Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 136 Promotion to deputy clan leader, the unknown secret of the Zhou family [Please subscribe

For three consecutive months, Zhou Chun stabilized his cultivation in his residence.

After these three months of practice, his physical body and soul were tempered and strengthened by the foundation-building true energy, and their complete transformation was finally completed.

At this time, his flesh and skin were so tough that it was difficult to cut with a sword made of ordinary iron. His one hand could weigh a thousand kilograms, and he could lift an ox!

Such a strong body is naturally immune to all diseases and is not harmed by wind, frost, rain or snow.

Even if you are injured, your recovery speed will be much faster than that of ordinary people, and you will be able to withstand injuries that ordinary people cannot bear.

He can even be like some monsters and wild beasts. After a full meal, he will not eat for a hundred days. During this period, he can only eat wind and drink dew to maintain his body's needs.

Even his appearance has returned to the state of being twenty-three or four years old, handsome and graceful.

And this kind of body, which has already begun to transcend the world, is the basic guarantee for the longevity of the foundation-building monks for more than two hundred years.

Compared with this otherworldly change of the physical body, although the transformation of the soul is invisible, it does happen.

At this moment, Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness was released, covering a maximum distance of more than 860 feet.

As for monks like Zhou Jiahe and Zhou Jiarui who are in the early stages of foundation building, their spiritual consciousness covers only five to six hundred feet.

In addition, not only the coverage of the divine consciousness has been enhanced, but the intensity of the divine consciousness itself has also been enhanced, and the ability to penetrate underwater and underground has been greatly enhanced.

Before building the foundation, Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness could reach more than 120 feet on the ground, but it could only reach less than 20 feet under water a hundred feet deep.

The effective detection depth of the underground is less than three feet.

But now, even when he is in the water, his consciousness can reach a distance of more than a hundred feet.

At the same time, depending on the geological structure, the depth of underground detection ranges from seven feet to three feet.

Under such circumstances, even some elixirs and spiritual mines buried deep underground will not be able to escape the detection of his spiritual consciousness.

In addition, another benefit after the transformation of the soul body is that Zhou Chun's ability to learn and cast first-level spells has been greatly improved.

He seems to have become a genius in spell cultivation. He has never practiced a first-level high-grade spell, and now he can learn to cast it in a few days.

Spells that were used more frequently in the past are now easy to cast instantly.

It was clear that it was difficult to learn spells before, but now it seems as if those obstacles have disappeared out of thin air.

What's more, there were some spells that originally required the use of awkward spells to assist in casting. Those syllables that were previously difficult to master skillfully can now be easily pronounced.

In order to verify this, Zhou Chun deliberately learned some animal languages.

As a result, I found that even when I learned animal language, I learned it much faster than before, and my ability to understand and imitate improved immediately.

This feeling is very strange. It seems that he has become smarter, but in fact it is not that simple.

The principle relationship is probably the same as that it is difficult for a three-year-old child to lift a ten-pound object, but a six-year-old child can lift it relatively easily.

To sum it up in the terms of a cultivator, it means that he has taken a step further on the path to attainment and is closer to the great road.

And the avenue contains everything and accommodates everything.

People who are closer to the Dao will naturally understand it more easily and more deeply than others!

After three months of quiet practice, the Zhou family's foundation-building celebration for Zhou Chun also began.

Because the invitation hinted that important things would be announced, for this foundation-building celebration, various friendly families and forces who were invited sent as many as eight foundation-building monks.

All monks from the Zhou family who were not on duty attended the celebration, including the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde.

This is the first time that the Zhou family has held a foundation-building celebration of this scale since they took root in Jiufeng Ridge.

When many monks from the Zhou family with a keen sense of smell arrived at the scene and saw this lineup, they immediately realized that something major would definitely happen today, and most of it would be related to today's protagonist Zhou Chun.

Sure enough, in the middle of the celebration, Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde suddenly stood up, raised his hands, and suppressed the voices in the audience.

Then he said in a strong and low voice: "Dear guests and clan members, please be quiet for a moment. I have something important to announce now."

When he said this, his eyes looked around at everyone in the banquet, and finally fell on Zhou Chun.

