Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 138: A fly camp and a dog dog, the elder gives a treasure [Please subscribe]

Even if you die without regrets!

When Zhou Chun said these four words, Zhou Daoyi was shocked when he looked at him with a determined expression.

A monk who had just successfully established a foundation, a young monk who had successfully established a foundation at the age of thirty-six, could actually have the courage to say such words!

How could he not care about his remaining two hundred years of life and make such a life-saving decision!

This is indeed very shocking!

Zhou Daoyi was extremely shocked!

"Maybe I know why I didn't dare to choose to practice these top skills in the first place!"

"The ancients said that if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening!"

"Anyone without a true determination to sacrifice one's life is indeed not worthy of practicing these top-notch techniques that can chase immortals!"

He murmured to himself, and a feeling of shame emerged involuntarily.


When they were just trying to pick a book and practice it, they would not be in any danger, and they could practice it to the Zifu or Jindan stages, so that they could live hundreds of more years.

They have already lost their will to ask questions!

Ninety-nine percent of those ordinary skills, whether they are the first type of skills that can be practiced to obtain great power and supernatural powers, or the second type of skills that can be quickly improved after practicing, are impossible to practice. Nascent Soul stage.

Their appearance is just two types of defective products that later generations felt the difficulty of cultivating immortals and deleted and modified the top skills left by their predecessors.

It seems that this kind of defective product seems to be better, and there is no hidden danger of making people die easily after practicing.

But in fact, the fate of those who practice this technique is determined from the beginning.

They are just a bunch of sluts with no hope of success on the road!

They are just a group of people who can only live a few hundred years longer than others!

Indeed, in the current world of immortality, the number of cultivators is far beyond what it was in ancient times.

The human race can achieve its current status thanks to these two defective techniques that have created a large number of foundation-building, purple mansion, and golden elixir monks.

But in terms of truly top-level power, the current world of immortality is far inferior to that of the ancient times.

After all, in ancient times, every immortal cultivator practiced top-notch techniques such as the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique", and everyone was a person who wanted to pursue immortality.

Although many people have been martyred on the road to pursuing immortality, none of them regretted embarking on this road!

Compared with these seekers who dare to face the dangers of the road and life and death.

Most of today's immortal cultivators are indeed far behind in their desire to inquire.

"Well, since you insist on this and are so determined to ask, I won't advise you any more, as long as you don't regret it!"

Zhou Daoyi finally looked at Zhou Chun with a complicated expression and nodded, and stopped trying to persuade him to change his mind.

"Thank you, patriarch, for your support. I will never regret it!"

Zhou Chun answered firmly.

Then Zhou Daoyi asked him to put away the jade book that was the translation of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", put the other things back in their original places, and cast a spell again to restore the shield on the stone platform.

Then he and Zhou Chun left the stone room and returned to Zhongping Hall.

"The translation of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" will be placed with you first, so that you can understand it at any time. However, if you leave the family, remember not to take it out!"

"It is extremely difficult to get started with this technique, and a lot of resources are required to get started. Please study it carefully first, and if you have any needs later, bring it up with the family, and the family will provide you with help as appropriate."

"In short, don't rush to start practicing right away. Try your best to make preparations before trying. You are now a foundation-building monk, so you have no shortage of time!"

In the Zhongping Hall, after returning here, Zhou Daoyi warned Zhou Chun again, telling him to be careful and careful.

Apart from these, Zhou Daoyi can't say anything else now, and can't give any advice on cultivation.

Not many members of the Zhou family dared to practice these top skills before, let alone now.

The last monk who practiced top-level skills and achieved great achievements was the golden elixir monk Yu Jinghua who now makes the Zhou family monks hate him!

After giving some earnest instructions, Zhou Daoyi pondered for a moment, then looked at Zhou Chun and said: "Since you have chosen the exercises now, then you will go with me to visit the Supreme Elder on a day to receive the gifts given by him. Magical weapon!"

"Yes, junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded and immediately said goodbye and left.

In the next few days, Zhou Chun did nothing but read the jade book.

