Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 108: Sophisticated human relationships, the Zhang family on the rooftop [Please subscribe]

"As for the Heavenly Spirit Trial, we have to start talking about it thousands of years ago."

"About seven or eight thousand years ago, the large areas where the three countries of Jingguo, Chengguo, and Shenguo were located were coercively ruled by a powerful immortal sect, Tianling Sect."

"It is said that when the Ling Sect was at its strongest that day, there were more than a dozen Nascent Soul stage monks alone!"

"And the Tianling Trial is a trial specially created by the Tianling Sect in order to select outstanding disciples in the sect."

"There are three trial grounds for the Heavenly Spirit Trial, which correspond to the three realms of Qi Refining, Foundation Building, and Purple Mansion. Monks with different levels of Heavenly Spirit's Orders can enter them for trials."

"In each trial place, there are various dangerous tests and treasures arranged by Tianling Sect for the trial disciples. The better the trial disciples perform in the trial place, the higher the rewards they will receive after the trial. "

"It's just that now that the Tianling Sect has been destroyed, the trial place where the Tianling Trial was held has been found to have been cracked in two places. Only the trial place for the monks in the Qi Refining Stage has not been discovered."

"Similarly because of the destruction of Tianling Sect, if you want to participate in the Tianling Trial and enter the trial place, you can only go through the teleportation altar on the Tianling Sect site during certain special time periods with the help of the Tianling Order. A place of trial.”

"As far as I know, every time the Heavenly Spirit Trial is opened, monks from the Three Kingdoms will enter that trial place with the Heavenly Spirit's Order to search for resources. There are even people who have brought out thousand-year-old spirits from it. medicine!"

In the Zhongping Hall, facing Zhou Chun's inquiry, Zhou Daoyi sorted out his thoughts for a while and then told him all about the "Tianling Trial".

And after finishing speaking, he also sighed with regret: "It's a pity that I was not present at that time. Otherwise, if it was only more than five thousand spiritual coins, we could have tried to get the Heavenly Spirit Order and let Zhengchun You also go to the trial place to find out what’s going on!”

Zhou Daoyi still knows Zhou Chun's strength very well.

Now that both the Rock Turtle and the Silver Lightning Python have been cultivated and formed, coupled with the secret skills he has practiced and the magical weapons he possesses, it is difficult for anyone to defeat him during the Qi Refining Period.

If you participate in the "Tian Ling Trial", you should be able to achieve good results.

However, Zhou Chun's attention at this time has been attracted by the powerful Tianlingmen mentioned by Zhou Daoyi.

There was no reaction to his sigh, but he asked curiously: "As the patriarch said, the Tianling Sect was so powerful when it was in its prime, how did it fall?"

Zhou Daoyi shook his head this time and said: "I don't know about this. Thousands of years have passed. I am afraid that except for those well-informed Jindan monks, most ordinary monks may know something about this matter." It’s hard to know the truth about this matter.”

After saying that, he waved to Zhou Chun and said: "Okay, you just need to know a little about these things. There is no need to pay too much attention. Next, you should focus more on cultivation and cultivate to the level where you can build a foundation as soon as possible! "

"Yes, junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded obediently, then said goodbye and returned to his residence.

Within a few days, the news that the family had obtained five spiritual fruits spread throughout the Zhou family.

Different from the previous selection of candidates who took the Foundation Building Pill to build the foundation, this time Zhou Daoyi put all five Spirit Ascension Fruits into the family treasury, allowing the clansmen to redeem them based on the family's good deeds.

The exchange price for each spiritual fruit is two thousand points of family good deeds.

This price is almost the cost price, and there is even a slight discount.

However, among the monks in the Qi Refining Period of the Zhou family, there are only two people with more than 2,000 points of family merit. One of them is Zhou Chun, who has no need for the Spirit Ascension Fruit, and the other has lived over ninety, and basically has nothing. Zhuji hopes.

Therefore, neither of them participated in the competition for these five spiritual fruits.

But they don't compete for the Spirit Ascension Fruit. Others are interested in the good deeds of their families.

Not long after the news came out that the Spirit-Sheng Guo could be exchanged for the family's good deeds, several family elders came to him, all with one purpose: to borrow money from him for their good deeds.

It is no longer a secret that Zhou Chun is the one with the most good deeds among the Zhou family's Qi Refining Stage monks.

And it still takes some time for him to break through the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, let alone penetrate the 108 acupoints in his body.

Therefore, those Zhou elders who had a need for the Spirit Ascension Fruit but whose own family's good deeds were not enough easily turned their attention to him.

Facing the words of these elders, Zhou Chun was also in a dilemma.

If you don't borrow it, your elders will inevitably say that he is stingy and have a bad opinion of him.

Borrow it, there are so many elders, who will he lend it to?

