Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 112 The corpse is exposed to the public, the reward from the clan leader [Please subscribe]

According to the interrogation of the captured casual cultivators, it was learned that the foundation-building cultivator who was harmed by both Zhou Chun and Zhou Chun was named Shen Han, and he was a casual cultivator who had been cultivating the foundation for less than thirty years.

This person originally practiced under the name of a casual cultivator organization. He often helped some casual cultivators deal with some powerful monsters that were difficult to deal with, and he did not hesitate to share some benefits. His reputation was not bad.

Therefore, a casual cultivator who discovered the Octagonal Water Deer with Zhou Jiacheng told this person the news in order to ask him for a reward afterwards.

From this point of view, this Shen Han can be regarded as a smart man. At least he knows the principle of slow water and long-term flow, and will not easily do the kind of thing of crossing the river and burning the bridge.

But this time he was obviously too smart and provoked the wrong people.

Thanks to the notification from Zhou Jiacheng who returned to his family in advance, the furious Zhou Daoyi had personally sent a message to all the Zhou family's close friends, asking them to help pay attention to Shen Han's information.

At the same time, they also made private promises to the leaders of several casual cultivator settlements. As long as Shen Han's exact whereabouts were secretly provided, the Zhou family would directly reward him with two thousand spiritual coins!

With such a multi-pronged approach, Shen Han, who was hiding in a casual cultivator colony to recuperate, was quickly betrayed by a foundation-building casual cultivator.

Then Zhou Daoyi, the head of the Zhou family, personally went to squat outside the settlement of casual cultivators.

When Zhou Jiarui took Zhou Chun and others, it took several days for the water and land transport to transport the remaining three eight-pointed water deer back to Jiufeng Ridge.

Shen Han's body has been brought back by Zhou Daoyi who took action personally.

"Just be fine, Zhengchun. I have decided to hang the corpse of this beast outside the mountain gate for a hundred days. I want all the casual cultivators in Lanzhou to know the consequences of bullying my Zhou family cultivator!"

In the Zhongping Hall, after Zhou Daoyi personally checked Zhou Chun's injuries, his expression softened, and then he coldly told what he had done with Shen Han's body.

This time Zhou Chun and others were in danger, it was the first time since the Zhou family took root in Jiufeng Ridge that a casual cultivator in the foundation building stage attacked the Zhou family monks alone.

This wind must not last long!

Therefore, even if the injured person is not Zhou Chun, the heir whom he values ​​​​extremely, Zhou Daoyi, as the head of the Zhou family, will never tolerate such behavior.

That's why he didn't hesitate to show favors at that time and asked all the friendly families to help find people, and also used large sums of money to induce those foundation-building casual cultivators to provide information.

We must let those casual cultivators know that if they dare to bully a cultivator of the Zhou family, no matter what the price, the Zhou family will definitely expose his body to the public!

Only in this way can we create a deterrent to those casual cultivators who always feel that they are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Let them no longer dare to kill the monks of the Zhou family easily just for a small profit.

Zhou Chun certainly had no objection to exposing Shen Han's body to the public.

Although this method is somewhat inhumane, it is very necessary.

There is no need for such torture, it is not enough to act as a deterrent.

However, even though he knew that Zhou Daoyi's move to pursue Shen Han at all costs was mainly for the collective interests of the family, Zhou Chun was still very grateful and moved by him for helping him avenge himself.

Dang even said with gratitude on his face: "How virtuous and capable this junior is, to be so loved by the clan leader!"

"There is no need for this. I am doing this not only to avenge you, but also to prevent similar things from happening to all the monks in the family."

Zhou Daoyi waved his hand, and as expected, he didn't say anything that was completely hypocritical about how much he valued Zhou Chun.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said: "Jia Rui and Jia Fengs have told me about your performance this time. If it weren't for you, the family might have lost several outstanding members this time. This contribution must be rewarded!"

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "Well, counting the rewards for this mission, I will reward you with 500 family meritorious deeds. In addition, I will reward you with two second-level low-grade magic talismans and a first-level high-grade flying magic talisman." device."

This reward is not generous.

But considering Zhou Chun's loss, it is reasonable.

In the battle with Shen Han, Zhou Chun not only used a precious second-level talisman, but also consumed a treasured "Dragon Blood Qi Replenishing Pill", two [Returning Pills], and dozens of first-level spells. symbol.

The combined value of these things would not be less than a thousand spirit coins.

