Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 104 Three years of changes, underground auction [Please subscribe]

The harvest from the trip to Qinglian Temple in Lianzhou was obviously much better than Zhou Chun expected.

So when he left, he was in a very good mood.

After he left Lianzhou, he was not in a hurry to return to his family to report the good news, but instead went to Hongyafang City.

Zhou Chun has not been to Hongyafang City since he was transferred back to the family to serve as the patriarch's secretary.

This time he went to Fangshi because he also wanted to deal with the magic weapons, magic talismans and other items accumulated in the storage bag.

Originally, the best way to deal with these things was for the Zhou family to purchase them at market prices and use them for exchange by the clan members.

But the problem is that after the initial battle with the "Qiyun Alliance", there is no shortage of magical weapons in the Zhou family's treasury.

Moreover, there are only so many people in the Zhou family, so it is not fast to buy and replace magic weapons, and they are not very fond of some first-order mid-grade magic weapons.

So Zhou Chun had no choice but to come to Fangshi to deal with it.

After he entered Fangshi, he naturally went to the Spirit Beast Studio where he had worked for several years.

Now, the shopkeeper of the Spiritual Beast Restaurant is still Zhou Jiasheng, but the waiter is Zhou Chun's clan brother Zhou Zhengqiang, a 27-year-old young man with a fifth-level cultivation in the Qi Refining Stage.

At this time, as Zhou Chun walked through the door, Zhou Zhengqiang, who was sitting on a stool behind the door, heard the footsteps and hurriedly stood up and looked up at the visitor.

When he saw that the person who came was actually Zhou Chun, he was stunned for a moment, then he saluted Zhou Chun with a smile on his face and said, "I have met Brother Thirteen, why are you free to come to Fangshi today?"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun first smiled at him in return, then glanced around the store and asked, "Brother Sixteenth, are you alone in the store? Where are Uncle Sixteenth and the others?"

"I heard that someone from the Li family was selling a treasure. Because the value of the treasure was not low, shopkeeper Li couldn't tell whether the treasure was genuine or not for a while, so he invited Uncle Sixteen and shopkeepers from several other shops to come over. Help me with my eyes."

Zhou Zhengqiang answered Zhou Chun's question softly, with a sense of envy in his words.

Zhou Chun naturally understood why he was envious.

For a treasure that even the shopkeeper of Li Ji Pharmacy wouldn't dare to purchase easily, the funds involved must be more than five or six hundred spiritual coins.

After the acquisition of such treasures, the value that can be exerted can more than double.

This is a very impressive performance for the store.

However, when it comes to family status, Zhou Chun is now even higher than Zhou Jiasheng, the owner of Spirit Beast House, so this kind of thing can no longer disturb his heart.

Therefore, he didn't ask any more about this matter. He just looked at Zhou Zhengqiang and asked, "How is the recent business in the store? How is the sales of Touch of Despair?"

"Business is pretty good, mainly regular customers. The sales volume of Touch of Despair is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that some casual cultivators have discovered business opportunities and pooled their money to buy a large amount of Touch of Despair from us, and then went to several neighboring states to sell them. Got it!"

When Zhou Zhengqiang said this, he said with a look of dissatisfaction on his face: "If you ask me, our Zhou family should send people to transport the Touch of Despair to sell it in other places. Why should we give this money to those casual cultivators!"

"You're wrong about that."

Zhou Chun shook his head and educated this clan brother carefully: "You have to know that the fundamental purpose of our Zhou family in developing the Touch of Despair is not to make a lot of money with this product, but to use it to attract popularity and drive sales of other items. .”

"If we really do what you say, not to mention that our Zhou family's production of Touch of Despair has reached its maximum, and whether we can supply so much goods, it will be difficult to guarantee the safety of the people who arrange the delivery of the goods."

“So we need to take a longer-term view and know what money can be made and what money is hard to make.”

At this point, he also got into a good conversation, and immediately pulled the sixteenth brother to sit down.

He continued: "Doing business is like everyone teaming up to go out on an adventure to hunt monsters. If you are the only one who makes money, over time, no one will be willing to team up with you."

"Take this Touch of Despair as an example. Since the output is limited and the family does not have the power to open branches in other states, it is bound to not make much money, so it is better to make it a reputable product in our store."

"The little money that casual cultivators make from reselling it is nothing to our family, but it actually makes them a lot of profit."

"In this way, if they make money through this matter, they will have more trust and support for our Zhou family. In the future, if we launch any new products or recruit casual cultivators to do something, they will definitely give priority to purchase and apply."

"Do you understand this is called win-win?"

Zhou Zhengqiang must not be so quick to understand win-win.

However, Zhou Chun's explanation calmed down the anger in his heart.

He immediately nodded and said: "I understand, little brother. Thank you to Brother Thirteen for your guidance."