After studying in detail the cultivation methods of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" recorded in the Jade Book, as well as the four outer chapters on how to defend the Tao and protect oneself, Zhou Chun discovered that in fact, if sufficient preparations are made, the dangers of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" are not As high as I thought at first.

In addition to the fact that it is very dangerous to cast the "Dao Cauldron" for the first time, the subsequent recasting of the broken cauldron is life-threatening every time.

But if you can follow the effective methods summarized by the senior monks on the exercises and make sufficient preparations, the success rate is actually very high.

Even if it is the first time to cast a "Dao Cauldron", there are still some methods to help monks minimize the risk of the Qi Sea Meridians being broken.

Of course, none of those methods are easy to do.

Otherwise, this "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" wouldn't be possible. Since the Zhou family obtained it more than 900 years ago, only one person has mastered it, and in the end, that person died in the first recasting of the Broken Cauldron!

"Pulse-protecting pills, pulse-nourishing pills, and Jin Ling Qi Adjusting Powder. As long as you prepare enough of these three things and let those main meridians adapt to the impact of gold energy in advance, the chance of success in building the cauldron will be greatly increased! "

"Since there are senior monks in the Zhou family who can successfully practice the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" using this method, then I can definitely do it too!"

In the room, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and infinite confidence surged in his heart.

When he first practiced "Xinjin Sword Qi", he had already experienced the pain caused by the metal qi entering his body.

But we also know from this that although gold energy entering the body is dangerous, it is not invincible.

And the power of "Xinjin Sword Qi" was completely worthy of the pain he had suffered.

Although the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" is extremely difficult to master now, Zhou Chun also believes that as long as he can successfully practice this technique to get started, then in the future, as long as he does not encounter the same monk who practices the top-level technique, among the same level It will be difficult for anyone to be his opponent!

With this plan in mind, Zhou Chun went to see the clan leader Zhou Daoyi, and then went to the cave of Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder, at the top of the pagoda to pay homage.

Zhou Chun had always been curious about what the cave of a monk in the Zifu period was like.

This time, after following the clan leader Zhou Daoyi into the cave of Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde, he was able to satisfy his curiosity.

Zhou Mingde's cave is located about fifty feet below the top of Pagoda Peak. It is a typical built-in cave.

The so-called built-in cave is when the monks use great power to dig into the mountain, excavate a vast space inside the mountain, and then separate stone chambers for different purposes.

There are many benefits to this kind of cave. First, it is safe and concealed. The cave is located deep in the mountain, and there are many formations inside to reinforce it. It is not easy for outsiders to discover the cave. If you want to threaten the monks in the cave, you must first open the mountain and crack the ground. OK.

The second is to make it easier for monks to absorb the spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual veins.

After all, spiritual veins are usually located underground, and some nodes where spiritual energy gathers are also usually underground.

Third, the privacy is excellent. It is isolated by the thick mountain and the thick stone door of the cave. Even if the Golden Core Stage monks are outside the cave, it is difficult for their spiritual consciousness to penetrate the thick mountain and the stone door of the cave to get a glimpse of the situation inside the cave.

The stone door of Zhou Mingde's cave is three feet thick and is cut from a hard stone called "Chongxuan Stone".

After entering from the main door, there is a corridor that leads to many stone chambers with different uses. Each stone chamber is also protected by a thick stone door.

This arrangement is a bit like the science fiction movies Zhou Chun watched in his previous life, those secret bases located deep underground.

The lighting used in the cave is not "sunstone", but the much more advanced "sunbead", a special magic weapon that can absorb free spiritual energy on its own to create light.

Zhou Chun also noticed that the air inside the cave was very smooth, which proved that there were vents directly leading to the outside world where he could not see, introducing outside air to circulate inside.

After following the clan leader Zhou Daoyi for a certain distance in the cave corridor, Zhou Chun then entered a stone room with an open door.

Inside the stone room, there are all kinds of tables, chairs and benches, and even some green potted plants. It looks like it should be a reception room.

Zhou Mingde, the Supreme Elder, was sitting on the first chair.

Seeing this, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun immediately saluted together and said, "Juniors pay their respects to the Supreme Elder."

