Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 140 Zhengyong’s transformation, a thousand-year plan [Please subscribe]

Jiufeng Ridge.

The Zhou family in Jiufengling was quite lively on this day.

Many Zhou family monks came to the entrance and exit of the mountain gate, preparing to welcome the Zhou family monks who returned from the war.

That's right, today is the day when the Zhou family's monks from the expedition to Yunzhou return.

After being stationed in Yunzhou for more than a year, the monks who were recruited from the Zhou family were finally able to return to their families.

This does not mean that the war between Yunzhou and Hualong Sect has ended, but that after coordination and discussion between Qinglianguan and other Jingguo factions, reinforcements sent from other Jingguo factions and states have arrived at the Yunzhou battlefield.

With the addition of these new forces, the number of Jingguo monks in Yunzhou was very abundant, so Qinglianguan asked the monks from Lanzhou, Lingzhou, and Lianzhou who had been urgently recruited to fight back to their families to recuperate.

Of the fourteen Zhou family Qi Refining Stage monks who went there, only seven have returned alive, and two of them are cripples with broken arms and blind eyes!

At this time, under the leadership of Zhou Jiarui, the fourth elder of the Zhou family, a group of Zhou family monks slowly walked into the entrance of the mountain gate that had been opened for them and walked into the mountain gate.

Then they saw Zhou Chun, Zhou Jiahe, and as many as sixty or seventy Zhou family monks, large and small, standing facing them.

After seeing this lineup, even Zhou Jiarui, who was unaware, was stunned.

They never expected that so many tribesmen would be here to greet them.

Facing the surprised people, Zhou Chun opened his hands and said with a smile on his face: "Welcome back to all the warriors who have been away from home!"

"You are all heroes of the family, and the family is proud to have members of your clan who are not afraid of sacrifice!"

"On behalf of all the monks in the family, I sincerely thank you for your sacrifices and contributions to the family!"

Having said this, he also bowed deeply and bowed to several people.

Then he looked at the few people with sincere eyes and said, "Welcome home!"

"Welcome home!"

Behind Zhou Chun, Zhou Jiahe and other Zhou family monks also spoke out in unison, with smiles on their faces.

Scenes like this made Zhou Jiarui and others, who were already in a good mood because they were able to return home, feel extremely comfortable and deeply satisfied, and their faces were filled with happy and excited smiles.

"Young boy, you can always come up with some new tricks!"

Zhou Jiarui stepped forward and patted Zhou Chun heavily on the shoulder with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with the battle Zhou Chun had created.

Although everyone knows that these family monks who were recruited are actually cannon fodder.

But no one can deny that their expedition solved a troublesome matter for the family and gave other clan members a stable opportunity to practice.

It's okay to say that they are the heroes of the family.

And these Zhou family monks who originally felt abandoned, now that they have returned and saw the deputy clan leader and elders bringing so many clan members to greet them and others, the feeling of abandonment has undoubtedly been greatly reduced.

What if you really abandoned them?

Why do we need to put on such a big show to welcome them?

Therefore, people's hearts are changeable.

For some people who know how to play with people's hearts, there are always many ways to make people who have changed their hearts change their hearts again.

Zhou Chun is not a master at playing with people's hearts, otherwise he wouldn't be so old and didn't even have a wife in his previous life.

But I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs walking.

Although he is not a master at playing with people's hearts, he does know some ways to win over people's hearts and change them.

When these methods are used together with the power he currently possesses, the effect will naturally be very good.

When an ordinary person does a good deed and is praised by an ordinary person, can he get as much happiness as when he is praised by the leader of a country?

Can it be so praised by people all over the country?

This is a simple and easy-to-understand truth!

Of course, Zhou Chun also knew that verbal praise alone could only make people happy for a while. After the excitement passed, the feeling of emptiness would be more likely to erode people's hearts.

Therefore, he also prepared practical benefits for all the returning Zhou family monks.

Including generous rewards for good deeds, spiritual coin rewards, exemption from all family chores for three years, etc.

These things, even for fallen monks, are inherited by their immediate relatives, if they have immediate relatives of monks.

In this way, with face and dignity gained, the monks from the Zhou family who came back would naturally have no complaints.

Even the painful battlefield experience that originally made them afraid has now become their capital to brag and show off, even more useful when quarreling.

