Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 111: Both sides suffer, good things come in hard times [Please subscribe]

On the shore of Biyanze, Zhou Chun was still struggling to support himself.

Facing an enemy who is a level above him in every aspect, all he can do now is to endure the beating and wait for a turn.

This turning point could be Zhou Jiarui, who should be rushing back soon.

It can also be a mistake made by the enemy after being unable to attack for a long time.

No matter which turn of events occurs, it will help him change the situation.

In mid-air, the pockmarked middle-aged man became more and more frightened and irritated.

He didn't expect Zhou Chun's master and servant to cooperate with each other to block his attacks one after another.

What is irritating is that I am a monk in the foundation building stage, but I can't even get a monk in the Qi refining stage. It is so embarrassing.

Even if no one saw this scene, he felt very outrageous.

And with the continuous attacks, plus the mana consumed in the previous pursuit, he gradually consumed nearly half of his own mana.

For a casual cultivator, nearly half of the mana is consumed, which is a danger signal.

It is impossible for most casual cultivators to exhaust their mana when they venture out. If they don't want to die in the wild, they can only take the risk and meditate in the wild to restore their mana.

Therefore, an experienced casual cultivator, after consuming more than half of his mana, will start to be very vigilant and consciously control his mana consumption.

Therefore, the pockmarked middle-aged man stopped his air-control flight and landed on the ground in order to save his mana.

Naturally, without the advantage of being condescending, he could easily hit Zhou Chun in order to attack. Without being blocked by mountains and trees to weaken his power, he could only close the distance between the two sides to more than a hundred feet away, just beyond Zhou Chun and Rock Turtle. The extent of the attack range.

And this finally gave Zhou Chun an opportunity.

He first blessed himself with a "Wind Control Technique", and then after withstanding a wave of attacks, he quickly galloped towards the pockmarked middle-aged man with the Silver Lightning Python on the left and right.


The pockmarked middle-aged man was also confused by Zhou Chun's actions. He didn't understand how Zhou Chun dared to leave the protection of the rock turtle and rush towards him.

Did he think he could hurt himself if he got close to him?

How funny!

However, although he didn't feel that Zhou Chun could hurt him, for the sake of safety, he still raised his hand and summoned a piece of blue aura from the jade bowl in front of him, turning it into a shield to protect himself.

Although his jade bowl magic weapon is not as powerful as many pure offensive magic weapons in terms of power alone, it is superior in that it has many magical uses and can be used both offensively and defensively, making it very suitable for casual cultivators like him.

After all, as a casual cultivator, it is difficult for him to buy two second-level offensive and defensive magic weapons for himself at once, and he may often encounter various complicated situations when venturing outside.

Under such circumstances, the usefulness of this jade bowl magic weapon to him is definitely much more useful than a single offensive magic weapon or a defensive magic weapon.

At this time, after giving himself a layer of protection, he activated the jade bowl magic weapon with a sneer on his face and aimed the attack at Zhou Chun.

Without the protection of that smelly and hard rock turtle, he didn't believe that Zhou Chun, a mere monk in the Qi refining stage, could withstand two rounds of his attacks!

While he was attacking Zhou Chun, the Silver Lightning Python launched a violent output in vain.

Bai Bai first opened his mouth and spat out a silver-white thunderball at the pockmarked middle-aged man.

After the silver-white thunderball exploded in front of the enemy, another snake-shaped split lightning fell on the protective shield in front of him, shaking the shield endlessly and its luster dimmed a lot.

This made the pockmarked middle-aged man frown slightly.

Seeing that Zhou Chun had been beaten by him until he vomited blood, and after most of the protective spells on his body were dissipated, he relaxed his brows indifferently and launched a second round of attacks on Zhou Chun.

But he didn't notice that Zhou Chun was already so close to him that he was only fifty or sixty feet away.

It's now!

Seeing the pockmarked middle-aged man's attack coming out again, Zhou Chun raised his hands and fired two "Xinjin Sword Qi" with a ferocious expression.

I saw two white-gold sword energy tearing through the air, making a sharp cracking sound.

In an instant, the pockmarked middle-aged man's heart shrank and he felt an unprecedented threat.

He didn't have time to think carefully, and hurriedly summoned up his magic power to display the magic shield of the monk city in the foundation building period, and at the same time, he moved slightly.

puff! puff!

Just two "puff" sounds were heard from in front of the pockmarked middle-aged man.

The mana shield he activated in a hurry and the dim blue light shield were easily penetrated by the two extremely sharp "Xinjin Sword Qi".

Just as easy as he destroyed several defensive spells cast by Rock Turtle before.

