Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 121 Five tokens, even rare treasures [Please subscribe]

In the valley, the red-faced old man spoke some malicious words.

The three people who had originally cooperated to obtain the treasure were instantly at each other's swords.

The old man in gray clothes and the red-faced old man were not good friends, and they didn't just know each other for a long time. Zhou Chun had already seen this.

If the Soul Heart Fruit was not really important to him, it would be impossible for him to cooperate with these two people.

So after he got the Soul Heart Fruit, he no longer had the intention to scheming with the two of them and be wary of each other.

But although he means no harm, people do have harmful intentions towards him.

The old man in gray clothes and the red-faced old man obviously didn't want him to leave with the Soul Heart Fruit, and they were even more interested in his net worth.

Seeing that he refused to be fooled, the two of them immediately exposed their faces and stopped pretending.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that as soon as they started to move, Zhou Chun gave them a big "surprise".

At that time, as soon as the fight with the two started, Zhou Chun reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist to release the rock turtle.

This additional first-level high-grade monster suddenly made the gray-clothed old man and the red-faced old man look very ugly.

The two of them joined forces and were confident that Zhou Chun could take it down even with the help of the Silver Lightning Python.

But now that there is an extra rock turtle, the situation is very unfavorable to them.

"Good boy, it's me and my husband who underestimated you this time. I didn't expect you to still have such a trump card!"

The old man in gray looked at Zhou Chun with a face full of shock and anger and shouted, feeling very shocked inside.

He had no idea that Zhou Chun, who looked so young, could have such abilities.

Zhou Chun, on the other hand, looked at the two old men with a cold face and said in an indifferent tone: "Han had no intention of embarrassing you. You brought it all upon yourself!"

Then he stopped talking nonsense and started a fierce fight between the two spiritual pets.

After a fierce fight, the three of them quickly discovered that when the other party dealt with the green-faced ghost ape before, they did not use all their strength and had hidden tricks.

It’s just that Zhou Chuncheng is the one who hides it the most!

At this time, he not only released the rock turtle, but also sacrificed the double flying fork magic weapon.

This magic weapon that can release cold air to freeze enemies is indeed an excellent Yin magic weapon.

When Zhou Chunyu made him fight with the old man in gray, he quickly used the cold air to temporarily freeze a black iron ruler magic weapon offered by the opponent.

Then he used the double flying forks and the [Moon Blade Meteor Wheel] to hit the old man in gray at the same time, quickly destroying his protective magic weapon and shield.

"in vain!"

Before the old man in gray clothes whose shield was broken could use other methods, Zhou Chun shouted loudly, and Bai Bai, the silver lightning python that was connected to his mind, immediately reacted first.

There was a flash of lightning, and a silver-white lightning fell down, hitting the old man in gray on the head.

In an instant, like a tree trunk exploded by lightning, the head of the old man in gray exploded and shattered on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the red-faced old man looked horrified. He hurriedly took out his flying magic weapon and took off into the sky, trying to escape from the air.

But as soon as he flew less than a hundred feet, three silver-white thunderbolts suddenly fell from the sky one after another, knocking him directly to the ground and turning him into a meat pie on the spot.

"Not bad, not bad. Although the preparation time is a bit long, the power of this lightning strike is indeed no worse than ordinary second-level spells!"

Looking at the corpse on the ground that was all broken into pieces, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded, amazed by the power of the Silver Lightning Python's innate magic.

The "Lightning Strike" spell is a spell awakened when the Silver Lightning Python breaks through to a first-level high-grade monster.

Generally, the spells mastered by monsters can be cast instantly.

But because the "lightning strike" spell is too powerful, the current silver lightning python must gain momentum first.

Moreover, when this technique is performed, a dark cloud of thunder and lightning will be formed in the sky, which is very easy for people to detect in advance and take precautions.

Therefore, Zhou Chun had not let the Silver Lightning Python use this kind of spell against the enemy before.

But now the valley is filled with mist, blocking sight and perception, creating excellent conditions for the Silver Lightning Python to take action.

Therefore, when he started to do it, Zhou Chun asked him to prepare this spell.

If the red-faced old man hadn't tried to escape in the air just now, he might have been able to withstand one or two lightning strikes, and even if he died, he wouldn't be as miserable as he is now.

But he just wanted to take off and escape, flying directly under the thunderclouds!

At this time, Zhou Chun looked at the two corpses on the ground and couldn't help shaking his head slightly: "I have already given you the opportunity. It's just that you are too greedy and don't know how to seize the opportunity!"

Then he stepped forward to collect the relics from the two of them.

