Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 105 Treasure Charming Eyes, Foundation Building Pill [Please subscribe]

To the east of the Hongyan Mountains, there is a uniquely shaped peak that looks like a gold ingot, also known as Yuanbao Peak.

The organizer of this underground auction used this peak as a gathering place for visitors.

That morning, a foundation-building monk with a mask on his face and a Qi-refining monk wearing a face-covering bamboo hat came to Yuanbao Peak together and handed over invitations to the welcoming monks arranged by the organizer. .

Then the two of them were taken to a stone temple created with magic on the mountain to wait.

The two of them were Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiarui's uncle and nephew who came all the way from Jiufeng Ridge.

At this moment, after the two of them entered the stone hall, they saw that there were as many as twenty or thirty people waiting in the stone hall with a wide interior space.

Most of them are foundation-building stage monks. There are many Qi-refining stage monks like Zhou Chun who can be counted on one hand.

And he must have been brought here to see the world by his elders just like him.

And no matter who it was, just like their uncles and nephews, they covered their faces with various things that could hide their faces to prevent them from being recognized.

When they saw their uncle and nephew coming in, the monks sitting cross-legged in the hall just looked at the two of them for a moment, then looked away and continued to rest with their eyes closed.

Seeing this, the uncle and nephew had no intention of saying hello to anyone. They just found an open space to sit down and waited.

After waiting like this for more than half a day, the number of monks gathered in the hall exceeded one hundred.

At this moment, a cold voice came into the hall from outside the hall.

"The time has come, fellow Taoists, you can come out and take the boat to set off!"

After hearing this, everyone in the hall quickly stood up and walked out of the stone hall.

I saw a black building ship nearly ten feet long in the mid-air outside the stone palace. I don't know when it docked here.

"The third-level flying tower ship magic weapon is worth as much as several third-level attack magic weapons!"

Next to Zhou Chun, Zhou Jiarui whispered something in a low voice with a deliberately changed tone, as if he was explaining to him, but also seemed to be expressing his surprise.

Fortunately, there were many people making similar remarks at this time, but he did not attract anyone's attention.

So under the greeting of a black-turbaned monk on the deck of the building, everyone boarded the building and entered the sealed cabin.

Unlike ordinary high-rise ships, the cabins in this flying high-rise ship are not actually divided into compartments. They are more like the inland river passenger ships that Zhou Chun rode in his previous life. The space inside is wide enough to accommodate three to four hundred people without being too crowded.

At this time, the doors and windows of the building were all closed. Zhou Chun and others inside had completely lost contact with the outside world and had no idea where the building was flying.

After they stayed in the building for almost two quarters of an hour, the door of the building was opened again.

After walking out of the building boat, everyone found that they were already in a spacious cave hall.

The masked monk who had previously greeted them to board the boat now gave instructions in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoists, please walk along this passage until you reach the auction hall at the end."

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and saw that there was indeed a stone door open in the corner of the cave hall. The light from the "sunlite" inside illuminated the underground passage.

I don’t know who took the lead, but soon Zhou Chun and his party entered the passage through the stone gate.

And when they all entered the passage, the stone door closed again with a "bang".

Everyone just looked back and walked down the passage without thinking about it.

The hundreds of people gathered here now come from various forces in Lanzhou and several surrounding states.

Unless the organizer of the underground auction is crazy, it is impossible for him to use the name of holding an underground auction to murder people like them.

In this way, even if he is from a major sect such as Qinglian Temple, he will suffer strong backlash.

Therefore, everyone is not too worried about their safety at the underground auction.

After walking along the passage for about a quarter of an hour, another spacious underground cave hall appeared in front of him.

I saw that the entire underground cave hall was roughly square in shape. On one side was the auction table, which was slightly higher than the rest of the area by half a foot. There were futons underneath for the monks who came to participate in the underground auction to sit cross-legged.

After Zhou Chun and more than a hundred people poured into the underground cave hall, they first looked at the five auction monks who were ready on the auction stage, and then each found an empty seat and sat down.

After waiting like this for almost three quarters of an hour, another forty or fifty monks entered the underground cave hall where Zhou Chun and others came from. I don't know where they came from.

Counting this group of people, the number of monks in the cave hall was close to 200 at this time.

After this group of people also sat down, one of the five black-turbaned monks who had been silent on the auction table stood up and walked to the auction table.

