Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 127 Conservative strategy, war continues [Please subscribe]

When encountering a major event involving the fate of all the monks in the entire family, the clan leader and other elders must discuss the decision together and obtain the approval of the Supreme Elder.

This is the rule of the Zhou family and also the rule of many sects and families.

With the existence of this rule, we can try to avoid the occurrence of serious losses to the entire family or the entire sect due to one person's lack of consideration.

If a decision made after everyone's deliberations still caused heavy losses to the family and sect, the responsibility would not be placed on any one person, but would be borne by all decision-makers.

In this way, the patriarch and head of the family will not be forced to step down after a certain decision-making error caused the family sect to suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, whether they were discussing who should be sent to Yunzhou to apply for recruitment, or whether they were discussing how to deal with the Hualong Sect's partial masters who had sneaked into Lanzhou, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun, as the patriarch and acting patriarch, immediately summoned the family elders to come over. Have a meeting to discuss.

At this moment, facing the questions raised by Zhou Chun, several Zhou family elders also frowned, looking thoughtful.

It was related to the future of the entire family, so they couldn't help but be cautious.

After pondering like this for a long time, Fifth Elder Zhou Jiahe was the first to speak: "I thought that the impact of this matter on my Zhou family should not be as great as other families."

"Right now, I only have two properties outside the Zhou family's mountain gate. One is the Chiyao iron ore vein, and the other is the shops in Hongyafang City."

"Not to mention the stores in the city, we can ship a few more months of inventory to see how the situation changes in the future."

"As for the Chiyao iron ore vein, after years of mining, there shouldn't be much profit left. If we are really attacked, it doesn't matter if we give up."

"So as long as we guard the mountain gate and prevent masters from the Hualong Cult from sneaking into the mountain gate to cause damage, and try to control the number of times the clan members go out, there shouldn't be any problems!"

Although the elders of the Zhou family usually do not participate in the management of family affairs, most of them know the general situation of the family well, and they can come to Zhongping Hall at any time to check the documents and understand the family situation.

This not only allows them to supervise the clan leader, but also makes it easier for them to make suggestions and opinions during discussions.

Therefore, after Zhou Jiahe expressed his opinion at this moment, the other two elders couldn't help but nodded slightly to express their agreement.

However, after Zhou Chun listened to Zhou Jiahe's words, he frowned and said: "The fifth elder's words are not unreasonable, but our Zhou family has few external properties and is very dependent on the outside world."

"Whether it is the materials for refining various elixirs, or supplying some special ingredients for monsters to eat, as well as finished elixirs, magic talismans and other items, they must be purchased from the outside world."

"If those people from the Hualong Sect really focus on this, the family's losses will still be huge!"

A big force will not let itself have certain shortcomings in certain aspects and is committed to self-sufficiency. This is what many big forces are trying to do.

But that is something that a big force with a long heritage and a vast territory considers.

It is simply impossible for a cultivating family like the Zhou family, especially a family like the Zhou family that has only taken root in the local area for more than ten years, to be self-sufficient.

In terms of raw materials alone, it is simply impossible to produce them yourself.

The reason why the Zhou family is still using the charity system now is because most of the family's income is spent on purchasing resources.

Moreover, there are many suppliers of these resources, half of which come from Fangshi acquisitions, and half of which come from other cultivating families and casual cultivators.

Some resources are delivered to your door, while others need to be sent to pick up.

So this is also a very big reason why we can’t close the mountains and close the doors easily.

"What you said, Zhengchun, makes sense, but the family's savings should be able to last for a few months, right? I think these few months should be enough to make the situation in Lanzhou clear. Yunzhou The battle situation over there should also change."

"In short, we don't send people out, but we don't refuse others to deliver goods to your door. If we handle it this way, others won't be able to find any major faults."

It was Second Elder Zhou Chongshan who said these words.

He has also acted as the clan leader several times before, and he has a clearer understanding of the clan's situation than the other two new elders present.

And he can be said to be the conservative of the Zhou family, and he is relatively conservative in certain decision-making aspects.

But as the only "Chong" clan member of the Zhou family, his speech is still very influential. Even the clan leader Zhou Daoyi sometimes takes his identity and face into full consideration.

So at this time, the fourth elder Zhou Jiarui also looked at Zhou Chun and said: "Zhengchun, do you have any better suggestions? If not, I also think the suggestions of the second elder and the fifth elder are good. You can ask the Supreme Elder decision."

Zhou Chun originally had some ideas.

But now that he saw that the opinions of several elders were almost unanimous, he didn't want to mention it anymore.

After all, the acting patriarch is just an agent and has not yet become a full member.

If you do not become a regular employee on one day, you may lose the opportunity to become a regular employee due to major mistakes.

