Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 125 The love of elders, the meaning of righteousness and courage [Please subscribe]

Flying stone peak.

When Zhou Daoquan learned that Zhou Chun had come to visit him, he thought he had something to help him.

But what he didn't expect was that after Zhou Chungang saluted him, he took out the "Soul Heart Fruit" contained in a jade box and handed it to him.

Then he looked at him with a sincere face and said: "This junior has always been blessed by the elders' love, but he suffers from lack of money and has nowhere to repay."

"It just so happens that this God-given opportunity allowed me to get a few Soul Heart Fruits in the Tianling Trial Ground."

"I will repay the elder with this gift today. Please don't refuse!"

Soul Heart Fruit?

After hearing Zhou Chun's words, Zhou Daoquan's eyes narrowed and he hurriedly took the jade box to check.

When he saw the purple-red exotic fruit placed inside, he couldn't help but close the lid, looked at Zhou Chun with surprise and said, "It's really the soul fruit. How did you get this?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun told the story of how to obtain the Soul Heart Fruit.

"What a pity! What a pity you didn't catch two green-faced ghost apes!"

"For this extremely rare monster, I have always only heard its name, but never seen its form!"

After listening to what Zhou Chun said, Zhou Daoquan couldn't help but shook his head and said it was a pity.

In addition to practicing cultivation throughout his life, he loved to collect and study all kinds of strange beasts. Naturally, he had an extraordinary interest in researching special beasts like the Green-faced Ghost Ape.

However, facing his sigh, Zhou Chun could only smile bitterly.

At that time, in that kind of trial place, he could fight with other monks at any time. How could he bring a monster like the green-faced ghost ape with him, which could pose a great threat to him.

What's more, this kind of strange beast can only live and grow in places with strong Yin energy. Even if it comes to the Zhou family, there is no place for it to live and survive.

Fortunately, Zhou Daoquan was just sighing out of habit, and it was impossible to really blame him.

At this time, after feeling a little emotional, he looked at Zhou Chun with a look of relief and nodded repeatedly: "It's rare that you still remember my kindness to you. In this case, I will accept this soul heart fruit with a smile."

After saying these words, he was also very emotional.

When he first chose to hand over the Silver Lightning Python's egg to Zhou Chun, he just didn't want to be known as a junior who was greedy for treasures, and he didn't want to break the family's rules.

Zhou Chun didn't take it to heart at all when he said he would be rewarded generously.

Unexpectedly, just over ten years later, Zhou Chun really repaid him.

This kind of growth rate is really shocking.

It’s also gratifying.

At this time, after smiling and accepting the "Soul Heart Fruit" that Zhou Chun sent to his door, Zhou Daoquan also twitched his eyebrows. He looked at Zhou Chun and said, "I never like to take advantage of others. Since I accepted your Soul Heart Fruit today, If you encounter anything in the future and need my help, you can come here to see me. As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help you!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun quickly waved his hand and said, "Elder, you don't have to be like this. This is just a junior's wish."

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Daoquan heard what he said, he immediately shook his head and said: "What is in your heart is what you want, and what is in favor is what is in favor. If you are unwilling to agree, then I will not dare to accept this Soul Heart Fruit!"

With that said, he took out the jade box again.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun not only admired the elder's integrity, but also felt helpless for his stubborn character.

In the end, I could only nod with a wry smile and said: "Junior, please remember what the elder said. If you really need help from the elder, I will not be polite to the elder."

"That's pretty much it."

Zhou Daoquan nodded with satisfaction before putting away the jade box again.

After chatting with Third Elder Zhou Daoquan about some experiences in the "Tianling Trial" on Feishi Peak, Zhou Chuncai returned to his residence on Pagoda Peak to rest.

In the next more than a month, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to take the "Soul Heart Fruit" because his internal injuries had not fully recovered.

On the contrary, both Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Daoquan took the "Soul Heart Fruit" during this period, and each of them increased the strength of their spiritual consciousness by more than 10%.

After Zhou Daoquan got this opportunity, he realized something and felt the opportunity to break through to the late stage of foundation building. He had already begun to practice hard in seclusion to prepare for a breakthrough.

After Zhou Daoyi took the "Soul Heart Fruit", he also started running for Zhou Chun to obtain the Foundation Building Pill.

According to him, the most important thing for the Zhou family now is to make Zhou Chun's foundation building successful.

Other things are not as important as this.

