Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 120 The green-faced ghost becomes ruthless [Please subscribe]

Soul Heart Fruit!

When Zhou Chun heard these three words, he was slightly stunned at first, and then suddenly moved, with a look of shock on his face.

No wonder he is like this, this thing is really rare and rare.

Taking this "Soul Heart Fruit" directly can increase the consciousness of the immortal cultivator, and the lower the cultivation level when taking it, the better the effect.

It is even said that some of the auxiliary monks who developed the spiritual elixir of Zifu needed this substance as a material.

Therefore, this kind of treasure will not be circulated in the market at ordinary times, and its value cannot be measured by normal prices.

After the shock, Zhou Chun looked at the old man in gray with piercing eyes and asked: "Is what you said true? Is there really a Soul Heart Fruit here?"

"Replace it if it's fake!"

The old man in gray clothes nodded with a smile on his face and responded with an affirmative look on his face.

From Zhou Chun's words, he already knew that Zhou Chun was already tempted.

Indeed, how many monks in the Qi Refining Stage would not be tempted after hearing the name of the "Soul Heart Fruit"?

If you can take a "soul heart fruit" during the Qi refining period, after the foundation is successfully established, your spiritual consciousness will be 20 to 30% stronger than that of an ordinary early-stage foundation-builder who has just successfully established the foundation.

How many Qi Refining Stage monks can remain indifferent to such benefits?

Sure enough, Zhou Chun quickly said with a firm face: "Okay, if there is really a Soul Heart Fruit, then cooperation to obtain the treasure is not a problem."

When the old man in gray clothes heard this, he suddenly showed a "cowardly" look and smiled softly: "That's right. Fellow Taoist has such cultivation at a young age. If you can take a soul before building the foundation, If you have the heart fruit, you will definitely have a bright future!"

"Your Excellency, let's talk about the Soul Heart Fruit. This treasure must be guarded by a strange beast, and it makes you willing to share this treasure with others. I'm afraid the guarded strange beast must be very strong!"

Zhou Chun waved his hand, but he was not in the mood to listen to the other party painting a cake for him, so he directly asked about the business.

Hearing what he said, the old man in gray could only cheer up and talk about the "soul heart fruit".

"If, as you said, the one who protects the soul heart fruit is actually a strange beast like the green-faced ghost ape, then it's no wonder that you are looking for help!"

After listening to what the old man in gray said, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded slightly, somewhat believing what he said.

Zhou Chun had naturally heard of strange beasts like the green-faced ghost ape.

Although this kind of strange beast is only a low-level monster, it is very powerful. Once it forms a group, it is even more powerful.

Their innate spell "Crying Soul" can shake the souls of monks, making it difficult for monks fighting them to concentrate their consciousness.

In particular, when multiple green-faced ghost apes perform "Soul Crying" together, a resonance superposition effect will be formed, which greatly enhances the power of this technique.

According to the old man in gray, when faced with the "soul cry" technique jointly performed by more than a dozen green-faced ghost apes, he could not even sacrifice the magic weapon, and his spiritual consciousness was completely suppressed and disrupted.

In this case, even Zhou Chun himself would not be able to defeat those green-faced ghost apes with just two spiritual pets at his own expense.

After all, the "soul cry" technique also has an effect on monsters, but the effect is not as immediate as it is on human monks.

After understanding the situation clearly, Zhou Chun, led by the old man in gray, rushed to a certain mountain forest, where he met another trialist who was attracted by the old man in gray, also a red-faced old man with gray hair.

After communicating with each other, the three of them each gave a pseudonym.

Zhou Chun still goes by the name Han Sanjue, and his origin has been changed to Jingguo Lingzhou.

The old man in gray clothes claimed that his surname was Fu and that he came from Chengguo.

The red-faced old man claimed that his surname was Jiang and that he came from Shen State.

In this way, the three of them are considered to be from three different countries.

After some discussion, the three of them went to the location of the "Soul Heart Fruit" under the leadership of the old man in gray.

I saw three people walking through the mountain forest for several miles before arriving at a valley at the foot of the mountain.

"It's shrouded in mist and dense with yin energy. It's such a natural place of mysterious yin!"

Outside the valley, Zhou Chun looked at the valley with gray mist floating in front of him, a look of surprise flashing in his eyes.

Such a natural Xuanyin place is very rare in the outside world.

If any monks who practice Yin attribute techniques find out, they will have to occupy it and turn it into a cave, no matter how high the price is.

At this time, hearing Zhou Chun's sigh, the old man in gray also said with emotion: "It's lucky that there are not many people living here. Otherwise, if there are souls here that transform into ghosts, they will be controlled by those green-faced ghost apes. , it will be even more difficult for us to seize the Soul Heart Fruit!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but think of another record about the green-faced ghost ape in the classics.

The green-faced ghost ape is the nemesis of ghosts and has the ability to devour souls and control ghosts. It is also called the "green-faced ghost envoy".

