Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 148: Betrayed, powerful enemy attacks [Please subscribe]

Zhou Jiapeng's foundation-building success brought the number of Zhou family's foundation-building monks to seven, and the family's strength once again increased a lot.

In just a dozen years, four foundation-building monks were cultivated one after another. The inherent power displayed by the Zhou family also shocked many immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou.

For ordinary cultivating families, such as the Mu family before them, if they can cultivate a foundation-building monk in twenty or thirty years, it is considered very good.

Stronger Immortal Cultivation Families, such as the Wang Family of Red Medicine Valley, usually can only cultivate one Foundation Establishment cultivator within twenty years, and sometimes even none.

The Zhou family has now trained four foundation-building monks in less than twenty years!

How could this speed not scare other families?

In addition, Zhou Mingde, the current Zifu period monk of the Zhou family, is in his prime and his lifespan is less than 300 years old.

Anyone who looks at the current Zhou family knows that its rise is unstoppable.

The status of the great Immortal Cultivation Clan in Lanzhou is as stable as Mount Tai!

"I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. Uncle Zhengchun, I will never forget your kindness in this life!"

"If you ever need me as an uncle in the future, please don't be polite to me!"

Zhou Chun's residence, Zhou Jiapeng, who had successfully escaped from seclusion, came here specially to thank him.

Only those who have personally experienced the dangerous cultivation of foundation building will know how difficult this level is.

Although the Spirit Ascension Fruit is not as effective as the Foundation Establishment Pill, it is still of great help to the Foundation Establishment.

Zhou Jiapeng may not have felt anything at the time, but when he came out and found out that another clan brother failed and died, he was covered in cold sweat and full of joy.

From this, he was naturally grateful to Zhou Chun, who helped him a lot when he redeemed the Spirit Ascension Fruit.

Facing Zhou Jiapeng's grateful words, Zhou Chun smiled slightly and said: "Uncle Peng, you are too polite. It is only through your own deep blessings that you can succeed at once. This junior is just helping you get a chance."

"That's what I say, but if it weren't for the opportunity you helped me get, uncle, I'm afraid I might not be able to successfully build the foundation in this life!"

Zhou Jiapeng shook his head slightly, his tone full of sigh.

He has lived for more than sixty years, but he has seen many twelfth-level monks in the Qi Refining Stage die alone because they did not dare to risk life and death to attack the foundation.

Compared to those people, he was so lucky.

As soon as the cultivation level reaches the standard for foundation building, it can be accomplished in one go by taking the foundation building spiritual object.

In short, as he said himself, he will definitely remember Zhou Chun's kindness for the rest of his life.

And just over half a month after Zhou Jiapeng established his foundation and left seclusion, Zhou Chun also received another message from the Wang family in Red Medicine Valley.

Master Jiang from Donglingfang City has successfully exchanged the Pulse Nourishing Pill, and specially asked Zhou Chun to exchange it.

After learning the news, Zhou Chun hurriedly went to find the third elder Zhou Daoquan and asked him to come with him again.

As before, the two of them took almost two days to get to Donglingfang City, and then went straight to Master Jiang's pharmacy.

"We meet again, Master Jiang."

In the backyard of the pharmacy, when Zhou Chun saw Master Jiang, he immediately smiled and bowed to him.

Seeing this, Master Jiang returned the salute with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, fellow Daoist Zhou, you are here."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun expectantly and said, "Jiang has exchanged the pulse nourishing pill. Did you bring the spiritual fragrance promised by fellow Taoist Zhou?"

"It's natural."

Zhou Chun nodded, then reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a jade bottle.

This jade bottle contains three ounces of the incense of musk deer.

Counting the one tael used in the previous exchange for the Pulse Protecting Pill, there was only one tael left of the half a kilo of spiritual incense he got from Xiangling Musk.

"Okay, then, fellow Taoist Zhou, please accept this pulse-nourishing pill."

Master Jiang applauded, patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a pill bottle and handed it to Zhou Chun.

Then the two of them checked each other's things in their hands, and after confirming that they were all genuine, they looked at each other and smiled, and each put away the things in their hands.

After completing the transaction, Master Jiang looked at Zhou Chun and the two and said with a smile: "Last time, the two fellow Taoists left in a hurry and didn't even drink a glass of water or wine. Can you please have a cup of tea before leaving this time?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look slightly moved, and then smiled and said: "Speaking of tea, Master Jiang might as well drink the spiritual tea produced by Zhou's family!"

After saying that, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a tea set, and brewed a pot of tea in front of Master Jiang.

After the tea was brewed, Zhou Chun took out a small jade bottle and poured a dozen drops of golden spiritual honey into the teapot.

"Come on, Master Jiang, try it and see how it tastes!"

Zhou Chun poured three cups of tea, one each for himself and Zhou Daoquan. He pushed the last cup to Master Jiang and invited him to taste the tea with a smile.

"Okay, then Jiang, you're welcome."

Master Jiang looked at the tea in front of him and pondered for a while, then smiled and took a sip of the tea.

Then he quickly nodded and said: "Good tea, really good tea!"

"This spiritual honey is a special product of our family. It is produced very rarely every year. Mixing it with spiritual tea, no matter what kind of tea, can greatly enhance the flavor and make people remember it endlessly."

Zhou Chun explained with a smile, and handed the jade bottle containing spiritual honey to Master Jiang and said, "If Master Jiang likes it, I will give this small bottle of spiritual honey as a gift to Master!"

