Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 128 Facing the Zi Mansion, the Mu Family’s Tragedy【Please subscribe】

The beacon of communication from the Mu family in Biyun Mountain floated in all directions, causing many forces in Lanzhou to face important decisions.

Should we send someone to rescue the Mu family?

How many people should be sent to rescue the Mu family?

This is a question that many senior members of the Immortal Cultivation Family, including Zhou Chun, need to seriously consider.

In the Zhongping Hall on the top of the pagoda, they were facing the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde and three family elders who had come out of seclusion.

Zhou Chun was the first to express his opinion without any humility: "Junior believes that the Mu family must be saved, and not only must it be saved, but it must be saved beautifully, so that everyone knows that our Zhou family has gone to save people! "

"There are several Zifu monks from Qinglian Temple in Hongyafang City. With the relationship between the Mu family and Qinglian Temple, and the fact that the enemy is a member of the Hualong Sect, it is impossible for them to just sit idly by."

"So when our Zhou family goes to rescue people, we must reach the Mu family before them. In this way, no matter whether the Mu family can be saved or not, the reputation of our Zhou family will spread among our allies and become more trusted by our allies!"

What he said was very logical and he explained all the benefits of rescue.

But not long after he finished speaking, Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde looked at him and said: "Then have you ever thought about the danger of saving people? What if this is the Hualong Sect's plan to attack the East and the West, and deliberately uses the Mu family as bait? The monks who came to rescue were trapped and killed, and we were in a hurry to save people. Didn’t we just fall into their trap?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "This junior has naturally thought about this."

Then he replied in a deep voice: "But this junior thinks that the possibility of this matter is unlikely, because in order to achieve this, Hualong Sect must have several Zifu monks to participate together, otherwise as long as one Zifu monk If the monks lead the rescue team, they will not be able to accomplish what they are doing by attacking in the east and west!"

"Then what if they really have a few Zifu monks?"

Zhou Mingde asked in hot pursuit.

When Zhou Chun heard what he said, he immediately said respectfully: "If you are the Supreme Elder who leads the rescue team, even if there are several Zifu monks in Hualong Sect, I think you can escape unscathed!"

"You think highly of me."

Zhou Mingde said lightly, not knowing whether the words were complimentary or derogatory.

Several other Zhou family elders listened to the two people's questions and answers, and they all looked at each other and did not dare to say anything.

But they all admired Zhou Chun's courage, daring to speak to Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder, like this with his cultivation level in Qi refining period.

The atmosphere in the hall fell into silence after Zhou Mingde finished speaking, and no one said anything anymore.

After being silent for who knows how long, Zhou Mingde suddenly said: "Well, let me go to Biyun Mountain myself and have a look!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun first breathed a sigh of relief.

This result is undoubtedly the best result.

"The Supreme Elder is wise."

He gave the compliments with a respectful look on his face, and then he and several Zhou elders watched Zhou Mingde leave on the Vulcan Jackal.

On the other hand, it was said that the blood lotus pattern exploded over Biyun Mountain, triggering a raging war, and the monks of the Hualong Sect also began to violently attack the mountain-protecting formation of the Mu family on Biyun Mountain.

"Please work harder for me, we must break the formation as quickly as possible!"

The black dragon protector of the Hualong Sect held a dragon-patterned flag and kept waving the flag, attracting water dragons to rush towards the Mu Family Mountain Gate in front of them.

He knew in his heart that such a communication beacon, guided by a large number of mortals, could not be extinguished in time.

Therefore, instead of allocating manpower to extinguish the beacon smoke now, it is better to break through the formation as soon as possible.

As long as the formation is broken before the reinforcements arrive, the Mu family without the Zifu period monks can be slaughtered by him!

But the head of the Mu family, Mu Yunshan, also knew that this was the most dangerous moment since the founding of the Mu family, so he used all his family resources to resist the invasion.

I saw spells coming out from the hands of the Mu family monks, turning into various spells and hitting the Dragon Hualing Sect monks who were attacking outside.

As a cultivating family without Zifu period monks, the Mu family naturally knows where its shortcomings are.

At the same time, he also considered how to deal with the Zifuqi monks leading a team to attack the family.

Therefore, their family's mountain-protecting formation was set up by the formation master from Qinglian Temple at a high price. It can concentrate the power of many monks in the family to increase the power of the formation, which is enough to defend against attacks by monks from the Zifu period.

At the same time, their family has always had the habit of stocking up a large number of talismans.

At this time, in the crisis of genocide, Mu Yunshan did not hesitate to take out all the family's belongings from the bottom of the box.