Then he couldn't help but nodded, fully agreeing with the words of the old man in gray.

If it were really in the outside world, and there were so many living people, these green-faced ghost apes might kill people and steal their souls, take the living souls back and turn them into ghosts.

Then either swallow the ghost to increase its strength, or drive the ghost to serve as a slave to fight against the enemy.

In that case, these green-faced ghost apes would be many times more difficult to deal with than they are now, and they would not even be able to deal with them at all by the monks in their Qi Refining Stage.

At this time, after the three people were ready outside the valley, they stepped into the valley together.

Because of the strong Yin Qi in the valley, Zhou Chun felt that the temperature had dropped a lot as soon as he entered the valley.

Moreover, there are very few plants in the valley, and normal plants cannot adapt to the environment here.

But it stands to reason that a lot of Yin-type elixirs that are rarely seen in the outside world should grow in such a place.

But Zhou Chun didn't see a single one now.

This made him look at the gray-clothed old man and the red-faced old man out of the corner of his eye, and he had reason to suspect that they had collected all the elixirs.

But this was someone else's opportunity, and he had nothing to say. He could only envy the two of them their opportunity.

Less than twenty breaths after entering the valley, a harsh and unpleasant cry sounded from the mist in front. It must be that the green-faced ghost ape inside discovered the intruder and came to meet the enemy.

I saw first a gust of dark wind, which made people shiver and make the hairs stand on end all over their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, a series of blue-gray arrows were overwhelming and shot at Zhou Chun, three people and one python.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun narrowed his eyes and immediately used the [Golden Scale Shield] to block in front of him. At the same time, he waved a small khaki flag in his hand, releasing a ball of khaki spiritual light to protect himself.

This small khaki flag is a defensive weapon he specially bought for this "Tianling Trial".

As for the Silver Lightning Thunder Python, Zhou Chun, the owner, didn't need to worry about it. He spit out thunder and lightning and turned it into a lightning net to cover the arrows attacking him, using offense instead of defense.

The old man in gray clothes and the old man with red face would naturally not be hurt by this small attack.

After the three people and the python easily blocked the attack, the green-faced ghost ape soon appeared in Zhou Chun's perception.

Covered in long hair, with a ghost-like face, and a sinister air about his body, this was the first impression he had on the green-faced ghost ape.

Just from the appearance, you can tell that this is a ferocious beast that is not easy to mess with.

"Fellow Taoists, please proceed as planned!"

The old man in gray shouted in a low voice, and immediately took action, activating a blue wind bag magic weapon, releasing a strong blue hurricane that swept towards the green-faced ghost apes.

At the same time, the red-faced old man also raised his hand, and suddenly a fiery red feather fan appeared in his hand.

He held the feather fan and fanned it violently, and a burst of red flames flew out from the fan, turning into a long and thick fire dragon and pounced on the apes.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun didn't want them to underestimate him.

He reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and a pale golden vase appeared in his hand.

He threw the treasure bottle in his hand in front of him. Under the influence of his magic power, the treasure bottle suddenly spun around and spewed out a rich golden aura.

Then he rubbed his hands and waved, and the golden aura turned into countless golden flying needles and shot towards the apes.

This golden vase magic weapon was also a fine product he bought from the market, which made up for his lack of group attack methods.

At the same time, the silver lightning python also spit out a silver-white thunder ball towards the apes.

Three people and one python took action one after another, wind, fire, thunder and lightning appeared in unison, the momentum was so spectacular.

The green-faced ghost apes were thrown into chaos when they were attacked by this attack. Several weaker ones were seriously injured on the spot, and the rest were also more or less injured.

This also made them frightened and angry, and they all roared angrily and performed the "soul cry" technique.

I saw those green-faced ghost apes suddenly dancing with their claws, and they all raised their heads to the sky and let out ape screams.

Immediately, a disturbing and unconscious soul-seeking voice lingered in the minds of Zhou Chun and the others, making the three of them unable to activate the magic weapon to release any attack.

But those green-faced ghost apes kept roaring while waving their sharp claws with ferocious eyes and pounced on the three of them.

At this moment, the silver lightning python next to Zhou Chun suddenly neighed, spit out a weak lightning bolt and fell on Zhou Chun.

After being struck by lightning suddenly, Zhou Chun shivered and became more conscious.

Then he hurriedly used his magic power to activate the golden vase, causing it to spurt out a large ball of golden aura again, splitting into three golden swords and slashing at the three green-faced ghost apes that were rushing toward him.

At this time, the silver lightning python also spit out snake-shaped slit lightning and blasted towards a first-level high-grade green-faced ghost ape, and actively swam in a snake shape to meet another green-faced ghost ape.

With this interruption from their master and servant, the enhanced version of the "soul-crying" technique formed by gathering the power of the apes was immediately broken.

The old man in gray clothes and the red-faced old man also quickly woke up and hurriedly activated their magical weapons and spells to resist the attack of the green-faced ghost ape that came in front of them.