He said in a deep voice: "Zhou Zhengchun, a descendant of the Zhou family, has made great contributions to the family since the family took root in Jiufeng Ridge. He has made great contributions many times and has shown outstanding talents in the management of family affairs. He has served the family many times. The family provides advice and suggestions to assist the clan leader in making the family management prosperous."

"Based on his contribution to the family and his talents in family management, the patriarch and I decided to promote him to the deputy clan leader of the Zhou family and the successor to the next clan leader after testing him many times."

"Now, all guests and clan members, please congratulate our new deputy clan leader of the Zhou family!"

After saying that, he stepped aside.

Then the clan leader Zhou Daoyi took a step forward and took the lead in congratulating Zhou Chun.

Then came several elders from the Zhou family, and then all the monks from outside the clan who came to witness.

As for the other monks of the Zhou family who were below the foundation-building stage, they all bowed to Zhou Chun with a tacit understanding at this moment and said, "We will meet the deputy patriarch!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly returned the favor and said, "You are so polite, clan members. I will ask for your cooperation in the future. If Zhengchun does something wrong, please feel free to point it out, elders, brothers and sisters. "

Having said this, he also said sincerely: "I believe that as long as our family works together, there will be no difficulty that can stop our Zhou family, and there will be no obstacle that we cannot overcome!"

"well said!"

As soon as Zhou Chun finished speaking, Zhou Daoyi took the lead in applauding.

Then the rest of the Zhou family also clapped in response, cheering for Zhou Chun's words.

Regardless of whether they heard what he said or not, they just applauded.

Zhou Chun's foundation-building celebration gradually came to an end amidst the lively applause.

After the celebration, the other monks dispersed, and Zhou Chun returned to the Zhongping Hall with the patriarch Zhou Daoyi.

"Now you are the legitimate deputy head of the Zhou family. From now on, as long as I am not working here, you can intervene in all the affairs of the Zhou family. You will inform me afterwards."

"I am very confident in your ability to do things."

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun sat opposite each other and whispered to him about the division of powers.

With the relationship between the two of them, it is naturally impossible for the master and the deputy to fight for power.

Even for Zhou Daoyi, as long as Zhou Chun does not make any major mistakes, he can always delegate power to Zhou Chun.

For him, who now has Bentou, the responsibility of the clan leader is actually a burden!

In the face of his trust, Zhou Chun also responded sternly: "Junior understands, junior will definitely not let down the trust of the clan leader."

This confident answer made Zhou Daoyi very satisfied.

So after thinking for a while, he looked at him solemnly and said, "Since Zhengchunqin has been appointed as the deputy clan leader, I will not hide many things from you."

"Actually, my Azure Cloud Python has been promoted to a second-level high-grade monster, and the opportunity to transform into a dragon has been found. Once my cultivation reaches the late stage of foundation establishment, I will do my best to help it transform into a dragon."

"If it turns into a dragon successfully, not only will the Zhou family have an additional third-level dragon, but I will also be able to rely on its power to find opportunities in the Zi Mansion."

"So although Zhengchun is still just the deputy clan leader, from now on, the responsibility of the clan leader of the Zhou family has actually fallen on you. My duty is to teach and assist you how to be a clan leader!"


And this!

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Daoyi in shock, and was shocked by the news he suddenly revealed.

This was something he didn't expect at all.

And with his wisdom, of course he quickly thought of what Zhou Daoyi said was the opportunity to transform into a dragon.

"Clan Chief, the opportunity you mentioned to turn into a dragon, could it be the green dragon in Yunzhou..."

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Daoyi blurting out with shock on his face.

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was conveyed.

Zhou Daoyi also nodded with certainty and said: "Yes, it's almost as you thought. I did get some of the remains of the green dragon and the inner elixir of the green dragon."

After speaking, he shook his head and said, "It's just that this matter involves another secret. It's not convenient to reveal it to you for the time being, so don't ask any more questions."

"I see, this junior understands."

Zhou Chun nodded lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

But the shock and envy in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

He had never imagined that after so many Zifu period monks were busy in vain, the inner elixir of Qingjiao would actually be obtained by the clan leader Zhou Daoyi, a monk in the middle stage of foundation building.

And it seems that the news has been kept secret very well, and no outsiders know about it until now.

What happened at that time, and how Zhou Daoyi got the Green Dragon Inner Pill, Zhou Chun was naturally curious.