After the quarrel started, he directly lifted up his clothes, revealing the scars left by the injuries on his body, and said excitedly and loudly that I have shed blood for the Zhou family, I have made meritorious service for the Zhou family, and I have blocked a gun for you...

Generally speaking, monks from the Zhou family who have not had this experience are even more senior elders. I am afraid they will be speechless and their momentum will immediately weaken!

"I didn't expect that I had only been out for more than a year, but so many things happened in the family!"

"Thirteenth brother, not only did you succeed in building the foundation, you also became the deputy patriarch of the family and took full charge of family affairs!"

On Baozhi Peak, in the living room of his home, Zhou Zhengyong, who had returned, looked at the clan brothers in front of him with emotion on his face, and his eyes were filled with wonder.

After he went out to fight for a year, although he also gained something, his cultivation level broke through to the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

But compared with Zhou Chun's successful foundation building, it was obviously nothing.

When Zhou Chun heard his sigh, he just smiled and said nothing.

Similar words have been said by many people.

After he gently picked up the tea cup next to him and took a sip of tea, he looked at Zhou Zhengyong with a hint of surprise and said: "Brother Yong, you seem to have gained a lot. Not only have you improved your cultivation, but also your spiritual temperament." It’s very different from before. It seems that you have experienced a lot in the past year or so!”

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhengyong couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and then he seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly looked a little dazed and sighed softly: "Yes, I have indeed experienced a lot of things!"

"Then I wonder if I can talk to my little brother?"

Zhou Chun asked with curiosity on his face.

When Zhou Zhengyong heard this, he hesitated a little at first, but after only hesitating for a while, he nodded gently and said, "Then let's talk to my thirteenth brother!"

It turned out that after he went to Yunzhou, he experienced twenty or thirty battles in just over a year!

Those battles include encounters and offensive and defensive battles.

The enemies include both formal members of the Hualong Sect and casual cultivators who are driven by the Hualong Sect.

Among them, the battle that had the greatest impact on Zhou Zhengyong was the attack on the Hualong Sect's stronghold.

In that battle, two monks from the Zhou family fell to death at once, leaving one disabled.

But a battle that was originally thought to be easy to win turned out to be a tragic victory that was very difficult to win because of the traitor's betrayal.

It just so happened that the traitor was Zhou Zhengyong's companion who had fought together for half a year, and the two had established a good friendship!

In this battle, Zhou Zhengyong not only lost two tribesmen and a friend, but he and his spiritual pet red-tailed monkey were also seriously injured. It took him two or three months to fully recover.

When Zhou Zhengyong said this, he couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "After that battle, when I was recuperating from my injuries, I often looked at everyone with strange eyes, and everyone was guessing whether he had also been taught by the Dragon Transformation Cult. Bought!"

“Even the tribesmen around me can’t completely believe it!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking: "What happened next?"

"Later, after I recovered from my injury, I was transferred to the front line to participate in the battle. During the battle, my life was saved by a teammate who had just formed a team!"

"That's when I realized that this is war, and this is what the world of immortality should be like!"

After Zhou Zhengyong answered this, he suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and said: "Once we go to the battlefield, we should always be vigilant. Even if we are companions who have been together in life and death, we must still be wary!"

"But we should also retain trust in our companions. Even if we have just met a companion, once we choose to form a companion, we must believe that they will save us in times of danger!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said: "This is my experience and insights. I hope I won't disappoint you, Thirteenth Brother."

“Of course you won’t be disappointed!”

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Zhengyong with brilliant eyes, and said with admiration: "Brother Yong, your experience is indeed a test of human nature, and it also tempers people's hearts!"

"Brother Yong, judging from your experience and your own insights, it is obvious that you are stronger now than you were before going to Yunzhou, much more powerful!"

Yes, Zhou Chun can see that Zhou Zhengyong is now much stronger than before, both in terms of actual combat ability and psychological endurance.

Since ancient times, war has been the fastest way for men to grow up!

Men who have experienced the baptism of cruel war will become stronger physically and mentally.

Even cultivators are no exception.

In Zhou Chun's eyes, the former Zhou Zhengyong, who was a monk with some qualifications and skills in raising animals, could be a good manager of the animal garden. He could make use of his affectionate and righteous character and be assured of being assigned to some important positions. Become a management talent.

