Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 137 The final choice, Zhou Chun’s ambition [Please subscribe]

If you can’t even understand the text, how can you practice the exercises?

Facing Zhou Chun's question, Zhou Daoyi smiled softly and said: "It doesn't matter if you can't understand these words now. The Zhou family has their translations. When you practice, just follow the translations."

"The main reason I brought you here today is to let you see these two Taoist instruments, so that you can understand how truly precious inheritance is generally protected and passed on."

At this point, his expression changed again, and he looked at Zhou Chun with a solemn expression and warned earnestly: "And I also want to take this opportunity to warn you about something. In the future, whatever you get outside, whether it is a technique or not, Regardless of the secret technique, don’t start practicing it easily.”

"You need to know that there are many monks who deliberately cut down the precious top-level skills or secret skills and carry them into a book. This way, if they unfortunately die at the hands of the enemy, they can use it to harm the enemy!"

"Also when trading or purchasing such things with others, you must also personally make carvings from the Tao-carrying vessels and secret foils in their possession, and carefully check in advance whether the Tao-carrying vessels are complete and whether they are ancient items. , are there any traces of patchwork in the above text?"

"You have to know that some unscrupulous monks will deliberately repair some incomplete Dao-carrying instruments, or they will imitate Dao-carrying instruments and sell them for profit!"

This knowledge was actually mentioned in the "Detailed Explanation of Foundation Building" that Zhou Chun had read before.

But that kind of literal knowledge is not as impressive as seeing two Taoist instruments in person today and listening to the warnings of the patriarch Zhou Daoyi.

When Zhou Chun heard his warning, his heart was filled with excitement. He nodded solemnly and said, "I understand, this junior. I will definitely remember the patriarch's teachings today."

Seeing that he understood, Zhou Daoyi nodded with satisfaction and said: "Well, now you can take these two Dao-carrying tools and take a closer look at them. I will also explain to you the advantages of these two top-level techniques. Disadvantages, it’s convenient for you to choose.”

As he spoke, he told Zhou Chun about the exercises recorded on the two Tao-carrying tools.

The exercises recorded on the golden ancient cauldron are called "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", and there are eight chapters in total, divided into four inner chapters and four outer chapters.

The inner four chapters are methods of cultivation, corresponding to the four major cultivation realms of Foundation Establishment, Purple Mansion, Golden Pill, and Nascent Soul.

The outer four chapters are about ways to defend the Tao and protect yourself. They record the methods of cultivating magical powers and magic to defeat the enemy.

And this technique does not have particularly high requirements for the practitioner's qualifications and talents, as long as the spiritual root attribute contains metallicity.

But this does not mean that this skill is easy to practice.

Because in order to practice this "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong", you first need to absorb a large amount of pure gold energy, and use the magic power and gold energy to cast a "Dao Cauldron" in the Dantian. Future practice will also be based on this "Dao Cauldron" ” as the basis for practice.

The process of building the "Tao Cauldron" is very dangerous, and it can easily damage the Dantian and meridians. Many monks who covet the power of this technique have died because of the forceful practice of the technique!

And even if the "Dao Cauldron" is cast, in the future practice process, it will still need to absorb gold energy to temper the "Dao Cauldron", and the quality requirements for the gold energy will become higher and higher.

At the same time, every time after breaking through a great realm, the "Dao Cauldron" must be broken into pieces and recast. If the recasting fails, not only will the cultivation level be reduced to ashes, but the monk himself will also lose his soul!

Therefore, if you practice this skill, it means that the monks who practice it will not only have to bear the powerful consequences of failure to break through a major realm every time.

Even if the breakthrough is successful, he still has to go through the catastrophe of life and death of breaking the tripod and recasting it!

Of course, the risks and rewards are equal.

Not to mention the methods of defending the Tao and protecting the body recorded in the other four chapters of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", once the skill itself is practiced, it will be of great benefit.

The magic power obtained through the "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" contains rich power of gold. This kind of magic power tempers the physical body and makes the physical body much stronger than ordinary monks of the same level. It can even resist low-level magic weapons. Attacking is not impossible.

At the same time, this kind of mana penetration is extremely destructive. Even if only the mana penetrates into other people's bodies, it is enough to cause others to suffer painful pain that is difficult to refine and eliminate.

And the golden spells and magical weapons cast by spiritual gold driven by this kind of mana can increase the power of the spells and magical weapons out of thin air!

Moreover, as long as you practice the first chapter of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" and build a "Dao Ding", you can have a very practical magical power "Jin Ding Xuan Guang", which is very powerful and will continue to increase in power as your cultivation level increases in the future. , can be used for life!