After checking the account books in the store again, and seeing that Zhou Jiasheng still hadn't come back, Zhou Chun simply didn't wait and left the store directly.

After leaving the shop, Zhou Chun did not go to the street stall market where he used to deal with magical artifacts.

There are more than a dozen magic weapons in his hand, and they are all sold in the street market. It takes ten and a half days to process them, and they may not be able to sell them for a high price.

So he went directly to a reputable magic weapon store in Fang City.

This magical instrument store called "Ji Baoxuan" was opened by a famous casual cultivator in Lanzhou who was in the late stage of foundation building. He was also the leader of a certain cultivator organization.

Therefore, in the sales of mid-to-low-end magical instruments, this store also has advantages that large stores such as "Tianbao Pavilion" do not have.

Therefore, when they recycle some magic weapons, the prices are quite reasonable.

Of course, this justice also depends on who is right.

For someone like Zhou Chun, who comes from a cultivating family, has his own sales channels, and knows the market clearly, the price can naturally be reasonable.

For those casual cultivators and even bandit cultivators, the price has to be discussed separately.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun came out of "Ji Baoxuan", there were six to seven hundred more spiritual coins in the storage bag.

At this time, the number of spiritual coins in Zhou Chun's storage bag alone had reached more than two thousand!

It was also his mentality that changed after he killed the old man in black, the foundation-building monk.

Otherwise, walking down the street with such a large amount of spiritual coins, he would really worry about whether he would be remembered.

Zhou Chun has no intention of spending this spiritual coin now.

He has already begun to prepare for future foundation building. Good steel must be spent on the blade!

In this way, when Zhou Chun returned to Spirit Beast Studio again, Zhou Jiasheng also came back. He reminisced with him about the past, and then gave him some things that were difficult to sell alone to sell on his behalf.

Selling certain treasures on behalf of the clan members is also one of the businesses of family shops like Spirit Beast House.

After everything he had to do in Fangshi was completed, Zhou Chun returned to his family and started cultivating in peace.

In the next three years, the Hualong Sect, which made a comeback, had many confrontations with the Qinglian Temple, which guarded the southern part of Jingguo.

First, Qinglian Temple sent an order to the major cultivating families, small sects, and casual cultivating organizations in Lianzhou, Lanzhou, Yunzhou, and Lingzhou, the four southern states of Jingguo, requesting that the remnants of the Hualong Sect who had sneaked into Jingguo be strictly investigated, and that Hualong be discovered or killed. The remaining disciples will be rewarded.

During this period, Qinglian Temple itself arrested and killed various formal and preparatory members of the Hualong Sect through news channels, as many as two to three hundred people, and even killed several Hualong Sect missionaries.

The Hualong Sect was not to be outdone.

First, by luring snakes out of their holes, they ambush and kill some Qinglian Temple disciples who came to arrest people after hearing the news.

Then he used ruthless means to eliminate three leading immortal cultivating families and two casual cultivating organizations, which severely shocked various small and medium-sized forces.

At the same time, they openly used the banner of "education without discrimination", recruited believers on a large scale, and attracted Jingguo monks to join with various seemingly attractive conditions.

He even did not hesitate to print the "glorious history" of the Hualong Sect, which had been banned by various factions in the Jingguo, into a pamphlet and spread it widely to "justify his name."

This posture is exactly like re-entering the arena of competition between Jingguo and various factions.

Therefore, after Hualong Sect made these reactions, not only the senior officials of Qinglian Temple were furious, but the Yuelun Sect, Yanyang Sect and other forces that participated in the destruction of Hualong Sect also became vigilant and sent high-level monks. Came to Qinglian Temple to understand the situation.

If necessary, they would certainly not hesitate to send people south to attack the Hualong Cult.

However, the game planning between these big forces has little to do with the Zhou family and Zhou Chun.

As a cultivating family under the rule of Qinglian Guan, the Zhou family can only act according to the orders of Qinglian Guan without any room for sway unless Qinglian Guan has lost control of Lanzhou.

The same is naturally true for Zhou Chun.

Therefore, in the past three years, in addition to verbally responding to the call of Qinglian Temple and conducting an inventory of casual cultivators who entered the family's mountain gate to practice, the Zhou family has actively prepared for war to improve the family's strength.

From the patriarch Zhou Daoyi down, every monk of the Zhou family is working hard to improve their own cultivation strength, or to improve the cultivation strength of their spiritual pets.

Three years have passed. Not only has the cultivation level of the clan leader Zhou Daoyi returned to the middle stage of foundation building, but other Zhou family monks have also gained a lot.

For example, the spiritual pet Zhu Yanhe of Zhou Daoquan, the third elder of the Zhou family, was promoted to a second-level mid-level monster.