If the reward given by Zhou Daoyi was lower than this number, it would be disappointing.

So Zhou Chun accepted the reward with peace of mind this time.

After receiving the reward in this way, he went back to his residence to recuperate.

Because he was seriously injured this time and was injured on the job, Zhou Daoyi specially granted him a three-month recuperation leave.

But in fact, after Zhou Chun rested for almost a month, his injuries were almost healed.

At this time, the body of Shen Han, a casual cultivator who was exposed to the public outside Jiufeng Ridge, had been dried into a human body.

And this matter also quickly spread among the casual cultivators in Lanzhou's immortal world through the mouths of those casual cultivators who went to Jiufeng Ridge to practice.

Because the Zhou family did not betray the foundation-building casual cultivator who revealed Shen Han's whereabouts, when other casual cultivators heard about this, they were also very shocked by the strength and means of the Zhou family, and they were able to find the person so quickly and bring him to justice.

Even some cultivating families who didn't know the inside story were very surprised by the energy displayed by the Zhou family in this matter, and had to re-evaluate the energy of the Zhou family.

It can be said that this deterrent effect has had a very good effect.

At this time, the first monk in the Zhou family who took the Soul-Shengling Fruit to retreat to attack the foundation had already achieved results.

The result is naturally not good!

This monk who is entering the foundation-building stage is Zhou Jiaqing, a monk from the "family" generation, ranked fifteenth.

After he failed to attack the foundation, he suffered severe backlash.

Although he was lucky enough to save his life in the end, the meridians and acupoints were severely damaged and it was difficult to fully recover. It can be said that he became half a cripple.

Given his current age of eighty, he probably won't live many more years in the future.

After this result came out, Zhou Jiapeng and other two Spirit Ascension Fruit owners who had not yet retreated to establish their foundation suffered a head-on blow.

The fiery fantasy about foundation building in my heart suddenly cooled down a lot.

But the other two Zhou family monks who were already in seclusion and building foundations had no other choice.

After Zhou Chun learned the news, he could only silently bless Zhou Jiahe, the thirteenth aunt who was building a foundation in seclusion, and hoped that she could succeed in building a foundation.

Then he said hello to the clan leader Zhou Daoyi and left Jiufeng Ridge.

After using it for several years, he only had a few elixirs left to improve his cultivation, and they were all not very effective in increasing his current cultivation.

Therefore, Zhou Chun planned to go to Li Ji Pharmacy in Fangshi this time to buy some high-quality elixirs so that he could reach the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage as soon as possible.

After he left Jiufeng Ridge for some distance, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, holding out a long silver ruler.

This long silver ruler is the first-order high-grade flying magic weapon "Silver Rainbow Ruler" that the clan leader Zhou Daoyi rewarded Zhou Chun this time. It was also the magic weapon used by Zhou Zhengkang, a genius monk of the Zhou family in the Qi Refining Period.

Compared with the bamboo leaf-shaped flying magic weapon Zhou Chun used before, this "Silver Rainbow Ruler" not only flies faster, but also independently emits silver aura to protect the owner, allowing the owner to fly quickly at an altitude of thousands of feet.

Zhou Chun was not allowed to use this thing in the family mountain gate before, lest some clan members would "see the thing and miss the person" and have some opinions about him.

Now that he was in the vast world outside, he no longer had to worry about anything. He stepped directly onto the long ruler, and then with the help of his magic power, he commanded the long ruler to soar into the sky, rushing all the way to a height of thousands of feet.

When he reached the top, facing the biting wind, Zhou Chun immediately injected more mana into the long ruler under his feet.

I saw a silver spiritual light blooming from the long ruler, and following Zhou Chun's thoughts, a wind-blocking light shield was quickly formed in front of him.

Then with a thought in his mind, he used the magic weapon to move forward quickly.

At this time, looking forward from behind him, you can clearly see a silver rainbow light flying in front of him.

However, flying at high altitude is fun, but it consumes a lot of mana.

With an additional wind shield, the mana consumption will increase by nearly 20%.

Here the advantage of the foundation-building monk's air-control flight is revealed, and there is no need to care about any wind influence at all.

So after Zhou Chun flew for a while at a height of one or two thousand feet, he returned to a height of less than a thousand feet.

Thanks to the new flying magic weapon and his significantly improved cultivation, Zhou Chun's trip from Jiufeng Ridge to Hongyafang City was almost three hours shorter than before.

Great progress.

