's mission for this trip has been completed. There are still many things to do in the family, so I won't disturb you two more." Fellow Taoist."

"I, I will see you off, fellow Taoist Zhou."

Liu Shiyun opened her mouth, but in the end she still didn't say anything to save her.

Even though she has a thoughtful mind, she still has a thin skin.

At this time, Zhou Chun half-clarified what was on her father's mind. She was also quite ashamed, and for a while she had no shame to talk to anyone anymore.

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