Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 126 Zhengyong’s persistence, acting clan leader [Please subscribe]

Zhou Daoyi was worried about how to find an honest reason for Zhou Chun to stay in the family and practice peacefully while waiting for the foundation to be established.

At this time, Zhou Zhengyong suddenly stood up and said that he was willing to go to Yunzhou in place of Zhou Chun. How could he not be happy?

At the same time, he also knew that with Zhou Chun's character, he would definitely say rejection at the beginning, and he would definitely have to reject it.

That's why before Zhou Chun refused, he quickly interrupted him and settled the matter.

Although Zhou Zhengyong is also an outstanding person among the younger generation of the Zhou family, compared with Zhou Chun, he is undoubtedly far behind.

As the clan leader, Zhou Daoyi felt that his decision was worthy of his status and responsibilities.

Seeing that he, as the clan leader, had already decided on the matter on the spot.

Zhou Chun, who was interrupted by him, opened his mouth, but in the end he said no more objections.

It's not impossible to question the clan leader's decision in person, but you must be an elder-level clan member.

Otherwise, anyone can question the clan leader’s decision, so where is the clan leader’s authority?

And even a blind person can see that both Zhou Zhengyong and clan leader Zhou Daoyi are doing all this to help Zhou Chun.

If he directly stood up to oppose him at this time, he would certainly lose his reputation, but it would inevitably hurt the face and feelings of the patriarch Zhou Daoyi.

So this matter can only be settled like this!

After everyone dispersed, Zhou Chun found Zhou Zhengyong alone.

"Brother Yong, you are confused!"

"Your kind brother knows, but you also have to think about yourself, your sister-in-law, and your nephew!"

"How can you decide such a big matter on your own without discussing it with your sister-in-law?"

"If something happens to you, how will I face my sister-in-law and nephew in the future!"

In the room where they were alone, Zhou Chun looked excitedly as Zhou Zhengyong spoke repeatedly.

He knew Zhou Zhengyong's kindness, but he really didn't want to accept this kind of kindness!

In Zhou Chun's eyes, with his cultivation strength, even if he went to Yunzhou, it would not be a problem to consciously save his life, so there was no need for anyone to go on his behalf.

On the contrary, if Zhou Zhengyong went on his behalf, he would be injured, disabled, or even dead.

Then he will really feel guilty for the rest of his life and owe a huge favor!

This made him unexcited.

However, facing Zhou Chun's excited speech, Zhou Zhengyong said with a serious face: "Thirteenth brother, you are wrong. As a brother, I am not confused!"

"As a brother, I have always received a lot of help from you, my thirteenth brother. Without your help and matchmaking, I would not have married such a lovely wife as Yujiao, and I would not have Lan'er!"

"Yujiao also often tells Brother Wei, Thirteenth Brother, your cultivation has improved too quickly. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us and my husband to repay the favor we owe you!"

"It's good now. God-given opportunity gives Brother Wei a chance to do something for you and repay your favor to Thirteenth Brother. Even if Yujiao knows about this, she will only agree!"

Having said this, he also looked at Zhou Chun with emotion and said: "I know what you are worried about, Thirteenth Brother, but please also Thirteenth Brother, please think about it for me. You are not the only one who doesn't want to bear the debt of gratitude, for Brother He is not the kind of person who can always feel at ease when receiving kindness from others without thinking about repaying it!"

"Brother Yong, you..."

Zhou Chun was speechless when he heard this, not knowing what to say.

Yes, Zhou Zhengyong is not stupid, and he also knows what he is worried about.

But as a monk with moral conscience, Zhou Zhengyong also has his own persistence and ideas.

How could he force others to violate their moral conscience because of his own worries!

Seeing that he was silent at this time, Zhou Zhengyong also knew that his words had an effect. He immediately waved his hand and said: "Thirteenth brother, you don't need to say more. The family has already decided on this matter and cannot change it."

"Besides, I'm just going to fight on your behalf, not that I'm going to a life-or-death situation where I'm close to death. Why should we be so pessimistic?"

"Taking a step back, even if something happens to my brother this time, it will be a fate that is destined to happen. I don't blame anyone!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun could only smile bitterly.

Don't blame anyone, this is as easy as what he, the person involved, can say.

If something really happened to him, not to mention what Sun Yujiao's mother and son would think, the rest of the Zhou family would also have to watch Zhou Chun's future behavior.

But now that the matter has come to this, there really is no point in saying anything else.