I saw him and several foundation-building elders presiding over the formation to resist the attack of the monks from the Dragon Transformation Sect outside, and at the same time, they knocked out the second-level talismans to harass the missionaries, preventing them from attacking the mountain-protecting formation wholeheartedly.

"This is the moment when your family and clan will be destroyed. Don't be stingy at all. Otherwise, after the formation is broken, everything will be obtained by the enemy!"

"Everyone must hold on, reinforcements will arrive soon. The seniors of Qinglian Temple are in Hongyafang City now. They will definitely not sit back and watch the destruction of my Mu family!"

On Biyun Mountain, Mu Yunshan shouted loudly to boost the morale of the Mu family members on the mountain, encouraging every Mu family monk to use every talisman in his hand.

He knew in his heart that the Mu family would be in trouble today. Now he just wanted to hold on for as long as possible and kill as many enemies as possible before the formation was broken.

"As long as these bastards from the Hualong Sect can be kept in Biyun Mountain, even if my Mu family is destroyed today, Yuntian and the others can use this credit to rebuild the Mu family in the future!"

Mu Yunshan looked at the Dragon Transformation Sect protector outside the formation with cold eyes, filled with hatred in his heart.

How could he not hate it!

From the original Mu family inheritance to now, it can be said that it is flourishing, and each generation is getting better and better.

If this continues, it won't take more than three generations for a Zifu monk to appear in the Mu family.

By then, the Mu family of Biyun Mountain will also become a powerful family in Lanzhou.

But now with the attack of these Dragon Transformation Cult people, the Mu family, which has been inherited for more than three hundred years, is likely to be destroyed today!

Although there are still some members of the Mu family in Qinglian Temple and other places outside, the clan will not be completely wiped out.

But after suffering this disaster, the Mu family's strength will be set back at least two hundred years. If they want to become a powerful family, they don't know how many years it will take to complete it!

Outside Biyun Mountain, the black dragon protector naturally felt the resentful eyes of the Mu family monks coming from the mountain.

After he felt the resentment, not only was he not angry, but he laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha, be resentful, resent as much as you want! Today, the Japanese protector will use the blood of all the monks of the Mu family to warn you. Any family in Lanzhou that dares to help Qinglian Temple and transform the Dragon Sect into our enemy must be prepared to destroy their family and genocide!"

He came to Lanzhou to cause trouble.

The bigger things get, the more violent the fuss, the better he accomplishes his mission.

So killing is actually not his main purpose. The main purpose is to create an atmosphere of terror.

He even planned that after breaking through the Mu family's mountain-protecting formation, except for all the foundation-building monks, he could kill half of the rest of the Qi-refining monks and cripple half of them.

Let those monks in the Qi Refining Stage whose cultivation has been abolished convey fear to the monks from other immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou, so as to scare the monkeys.

After resisting like this for more than two hours, the Mu family's mountain-protecting formation finally could no longer hold up and shattered!

"Hahaha, kill me, kill me happily!"

The black dragon guardian laughed wildly and took the lead into Biyun Mountain, directly facing several Mu family foundation-building monks inside who looked desperate.

The other monks of Hualong Cult were also smiling strangely at this time, and rushed into Biyun Mountain with excitement, burning, killing and looting.

Seeing that the entire Mu family in Biyun Mountain was about to be completely destroyed by the flames of war, hundreds of years of inheritance were destroyed in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded from dozens of miles away.

"Fellow Taoist of the Mu family, hold on, Zhou Mingde of the Zhou family is here!"

Zhou Mingde of the Zhou family?

Hearing these five words, the black dragon protector was slightly startled and seemed to have some impression.

Then before he could remember where the impression came from, he saw the originally desperate Mu Yunshan and others opposite him, and they instantly showed expressions of joy.

"Senior Zhou Mingde from the Zhou family is here. Clan members, hold on, our reinforcements are here!"

Mu Yunshan was like a drowning man who saw a life-saving straw, and he shouted loudly with surprise and excitement on his face.

Those Mu family members who were originally desperate seemed to have seen hope at this time, and they burst out with unprecedented power of survival.

When the Black Dragon Protector saw this, his eyes suddenly narrowed and he couldn't help but said to himself: "I remembered, it turned out to be the supreme elder of the spiritual beast Zhou family. It seems that that guy also has a third-level demonic beast as his spiritual pet?"

Then he looked at Mu Yunshan and others with a ferocious look on his face and said with a ferocious smile: "What are you so happy about? Do you really think that if someone comes to save you, you damn people can be saved?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he roared: "You all must die for me!"

Right under the nose of Zhou Mingde, who was coming quickly from a distance, Mu Yunshan and three other Mu family foundation-building monks were all killed by the Black Dragon Protector in just over twenty breaths!