The iron-feathered eagle, the spiritual pet of the core clan member Zhou Jiapeng, finally found a female iron-feathered eagle and successfully bred it, and successfully abducted her and captured her inside the Zhou family's mountain gate.

There is also Zhou Chun. After three years, his cultivation has broken through to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage. Ninety-six acupoints have been opened all over his body. As long as four more acupoints are opened, he can break through to the Qi Refining Stage. It’s the twelfth level of Qi stage.

At the same time, his spiritual pet rock turtle has also eaten the "Tianhuang Stone". With its bloodline strengthened, not only has its cultivation reached a level comparable to that of a twelfth-level monk in the Qi Refining Stage, but it has also awakened a very practical ability. The earth magic "Gravity".

But the one that has changed the most is undoubtedly Silver Lightning Python Baibai.

At this time, the silver lightning python Baibai has broken through and become a first-order high-grade monster, and the dragon bloodline in his body has initially been awakened and strengthened.

This not only caused its size to increase to more than five feet long, but its snake scales also transformed into dragon scales like that of a dragon, and its defense was greatly enhanced.

After becoming a first-level high-grade monster, the various thunder spells mastered by the Silver Lightning Python in vain can finally be used to form a powerful combat capability.

The current Silver Lightning Python Baibai has mastered a total of six spells, namely lightning, chain lightning, lightning, thunderstorm, thunder shield, and lightning grid.

From these six spells, we can see the direction of Baibai's growth of the Silver Lightning Python.

If Zhou Chun's theory from his previous life is applied, the Rock Turtle is a tank human shield, responsible for resisting damage and attracting firepower, while the Silver Lightning Thunder Python is a turret mage, an output machine.

And he has two spiritual pets, one for attack and one for defense, by his side, and he has the two "Xinjin Sword Qi" that he has re-trained as his trump card. As long as he does not encounter a monk in the foundation building stage, it is almost difficult to find an opponent in the realm of Qi refining stage!

However, the passage of time always has its pros and cons.

The disadvantage is that in the past three years, the Zhou family has lost three family monks one after another, including two members of the "Shou" generation who died at the end of their lives, and one member of the "Jia" generation who went missing.

Although the Zhou family also gained five more children and babies with spiritual root qualifications during this period, the loss of monks will obviously not be able to make up for it in the short term.

But this is the normal situation of a family. Birth, old age, illness and death are always inevitable.

"There is news from Jiasheng over there that someone in Fangshi is planning to hold an underground auction recently to auction some things that are inconvenient to be auctioned in the open."

"According to some information disclosed by the organizer, it is confirmed that at least the foundation-building pill, soul-nourishing jade and other items will appear in the auction."

"The family still has a lot of spirit coins left in its account. I would like to ask the fourth elder to see if they can buy a foundation-building pill. Do you want to go with me, Masazumi, to broaden your horizons?"

On this day, Zhou Chung had just returned from practicing at the top of Baota Peak. The clan leader Zhou Daoyi suddenly looked at him and told him a piece of news that surprised him.

Zhou Chun had already heard about the so-called "underground auction" when he was working as a clerk in a shop in Fangshi.

This kind of activity is usually secretly organized by some powerful forces, and is usually jointly organized by several forces.

The event adopts an invitation system. Before the event is held, the organizers will send invitation letters to forces or individuals they think have financial resources, and slightly reveal some important treasures that will be auctioned to attract people.

If anyone is interested in the underground auction, they can gather at the specified location at the time specified on the invitation letter, and then be taken to the location of the underground auction by a dedicated person.

Since this kind of underground auction is not held very often, once it is held, it will attract many Foundation Establishment monks and even Zifu monks to participate.

Even some monks from other states will find ways to get invitations to participate after getting the news.

If Zhou Chun remembered correctly, the last time there was an underground auction in Lanzhou was more than ten years ago, before the Zhou family moved to Jingguo.

After being stunned for a while, Zhou Chun saluted Zhou Daoyi and said, "The patriarch is willing to give this opportunity to broaden his horizons to this junior. I am naturally very grateful."

After finishing speaking, he paused slightly and then continued with a look of doubt on his face: "But since the fourth elder is going to buy an important treasure like the Foundation Establishment Pill, will it really not be a hindrance for the junior to follow him?"

When Zhou Daoyi heard this, he immediately comforted him and said: "Don't worry about this. Since I dare to let you follow the Fourth Elder, I am sure to ensure your safety."

Hearing his confident words, Zhou Chun's expression also changed, as if he had thought of something, and he let go of his worries.

After almost half a month passed, Zhou Chun and Fourth Elder Zhou Jiarui left Jiufeng Ridge and went to the gathering place designated by the organizer of the underground auction near Hongyafang City.

The second update is sent

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