Two bright red blood flowers quickly sprouted on his shoulders and abdomen, staining the nearby clothes red.

This wasn't what made him most uncomfortable.

What made him most uncomfortable was that after the two sword qi hit his body, they quickly dispersed into extremely sharp golden qi, piercing his flesh and bones like countless steel needles.

Among them, the golden energy in his abdomen pierced his intestines and stomach and other internal organs.

This made him feel like a monk who had just started practicing "Xinjin Sword Qi" and practiced directly with the pure gold Qi.

Thanks to the foundation-building monks, after successfully building the foundation, the physical body has begun to become otherworldly.

Otherwise, just having such golden energy entering his body would be enough to kill most of his life!

However, just when he was heartbroken and trying to mobilize his magic power to get rid of the golden energy, a silver-white lightning suddenly hit him, beating him on the spot until his head was covered with smoke and his hair stood on end.

Only then did he remember that he was still on the battlefield and the enemy was not dead yet.

So he immediately gritted his teeth, endured the pain and put up a magic shield to protect himself. Then he glanced at Zhou Chun's position with an unwilling face, and quickly took off and fled the battlefield.

Now he could kill Zhou Chun with more strength, but the result might be that he was seriously injured by the attack of the gold energy and silver lightning python in his body, or even died here.

This is naturally something he cannot accept.

On the ground, Zhou Chun, who was also severely injured by the pockmarked middle-aged man, was completely relieved when he saw that he finally escaped.

He also didn't want to trade his life with the other party.

Now the result of losing both sides is a relatively good result for him.

So he immediately gritted his teeth and endured the pain, took out a jade bottle from the storage bag, and swallowed one of the elixirs full of medicinal fragrance into his belly.

The elixir he took was the precious healing elixir "Dragon's Blood Qi Replenishing Elixir" that he got from killing the old man in black from Hualong Sect that day.

At this time, he was seriously injured, and only this healing elixir, which was of great benefit to monks in the foundation-building stage, could help him quickly stabilize his injuries without leaving any hidden injuries.

I saw that this "Dragon Blood Qi Replenishing Pill" was worthy of being a rare elixir even for the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

After Zhou Chun took the elixir, he just meditated a little and adjusted his breath. He felt that his internal injuries were much better and he could already stand up and walk a little.

So he stopped staying and immediately put the rock turtle into the spirit animal bag, then lay on the back of the silver lightning python and let it drag it to the water's edge.

In this situation, it would be dangerous to stay on land.

Zhou Chun was very afraid that the pockmarked middle-aged man would make a comeback after suppressing his injuries.

So entering the water is the safest.

After waiting inside Biyanze, Zhou Chun let the Silver Lightning Python carry him for a short distance to dissipate the breath and smell, and then directed it to swim to a small island dozens of miles away.

The island is less than two hundred acres in size, and it is really a very small island.

But it’s enough to temporarily settle down and recuperate.

Zhou Chun asked the rock-earth turtle and the silver lightning python to hide themselves and protect themselves, and then continued to meditate in a cave on the island that the rock-earth turtle dug out to refine the power of the "Dragon's Blood Qi-Building Pill".

After meditating for who knows how long, Zhou Chun was suddenly awakened by an explosion.

He walked out of the cave, opened his eyes and saw a huge purple-red orchid pattern hanging high in the sky in the distance, visible to everyone within a hundred miles.

The pattern is like clouds made of smoke, hanging thousands of feet high in the sky and lingering for a long time.

"It is the Zilan Yunyan that can only be carried by family elders. It seems that Uncle Eleven is back!"

After Zhou Chun stared at the orchid pattern for a while, he exclaimed with joy on his face.

He knew in his heart that when Zhou Jiarui set off such communication fireworks, he was naturally not asking for help, but summoning the scattered tribesmen to come over and rendezvous.

After all, if he really encounters an enemy that even Zhou Jiarui can't deal with in this Biyanze, he will be dragging other tribesmen to die together by sending out summons fireworks.

This kind of thing would not be done as long as he was not extremely insane.

At this time, after several hours of meditation and breathing adjustment, Zhou Chun's injuries were much better and his mana was restored a lot.

So he pondered for a moment and let the silver lightning python carry him in the direction of the purple orchid pattern.

Less than an hour passed like this before Zhou Chun saw Zhou Jiarui's figure suspended in the air.

"Huh, Masazumi, it's great that you're okay!"

When he saw Zhou Chun's figure, Zhou Jiarui breathed a sigh of relief and sighed happily.

Zhou Chun might not even know how frightened and angry he was when he saw the island occupied by other monks and the captured Zhou Zhengtao when he came back.