Finally, "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" also improves mana very quickly, and a practitioner's cultivation will never be delayed by practicing this technique.

The technique recorded on the emerald green bamboo slip is called "The True Kung Fu of Ten Thousand Woods" and is divided into twelve layers. Each three layers corresponds to a cultivation realm. In addition, several methods of defending the Tao and protecting the body are also recorded.

This method does not have high requirements on the practitioner's own qualifications, as long as the spiritual root contains the wood attribute.

But this method consumes a lot of resources to practice!

At the first level of cultivation, you need to find thirty spiritual trees of different properties, collect their essence and blend it with your magic power to condense a "Dao tree" in the sea of ​​qi. Future cultivation will also be based on this "Dao tree". ” as the basis for practice.

The process of condensing "Tao Mu" is equally dangerous, and may also damage the Dantian and meridians, and even risk the body becoming "wooden".

Many monks who covet the power of this technique have been seriously injured or killed because of the forceful practice of the technique!

And even if the "Dao Wood" is condensed, in the future practice process, it is necessary to frequently collect the essence of ten thousand trees to temper the "Dao Wood", and the quality requirements for the spiritual wood will become higher and higher.

Every time this skill breaks through a small realm, the cultivator needs to collect the essence of spiritual trees of different numbers and older to integrate into the "Tao wood" just like when he first started.

If you fail to do this, it will be difficult to reach the next level of cultivation.

Even if a cultivator relies on some elixir or spiritual object to forcibly break through the realm, the power of the technique will not increase, and it may even cause the "Dao Wood" to collapse and the cultivation level will be lost!

However, the benefits that "Wan Mu Zhen Gong" brings to practitioners are not small.

First of all, after this technique is mastered, the cultivation speed will be very fast. Even a practitioner with middle-grade spiritual root qualifications can practice as fast as a practitioner with high-grade spiritual root qualifications who practices other ordinary techniques.

Secondly, after practicing this method, the magic power contains the pure vitality power of the wood attribute, and the physical body can be warmed and nourished by it, which can prolong life and keep youth forever.

At the same time, the recovery speed after injury will be many times faster than that of ordinary monks of the same level, and even the rebirth of broken limbs will not be a problem!

The mana cultivated in this way can also greatly enhance the power of spells and magic weapons when activating some wood magic and magical weapons refined from spiritual trees.

Finally, even if you only successfully cultivate the first level of this technique, you can still get it with two powerful supernatural powers: "Ten Thousand Wood Cage" and "Ten Thousand Wood Spirit Armor".

After introducing the basic information of the two techniques to Zhou Chun, Zhou Daoyi finally concluded: "Of the two techniques, the "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong" has a higher intention, greater power, and a longer inheritance. , very few people know about it.”

"Although the "Wan Mu Zhen Gong" is not as powerful as the "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong", its cultivation requirements are relatively lower, the cultivation speed is faster, and the danger is much less!"

Having said this, he looked at Zhou Chun who had been listening in rapt attention. After thinking about it, he still advised him: "If I were you, I would definitely rather choose the "Ten Thousand Woods True Skill" than the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Skill". "!"

Zhou Chun's expression moved slightly when he heard this.

But he did not rush to make a decision on the spot. Instead, he said to Zhou Daoyi: "Can the patriarch bring the translations of these two exercises to the juniors?"

"Of course, the translation is actually here."

Zhou Daoyi said, and then opened the protective cover on a stone platform in the same way.

I saw many jade books stored on the square stone platform, which were actually large jade slips.

Zhou Daoyi raised his hand and took the two jade books in his hands and handed them to Zhou Chun.

"See for yourself!"

After saying that, he sat down cross-legged and waited for Zhou Chun's choice.

Zhou Chun held the jade book in his hand and first read the cultivation method of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong".

Compared with what Zhou Daoyi said, the cultivation method described in more detail the various hardships and dangers encountered during the cultivation. Zhou Daoyi did not elaborate on many of the subtle hardships.

Of course, the above descriptions of the power of the exercises and various ways to protect oneself are also more intuitive and detailed, which is really exciting!

After that, Zhou Chun looked at the cultivation method of "Wan Mu Zhen Gong".

Sure enough, the jade book recording the cultivation method of "Wan Mu Zhen Gong" also recorded many details that Zhou Daoyi had never mentioned.

One of the most important details is the amount and year requirements for the spiritual wood essence that needs to be incorporated after each layer of "The True Skill of Ten Thousand Woods" is broken through.

According to the above statement, to get started on the first level, you only need to find thirty spiritual trees of different properties and types of ordinary years to lay the foundation.