But now, he feels that Zhou Zhengyong's upper limit has been increased, and he has the value to support his foundation building, and can play a greater role in the family in the future.

And compared to many monks in the Zhou family, Zhou Zhengyong has another more important value, that is, he has a wife and children, and both of them are monks!

From a family perspective, the importance of a clan member with descendants is undoubtedly greater than that of a clan member without descendants with the same abilities.

Zhou Chun is now the deputy patriarch of the Zhou family. Even if he does not consider his personal relationship with Zhou Zhengyong, he still has reason to look at him differently because of this.

At this time, Zhou Zhengyong seemed to have seen something, and suddenly said to Zhou Chun with a serious face: "I know that Thirteenth Brother, you have great ambitions and ambitions. Now you have become the deputy patriarch of the family and are fully in charge of family affairs. , I guess it’s time to show off my ambitions.”

"I don't dare to say anything else from now on. As long as there is something in the family that needs to use Brother Wei, Brother Wei will definitely have no problem with it!"

As a monk in the Qi Refining Stage, if he said something like this to a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, it would be very unbelievable if he put it outside and let those casual cultivators see it.

Even within the Immortal Cultivation Clan, there are not many Qi Refining Stage cultivators who have the courage to say this.

But now he has the courage to say so.

Zhou Chun understood that this was not only because he had gained great courage after experiencing life and death, but also because he had a deep affection for himself and did not regard himself as an outsider.

So he nodded very formally and said, "I will, and you will definitely be of use to Brother Yong when the time comes!"

"Then I will be waiting for your orders at any time, brother."

Zhou Zhengyong grinned, seemingly satisfied with Zhou Chun's answer.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhou Chun did not take up any more of Zhou Zhengyong's time and quickly left his home so that he could talk to his wife and children.

It seems like a happy event comes in pairs.

Not long after Zhou Zhengyong and other monks from the expedition returned to their family, Zhou Daoquan, the third elder of the Zhou family who had been in seclusion for several years, also successfully broke through to the late stage of foundation building and came out of seclusion.

As a result, the Zhou family has two late-stage foundation-building monks.

And because Zhou Daoquan is only over 170 years old now, he may also have the possibility of attacking the Zi Mansion in the future.

Even though he was almost unlucky, Zhou Daoyi happened to have the opportunity to turn into a dragon because of his spiritual pet, and he was also preparing to attack the Zi Mansion.

With the current strength of the Zhou family, it is still a bit unrealistic to support two foundation-building monks to attack the Zi Mansion at the same time.

It may take one of the two to find a breakthrough opportunity in the future.

But that's for the future.

At least for now, because Zhou Daoquan successfully broke through to the late stage of foundation building, all the monks in the Zhou family are in a good mood.

This is what a dynamic family looks like, what a prosperous family should look like!

"I didn't want so many things to happen during my few years of seclusion!"

"The Mu family was destroyed and rebuilt, but a guardian of the Hualong Sect died under the siege of the Supreme Elder and others!"

"And you kid, not only did you succeed in building the foundation, you also became the deputy patriarch of the family and officially took over the responsibilities of the patriarch!"

On Feishifeng, when Zhou Chun came alone to congratulate Zhou Daoquan who had just come out of seclusion, the Zhou elder looked at the young junior in front of him who was already in the same realm as himself, thinking about the various news he had just learned. , also full of emotion.

After Zhou Chun heard his emotion, his eyes moved and he couldn't help but smile: "Elder, you have indeed missed a lot of things. If you feel sorry for not participating in these things, then why not help the juniors deal with it next time?" How about a complete overhaul of the family?”

"Junior, I can assure you that this comprehensive reform will definitely be an important reform that will affect the Zhou family for thousands of years. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a thousand-year plan!"

By the end of the sentence, his tone had become very solemn.

This change in tone made Zhou Daoquan squint his eyes and look at him in surprise.

Then he said in a solemn tone: "From your tone, this reform should be very unusual!"

After speaking, he asked again: "You want to comprehensively reform the family. Does the Supreme Elder know that? Do you agree?"

"This junior is going to obtain the consent of all the elders first, and then invite the Supreme Elder to make the final decision!"

Zhou Chun calmly said something that made Zhou Daoquan's expression change.

First update today, there will be another update tonight!

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