Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 139 Reforming the family and practicing the secret technique of controlling beasts [Please s

After returning from the cave of Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun had a heart-to-heart talk with the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

After the secret talk, the patriarch Zhou Daoyi officially retired behind the scenes and concentrated on practicing.

Zhou Chun began to officially exercise the power of the clan leader as the deputy clan leader.

He first did three things. On the one hand, he ordered the Spiritual Beast Studio in Fangshi to place an order for "Tianbao Pavilion" and order two magic weapons that could collect and contain gold energy.

On the one hand, the family set up a task to collect gold energy, and asked the monks in the family's qi refining period to collect gold energy with the gourd magic weapon they had used before.

In the end, he also used his relationship with his family to purchase two elixirs, the Pulse Protecting Pill and the Pulse Nourishing Pill, as well as the refining materials for Jin Ling Tiao Qi Powder.

After making arrangements for his own cultivation, Zhou Chuncai began to reform all aspects of the Zhou family's administrative management.

He first invited several elders and clan leader Zhou Daoyi to the Zhongping Hall, held a high-level elders meeting, and passed a plan to appoint ordinary clansmen to work in the mountain.

Then he asked people to bring a group of ordinary people who he had secretly collected and trained to the mountain.

Now, after three population migrations, the Zhou family has moved over from Feng Country to nearly 50,000 ordinary people, most of whom are young men and women.

Most of the ordinary people of the Zhou family who remained in Feng Country were old and weak, unable to adapt to large-scale long-distance migration, and it was no longer possible for them to migrate on a large-scale.

So in the future, unless they have the perseverance to travel thousands of miles to Jingguo to meet each other, it will be impossible for the Zhou family to migrate there again.

And with these 50,000 ordinary people as the basic base, it won't take a hundred years for the Zhou family to breed hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in Jingguo!

The group of mortals Zhou Chun now asked to take up the mountain were carefully selected from the 50,000 ordinary people.

There are seventy of them in total, and most of them are energetic young adults.

Six of them were left by Zhou Chun on Pagoda Peak, and four who were good at calculations and statistics were appointed as transcribers to record the affairs that he, the patriarch, dealt with every day.

Two burly men served as guards in front of the palace, responsible for delivering messages.

The remaining people, twelve mortals who were quite familiar with medicinal materials, were sent to Bai Yao Peak to help take care of the elixirs on the mountain and do some chores at the same time.

Thirty-six people were sent to the animal garden to help feed the monsters and do various chores.

Another sixteen people were sent to the remaining eight peaks to assist the peak masters in making various statistics.

This is the preliminary arrangement for mortals to go up the mountain.

And Zhou Chun's reform of the Zhou family goes beyond that.

In his envisioned plan, the Zhou family would set up multiple halls, each corresponding to a certain aspect of affairs, and the peak master of each peak would only become a symbol of honor.

However, in order to realize his plan, he not only needs to convince the peak leaders of each peak, but also waits for him to identify suitable leaders and personnel for each hall.

So after he waited for these mortals to arrive at their posts, he did a few other things.

The first is to ask the peak masters of each peak to record the changes in the cultivation level of each family monk and make a monthly report.

The second is to count the skills each monk is good at, what spiritual pets he has, and the family tasks he has performed.

On the other hand, he personally took the time to call each clan member to the Zhongping Hall and asked them if they were interested in certain things and if they had any plans to serve the family in some aspects.

Then Zhou Chun also asked the tribesmen to recommend casual cultivators who they thought were trustworthy, and also registered the information of those casual cultivators and compiled them into a book as a backup.

Finally, Zhou Chun proposed setting up a list called the Family Contribution List.

The list will list the top ten clan members who have made the greatest contribution to the family each year, and give them additional awards.

At the same time, the five clan members who have made the lowest contribution to the family each year will also be listed.

This list will be posted outside the Zhou family's ancestral temple in the future, and all clan members can go and check it at any time!

Because these measures and reforms did not have many touches on the bottom line of the tribe, at most they would waste some of their time doing some statistical surveys, so they were all successfully implemented. .

As for the family contribution list, because it has just been established, the first year's situation has not yet been officially announced, and it has also not attracted much attention from the Zhou family.

In this way, while many Zhou family monks became busy because of Zhou Chun's orders, others went to Feishifeng.

The peak master of Feishi Peak, Zhou Daoquan, is currently in retreat and in the late stages of breakthrough and foundation building, and no news has been released.

Fortunately, the guardian of the library [Aoki Spirit Ape] is still doing his duty to protect this place.

After Zhou Chun came over this time, he immediately reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a few spiritual fruits and a jar of spiritual fruit wine.