Therefore, although Zhou Chun felt that the suggestions of several elders were a bit conservative, for his own sake, he decided to play it safe and say nothing more.

From this aspect, he is still somewhat selfish and cannot serve the public wholeheartedly.

But how many people in this world are without selfish motives?

People who are dedicated to public service are certainly admirable, but they are only admirable.

As a cultivator of immortality, seeking immortality is the first and most important thing in life.

Therefore, when it is beneficial to this important matter, one should put private interests first before public interests. Private interests should be greater than public interests.

So Zhou Chun was also selfish and honest at this time, and said directly without any guilt: "Junior has no objection, then please ask the second elder to meet the Supreme Elder and explain the matter!"

"Okay, I will go see the Supreme Elder now."

Zhou Chongshan responded and immediately went to the cave at the top of Pagoda Peak to pay homage to Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde.

In fact, the meeting with Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde should have been done by acting clan leader Zhou Chun.

But I don’t know why, even though the patriarch Zhou Daoyi often said that the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde admired him very much.

But Zhou Chun had never had the opportunity to meet the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde alone.

Even though he became the acting clan leader this time, the matter of reporting to the supreme elder Zhou Mingde was also handed over to the second elder Zhou Chongshan.

Regarding this point, Zhou Chun had no idea in his mind.

But the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde was the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Zhou family. Even if he had any thoughts in his heart, he did not dare to express them.

I can only console myself that my cultivation level is not high enough to have a head-on conversation with the Zifu period monks.

Without making Zhou Chun and the others wait any longer, Zhou Chongshan left for about an hour and brought back the decision of Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde.

"The Supreme Elder basically agreed to our suggestion and allowed us to implement this plan. He will always be ready to take action!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chundang said immediately: "Let's do it this way. I will arrange manpower to inform all the cooperating forces to complete the contraction as soon as possible."

So as soon as the elders dispersed, he issued multiple orders and asked some clan members to leave Jiufeng Ridge with letters and go to various forces that cooperated with the Zhou family to convey information.

Among them, there are four families that have deep cooperation, such as the Wang family of Hongyao Valley, the Mu family of Biyun Mountain, the Sun family of Jinfengling, and the He family of Qingzhu Mountain. Zhou Chun even revealed that if they are attacked by the Hualong Cult, they may temporarily give up Chiyao Iron Mine plan.

Anyway, he has already done what he can do. What other families think or do has nothing to do with him.

In the following time, because of the Hualong Sect's partial masters sneaking into Lanzhou, all the major cultivating families in Lanzhou felt like they were all under attack.

There are many families that adopt conservative strategies like the Zhou family.

Especially for those families who were closely involved with Qinglian Temple, several of them closed their doors directly.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the Hualong Sect's extermination of families closely related to Qinglian Temple in Yunzhou really had a great deterrent effect.

Now the foundation of Qinglian Temple's rule has indeed been greatly shaken.

At the same time, a Qinglian Watch reinforcement force rushed from Lianzhou to Lanzhou and quickly entered Hongyafang City.

What pleased Zhou Chun was that Liu Shiyun's master, Taoist Mingxia, was also among the reinforcements.

Ever since they established a relationship with Taoist Mingxia by relying on those Hualong Cult members' data sheets, the Zhou family has never stopped worshiping this Qinglian Guanzi Mansion monk over the years.

For example, most of the spiritual honey produced by the Zhou family's [Jasper Spirit Bee] was given as gifts to the Qinglian Guankun Dao. A growth package was specially formulated for his spirit beast, and people were arranged every few months. Send corresponding supplies.

Although Taoist Mingxia did not promise anything to the Zhou family because of these things.

But now that she has accepted the things, she must express her feelings in the future.

Otherwise, if she can only get in but not get out, it will make the Zhou family very angry. After the general is passed out, other forces will not dare to have any expectations for her, which is equivalent to cutting off their own money.

So now that Taoist Mingxia has come to Lanzhou, it is undoubtedly another strong support for the Zhou family.

From now on, the safety of the mountain gate can be completely relieved.

The arrival of Taoist Mingxia and others shows that Qinglian Temple still attaches great importance to Lanzhou, an important place in the rear. This also makes the various immortal cultivating families who were originally panic-stricken settle down and feel a lot more at ease.

Some families closer to Hongyafang City have resumed normal activities.

But the danger is actually approaching quietly!

In a gathering place for casual cultivators in Lanzhou, a dignified middle-aged man wearing a black robe was listening to reports from his subordinates.

The black robe on the man is embroidered with a dragon pattern with fine gold threads. This is the guardian robe of the Hualong Sect, indicating that he is a black dragon guardian of the Hualong Sect.

"Master Protector, we have collected and investigated all the information on the various immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou. According to your request, we have listed the families that are most suitable as targets. Please take a look."