This kind of treatment makes some knowledgeable elders envious of it.

But there is nothing but envy.

As elders, they all know how much Zhou Chun has contributed to the family.

A descendant of the family who has made great contributions to the family and is an outstanding person is completely worthy of the family's treatment.

After recuperating like this for more than a month, Zhou Chun asked for a leave of absence from the clan leader Zhou Daoyi, and concentrated on refining the "Soul Heart Fruit" in seclusion at his residence.

In terms of taste, the "soul heart fruit" tastes very bad, just like a rotten persimmon. One bite will make you want to vomit.

But good medicine tastes bitter.

In terms of effects, the "Soul Heart Fruit" is worthy of its great reputation.

It took Zhou Chun almost seven days to digest all the medicinal power of the "Soul Heart Fruit", and his consciousness increased by more than 30%.

Originally, the distance of his spiritual consciousness was less than one hundred feet, but now it has reached one hundred and twenty-eight feet!

With such a powerful spiritual consciousness, no one in the entire Zhou family's Qi Refining Period monks can compare with him in terms of spiritual consciousness.

With such a powerful spiritual consciousness as his, after the foundation building is successful, the spiritual consciousness will definitely be much stronger than that of ordinary monks like Zhou Jiarui who are in the early stage of foundation building.

It can be said to be one step ahead and one step ahead!

And just two months after Zhou Chun returned to his family after participating in the "Tianling Trial", the Hualong Sect, which had suffered a huge blow before, made a comeback again and caused great commotion.

This time, Hualong Cult directly targeted a certain Zifu family in Yunzhou, and dispatched three guardians and twenty or thirty evangelists to wipe out the entire family with the force of thunder!

Subsequently, many cultivating families and casual cultivating camps that had previously hunted and killed members of the Hualong Sect were also retaliated by people led by the Hualong Sect's missionaries.

In just half a month, as many as a dozen foundation-building monks died in Yunzhou due to the Dragon Transformation Sect's revenge.

As soon as this incident came out, Qinglian Temple was furious and immediately sent five Zifu monks and more than 70 foundation-building monks to Yunzhou to take charge.

But facing such a powerful lineup sent by Qinglian Temple, Hualong Sect did not flinch at all this time. They directly harassed people from all over the place, forcing the people of Qinglian Temple to divide their troops to rescue various places, and then looked for opportunities to take over. The enemy is hard to beat.

For a time, the land of Yunzhou was full of war smoke. Many local casual cultivators in Yunzhou could not bear the suffering and fled into nearby Lanzhou, Lingzhou and other places.

But ordinary casual cultivators can run away, but those cultivating families with families and businesses cannot run away.

Qinglian Temple will not let these immortal cultivating families run away.

So the transfer order to mobilize the monks from Lingzhou, Lanzhou, and Lianzhou to go to Yunzhou for support was soon sent to the Zhou family and other families.

"According to the instructions in this order, one out of every five Foundation-Building monks will be drawn. If there are less than five people, they will be dealt with as five people, and if there are more than seven people, they will be dealt with as ten people. My Zhou family currently has exactly five Foundation-Building monks, so we only need to send one person. .”

"But for the monks in the Qi Refining Stage, they have to draw one out of ten, which means that there will be fourteen monks sent by the family to Yunzhou this time!"

"Elders, who do you think should be sent out of these fourteen tribesmen?"

In the Zhongping Hall, after Zhou Daoyi received the transfer order from Qinglian Temple, he called all the elders except Zhou Daoquan here to hold a meeting to discuss the transfer order.

This kind of war order from the higher-level sect forces is completely different from the previous war between the Zhou family and other five major immortal cultivating families in the "Qiyun Alliance".

At that time, the battle was for the interests of the family. The most elite forces of the whole family must be gathered to participate in the war and victory must be won.

But for this kind of war transfer order, if there are no other plans, you can send some old, weak, sick and disabled people to join the army.

That way it won't matter if you win, and if you lose, you can minimize the family's losses.

But once this is done, for a family that cultivates immortality like the Zhou family, it will undoubtedly make many clan members feel chilled.

After all, these tribesmen chose to stay in the family and serve the family in order to have someone to rely on after joining together.

Even if you become disabled and old one day, with your family as your support, you can live a better life than ordinary casual cultivators.

Now if the family encounters trouble, they will use the old, weak, sick and disabled as guns, then who would dare to trust the family? Who dares to rely on the family?

These truths are all clear to all the senior Zhou family members present here.