Then he smiled slightly at the green-haired giant ape who was already moving his index finger and said: "Old Ape, these spiritual pears and this jar of Baiguo wine, I specially asked people to collect and buy them from the market. You can try how they taste. ?”

Hearing what he said, the giant green-haired ape immediately shouted "Oh!": "Good boy, it seems that your position as deputy chief is not in vain. Let me, old ape, have a taste!"

Although it was spoken in ape language, Zhou Chun, who was already relatively familiar with ape language, understood its meaning.

Dang even dropped the thing into his hand, nodded and said, "Old Yuan, please taste it slowly first. I'll go upstairs to choose the secret technique first."

At the beginning, the clan leader Zhou Daoyi promised Zhou Chun that after he established the foundation, all the secret arts and techniques of the Zhou family would be released for him to choose and practice.

He came to the library today to choose secret techniques.

Since he could not learn "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" for the time being and his cultivation level could not be improved, Zhou Chun planned to use the original meditation time to practice several more secret techniques.

Of course, with his current level of cultivation, he would definitely not be able to practice ordinary secret techniques like those on the second floor, but secret techniques that would be of great use to foundation-building monks.

After Zhou Chun became the deputy clan leader, Zhou Daoyi taught him all the techniques for opening forbidden areas such as the library.

He has learned to master it these days.

At this time, he opened the forbidden method on the second floor of the library, and all the secret techniques collected inside appeared in his sight.

Looking at the bookshelf labeled "Gongfa", Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with strange color and he immediately walked over.

Although the purpose of this trip is to select secret techniques, there is no harm in taking a look at these techniques.

I saw him casually picking up a book called "Stone Dragon Art", opened it and started reading.

This "Stone Dragon Technique" is one of those techniques that can master powerful magical powers after practice. As long as the first level of practice is successful, it will come with two powerful powers: "Spiritual Stone Dragon" and "Stone Dragon Battle Armor". Common supernatural powers.

Just looking at the descriptions above, the power of these two magical powers is probably no worse than the two magical powers included in the "Ten Thousand Woods True Skill".

If you want to successfully practice "Stone Dragon Art", you also need to use valuable spiritual materials such as "Wutu Yuanshi" and "Earth Spirit Jade" to assist. There is no record of the dangers of practice.

But the speed of practicing "Stone Dragon Art" is very slow!

There are examples left by the senior monks of the Zhou family above. Even if a monk with high-grade spiritual root qualifications practices this technique, if he does not take any pills to improve his magic power, it will take almost a hundred years to break through to the middle stage of foundation building!

Based on this calculation, the time required to break through from the middle stage of foundation building to the late stage of foundation building will only be much longer!

And even if you can rely on the power of elixirs to cultivate this skill to the Zifu stage, it will be difficult to improve your cultivation at such a slow speed.

After all, the higher you go, the fewer elixirs suitable for high-level monks to take to improve your magic power.

When Zhou Chun was in the Qi refining stage, as long as he had spirit coins, he could buy pills to improve his magic power.

However, the elixirs that can improve the magic power of monks in the foundation-building period are in short supply, and it is difficult to buy them in ordinary shops.

When Zhou Chun saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head and put it back.

Then he took the skill called "Condensing Yuan Gong" from the lower floor and opened it to read.

Compared with the previous "Stone Dragon Art", this "Condensing Yuan Gong" is completely opposite.

Practicing "Yuan Yuan Gong" does not require any spiritual material assistance, and any monk who has just successfully established the foundation can practice it.

However, after this technique is successfully practiced, it will only come with a "spirit gathering technique" magical power without any combat ability, which can gather spiritual energy faster and speed up the practice.

Even if a middle-grade spiritual root monk practices this technique, with the blessing of "Spirit Gathering Technique" and without taking any pills to improve his magical power, he can practice to the middle stage of foundation building within fifty years.

Even from the middle stage of foundation building to the late stage of foundation building, it does not take eighty years, and there will be very few bottlenecks in the middle.

In other words, under ideal circumstances, if a mid-level spiritual root cultivator successfully builds the foundation at the age of sixty and chooses to practice the "Condensing Yuan Gong", then there is a high probability that he will be able to practice to the late stage of foundation building before he is two hundred years old. Opportunity strikes Zi Mansion.

It looks great!

But in fact, unless you are a descendant of a high-level monk, you don't have to go out to fight with others. You can practice inside the mountain gate.

Otherwise, he would have to go out and fight with other monks and monsters.