Then facing the people sitting cross-legged below, he cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "Jia Ming is the auctioneer of today's auction. Next, I will sell the thirty treasures prepared by all parties for this auction. , show them one by one to all fellow Taoists.”

"If there are treasures that fellow Taoists are interested in, you can participate in the bidding according to the bidding rules."

"Here, Jia needs to remind all Taoist friends that once you make a statement during the bidding, it will be regarded as a valid bidding and you cannot go back on it."

"When bidding, only money will be discussed, regardless of the origin of cultivation. There should be no use of cultivation to pressure others or any threat to competitors."

"At the same time, I would like to warn all fellow Taoists that before bidding, it is best to think clearly whether you have that many spirit coins. Otherwise, if there is a false auction, not only will you not get the treasure, but you will also leave your life and property here!"

After explaining the rules of the auction in this way, the auctioneer named "Jia Ming" didn't say much.

Dangji reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a jade box.

He placed the jade box on the table in front of him, reached out to open the lid, took out the contents and showed them to everyone in the audience.

"This is a Blue Moon Spirit Bead produced by the second-level monster Blue Moon Clam. It contains extremely rich and gentle water spirit power. Whether it is used for refining alchemy or refining weapons, or for removing certain special fire poisons, it is extremely effective. Best results.”

A light blue pearl the size of a fist was held in one hand by Jia Ming and displayed in the eyes of the cultivators in the audience.

There was a soft blue aura emanating from the pearl without him deliberately using his magic power.

Everyone swept their spiritual consciousness over and could clearly feel the rich power of water spirit contained in it.

After displaying it like this for a while, Jia Ming put the spirit beads back into the jade box and closed the lid.

Then he stretched out his right hand and made a gesture and said: "The starting price of this object is five hundred spirit coins, and each increase in price must not be less than fifty spirit coins."

"I'll give you five hundred spiritual coins."

Almost as soon as Jia Ming finished speaking, a monk impatiently spoke up.

I don’t know if I really need that spirit bead, or if it’s just a shill arranged by the auctioneer.

Anyway, after he spoke out, no one followed suit and increased the price for a while.

After all, no matter how nice Jia Ming said it, it was just a spiritual object produced in the body of a second-level monster, just a raw material.

Unless you meet someone who happens to be in need of this kind of thing, or someone can use it to exert a function far beyond five hundred spirit coins, generally no one will buy it.

But this is normal.

Because if the Blue Moon Spiritual Bead is an easy-to-handle raw material, why doesn't the auctioneer process it into elixirs or magic weapons for sale?

Wouldn't the price be higher?

So after waiting for a while and no one raising the price, the Blue Moon Spirit Pearl was actually won by the first bidder at the lowest price.

Although this is not considered a failed auction, it can be considered a bad start for this auction.

So although Zhou Chun couldn't see the auctioneer's face clearly, he could still understand his current mood.

Sure enough, when he took out the second treasure, the auctioneer's introduction voice became slightly deeper.

"A set of first-level high-quality formation [Phantom Tracing Formation] that can be carried around and deployed. After deployment, an area of ​​a hundred feet in radius can be included in the protection of the formation. Its transformation technique can easily make the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the early stage of foundation building easy. It is difficult to detect abnormalities, and it can distort and confuse the consciousness and five senses of those who enter the battle. It is a must-have for temporary rest when away from home."

After such an introduction, the auctioneer immediately placed the formation disk in his hand on the ground, then waved the seven white formation flags into several specific positions around the formation disk with both hands, and directly activated the formation technique by pressing the formation formula.

Immediately, a white light surged out from the array plate and array flag, quickly engulfing the auctioneer and several auctioneer monks on the stage.

Then in the sight of Zhou Chun and others, the auction table in front became empty, with only the transformed stone table and other dead objects existing.

For monks like Zhou Chun in the Qi refining stage, no matter whether they use their spiritual consciousness or cast spells such as "Qi Watching Technique", they can't see anything abnormal there.

Even monks like Zhou Jiarui, who are in the early stages of foundation building, can only detect the slightest abnormality if their spiritual consciousness is highly concentrated.

This mysterious formation really aroused the interest of many monks.

Therefore, after the auctioneer dispersed the formation and announced the starting price, many monks immediately started bidding.

As a result, the starting price of 800 spirit coins was set at 1,450 spirit coins after fierce bidding by several monks.

Seeing that this formation was so popular, Zhou Chun couldn't help but think of the formation equipment he got from the old man in black from the Dragon Transformation Sect three years ago.

