Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 109: The eight-pointed water deer, the King of Thunder and Lightning is in vain [Please subs

Southeast of Lanzhou, there is green smoke.

Biyanze is a vast swamp in the southeast of Lanzhou, which goes all the way eastward and even enters the uninhabited wilderness outside of Yasukuni.

This place is also a treasure hunting place for many casual cultivators in Lanzhou, and it contains a variety of special elixirs that are difficult to find elsewhere.

On this day, as many as eight monks from the Zhou family, led by Zhou Jiarui, the fourth elder of the Zhou family, including Zhou Chun, Zhou Jiacheng, Zhou Jiafei, Zhou Zhengjing, and Zhou Zhengtao, rode big-horned green sheep to a grassland near the lake in the northwest of Biyanze. superior.

They came here in such a big way this time just because of a discovery made by Zhou Jiacheng in Biyanze.

It turns out that since Zhou Jiacheng failed to take the Foundation Establishment Pill to attack the Foundation, he felt ashamed of his family and had no face to face other clan members.

So he took the initiative to take on the task of finding rare birds and animals for the Zhou family, and spent a long time exploring mountains, rivers and lakes where monsters were entrenched.

Half a month ago, after he and two casual cultivators entered Biyan Ze for an adventure, they discovered a rare monster, the Octagonal Water Deer, on a small island deep in Biyan Ze, and there was also a whole herd of them.

The Octagonal Water Deer is a low-level amphibious monster. It is huge in size, much larger than an ordinary buffalo. The two antlers on its head each have four prongs, and it has the ability to climb mountains and enter the sea.

As a walking spirit beast, the Octagonal Waterproof Deer is more suitable for immortal cultivators than the [Black Scale Horse].

So after discovering the deer herd, Zhou Jiacheng quickly found a reason to end the expedition plan and quickly returned to the Zhou family to report the matter.

After Zhou Daoyi learned about this matter, he took it very seriously and quickly discussed with several elders to formulate an arrest plan.

Therefore, there was a scene where Zhou Chun and others appeared outside Biyanze.

At this moment, on the edge of the turquoise water, the Zhou family and the group got off the backs of the big-horned green sheep and looked at the water ahead.

It was hard to see the end of this swamp, and there were many reeds and other aquatic plants growing in it. You could even see some tall trees in the distance, and there seemed to be small islands.

Further away, there was a vast expanse of white, shrouded in mist.

Except for Zhou Jiacheng, everyone else came here for the first time.

Therefore, while others were looking at the water in front of them, Zhou Jiacheng explained: "Dense fog often appears in the Biyanze. The small islands where the eight-pointed water deer are located are also deep in the water. Generally, practitioners go to the water. The adventures inside are all accessible by boat.”

"The boat ride is too slow and the target is too big."

Zhou Jiarui shook his head, but rejected the plan to set off by boat.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Zhengchun, your silver lightning python should be able to swim in the water. Can you let it carry me and others?"

"You can give it a try."

Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly and agreed to give it a try.

The original silver lightning python may not be very good at water.

But now that the dragon's bloodline has been initially strengthened, its water quality should be good.

Immediately, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, releasing the silver lightning python.

When the five-foot-long silver-white python with dragon scales all over its body appeared on the grass in front of Zhou Chun, the other Zhou family monks present had brilliant eyes and couldn't help but look envious.

The Silver Lightning Thunder Python is an intermediate level monster, a rare thunder monster, and it also possesses the blood of a dragon.

Except for the Supreme Elder's Fire God Jackal and the Patriarch's Azure Cloud Python, there is no other spiritual pet of this level that can compare with them.

Even the two spiritual pets trained to the second level by the third elder Zhou Daoquan were not as good as them.

"Thirteenth brother is really lucky. I heard that this silver lightning python was given to you by the Mu family. I'm afraid they will regret it now that they know about it!"

Zhou Zhengtao looked at the Silver Lightning Python with envy on his face and his mouth was full of sarcastic words.

How could he not be sour!

I think back then, the two of them also participated in the joint martial arts competition of the five major cultivating families. They entered the top ten of the youth group together and were rewarded by the family together.

At that time, there was not much difference between Zhou Chun and him. He was just a level lower than him in cultivation and a little younger.

But since then, although he has made considerable progress, his cultivation has steadily improved.

But compared with Zhou Chun, it is undoubtedly a world of difference.

Until now, when the monks of the Zhou family talk about Zhou Chun, who doesn't praise him and who doesn't?

Even the elders of many "family" generations praised and admired this junior.