What surprised Zhou Chun was that the two of them actually had three "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" on their bodies, as well as several extra magical weapons.

This shows that they also killed a trialist before and seized the other person's belongings.

This brought the number of "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" on Zhou Chun's body to five.

Based on this calculation, if he is lucky, he will be able to collect seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" by killing one more person.

"Sure enough, no one can be rich without a windfall!"

After counting the harvest, Zhou Chun couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

After obtaining the relics of the old man in gray and the red-faced old man, including the three "Soul Heart Fruits", even if the value of the "Heavenly Spirit Orders" is not included, the harvest he gained from this "Heavenly Spirit Trial" may not be as good as It is already close to tens of thousands of spirit coins!

He had never thought of such a huge harvest in just a few days.

With such a harvest, some late-stage foundation-building monks would be jealous if they saw it.

After all, even if they want to earn tens of thousands of spiritual coins, they will have to work hard for six or seven years if they are lucky, and they cannot have any big expenses during this period.

But gains and risks are relative.

Now that Zhou Chun is the winner, it doesn't matter how much he sighs.

But if he becomes a loser, others will judge him next to his corpse.

Therefore, not only was he not dazzled by this huge harvest, but he was more alert and alert than ever.

The red-faced old man said something right before.

Zhou Chun didn't want to risk teaming up with others, but it didn't mean that other trialists wouldn't team up to hunt others.

Although Zhou Chun's strength is extraordinary, if he encounters a team of more than three trialists, it's still unclear who will win!

"It seems like we have to change our strategy next."

"It's best to find a way to collect the seven Heavenly Spirit Orders first, then wander outside and wait until there is only the last day of the trial, and then go to the seven-story tower to select treasures!"

Zhou Chun touched his chin and soon had a new idea.

Then he looked at the two remaining immature "Soul Heart Fruits", shook his head slightly, and left the valley without destroying them.

Heaven and Earth Spirit Fruits like the "Soul Heart Fruit" have strict requirements for the growth environment and will only grow in such mysterious and yin places with rich yin energy.

And if it wants to bloom and bear fruit, it must be supported by strange beasts such as the green-faced ghost ape.

So don't say that Zhou Chun has no way to take the fruit trees out now. Even if he can take them out, there is no place to plant them.

It's better to note this place down and see if the younger members of the family can come back to seize the spirit fruit later.

After leaving the valley, Zhou Chun continued to wander in the mountains cautiously.

Half a day later, Zhou Chun suddenly heard the sound of fierce fighting.

When he quietly arrived nearby, he saw only a burnt mess.

In the next two days, although Zhou Chun never met any trialists again, he heard the sounds of monks fighting many times.

Obviously, as time went by, the monks who gradually approached the seven-story tower became easier to see each other.

Under the special rules here, monks who meet each other will undoubtedly easily start a life-and-death fight.

On this day, Zhou Chun discovered a very rare male musk deer in the mountain forest.

In order to chase the frightened fragrant musk deer, he even risked his weapon and flew a long distance!

No wonder he took such a risk, it was because the scent of the fragrant musk deer was too rare.

This kind of monster is very difficult to find in the outside world. Once it is discovered, it is often hunted for incense.

The spiritual fragrance on the fragrant musk deer can be said to be a spiritual thing that is hard to find.

This thing has many effects, but for immortal cultivators, the most effective effect is to remove turbid and evil spirits.

That's right, it's to get rid of the turbid and evil energy that is accidentally contaminated in the body of the immortal cultivator!

This function alone doubled the value of the spiritual fragrance on the Xiangling Musk Musk, making it even rarer and rarer than the Foundation Establishment Pill.

You must know that when your cultivation level is low, you don't think it will have much impact if you are contaminated with something like turbid and evil energy.

But when you reach the Zifu stage or above, especially those monks who are preparing to open up the Zifu, it becomes a very uncomfortable and disgusting thing.

A vivid metaphor is that a person with a blocked nose is locked out of the toilet. Because the nose is blocked and the eyes are blind, even if he knows that the urine and feces in the toilet smell particularly smelly, he may not feel too uncomfortable.

But a person whose sense of smell is much more sensitive than normal people is locked there. Even if the smell of feces and urine can't kill him, if things go on like this, there is no telling what problems will happen to the human spirit.

In addition, for those monks who are preparing to open up the Zi Mansion, if there is a turbid and evil spirit in their bodies, it may cause them to fail to break through at a critical moment, or even go crazy.

Based on this point, any monk who is determined to open up the Purple Mansion will be determined to obtain the spiritual fragrance produced by the fragrant musk deer if the turbid evil spirit has not been eliminated from his body.