But when you break through to the middle stage of foundation building and practice the second level, you need to find fifty spiritual trees that contain rich wood spirit energy to strengthen the technique, and it is best for the types and properties of the spiritual trees to be different.

Because the more types of spiritual trees are incorporated into the "Ten Thousand Woods True Skill", the greater the strengthening effect on this skill.

Of the two monks who are also cultivating the second level, if one integrates fifty non-duplicate qualifying spiritual trees, his subsequent cultivation speed and power of his techniques will be much stronger than those of a monk who incorporates a large number of the same type of spiritual trees.

As time goes by, "The True Skill of Ten Thousand Woods" will have higher requirements for the quality and type of spiritual trees that need to be incorporated.

When it reaches the golden elixir stage, hundreds of spiritual trees need to be integrated into it at every turn, and it is the kind of rare spiritual wood that can be cut down to refine third-level magic weapons!

When Zhou Chun saw this, his brows suddenly frowned very deeply.

To be honest, the first part of "Wan Mu Zhen Gong" is really fascinating.

Not only is the difficulty of cultivation much less than that of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", but the various benefits after cultivation are also more attractive than "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" which only improves the personal strength of the immortal cultivator.

But after seeing the later, the huge demand for spiritual trees in "The True Skill of Ten Thousand Woods" is very scary!

There are often hundreds of spiritual trees that can be used to refine third-level magic weapons. The demand is simply appalling!

Even for a large sect like Qinglian Temple, with the help of the entire sect, it would cost a lot of money and time to collect so many rare spiritual trees!

And the amount of spiritual wood that needs to be integrated into the Nascent Soul stage later is even more so that people almost dare not look at it!

That is almost impossible to accomplish!

I'm afraid that even if I search all over the world, I may not be able to find so many high-quality spiritual trees!

So when Zhou Chun saw this, his face suddenly became much heavier.

At this time, Zhou Daoyi, who was sitting cross-legged on the side, suddenly said: "Actually, although we immortal cultivators say we seek immortality and freedom, everyone knows that in this world, there is no immortal who can truly live forever!"

"If a casual cultivator can successfully build the foundation, his life will be considered complete!"

"Family monks like us usually only dare to dream about opening up the Purple Mansion."

"Even inner disciples of big sects like Qinglian Temple, their goal in this life is basically to form a golden elixir!"

"So you can just take a look at the requirements after the golden elixir stage of "Wan Mu Zhen Gong". There is no need to take it seriously!"

"If you choose this technique, with the strength of our Zhou family, we should help you find those spiritual trees before the Zifu period. It won't be too difficult!"

"And if you can successfully open up the Zifu and become the pillar of the family, then there is a chance that you can use the entire family's efforts to find the spiritual wood needed for cultivation."

At this point, his meaning was already obvious.

Since the greatest luxury is to form a golden elixir and live for a thousand years.

Then the "Wan Mu Zhen Gong", which is safer and faster to practice in the early stage, is undoubtedly much more practical than the "Jin Ding Xuan Gong".

However, can Zhou Chun really be satisfied with just a thousand years of life?

Did he come to this world, a world where he could cultivate immortality and seek immortality, just to live hundreds of years longer than ordinary mortals?

In this world where old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage are known to live for at least three thousand years, can he be satisfied as a time-traveling reborn person by only living for a thousand years?


no way!

Zhou Chun suddenly screamed in his heart, absolutely unwilling to set his life goal only at the Golden Elixir stage.

Then he straightened his body, and the heavy look in his brows disappeared. He looked at the clan leader Zhou Daoyi firmly and said, "This junior has decided. I have decided to practice the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique"!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Daoyi's expression changed, and then he looked at him with a frown and asked, "Why? Can you tell me why?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said firmly: "Because of hope! I don't want to take a dead end road with no hope! Even if it seems to be very wide and flat in front, it is easy to walk!"

Hearing his answer, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but retort: ​​"If you choose "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong", you will probably fall off the cliff and die before you even set foot on it!"

Zhou Chun shook his head and said: "There is no hope of a dead end. After walking on it, people will suffer."

"And the road full of hope, no matter how rugged and steep it is, people will still walk on with hope!"

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but hold my head high and said in an enthusiastic tone: "This junior is willing to be the person who is full of hope, even if he dies without regrets!"

The exercises will be a major selling point in the back of this book. In the desert, the description of the exercises is a bit vague, but Feixiu wants to describe them clearly, but he can't help it! In short, this book will combine the advantages of the previous three books, and provide more detailed descriptions of each aspect. For example, the Dragon Transformation Sect has the "Secrets of Transforming Dragons", and what methods do the Qinglian Temple and the Moon Lun Sect have to suppress their sects? ?

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