"You're welcome, please take your seats first."

Zhou Mingde waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to sit down first.

Seeing this, the two of them thanked each other again: "Thank you, Supreme Elder, for giving me a seat."

Then we sat down together on the guest seat.

After sitting down like this, Zhou Daoyi bowed his hands towards Zhou Mingde and said: "To the Supreme Elder, Zhengchun has now chosen his major training method. This junior brought him here to pay homage to the Supreme Elder in the hope that he Able to listen to the teachings of the Supreme Elder."

Of course, these words are just for the occasion. After all, you can't say that we are here to ask for something from you.

Zhou Mingde also knew this.

However, he was not in a hurry to give the things to Zhou Chun. Instead, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Dao Yi also told me about your choice to practice "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong" a few days ago. I have to say that you are not ambitious. Even though you are small, you are also very courageous!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, his brows moved slightly, but he did not speak.

Zhou Mingde's words were just expressing his own opinion of him, not asking for anything, and there was no need to answer.

Seeing that he was silent, Zhou Mingde seemed to understand what he meant.

He immediately nodded and said, "Of course, don't worry. Since you have made your own choice and are willing to bear the consequences, no one will stop you from following your own path."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "But I still suggest that you study the cultivation experience left by the senior monk in the family first, and collect a large amount of gold energy needed to build the tripod, even if it takes ten or eight years. It’s worth the time!”

"In this way, during this preparation time, you can just take over Dao Yi's responsibilities, so that Dao Yi can concentrate on training and hit the later stage of foundation building."

So is this the condition for giving yourself two second-level magic weapons?

Zhou Chun listened to Zhou Mingde's words and quickly understood their meaning.

Obviously, since there is a high chance of failing and dying while practicing "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", Zhou Mingde is also worried that if he fails and dies, it will cause great losses to the Zhou family.

That loss not only came from the loss of a foundation-building monk, but also was a great obstacle to the patriarch Zhou Daoyi's attack on the Zi Mansion.

Because if Zhou Chun, the carefully cultivated deputy patriarch, dies early, then Zhou Daoyi can only continue to be a good patriarch and focus on taking care of family affairs.

This will naturally greatly hinder his attack on Zi Mansion.

Compared with Shouyuan, who is not particularly rich, the clan leader Zhou Daoyi cannot bear the delay of many years of waiting.

Zhou Chun is only thirty-six years old now. Even if he delays for ten or eight more years, he is still young and will not have a big impact on his future path.

To be honest, if it was for other people, Zhou Chun would definitely be extremely reluctant at the moment, and would even rather not have those two second-level magic weapons.

But the patriarch Zhou Daoyi was kind to him, and no one in the Zhou family could match his kindness to him.

For the sake of the path of the clan leader Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun was still willing to delay ten or eight years of his time, so he was not so resistant.

Therefore, after he glanced at the patriarch Zhou Daoyi next to him, he responded in a low voice: "Yes, this junior will definitely follow the teachings of the Supreme Elder and take care of family affairs with care!"

"Very good. With your words, I feel relieved!"

Zhou Mingde nodded with satisfaction, very satisfied with Zhou Chun's answer.

Then he reached out and patted the storage bag, and two spiritual lights flew out of it and landed in the air in front of him.

The two objects he saw were a spike with a golden aura and a token with a yellow aura, which happened to be two second-level low-grade magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense.

"These two magic weapons are the trophies I got from killing the enemy before. They are quite powerful. I will give them to you as self-defense items!"

Zhou Mingde said, and with a wave of his sleeve, he pushed it in front of Zhou Chun.

"Yes, I would like to thank the Supreme Elder for the treasure."

Zhou Chun responded respectfully, and calmly reached out to put the two magic weapons into his bag.

After hearing a few words of encouragement from Zhou Mingde, he and the clan leader Zhou Daoyi left the cave.

Sweat, I got the chapter name wrong yesterday. It should have been Chapter 136! Today's two updates have been completed. Now I am writing the third chapter. If it is written before 11 o'clock in the evening, it will be considered as an extra update and will be released!

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