However, after arriving at Liji Pharmacy, Zhou Chun discovered that the shopkeeper was no longer the familiar Li Siyuan, but another unknown elderly man from the Li family.

Then after asking around, I found out that Li Siyuan had returned to the Li family to prepare for the foundation construction because of his merits in running the drug store.

This made him very sad.

At this moment, Zhou Chundu could almost imagine how his sixteenth uncle Zhou Jiasheng, who was also sent by his family to manage the shop in Fangshi, felt after hearing the news.

But he could only feel sorry for this elder in his heart, and there was nothing else he could do to help.

So after chatting with the new drug store owner for a while, he explained his purpose.

"Uncle Li, do you have any elixirs in your pharmacy that can improve my nephew's current level of cultivation? The several elixirs my nephew has taken in recent years are no longer very effective."

He knew that not all the monks of the Li family were proficient in alchemy, but those who could be the keeper of a medicine shop must be knowledgeable in the knowledge of elixirs.

Therefore, he also mentioned the names of several pills that he had taken to improve his mana and power, so that the other party would not judge the recommendation incorrectly.

After all, the two families have been friends for more than a thousand years. The other party will definitely not cheat us in this regard, and they will not dare to cheat us.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, the other party pondered for a while, then looked at him and said: "If Nephew Zhengchun said so, then the only Jinya Dan in our store should meet your needs."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he nodded without hesitation and said: "Since it was recommended by Uncle Li, let me give my nephew a bottle of Golden Bud Pill to try the effect."

After hearing his words, the other party hesitated and couldn't help but said: "Golden Bud Pill is relatively expensive. One pill costs sixty spirit coins, and a bottle of five pills costs three hundred spirit coins. Nephew Zhengchun, you want Why don’t you buy one or two to try first?”

Zhou Chun smiled at this time and said: "It doesn't matter, you get what you pay for. Even if this Golden Bud Pill is really not that useful to my nephew, he can still transfer it to other clan members for use. Uncle Li doesn't have to worry." .”

"Okay, since Nephew Zhengchun has said this, I won't be polite to you, Uncle Li."

Shopkeeper Li frowned and liked Zhou Chun's words very much. He immediately took a bottle of Golden Bud Pill and handed it to Zhou Chun.

At the same time, he told him: "The effect of Jinya Dan lasts for a long time, and its properties are mild. It has very little erysipelas. My nephew can take one pill every forty days. During this period, be sure not to mix it with other similar pills."

"My nephew understands, thank you Uncle Li."

Zhou Chun responded, said goodbye and left the drug store.

As soon as he walked out of the pharmacy door, he saw a man and a woman walking towards the pharmacy.

After the two sides met, Zhou Chun only glanced at the two of them and walked away without paying attention.

But the female cultivator froze on the spot, and then stared at Zhou Chun's leaving figure.

"What's wrong? Madam, do you know that person?"

The change in the female cultivator quickly caught the man's attention, and he couldn't help but look at her and ask in a low voice.

Hearing his words, the female cultivator's eyes suddenly flashed with hatred. She couldn't help but look at the man and asked, "Husband, do you still remember the promise you made to me as a concubine when we got married?"

When the man heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly startled, and then said with a surprised look on his face: "Could it be that that person just now was..."

"Yes, that's him! I recognized him even after he turned into ashes!"

The female cultivator said through gritted teeth, with deep-seated hatred in her tone.

"But didn't you say that he was only at the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage at that time? It's only been a few years, how come he is already at the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage!"

The man frowned, seemingly reluctant.

When the female cultivator heard what he said, she immediately became angry. She couldn't help glaring at the man and said, "Husband, what do you mean by this? Do you want to regret it?"

When the man heard this, his attitude immediately softened. He quickly took the female cultivator's arm and softly comforted her: "Madam, don't be angry yet. I just think it's for safety. We'd better inquire about the situation clearly before taking action. Don't act recklessly!"

But the female cultivator was not fooled by his words and directly shook off his palm and said: "How can you give us so much time to inquire? As you can see, it has only been less than ten years. He He is already at the eleventh level of Qi Refining Stage. If we don’t take action this time, who knows if he will have successfully built the foundation next time we see him?”

At this point, he even said harshly: "In short, whether you help or not, I will definitely take action!"

"Madam, you..."

The man looked at the female cultivator with a look of shock and anger, wondering why his wife, who had been so submissive to him in the past, suddenly became like this.

But seeing the female cultivator turn around and leave, he hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but chase after her.

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