So now Zhou Chun is determined to win the fragrant musk deer.

He himself has a purification stone jar, but he has no use for the spiritual incense produced by the fragrant musk deer.

But the problem was that he didn't dare to expose the spiritual water produced by the purifying stone jar to the second person, and he couldn't exchange it for anything.

But the spiritual incense produced by the fragrant musk deer is different. Not only can it be sold openly, but it is also very expensive. One tael can be worth thousands of spiritual coins, or even more!

So he has captured this fragrant musk deer today, and no one can use it!

Those with two legs cannot outrun those with four legs, and those with four legs cannot outrun those with wings.

After Zhou Chun used the flying magic weapon "Silver Rainbow Ruler", no matter how fast Xiangling Musk was, he couldn't escape from his grasp.


In the sky, Zhou Chun waved and threw the [Gold Locking Ring] in his hand, and it hit the head of the running Xiangling Musk Musk.

This thing is about the same size as a sika deer and has no horns on its head, making it very easy to trap.

Then, with Zhou Chun's magic power, the fragrant musk deer was quickly strangled by Destiny's neck and collapsed to the ground. Only its four legs were still kicking the ground unyieldingly.

"Bai Bai, come and quiet it down."

In the mountain forest, after Zhou Chun landed, he reached out and patted the spirit beast bag, releasing the silver lightning python in vain.

After hearing his order, the silver lightning python immediately spit out a silver-white thunderbolt and landed on the Xiangling Musk Musk.

He was electrocuted on the spot until his whole body convulsed and he vomited urine and feces, and he soon passed out.

Bai Bai also became very proficient in this violent electric shock coma method after using it on those eight-pointed water-repellent deer.

After electrocuting the Xiangling Musk Musk like this, Zhou Chun asked Bai Bai to be on guard while he stepped forward and picked up the scent from the scent gland sac under the Xiangling Musk Musk's abdomen.

The scent gland sac is located under the skin in front of the "bell" of the fragrant musk deer. Before it is opened, the slightest bit of fragrance is not revealed.

But as Zhou Chun used his nails to open the sticky mouth of the bag, a breathtaking fragrance filled the air.

The person who smelled the strange fragrance felt enlightened, but the silver lightning python not far away smelled it in vain, but it was like a person smelling the stench of excrement, and he immediately twisted his body away in great discomfort.

Not only that, but all the snakes and insects in the area of ​​100 feet around the Xiangling Musk deer avoided it and fled very quickly.

It turns out that the fragrant musk deer likes to eat snakes and insects. Its fragrant scent is also brewed from the essence of snakes and insects. It is a natural snake repellent.

Anyone who smells this fragrance will avoid monsters, snakes and insects.

"It is indeed a natural spiritual fragrance, and the vision is extraordinary!"

With an admiration in his mouth, Zhou Chun hurriedly put three fingers into the sachet and pulled out all the incense accumulated in it for many years.

The resulting spiritual incense weighed half a catty!

Hiss! !

Just when Zhou Chun was extremely happy to put the obtained spiritual fragrance into the jade bottle and put it away, and was about to close the scent gland sac of the fragrant musk deer to prevent the fragrance from continuing to spread, the silver lightning python Baibai suddenly let out a rapid warning sound. .

This caused his expression to change drastically, and he hurriedly stood up and took out his magic weapon to prepare to face the enemy, while letting the silver lightning python come back first.

Then after thinking for a moment, he used the spirit beast bag he had previously obtained from the old man in gray to collect the unconscious Xiangling Musk Deer.

Just as he was doing this, a hunchbacked old man in black clothes with an ugly face suddenly walked out of the forest on crutches.

After the hunchbacked old man came out of the forest, he first glanced at the hesitating silver lightning python Baibai beside Zhou Chun, then looked at Zhou Chun with fiery eyes and said: "Young man, please hand over the Xiangling Musk now." With the spiritual incense you just obtained, I can let you go!"

It turned out that before Zhou Chun put away the Xiangling Musk deer, he had seen the Xiangling Musk deer through his spiritual consciousness.

Coupled with the lingering scent, it was enough for him to deduce what kind of monster the musk monster was.

But his tone made Zhou Chun very uncomfortable.

Dang even replied coldly: "Your Excellency, you have such a strong tone!"

After saying that, he sneered and said, "What if Han doesn't hand over his things today?"

"Then I will have to send you back to the west!"

The hunchbacked old man shouted, then waved the brass crutch in his hand and hit Zhou Chun.

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