And if you are a casual cultivator, if you don't even have a second-level magical weapon when you just established the foundation, after practicing this "Condensing Yuan Gong", you may only be able to bully the next-level monsters, and you will encounter the first second-level monsters at will. All the beasts will flee for their lives.

If you are a family monk, even if you have the second-order magic weapon issued by the family, you can only fight with those weak second-order monsters. If you encounter stronger second-order monsters, you will not be able to defeat them.

And if you encounter an enemy who is a foundation-building monk who also has a second-level magical weapon in hand, and the opponent's cultivation method also comes with powerful offensive magical powers, it will be difficult to even escape!

Just like the foundation-building casual cultivator Shen Han whom Zhou Chun fought against, it seemed that the opponent never used any powerful magical power to attack him from the beginning to the end, but relied on magic weapons and spells.

He was probably just a foundation-building monk who wanted to practice quickly and practiced a technique similar to "Condensing Yuan Gong".

Of course, exercises like "Condensing Yuan Gong" that pursue extreme speed in cultivation are not absolutely mainstream.

Although many second-category exercises also pursue the speed of cultivation, they often also take into account the aspect of defending the Tao and protecting the body.

Just like the exercises practiced by several foundation-building monks of the Zhou family, the speed of practice can achieve almost 70% of the effect of "Condensing Yuan Gong". At the same time, the magical powers attached are mostly self-defense and escape techniques, which can save lives when encountering danger. The ability is much stronger.

In short, after reading the introduction of these exercises, Zhou Chun felt even more grateful for his decision to practice top-level exercises and became more determined.

He quickly left the skill area and arrived at the area where the secret techniques were stored.

The Zhou family has collected many kinds of secret techniques that are suitable for monks in the foundation-building stage, but the conditions for practicing many secret techniques are relatively harsh.

Zhou Chun is already very overwhelmed just by practicing the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique". How can he still have the energy to concentrate on practicing those too complicated secret techniques?

Therefore, his purpose this time is very clear, which is to prepare to practice the secret technique of beast control passed down by the Zhou family.

Speaking of which, although the Zhou family is a family of beast control, except for the fact that most of the clan members have tamed monster beasts as spiritual pets and know some skills in taming spirit beasts, it seems that they have never revealed any powerful beast control secrets.

It gives people a feeling that it is not worthy of its name.

In fact, those are all illusions!

Since the Zhou family regards the art of beast control as a family inheritance skill, of course they have the secret skill of beast control to go with it.

Not to mention the "soul-controlling blood array" and other contract techniques that Zhou Chun had used before, the Zhou family's truly powerful beast-controlling secret techniques actually require the foundation-building level to practice, and many of them are against monster beasts and spiritual pets. Strength is required.

For example, the secret beast control technique used by Zhou Daoyi can stimulate the dragon bloodline in the Azure Cloud Python, allowing it to transform into a dragon and kill everyone!

Zhou Chun came to the library mainly for this secret technique.

He searched on the bookshelf and quickly found the jade slip that recorded this secret technique.

"Ancestral Resurrection", after being used on some monsters that contain the blood of top monsters, can stimulate the blood of ancestors in their bodies, allowing them to briefly enter the ancestor state and master some of the ancestors' magical powers in this realm.

The minimum requirement for the magical beast to be subjected to the spell is level two, and it must have a contractual relationship with the spell-casting monk and not resist the power of the spell-casting monk.

At the same time, the ancestral blood concentration in the body must also reach a certain level. The higher the blood concentration, the stronger the ability to undergo postoperative amplification.

That's right, the secret technique Zhou Daoyi used was not a secret technique specifically targeted at the dragon clan as Zhou Chun originally thought, but a secret technique that was useful for many types of monsters with powerful potentials.

However, although every Zhou family foundation-building cultivator can practice this secret technique, there are only a few Zhou family cultivators who have monster pets that meet the conditions for receiving the technique, so not everyone can practice it.

In addition to the secret beast-controlling technique "Ancestral Resurrection", Zhou Chun also chose another secret beast-controlling technique "Beast Spirit War Armor" for himself.

"Beast Spirit Battle Armor", after being used on a monster, can stimulate the monster's own mana and condense a spiritual armor with strong defensive power to protect the monster. The strength of the defense depends on the monster's cultivation level and the owner's cultivation level. .

In fact, there are many other secret techniques of beast control in the Zhou family, but Zhou Chun knows that he can't bite off more than he can chew, so it's not too late to practice these two first before practicing other secret techniques.

Phew, the update did it, and now the update chapter has been completed! There are two hours left and I haven’t taken a shower yet. I can’t finish writing a chapter. I’ll update the chapter tomorrow morning at noon!

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