So after Zhou Daoyi finished speaking, all the elders began to think deeply, and no one spoke up for a short period of time.

Zhou Chun was also thinking about this issue, but he couldn't think of a good way to get the best of both worlds.

This kind of thing is a matter of choice for anyone in power, and there is no way to have both.

"I think we should use the method of drawing lots. Let all members of the clan over twenty years old draw lots, including Taoist monks from each family. Whoever is drawn will be the one."

After pondering for a long time, it was the second elder Zhou Chongshan who took the lead and expressed his opinion.

The method he mentioned is a feasible method, and it seems fair.

But how can such a family matter be handled in such a way that seems fair, but in fact may cause great losses to the family!

That is to say, Zhou Chongshan had no children and was usually obsessed with formations, so he came up with this seemingly fair method.

Therefore, after he finished speaking, the other elders remained silent.

This made him quickly come to his senses, and then he couldn't help but shook his head and became silent.

"Let me suggest a way. You guys can see if it suits you."

In the end, Zhou Daoyi, the clan leader, spoke up and expressed his own plan: "Among the fourteen quotas, half will be selected from the monks in the clan who are over fifty years old and in the late stage of Qi refining and below, and let them draw lots to decide. Who goes."

"For the remaining half of the places, one will be selected from the core clan, two will be selected from the elite clan, and four will be selected from the ordinary clan. They will also be determined by drawing lots!"

His method is actually more focused on collecting heads to reduce the family's losses.

But it is completely different from letting the old, weak, sick and disabled collect the heads.

At least it partially takes care of the emotions of the old and weak monks, so that they will not feel that the family does not care about their life and death, and will simply abandon them all when encountering problems.

The elite and core members of those families will also be more loyal to the family because of the different treatment they receive from ordinary members of the family, and cherish their current status even more.

Although it is cruel to say this, for a force, the most important thing is the few elite members and core members, not the vast number of ordinary members.

This is even more obvious in the world of immortality where personal strength is respected.

So after thinking about Zhou Daoyi's method for a while, the fourth elder Zhou Jiarui quickly said: "The patriarch's method is good, I agree."

"I agree too."

Zhou Jiahe, the fifth elder who had been granted the status of elder, also nodded in agreement with Zhou Daoyi's method.

In this way, the second elder Zhou Chongshan could only wave his hands and said: "Then do as the patriarch said, I have no objection."

So after deciding on this method, Zhou Daoyi asked Zhou Chun to start counting the number of people who met various lottery conditions, and then made wooden sticks and lottery tubes for all those who met the conditions to start drawing lots.

According to the plan, first the half of the old and weak people will be drawn first, then the ordinary tribesmen, the elite tribesmen, and finally all the core tribesmen will be gathered together to draw the last lot.

However, what no one expected was that after all the core tribe members drew lots, no one got the red lot.

At this time, there was only the last lot left in the lottery tube.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but look at the wooden stick and Zhou Chun holding the stick, with strange eyes.

"It seems that this junior is a bit unlucky!"

A wry smile flashed across Zhou Chun's face, and he couldn't help but reach out and take out the wooden stick from the stick.

Sure enough, it was the only red sign!

Regarding this result, Zhou Daoyi was also a little speechless.

He specially arranged for Zhou Chun to hold the lottery tube and let other tribesmen draw first, just because he was worried that Zhou Chun would draw the red lottery first.

Unexpectedly, even in this case, the red lottery fell into Zhou Chun's hands.

This made him really don't know what to say.

At this time, so many clan members were watching, and they were all core clan members. Even if he really didn't want Zhou Chun to participate in such a dangerous mission, he couldn't go back on his words in public.

But just when he was in a dilemma, he still didn't announce the result.

Zhou Zhengyong suddenly gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly and said loudly: "The thirteenth brother is the hope of the younger generation of the family and the most promising person to build the family's next foundation. How can he be allowed to participate in such a dangerous thing! "

After saying that, he bowed deeply to Zhou Daoyi and said: "Clan leader Mingjian, this junior is also a core member of the family, and he volunteered to go to Yunzhou in place of his thirteenth brother. Please allow me to go to Yunzhou!"

"Brother Yong, you..."

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he looked at Zhou Zhengyong and wanted to say something.

But he didn't expect Zhou Daoyi to interrupt him in a deep voice at this time.

"Since Zhengyong you have this intention, then I will fulfill your wish!"

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