This is an honor that not even Zhou Zhengkang, the former genius monk of the Zhou family, has ever had.

If anyone among their "right" generation has the best chance of succeeding in foundation building, it must be Zhou Chun.

As for Zhou Zhengtao, he is just a relatively talented junior in the eyes of his elders, far from being comparable to Zhou Chun.

Faced with Zhou Zhengtao's harsh words, Zhou Chun just rolled his eyes and said calmly: "Bago's words are serious, and I can't bear to say that."

Then he ignored the other party and directly let the silver lightning python swim towards the water swamp ahead.

It is mediocre not to be envied by others.

Ever since Zhou Chun was appointed as the chief secretary by the clan leader Zhou Daoyi, he knew that he would be jealous of some of his peers and even elders.

Therefore, he has been working hard over the years to express himself and show his strength and abilities in all aspects in order to gain the recognition of the elders of the family and most of the elders.

Now he can be said to have achieved success. He has won the recognition and support of the family elders and many elders, and the foundation has been laid solidly.

Under such circumstances, even if people like Zhou Zhengtao were jealous of his status and treatment within the family, they would not be able to influence him at all.

If he dares to do something excessive, he will not even need to take action, and he will naturally be punished by clan rules.

And Zhou Zhengtao obviously knew this.

Therefore, after seeing Zhou Chun just saying perfunctory words to him and ignoring him, although he felt a little unhappy, he did not dare to pester him anymore and immediately shut his mouth.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of other Zhou family members, everyone immediately felt emotional in their hearts.

Next, Zhou Chun gave it a try and found that although it was difficult for the Silver Lightning Python to carry eight people, it was still possible with the help of the buoyancy of the water.

So the eight of them stepped on the back of the silver lightning python together and let it move forward quickly on the water.

On the turquoise water, a silver line was seen moving quickly through the water, and on it were eight Zhou family monks of different heights.

And because the Silver Lightning Python was already a first-level high-grade monster at this time, there were no blind monsters who dared to attack Zhou Chun and the others along the way.

Even if there are some casual cultivators who are exploring treasure hunting in Biyanze and accidentally see this strange group of people, they will be quickly left behind because they are not as fast as them.

In this way, under Zhou Jiacheng's guidance, the Silver Lightning Thunder Python carried Zhou Chun and eight others through the swamp for more than three hundred miles, and finally arrived at an island in the mist.

"This is it. To the north of the island is a large green grassland with lush and tender green grass growing on it. The group of octagonal water deer should have used it as a fixed feeding ground."

On the island, after the eight people landed, Zhou Jiacheng observed the surrounding environment for a moment and then nodded firmly, confirming that he was not leading the wrong way.

Hearing his words, Zhou Jiarui immediately said: "Then I'll go over and check first. You guys can rest here and wait for the news."

Naturally, everyone has no objection to this.

So he watched Zhou Jiarui use the "Lin Yin Cicada Breathing Technique" to restrain his breath and walked towards the north of the island.

After waiting like this for almost an hour, Zhou Jiarui flew back.

Then he looked at the people who were looking forward to it and said: "I saw the green grassland that Seventeenth Brother mentioned, and there were indeed hoof prints left by the eight-pointed water deer on it, but there is no trace of the deer now. I guess it hasn't happened yet." Come here, I may have to wait for a while."

This result is reasonable and not unexpected.

Therefore, although everyone was a little disappointed, they were not depressed.

Dang even went deep into the island together and hid themselves at a high point on the island, silently waiting for the arrival of the group of octagonal water deer.

While waiting, it suddenly started raining heavily on the island. In order to avoid making any noise and alerting the possible octagonal water deer, Zhou Chun and others had no choice but to remain drenched by the heavy rain, and they were all soaked in the rain.

Fortunately, we are all cultivators, so getting caught in the rain is not a big problem and we won't get sick.

Not long after the rainstorm stopped, Zhou Jiarui, who had the highest cultivation level present, suddenly changed his expression and said softly: "Here he comes!"

After hearing his words, everyone quickly opened their eyes and looked at the green grassland two or three miles ahead.

In the mist, more than a dozen giant deer with blue-brown hair, large and small, appeared quietly from the green grassland near the water, and silently landed on the island.

Then a flash of light flashed in the eyes of the leading stag, and he stood upright with his front legs raised high and looked around, then twitched his ears and listened carefully to the sounds on the island.

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he muttered "Yo" to indicate that everything was normal and you could eat with confidence.