But he also knew that since Zhou Daoyi was so secretive and refused to tell him, he would never know no matter how much he asked.

I can only admire it silently!

And just when Zhou Chun was secretly envious of Zhou Daoyi's opportunity, Zhou Daoyi also looked at him and said again: "As for other treatment issues after you successfully build the foundation, the Supreme Elder has stated that he will still use the two magic weapons. I give it to you, but I only have one chance to help you, and then I’m gone.”

"After you have chosen the technique, follow me to see the Supreme Elder and receive the magical weapon!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he took advantage of the situation and said: "Junior understands, then please ask the patriarch to take the junior to choose the exercises."

"Then you come with me."

Zhou Daoyi said, got up and left the Zhongping Hall, heading towards a mysterious place above Pagoda Peak.

After Zhou Chun followed him for a while on the mountain, he came to a mountain wall covered with moss.

Then he saw the clan leader Zhou Daoyi take out a small yellow flag, wave it, stick it on the mountain wall, and immediately create a magic formula with his hands.

Suddenly, a light flashed on the mountain wall, and a stone door appeared out of thin air.

It turns out that the moss I saw before was actually transformed by the formation.

Then Zhou Daoyi took out the special door key and inserted it into the keyhole of the stone door, then turned it to the left a few times, and the half-foot-thick stone door slowly opened.

In this way, as the two of them entered, Zhou Daoyi took back the yellow flag that he had previously shot out, and the opened stone door was hidden again by the magic formation.

When Zhou Chun followed him into the stone chamber behind the stone door, he saw that the empty stone chamber was filled with stone platforms half a foot high. On many of the stone platforms, there was a shield shining with colorful auras to protect the contents. .

"The things collected here are all the truly precious skills and secrets of my Zhou family. Each of them was collected by the ancestors of the Zhou family with great effort and effort. They are the true heritage of my Zhou family!"

"Our Zhou family has a total of seven top-level techniques that you want to practice, but among them, there are only two techniques that are truly suitable for your spiritual qualifications."

"I will take them out and show them to you now!"

Zhou Daoyi said this, and immediately pinched the magic formula with both hands, and two green clouds flew out of his hands and landed on the shields on two of the stone platforms.

Immediately, the protective shields on the two square stone platforms dissipated, revealing the items stored inside.

The objects on the two stone platforms were a golden ancient tripod and a green bamboo slip.

Zhou Chun looked intently and saw strange characters carved on the inner and outer walls of the golden ancient cauldron, which should be the cultivation techniques mentioned by Zhou Daoyi.

The bamboo slips were also engraved with words as big as grains of rice, and Zhou Chun couldn't understand the words either.

"This is a tool for carrying the Tao!"

"The senior monks recorded their skills on these instruments made of special materials to ensure that they would not be corroded or damaged by wind, frost, rain, and snow for thousands of years."

"So don't think these two things are simple. In fact, even if the monks in the foundation-building stage use all their strength, it will be difficult to destroy them!"

While Zhou Daoyi was introducing the origins of the two objects to Zhou Chun, he looked at him and said with a slight smile: "I will tell you another secret. The secret techniques collected here are all original versions collected by my Zhou family. Those things that Yu Jinghua left at Spirit Beast Villa are the fakes that he made by himself!"

"So don't forget that when we separated, we didn't bring any good things. In fact, we will never compromise on these things that are really related to the core inheritance of the family!"

When Zhou Chun heard what he said, his eyes flashed slightly, and his heart was filled with surprise.

The monks of the Zhou family were very dissatisfied with Yu Jinghua's splitting the Zhou family, so it was not surprising that they called him by his first name in private.

But why did he listen to the tone of clan leader Zhou Daoyi just now? It seemed that the Zhou family still had some trump card to be able to fight Yu Jinghua on the same level?

At this time, he suddenly realized that there were probably many secrets of the Zhou family that he did not know!

But now is not the time to inquire about those. Since Zhou Daoyi didn't tell him, it means that he is not qualified to access those secrets now.

So he quickly suppressed this curiosity in his heart, looked at the two objects on the stone platform with a puzzled expression, and said: "But this junior does not understand the words on these two objects, so how should I practice them?" Where are the recorded techniques?"

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