So I could only ask everyone clearly the amount of charity they wanted to borrow, and then use the excuse that they needed time to think about it, and weigh it secretly.

First of all, he must borrow good deeds. If he doesn't borrow them, it seems that no one will be offended, but in fact everyone will be offended.

Moreover, if the good deeds lent out succeed in building a foundation, it will be a big favor.

As a result, within two days of Zhou Chun's consideration, two of the five Spirit Ascension Fruits were replaced.

But someone borrowed enough good deeds from other tribesmen and acted first.

Now the remaining Zhou family members were anxious, and Zhou Chun was under greater pressure.

After much thought, he still made a choice.

I saw that he first invited the twenty-seventh uncle Zhou Jiapeng, who came to ask about the situation, into his residence, and then said with a serious face: "Uncle Peng, the support and care you gave to this junior will always be remembered in my heart. Now that you have spoken, , then this junior will naturally want to borrow these thousand points of good deeds!"

After he said this, he saw a look of ecstasy on Zhou Jiapeng's face, and he was so happy that he shouted: "Okay, okay, I know I didn't misjudge the person at the beginning. Zhengchun, you are indeed a kind and kind person." Well done boy!"

At this time, Zhou Jiapeng was indeed ecstatic.

Because he also knew that compared with some family elders who also came to Zhou Chunchou to borrow good deeds, he actually only had this slight advantage, but he had great disadvantages in other aspects.

For example, his cultivation level has just broken through to the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and he still needs to practice for at least one more year before taking the Spirit Ascension Fruit.

This alone gave Zhou Chun enough reason to exclude him first when considering lending him good deeds.

Not to mention that he had to borrow up to a thousand points of family good deeds at once!

Under this situation, Zhou Chun was willing to lend him thousands of good deeds as he requested.

This made him extremely surprised and overjoyed.

He was overjoyed at this moment and promised on the spot: "Don't worry, Zhengchunqian. After I take these thousand points of family good deeds, no matter whether I succeed or fail, I will compensate you as soon as possible and I will never let you suffer any loss." Half a point!”

"Then first I wish Uncle Peng that all your wishes will come true!"

Zhou Chun smiled on his face and sent his blessing.

Then he issued a letter to Zhou Jiapeng on the spot transferring a thousand points of family good deeds, and asked him to take it with him to redeem the Spirit Ascension Fruit.

After seeing off the ecstatic Zhou Jiapeng, Zhou Chun invited his thirteenth aunt Zhou Jiahe to his residence.

"When I first came to Baozhi Peak, Fourteenth Aunt took great care of me. I will always remember this kindness in my heart. Now that you have spoken, Fourteenth Aunt, I will naturally take care of these 650 points of family good deeds." Can’t help but borrow it!”

In the room, Zhou Chun looked at the gray-haired Zhou Jiahe in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the time when he first arrived in Jiufeng Ridge twelve years ago.

At that time, he was only at the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage, and he had just arrived in this world not long ago.

At that time, although Zhou Jiahe was already in his sixties, he was not as old as he is now.

In fact, at Zhou Jiahe's current age, if he could take the Foundation Establishment Pill to reach the Foundation Establishment stage, that would be a big deal.

After all, there was a precedent for Zhou Jiarui, who was in his seventies, to successfully build a foundation.

However, it is hard to say what the success rate will be if you take the Shengling Fruit to attack the foundation.

The most important thing is that once she fails, her physical condition at her age will make it difficult to withstand the backlash of failure.

Zhou Chun felt that the reason why the old man dared to take a chance was that he had never been married and had nothing to worry about.

Even if it fails, it is nothing more than ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

At this time, when he heard that Zhou Chun was willing to lend his family's good deeds to him, although Zhou Jiahe was also extremely happy, he did not lose his composure like Zhou Jiapeng.

He just looked at Zhou Chun with a kind expression and nodded repeatedly: "That kid Zhengyong is right. Zhengchun, you really miss old friendships. I will remember this kindness today."

She didn't say anything in return like Zhou Jiapeng did, but Zhou Chun wasn't worried at all that she would default on her debt.

We are all members of the same family, so this trust is still there.

So after issuing a letter to Zhou Jiahe lending the family's good deeds, Zhou Chun sent the family elder away from his residence.

Then for the remaining family elders, he could only regretfully express that his abilities were limited and there was nothing he could do to help.

This will naturally disappoint those people and even create some opinions about him.

But he couldn't take care of everyone at the same time, so he could only let it go.

After Zhou Jiapeng and Zhou Jiahe both exchanged a Spirit-Ascension Fruit, the last Spirit-Ascension Fruit was also quickly exchanged.

As for whether these five Spirit Ascension Fruits can eventually lead to the emergence of new foundation-building monks in the Zhou family, it will take time to test.