Everyone has their own persistence and what they care about and insist on.

At the moment, he could only nod helplessly and said: "Well, since you know it all, Brother Yong, I won't say anything more. It's just that Brother Yong, you must accept these things, otherwise I will definitely not agree! "

As he said that, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out two first-level high-quality magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense, as well as a dozen first-level high-quality magic talismans.

Since there was no way to stop Zhou Zhengyong from going to war on his behalf, Zhou Chun could only try his best to arm him and enhance his strength.

If it weren't for the fact that his rock turtle hadn't evolved to the level of the Vulcan Jackal that could understand human speech, Zhou Chun would have asked Zhou Zhengyong to bring the rock turtle with him.

Faced with the things Zhou Chun brought out, Zhou Zhengyong declined them for a while and found that he couldn't refuse them, so he accepted them.

After two more days passed like this, the fourteen monks of the Zhou family who were determined to go to Yunzhou left Jiufeng Ridge together with the clan leader Zhou Daoyi and headed towards Yunzhou.

Before leaving, after bidding farewell to his wife and children who came to see him off, Zhou Zhengyong also whispered to Zhou Chun: "Thirteenth brother, Brother Wei is gone. If something really happens to Brother Wei, Lan'er will Please help me take care of him more, and help Yujiao raise him up!"

When Zhou Chun heard what he said, his heart suddenly sank and he thought of something bad.

So he quickly said seriously: "Brother Yong, don't think like this, you must come back and take care of them intact!"

After saying that, he promised in a low voice: "Don't worry, as long as I am still in the clan, I will never let my sister-in-law and nephew be bullied!"

"Okay, with my thirteenth brother, you can rest assured as a brother!"

Zhou Zhengyong nodded happily and left completely relieved.

But this time, because Zhou Chun stayed in the family, after Zhou Daoyi, the patriarch, left, he handed over all the family affairs to him, and let him act as the patriarch in advance.

This is also the last test for him!

If he can do a good job as the acting clan leader this time, then after he succeeds in building the foundation, Zhou Daoyi can retreat to the second line, improve his cultivation with peace of mind, and attack the Zi Mansion.

Zhou Chun also knew this very well, so after assuming the position of clan leader, he worked conscientiously, walking on thin ice, and did not dare to slack off.

This is different from when he was the chief clerk before.

Although the book office also participates in the handling of internal affairs within the clan, most of them only deal with small things, or things that have fixed methods of handling.

As for the acting clan leader, except that the word "acting" means that he is not permanent, the rest of his powers and responsibilities are the same as those of the clan leader.

This means that some major diplomatic matters involving other forces must also be decided by him.

If this matter is not done well, it will lead to a big mistake.

So he couldn't help but be cautious.

"Good nephew, a fellow member of the He family who is good friends with Uncle Wei recently came to visit Uncle Wei. He said that he had discovered a treasure land guarded by a large swarm of poisonous bees and monsters. He wanted to ask Uncle Wei to help him. Do you think you can help me? Do you approve my uncle's half-month outing time?"

On this day, Zhou Chun was working in the Zhongping Hall, and a family elder came to see him and explained his intention.

After he heard the other party's intention, he immediately recalled the elder's relevant situation in his mind, and then he quickly came up with an idea.

Dang Ji said: "Uncle Twenty-Third, you are now an elite member of the family. According to the rules, you can go out for two months a year for personal reasons. If you go out for half a month this time, you will only have less than ten days left this year." It’s time.”

When the visitor heard the words, he immediately responded: "Uncle, of course I know this. My nephew, did you agree?"

"Well, Uncle Twenty-Third, you can go with peace of mind. You just need to pay more attention to your own safety."

Zhou Chun nodded, and immediately issued a release document and asked him to take it to the monk guarding the entrance and exit of the mountain gate for inspection.

According to the rules of the Zhou family, except for the clan leader and elder-level figures, the rest of the clan must come to the clan leader in advance to explain the situation and issue a release document, whether they want to leave the mountain for personal or official matters.

Otherwise, not only the monk who went out privately would be severely punished, but the clansman who let him go would also be guilty of the same crime.

Doing this is a must. Without this rule, sometimes members of the clan disappear outside without even knowing where they went or how they disappeared.

And by doing so, the authority of the patriarch can be reflected.

Just like now, Zhou Chun, as the acting clan leader, holds such power. No matter which elder comes to see him, he must be polite and dare not show any airs.