The claws of the green-faced ghost ape are highly poisonous, and the toxins can damage people's souls, making it difficult to cure them with medicine.

So no one dares to let it scratch themselves.

Both of them had extraordinary methods. Several green-faced ghost apes attacked at the same time, but they failed to break their protection.

The two men's subsequent counterattack injured several green-faced ghost apes at once.

At this time, a green-faced ghost ape suddenly let out a roar. After hearing the sound, all the green-faced ghost apes immediately roared and retreated into the mist, seemingly preparing to escape.

"Hurry up and chase, don't let them destroy the Soul Heart Fruit!"

The old man in gray shouted loudly, warning the other two to pursue them quickly.

Thinking of the importance of the "Soul Heart Fruit", Zhou Chun and the red-faced old man did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly chased after the green-faced ghost apes to attack.

After chasing for hundreds of feet, four green-faced ghost apes had no time to escape and died directly under the attack of three people and one python.

The remaining green-faced ghost apes were also killed and fled in all directions, not daring to get together again.

When Zhou Chun and others chased them to the deepest part of the valley, they saw the green-faced ghost ape that first roared, guarding an old ape with two young apes emerging from a cave and heading up the mountain behind. Climbed up.

Originally, all three of them had the chance to keep the two big, two small and four green-faced ghost apes at this time.

However, the three of them didn't even look at the four green-faced ghost apes at this moment. Their eyes were all focused on a fruit tree not far away from the cave, and they couldn't move even an inch away.

It was a blue-gray fruit tree with sparse branches and leaves. It looked like a persimmon tree. It was not very tall, only less than two feet tall.

At this moment, in addition to dozens of blue-gray leaves that can be counted, there are also five fist-sized exotic fruits hanging on the tree.

Three of the exotic fruits were bluish-purple in color, with faint silver spirit patterns on their skins, and seemed to be ripe.

The other two exotic fruits are still green-red, with no silver spirit lines visible on the peel, and there is still a lot of heat left.

"This is interesting!"

"Immature Soul Heart Fruit is not only useless, but will also be poisonous if consumed."

"Could it be that this is all due to God's will?"

Zhou Chun looked at the five strange fruits on the treetop, his eyes flashed slightly, but he was the first person to come back to his senses.

Listening to his meaningful words, the old man in gray clothes and the old man with red face couldn't help but look at each other. Then the old man in gray clothes nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, what Fellow Daoist Han said is absolutely true. This is exactly what he said." It is God’s will that the three of us should have this opportunity!”

The red-faced old man also shouted: "Three of them have one pill each, so it just so happens that there are too many of them!"

Hearing what the two said, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed and he immediately smiled and said: "Then the three of us will get the fruit together. What do you think?"

"That's how it should be!"

"I have no objection."

The old man in gray clothes and the old man with red face both responded readily.

Then the three of them each selected a strange fruit from the tree, used magic weapons to cut it off along with a branch from the air, and used the art of taking objects to absorb the fallen strange fruit into their hands.

After getting the things, the three of them looked at each other, and then in tacit understanding, they first distanced themselves from each other, packed the spiritual fruits in jade boxes and put them into storage bags.

After placing the things in this way, Zhou Chun narrowed his eyes, looked at the two old men and said: "Two fellow Taoists, now that the spiritual fruit has been obtained, Han has taken the lead. How about we meet again if we are destined?"

Hearing what he said, the old man in gray immediately frowned and said, "Why should Fellow Daoist Han leave in such a hurry? In Fu's opinion, since the three of us have the experience of cooperating to obtain the Soul Heart Fruit, we might as well continue to cooperate and hunt for it." The other solitary monks should share their belongings equally!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the red-faced old man said with approval: "Yes, yes, what Fellow Daoist Fu said makes sense. If you and I, Fellow Daoist Han, cooperate, no one in this high tower will be our opponent. By then, the three of us may have the opportunity to collect the seven Heavenly Spirit Orders and enter the high tower to retrieve the treasure!"

After saying that, he continued in a sincere tone: "I advise fellow Taoist Han to think about it carefully. You need to know that if you don't form a team with me, you may encounter other monks who form a team. Even if fellow Taoist Han is extraordinary, you will only I’m afraid even two fists can’t beat four hands!”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chun directly waved his hand and said: "Don't think about it, Han understands the good intentions of the two Taoists, but Han has never been in the habit of forming a team with others, so we should go our separate ways. Bar!"

Such an unhesitating rejection immediately made the old man in gray and the old man with red face turn cold.

"Fellow Daoist Han, do you really want to stop thinking about it?"

The old man in gray stared at Zhou Chun, his tone slightly cold.

"What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Fu? Could it be that Han doesn't want to and you still want to force him to stay?"

Zhou Chun's face darkened and his voice became colder.

"That's right, we are going to force you to stay. How will you treat me?"

The red-faced old man suddenly shouted loudly, and his eyes were filled with malice.

The second update is here!

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