All in all, this is a huge profit for the family.

Not only will 10,000 points of family good deeds be written off through the recycling of the Spirit Ascension Fruit, but it is also possible to gain one or more foundation-building monks.

And just when the Zhou family was celebrating with joy because they had obtained five spiritual fruits, the Zhang family, another immortal cultivating family in Lanzhou, was mourning the death of its elder.

The Tiantai Mountain Zhang family is an old-line immortal cultivating family with a long history in Lanzhou.

The ancestor of the Zhang family was just a casual cultivator and did not even have the foundation-building level.

But he just relied on taking concubines to have children, and gave birth to three sons, two daughters, and five descendants with spiritual roots. One of them even had a high-grade spiritual root qualification.

Later, it was with these three sons, two daughters, and hundreds of mortal children that the foundation of the Zhang family in Tiantai Mountain was laid.

Up to now, the Zhang family has been inherited for seven to eight hundred years, with two to three hundred monks and hundreds of thousands of lay people.

This time Zhang Yunjin, the second elder of the Zhang family, went to the underground auction with a family mission to see if he could buy a foundation-building pill and add another foundation-building monk to the family.

But what no one in the Zhang family expected was that just by going out to do such a simple task, Zhang Yunjin, who had advanced foundation-building skills, would never return and fell outside.

If the Zhang family hadn't mobilized their connections to make inquiries, they might not even know how the family elder died and by whose hands he died.

"Clan Chief, now that the news has been confirmed, the second elder was killed by the Vulcan Jackal tamed by the Supreme Elder of the Zhou family. What are you and the Supreme Elder still hesitating about? Why don't you take us to the gate to investigate the crime?"

"Yes, then the Zhou family killed my Zhang family elders and took away my Zhang family's property. If my Zhang family didn't respond, what would outsiders think of our Zhang family? How would those within the family view us family elders?"

"I don't understand what you are worried about, Patriarch. The Zhou family is an outsider. In the past, if we didn't bother them, they would have burned incense. Now you dare to kill me, the elder of the Zhang family. If you don't come to ask them for this matter, To put it this way, wouldn’t our Zhang family make people laugh!”

In the office hall of the patriarch of the Zhang family in Tiantai Mountain, several foundation-building elders of the Zhang family gathered around the patriarch Zhang Kaida, who was very excited and asked him to come forward to ask for an explanation for the second elder Zhang Yunjin who had died outside.

It turned out that just like Zhou Jiarui's concerns about Zhou Daoyi at that time, when the Vulcan Jackal started to kill Zhang Yunjin, he was still seen from a distance by several foundation-building monks who left the flying building ship with them.

Although those people didn't know who died at that time, they at least knew that it was the Vulcan Jackal of the Zhou family who killed a foundation-building monk.

After the Zhang family saw that the second elder Zhang Yunjin did not return to the family and searched for people everywhere, naturally someone was willing to sell them a favor and revealed what they saw that day.

Coupled with the fact that no other force has been looking for the missing Foundation Establishment monk recently, the situation becomes completely clear.

So now there is a scene where many foundation-building elders of the Zhang family are angry and want to go to the Zhou family to raise troops to question the crime.

However, in the face of the angry questioning by many elders, the head of the Zhang family, Kai Da, said angrily with an ugly face: "It's easy for you to call us to investigate!"

"Even if we know that the second elder was killed by the Vulcan Jackal of the Zhou family, who is willing to come forward to testify for this?"

"Besides, the second elder may have done it first, so it's hard for us to justify this matter!"

"The most important point is that the Zhou family is no longer what it used to be. Don't forget that senior Mingxia from Qinglian Temple went to visit the Zhou family in person two years ago, and the Zhou family also interacted with the Wang family, the Mu family, and the Sun family. These two families are closely related and have fought together!”

"There is no valid reason for this, and it cannot gain support from other forces. When our Zhang family only has one Zifu monk, why should we come to attack another family that has a Zifu monk and a third-level monster?" condemn?"

Speaking of this, Kaifang Da stared at the elders who were shouting happily and shouted angrily: "How many of you foundation-building monks can do it? Who of you can stop that Vulcan jackal? Who can fight it alone?" Fighting against Zhou Daoyi who killed three foundation-building monks?"

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of this office hall is very good, otherwise the roar of Kai Da would have been heard by half the monks in the family.

When he yelled like this, several elders of the Zhang family looked at each other for a while and did not dare to say anything immediately.

It wasn't until a while later that someone asked with an unwilling look: "Is that all? Did the Second Elder die in vain?"

"Of course I won't let it go like this!"

Kaida responded with a gloomy expression, and said in a low tone: "We, the Zhang family, will keep this hatred in our hearts first, and when we have an opportunity later, we will make the Zhou family pay a heavy price!"

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