Since those formation equipment were taken for study by Zhou Chongshan, the second elder of the Zhou family, no news has been sent to him yet, and he doesn't know how the research went.

Compared with magic weapons that can be used after being sacrificed and refined, formations are troublesome in this regard.

If you don't know the supporting techniques for arranging and controlling formations, even if you get complete formation equipment, you won't be able to lay out the formations.

It can only be left to the formation master to slowly figure out the decryption and deduce the correct usage.

The successful sale of the second treasure gave the auctioneer a lot of confidence, and he soon took out the third treasure.

It was a monster egg, and it was the egg of the flying monster flame eagle.

Although the Flame Eagle is only a low-level monster, its adult strength is stronger than that of the Iron Feathered Eagle, and it can also fly with people, making it an excellent transportation and combat spiritual pet.

To be honest, when he saw this flaming eagle egg, Zhou Chun wanted to buy it.

But thinking that his silver lightning python could also fly and travel after reaching the second level, he endured it again.

In the end, I could only watch as this object was bought by a certain foundation-building monk for 1,200 spiritual coins.

The fourth and fifth treasures that followed were both second-level magic weapons, each priced at more than 2,000 spirit coins.

The sixth treasure was an alchemy furnace, which was also auctioned for 2,700 spiritual coins.

The seventh treasure was a 700-year-old Fengzhu grass. It could not be used as an elixir and had few uses. It was eventually bought for 1,300 spirit coins.

The eighth treasure is a bottle of elixir that can improve the mana of monks in the early stage of foundation building. There are only five elixirs, but they were sold for 2,100 spirit coins. Each one is worth one [Xiao Qianshan Seal] 】A first-order high-grade magic weapon of this level.

When it comes to the ninth treasure, it becomes a lot more interesting.

The auctioneer reached out and patted the storage bag, took out a square wooden box and placed it on the table. Then he opened the wooden box and took out a pair of exquisite folded wings.

The pair of exquisite wings look like the wings of some kind of bat, green and black in color, with some silvery white spirit patterns and cyan runes artificially engraved on them, making the wings that were originally ugly and ugly become mysterious and elegant. .

This time, the auctioneer did not activate this object to show its effect like the previous magic weapons.

Instead, he unfolded the folded wings and held them with both hands for everyone in the audience to appreciate.

At the same time, he introduced: "I think some well-informed fellow Taoists must have heard of the art of Talisman Artifacts. This ninth treasure is a second-level low-grade Talisman Artifact Green Bat Wing."

"When monks in the Qi Refining Stage use this object, they can achieve a flying speed comparable to the Wind Talisman, and the duration is much longer than the Wind Talisman."

"When monks in the foundation-building stage use this object, they can make their own air-control flying much faster and last for an extremely long time."

"And this is a brand new talisman, ensuring it can be used more than three times."

After introducing the use of the wings in his hands, the auctioneer folded them and put them back into the wooden box.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Because of the special nature of this item, I will not show its effect to fellow Taoists, but please rest assured that this auction will never use fakes to fool you. Fellow Taoists, please do your best." You can bid on this item with confidence!”

After saying that, he quoted loudly: "The starting price for this item is 1,200 spiritual coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 100 spiritual coins."

“So expensive!”

Zhou Chun let out a low cry, and his heart that was ready to move was suppressed by the price.

Originally, when he heard the auctioneer say that the wings could also be used by monks in the Qi Refining Stage, he also thought about adding a treasure that could help him escape at critical moments.

But now that he heard about the low price, he had no choice but to give up.

It's not that he doesn't have that many spirit coins in his pocket, but it's just that they're not worth it to him.

So I could only watch the price of this thing go up all the way, and finally it was bought for 1,800 spiritual coins.

After the ninth treasure was sold in this way, the auctioneer quickly took out the tenth treasure.

It was a jade bottle, containing only a dark purple pill.

When he saw the pill, Zhou Chun clearly heard his clan uncle Zhou Jiarui beside him shout out the words "Foundation Establishment Pill" in a low voice.

Zhou Jiarui succeeded in building the foundation by taking the foundation-building pill, so he naturally would not admit his mistakes about this pill.

As expected, the auctioneer on the stage confirmed this very quickly.

"This treasure doesn't need any further introduction. The starting price for a Foundation Establishment Pill is four thousand spirit coins, and each increase in price must not be less than two hundred spirit coins."

I didn’t finish this chapter until one o’clock in the morning this morning. I was so tired! !

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