Especially when he later met with Zhou Zhengjing and others and learned that Zhou Chun had lured away the foundation-building enemies alone, he felt a sense of panic in his heart.

Maybe Zhou Zhengjing and others only knew that Zhou Chun was valued by the clan leader and elders, but they didn't know how much they valued him.

But Zhou Jiarui knew that in the heart of the patriarch Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun was probably more important than himself, the foundation-building elder.

Because there are only a few foundation-building monks like him in the Zhou family, but now it is not difficult to create one as long as they are willing to spend resources.

But for someone like Zhou Chun who has the ability to be the leader of a clan and has good qualifications and cultivation, it will be difficult to find a replacement even if he searches the Zhou family.

If Zhou Chun were really allowed to die in Biyanze, Zhou Jiarui, Zhou Zhengjing and others would probably become the sinners of the Zhou family!

And when Zhou Chun listened to Zhou Jiarui's sigh, he also realized that this clan uncle was probably very frightened this time.

But he still did not take the initiative to mention his own situation, but first asked with concern: "Now that Uncle Eleven is back, have you found Uncle Seventeen and Third Sister? Are they all okay?"

When Zhou Jiarui heard this, he immediately replied: "They are all fine, there is nothing wrong with them, and those damn casual cultivators have been captured as well!"

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with concern and asked, "Zhengchun, you seem to have been injured. How are you? Is the injury serious? Do I need to send you back to the family to recuperate first?"

Zhou Chun listened to his question and sighed with emotion: "My nephew really almost lost his life this time!"

"But fortunately, my nephew was lucky enough to have a good fight with the thief. After a fight with both sides, he was scared off."

"Now after taking the healing elixir, the injury is no longer serious. Uncle Eleven no longer has to worry about his nephew."

Fighting with a thief and losing both sides?

Zhou Jiarui was immediately shocked when he heard Zhou Chun's words.

He knew who the thief Zhou Chun was talking about was an early-stage foundation-building monk with the same cultivation level as him!

Is Zhou Chun sure he's not joking?

Zhou Jiarui, who didn't know that Zhou Chun had killed a foundation-building monk a long time ago, looked at Zhou Chun with shock on his face and was a little dumbfounded.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun in a hurried tone and said, "You said that after a fight between you and the thief, both of you were hurt? Uncle Wei heard that right!"

Seeing him like this, Zhou Chun could only nod slightly and said: "Uncle Eleven, you heard me right. I will tell you the details of this matter when my nephew returns to the family."

After saying that, he asked: "But before that, please keep your nephew's secret, don't let more people know this, just say that my nephew lured a second-level monster to fight with that guy, and took the opportunity to escape." ”

After hearing his words, Zhou Jiarui could only bury his doubts deep in his heart even though he had thousands of things to say.

He nodded sternly and said, "Uncle Wei knows, and this matter will never be leaked."

Then he took Zhou Chun to meet Zhou Jiacheng and others.

After everyone gathered together, Zhou Chun realized that the foundation-building monk was actually invited by the casual cultivator who had discovered the Octagonal Water Deer herd with Zhou Jiacheng.

These people originally came straight to the island by boat, but they happened to bump into Zhou Jiafei who was returning to the island with Zhou Zhengtao.

So after Zhou Jiafei saw the foundation-building monk, he did not hesitate to activate the distress fireworks to warn Zhou Chun and others on the island.

When the foundation-building monk saw the fireworks for help that were exclusively used by his family and sect, he also realized the seriousness of the matter. He immediately captured Zhou Jiafei and the two and handed them over to the care of the casual cultivators he brought with them, and then he chased them. Zhou Jiacheng arrived on the island to check the situation.

If Zhou Chun hadn't lured that person away at that time, I'm afraid they would have all been killed in one fell swoop, and the end would have been very bad.

At this time, after the cause and effect were clear, I heard that Zhou Chun was in danger and almost died.

Zhou Jiacheng also said with a face filled with self-blame: "This is all my fault. If I hadn't been soft-hearted and didn't kill this guy, I wouldn't have caused such a disaster and almost killed Zhengchun!"

"Forget it, if I am to blame, I am the biggest fault. If I had not rested for half a day in the family, this kind of thing would not have happened. I can only say that good things come to an end!"

Zhou Jiarui waved his hand and sighed, indicating that Zhou Jiacheng no longer had to blame himself.

Then his face turned cold and he said in a cold voice: "This matter won't just be let go. Now that we know the origin of that guy, it won't be that easy for him to run away!"

Uncomfortable, hot and cold, hard to get over from a cold!

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