After killing Mu Yunshan and other three Mu family foundation-building monks, the Black Dragon Protector immediately ordered the missionaries: "You wait and retreat first, and this Protector will come to break up the rear!"

After saying that, he took the initiative to greet Zhou Mingde who was already approaching.

"What a thief, I will definitely take your head today to comfort the souls of fellow Taoist Mu and others in heaven!"

Zhou Mingde shouted angrily, and immediately he and his spiritual pet Vulcan Jackal besieged the black dragon protector.

I saw the two forces of water and fire interacting with each other in the sky, and soon even the clouds were torn apart and destroyed large areas.

On Biyun Mountain, I saw that Zhou Mingde had already fought with the Black Dragon Protector.

The remaining members of the Hualong Sect no longer cared about chasing down some of the Mu family's Qi Refining monks who had fled into the mountains.

After hurriedly searching the bodies of the Mu family monks on Biyun Mountain, they quickly retreated and left Biyun Mountain.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mingde actually wanted to let the Fire God Jackal go and save the lives of several Hualong Sect missionaries, so that he could directly exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill from Qinglian Temple.

However, the Black Dragon Protector of the Dragon Transformation Sect on the opposite side is not weak. If the Fire God Jackal is not around, once the opponent uses the "Secret of Dragon Transformation", he may not be able to withstand it alone.

Therefore, after weighing it up, he still chose to seek stability and did not dare to separate from his spiritual pet.

In this way, with the combined efforts of his spiritual pet, Zhou Mingde quickly forced his opponent to perform the "Secret of Dragon Transformation".

I saw that with the use of "Secret of Dragon Transformation", the black dragon protector who was originally at a disadvantage suddenly increased in strength and could even fight hand-to-hand with third-level monsters such as the Vulcan Jackal!

Zhou Mingde suddenly lost most of the advantages he had gained before, and he even had to be wary of the black dragon protector approaching him.

If you don't count Vulcan Jackal, he is actually just a very ordinary monk in the Zifu period, and his personal strength is not very outstanding.

Only by joining forces with the Fire God Jackal can he be considered a strong one among monks of the same level.

After the two men fought fiercely for more than two quarters of an hour, seeing that those subordinates had left the Biyun Mountain range, the Black Dragon Protector no longer wanted to tangle with Zhou Mingde.

He immediately laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, that's it for today. I will go to your Zhou Family Mountain Gate to ask for advice another day!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he broke out towards Biyun Lake not far away without any hesitation in fighting.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde tried his best to stop him, but he still couldn't really stop him.

I could only watch helplessly as it plunged into the lake, escaped through the water and disappeared into my own senses.

"Black Jiao Shanshui, I think all of this is in his calculations!"

Looking at the calm lake surface again, Zhou Mingde in the sky could only let out a long sigh.

Then he turned back to look at Biyun Mountain where the fire was not extinguished, and couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that the Mu family is really destined for this disaster!"

As an allied family with excellent relations, the disaster that the Mu family suffered was obviously not a good thing for the Zhou family.

At this time, Zhou Mingde was mourning the tragic situation of the Mu family, but it was not a pretense, but a sincere feeling.

And just when Zhou Mingde turned around to extinguish the fire on Biyun Mountain and began to look for the survivors of the Mu family who had fled into the mountains, the Qinglian Temple monks who came from Hongyafang City finally arrived at Biyun Mountain.

There were only two people coming, a man and a woman.

Among them, the female Kun Taoist was the Mingxia Taoist who had visited Jiufeng Ridge before.

When the two Qinglian Temple Taoists arrived at Biyun Mountain, their expressions changed drastically when they saw the messy Mu family's mountain gate.

Then Taoist Mingxia hurriedly looked at Zhou Mingde and asked, "Fellow Taoist Zhou, where are the thieves from Hualong Sect? Where are the fellow Taoists of the Mu family?"

Facing her question, Zhou Mingde suddenly sighed with sadness on his face: "Hey! The two fellow Taoists are a step too late!"

"If the two fellow Taoists could have arrived two quarters of an hour earlier and arrived one step ahead of Zhou, the head of the Mu family and all the fellow Taoists of the Mu family would not have perished at the hands of the black dragon protector!"

As he spoke, he told how he had witnessed the death of Mu Yunshan and others at the hands of the enemy, and how he had fought against the black dragon protector.

At the end of the sentence, he sighed with regret: "I only regret that Zhou is incompetent and lacks strength. He was unable to keep the black dragon protector and avenge the Taoist friends of the Mu family!"

The second update is here!

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