Otherwise, he could have kept him away from the family.

You must know that the so-called rules on going out time just now are just rules under normal circumstances, just like he should have two weekends off in his previous life.

But in fact, the clan leader can use reasons such as the family's current shortage of manpower and the need for a large number of manpower for security and defense to detain people and not let them leave the clan.

Or if you have to go out for ten days, I will only give you three days of approval. If you do not return after the expiration date, you will be treated as a missed date. In the smallest case, you will be fined double the time you are away, and in the worst case, you will be deducted one year of welfare.

Therefore, unless you become a family elder, as a family monk, you cannot offend the patriarch by offending anyone!

Issuing documents for clan members to leave the mountain gate is only one of the daily affairs of the clan leader. In addition, he must also listen to reports on various businesses from the various peaks and halls below.

For example, what elixirs are currently being refined at Baiyao Peak, how many elixirs will be used, how many elixirs are expected to be produced, and what missing auxiliary materials the family needs to help search for and purchase.

For example, a certain monster in the animal garden has given birth to a new baby. Here in the clan, you can see which clansman is willing to make a contract, or if a certain monster died unexpectedly and how it died.

For example, how many casual cultivators are received in the training room every ten days, how much is the income, how many casual cultivators want to guard the "Jingling Pavilion" for the Zhou family to pay off debts with work, etc.

As a clan leader, you must understand these various matters, big and small, and be aware of them.

According to Zhou Chun's personal experience, the patriarch in the family is like the cabinet of an entire feudal dynasty. He must understand all aspects of the matter and not make any major mistakes.

Therefore, there is a large area in the Zhongping Hall where various documents and materials are stored, so that the clan leader can check and compare them in time.

Of course, after all, a family has a limited population and limited industry. Even if the patriarch needs to take care of so many things, he will not be unable to handle them, but he will be a little busy.

But Zhou Chun felt that it was unnecessary to leave all these matters to the clan leader. It was a complete waste of the clan leader's time. It also made many clan members who wanted to take charge of things lose their sense of participation and could not cultivate more managers.

Especially as the Zhou family grows stronger, with more people and industries, more and more things will be involved. If the patriarch wants to manage all aspects of things by himself, it will be difficult to do so.

So after he became the acting clan leader for half a month, he had the idea of ​​reforming the system.

However, he is only thinking about this idea of ​​reform now. He will definitely not implement it immediately, or even speak out in a hurry.

If we really want to drastically reform the family's organizational structure, we have to wait until he successfully builds the foundation and truly begins to take over the position of patriarch from Zhou Daoyi.

Now, I just need to think more about what needs to be changed and what needs not to be changed.

Don't worry too much about these.

The knowledge accumulated in his previous life can ensure that there will be no mistakes in the reforms he makes in this area.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that just fifty days after he took over the position of clan leader, a big troublesome incident would test his head.

It turned out that on this day, a piece of news quickly spread throughout all the immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou.

That was a notice from Qinglian Temple, saying that at least one Hualong Cult protector had sneaked into Lanzhou and Lingzhou with many missionaries and many Hualong Cult members, intending to harass and destroy the rear areas and attack deep areas. The morale of the monks in the two places on the Yunzhou front line.

Because we don’t know how long this group of Hualong Cult members have been sneaking into Lanzhou, and we don’t know how many people they have.

Qinglian Temple can only inform all the immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou to be on guard and reduce their outing activities to avoid being attacked and killed by the enemy.

But this announcement sounds simple, but in reality it is not easy at all.

Now, because they have taken in a large number of monks who escaped from Yunzhou, all the immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou have made a lot of war fortune.

If we stop going out and close the mountains at this time, the losses will be considerable.

The key is that Lanzhou is not on the front line of the war, and the enemy only has a partial division.

If the entire state's cultivating immortal families were to close down their mountains and defend themselves because of this enemy's partial force, it would be easy for them to stop eating due to choking, and it would also make the partial master of Hualong Cult happy.

But if we don't seal the mountain and defend ourselves, no one can guarantee that our family will not be the target of this infiltrated Hualong Cult master.

"Now that the clan leader is away, I am acting as the clan leader. I will invite the elders to come over today to discuss this matter. I want to hear your opinions from the elders, and then I will ask the Supreme Elder to make a decision!"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun, who knew that the matter was serious, immediately summoned the three elders of the family to discuss the matter.

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