I saw a black dragon envoy who was also wearing a black robe with a dragon pattern embroidered with silver threads, half-kneeling on the ground, and respectfully handed a brochure to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took the booklet and after flipping through a few pages, his eyes stopped on one of the pages.

Then he said calmly: "Let's just say this is the Mu family in Biyun Mountain. Who told them that the gate of their mountain is not far from the lake!"

"Yes, I will make arrangements now."

The black dragon envoy who was half-kneeling on the ground looked solemn. After another salute, he silently retreated to prepare.

Two days later, dozens of followers of the Hualong Sect suddenly appeared on the shores of the originally beautiful Biyun Lake. The leader was a Black Dragon Protector who had cultivated in the Purple Mansion Stage!

The Mu family monks who discovered this were immediately frightened to death and sounded the alarm with all their strength.

Just listen to the "dong dong dong" bells ringing one after another, ninety-nine and eighty-one times in half an hour!

This is the highest level alarm sound, which means that the family has faced the crisis of annihilation. Even the monks who are in seclusion must be awakened by the lock at this time and come out to meet the enemy.

At the same time, a gorgeous magic firework exploded directly from the sky above Biyun Mountain, turning into a huge bloody lotus pattern.

This huge explosion of fireworks, as well as the bloody lotus pattern hanging two to three thousand feet in the sky, can be seen and heard within a radius of two hundred miles around Biyun Mountain.

"Dad, dad, it's here. The blood lotus pattern you mentioned appears in the sky!"

In a mountain village a hundred miles southwest of Biyun Mountain, a teenage boy wearing coarse linen clothes suddenly ran into the room with a face full of shock, and loudly talked about the strange phenomenon in the sky outside to his paralyzed old father who was lying in bed inside. .

"What are you talking about? Hurry, carry me out quickly!!"

The old man on the bed was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly struggled to lift the quilt with both hands and let the young man carry him out.

After lying on the young man's back and exiting the room, he saw the huge blood lotus pattern in the sky in the distance, and two lines of tears suddenly flowed from the old man's eyes.

"Dad, why are you crying?"

After feeling the coolness on his neck, the young man asked in confusion.

"Because dad's family is going to be gone! The family is going to be gone!!"

The old man cried bitterly, and then he grabbed the young man's collar and said loudly: "Quick, go and take out the jar from my bedside table!"

"Oh, dad, don't talk nonsense, I understand, I'll do it right now."

The young man let out a cry of pain, hurriedly put the old man down, turned around and went to the room, took out a black porcelain altar wrapped in a quilt, and placed it in front of the old man.

"Go get a torch."

The old man looked at the porcelain altar in front of him and spoke out his request again.

Then when the young man went to make a fire, he carefully opened the moisture-proof cloth cover on the porcelain altar and looked at the contents inside.

Inside the porcelain jar, there was a dark brown granular substance, which was half full.

At this time, the young man came over with a torch and shouted: "Dad, the torch you asked for is here."

The old man reached out and took the torch from the young man's hand. Looking at his face that looked very much like his own when he was young, he showed a rare smile and said, "Son, you still remember the Mujiazhuang where your father took you to three years ago, right? "

"Of course I remember. Dad, why did you suddenly mention this?"

The young man nodded and looked at the old man with confusion.

When the old man heard this, he immediately said in a deep voice: "Then you go to Mujiazhuang now and tell the owner there that your father and I have completed my mission, and you can stay there from now on!"

Then he waved his hand and said: "Don't ask any questions, just do as I say, and someone will tell you everything!"

"What about you, dad?"

The young man seemed to realize something and looked at the old man with worry.

The old man suddenly smiled at him and said, "Your father and I should have gone down to accompany your mother a long time ago. It's just a task assigned to me by the family and I'm not allowed to end it on my own!"

"It's okay now. Your father and I have completed our mission. I can finally go down and accompany your mother with peace of mind!"

After saying that, he put the torch in his hand into the porcelain altar in front of him.

Suddenly, a pungent smell emanated from the porcelain altar, and then a thick black smoke rose from the porcelain altar, and soon formed a smoke column hundreds of feet high.

And as the smoke column rose, people who saw the smoke column dozens of miles away quickly lit the beacon smoke just like the old man who was carrying the same mission.

The beacon smoke spread to all directions. In less than an hour, the same beacon smoke appeared hundreds of miles away near Jiufeng Ridge.

At the same time, the news that the Mu family in Biyun Mountain was in danger of being exterminated quickly reached the ears of the clan leaders of the families who had good relations with them.

Including the Qinglian Temple monks in Hongyafang City, they also received the news quickly.

"It was the Mu family who stepped on this thunder first!"

On the pagoda peak, Zhou Chun flew into the air and looked at the smoke column rising dozens of miles away, with a complicated look on his face.

There is another chapter tonight.

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