So the two young deer cubs, who looked like they were still underage, immediately yelled "Yo yo" with joy, threw themselves on the green grass in front, and ate the fresh and juicy green grass after the rain. .

Then the other eight-pointed water deer also dispersed, each picked a favorite piece of green grass and began to eat slowly.

Only the leading stag never lowered his head to eat, but kept looking in all directions, alerting the herd.

Zhou Chun counted and found that including the two cubs, there were fourteen deer in the herd, not too many, but still quite a lot.

"I'll capture the leading deer. In addition, I can trap a male deer. You can leave the two calves alone. Who among the other deer can capture one more?"

On the high ground, Zhou Jiarui watched the deer for a while and then sent a message to everyone to ask about the situation.

"I can take three."

As soon as Zhou Chun spoke, everyone else was shocked, and they all looked at him in surprise.

But it’s hard to say much at this time.

Only Zhou Jiarui nodded slightly and said: "Since that's the case, it's no problem. Let's determine our goals first."

So several Zhou family monks looked at the eight-pointed water deer foraging on the green grass, and quickly determined their goals.

Then Zhou Jiarui gave an order, and the eight people quietly approached the deer.

As a result, as soon as they arrived 300 feet away from the deer herd, the ever-vigilant stag suddenly heard the noise and shouted a warning.

"Do it!"

Seeing that his whereabouts had been exposed, Zhou Jiarui immediately shouted and gave the order to take action, and then he flew straight towards the stag.

At the same time, several monks with flying magic weapons, such as Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiacheng, immediately used their flying magic weapons and flew towards the deer, while others used the "Wind Control Technique" to rush on the ground.

After the deer herd received the warning from the leading deer, they immediately put down their food and moved closer to the leading deer.

As a result, Zhou Jiarui flew up into the sky and knocked the leading deer to the ground with a stick. He then casually cast a first-level high-grade wood spell "Tangle of Thorns" to trap a stag whose cultivation was second only to the leading deer.

Then Zhou Chun also arrived at the battlefield and directly released both the rock turtle and the silver lightning python.

After the rock turtle appeared, it trapped a female deer with a "dungeon technique", and then used a "gravity technique" to make the other female deer unable to move even an inch, as if it was carrying a heavy burden.

The silver lightning python opened its mouth and spat out, and a ball of silvery white lightning flew out of its mouth, turning into a silver lightning net and covering a stag, electrocuting it on the spot until it foamed at the mouth and collapsed. On the ground.

In addition, Zhou Chun himself was not idle either.

With a wave of his hand, the "golden locking ring" flew out from his sleeves, and immediately caught the neck of a frightened stag that wanted to leave the herd and flee first, and forcefully strangled it to the ground and moved it. No.

In this way, he actually trapped four eight-pointed water deer by himself.

Seeing how brave he was, the other Zhou family monks were astonished and unwilling to lag behind. They each used their own methods to trap and stop the target, preventing the target from having a chance to escape.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, fourteen eight-pointed water deer, large and small, were all captured and stunned.

"Okay, the mission is completed, the next step is how to transport these guys back to the family safely and intact!"

Zhou Jiarui looked at a dozen unconscious octagonal water deer on the ground, clapped his hands gently, and showed a relaxed smile on his face.

Then he praised Zhou Chun: "Zhengchun, you did a very good job this time. No wonder the clan leader must bring you here."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he just smiled and did not answer.

Indeed, without the Silver Lightning Python, they might be able to complete the mission, but it may not be as easy as it is now.

The paralysis effect of the thunder spell is definitely a killer weapon for monsters like the Octagonal Waterproof Deer, which are generally at the level of first-order mid-grade monsters.

After being shocked, they can't escape at all.

Even the leading deer, which is a first-grade high-grade monster, only needs a few more "Lightning Techniques" to make it faint.

It is not difficult to transport fourteen eight-pointed water deer back, but it is not easy to say that it is easy.

Two deer cubs and a few lower-strength female deer can be fed a large dose of the beast-obsessed drug to keep them unconscious and put them into the spirit beast bag and take them away directly.

But this cannot be done with the leading deer and the other two stronger bucks.

Because if you want to stun the three stags all the time, the dose of the drug must be very high. However, if the dose is too high, it will easily damage the brains of the three stags and even cause their hearts to fail.

So after discussion, it was decided that Zhou Jiarui would take the stunned octagonal water deer back to his family first, while the others would wait on the island.

After he comes back again, he will transport the three stags by water and land transport.

After such discussion, Zhou Jiarui confirmed Zhou Chun as the temporary leader of the team and returned to his family first.

There is another chapter tonight

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