An alchemy master is still very valuable to make friends with.

If he really likes the spiritual honey from Zhou's family, he can use the spiritual honey in exchange for the precious elixir in his hand in the future.

Master Jiang seemed to really like the taste of spiritual honey. He immediately reached out to take the jade bottle and said, "You're welcome, Jiang."

Then when putting away the jade bottle, he also took out a small wine jar and handed it to Zhou Chun: "This jar of medicated wine is also brewed by Jiang's unique secret recipe. Fellow Daoist Zhou might as well take it back and taste it slowly."

"You really need to taste it after Zhou goes back."

Zhou Chun said and accepted the wine jar with a smile.

After exchanging gifts like this, Zhou Chun also took the opportunity to say goodbye.

Master Jiang did not keep them at this time and sent them outside the pharmacy just like last time.

After watching them go away, they returned to the backyard house again.

Then he looked at the tea set still smelling of tea on the table, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his face.

Then he murmured in his mouth: "The Zhou family in Jiufengling? This Lingzhou is not Lanzhou, and the road is not as peaceful as Lanzhou!"

After saying that, he sat down leisurely, poured himself another cup of tea that was almost cool, and tasted it slowly.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoquan left Fangshi, just like last time, they rode Zhu Yanhe directly towards the family.

But what the two of them didn't realize was that shortly after they left Fangshi and took off, a pair of blue eyes in the forest below stared at them.

"How's it going? Have you seen the result?"

In the forest, Su Qiang looked at his second brother in front of him with a calm expression and asked in a low voice.

Su Qiang and Wei Tong are famous foundation-building casual cultivators in Lingzhou. Although they are foundation-building cultivators, they like to work alone and do not join any organization like other casual cultivators, or establish their own organizations.

Among them, although Su Qiang is only in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, because he practices a certain extremely powerful technique, his real combat power is stronger than many late-stage Foundation Establishment monks, and he once had a record of defeating late-stage Foundation Establishment monks.

Wei Tong, who is also in the middle stage of foundation building, although his fighting ability is average, he has cultivated a secret technique called "cloud-piercing eyes", which can see through the clouds and see monks dozens of miles away.

Therefore, the two cooperated with each other and often secretly robbed and killed the foundation-building monks to obtain property.

This time, the two of them knew the news in advance and knew that two "fat sheep" would come out of Donglingfang City, so they squatted outside in advance.

At this moment, Wei Tong, who was hiding in the mountains and forests, saw the target taking off into the sky after coming out of Fangshi. He immediately cast a spell secretly to spy on the target.

After spying for a while, Wei Tong said: "No problem, I didn't see any third-order monsters in the spirit beast bags of those two people. They probably didn't bring the rumored third-order monster with them." On your body!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Su Qiang slapped him hard and immediately made arrangements: "I will deal with the old man. You take down the junior first, and then we will work together to kill the old man!"

"no problem."

Wei Tong responded, then reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and pulled out a blue flying boat with two fins.

I saw him and Su Qiang jumping onto the blue flying boat together, and then with a push of magic power, the blue flying boat magic weapon soared into the sky and quickly flew into the sky.

In this way, the two of them followed Zhou Chun and the others from a distance, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

After following for a while, Su Qiang suddenly said: "Okay, we are already more than three hundred miles away from Fang City, and there are no monks' settlements within two hundred miles nearby. It's time to follow and start!"


Wei Tong responded and immediately activated the acceleration magical power attached to the magic weapon.

I saw the two fins under the blue flying boat weapon suddenly glowing with green light and moving like oars.

In an instant, the flying speed of the cyan flying boat magical weapon increased by several percent out of thin air.

"No! Someone is following you!"

On Zhu Yanhe's back, Zhou Daoquan seemed to have discovered something at this time, his expression changed greatly and he hurriedly turned his head and looked behind him.

Under the blue sky behind them, they saw a green light chasing them at high speed.

"Can't escape! The opponent is too fast!"

Zhou Daoquan was rich in experience. Just looking at the speed of the cyan light, he knew that there was no way he could escape.

So he hurriedly ordered Zhu Yanhe to dive towards the ground.

Of course, monks in the foundation-building stage can fight in the air, but Zhou Daoquan knows that Zhou Chun has not yet converted to martial arts, and is currently weak among monks of the same level, so fighting in the air is not suitable for him.

Moreover, Zhou Daoquan's other spiritual pet, the earth-armored bear, also has its feet on the ground and is more effective in combat.

Zhu Yanhe was seen swooping down at great speed, and soon landed on the ground.

At this time, Zhou Daoquan reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing a gray-yellow giant bear monster nearly three feet long.

Then he explained to Zhou Chun, who was full of surprise: "The enemy's strength is unknown. I will ask the earth-armored bear to protect you. After testing the enemy's strength, we will make adjustments according to the situation!"

"Junior understands."

Zhou Chun nodded, not trying to be brave and saying he didn't need protection.

He hasn't even changed his skills yet, he hasn't mastered the secret technique yet, his spiritual pet hasn't been promoted to the second level yet, and he hasn't even practiced a second-level spell.

In this case, even if he refined several second-level magic weapons, his combat effectiveness would only be slightly better than that of some parallel-imported foundation-building monks.

And just when Zhou Chun was preparing to fight with his magic weapon, the cyan aura finally flew near them.

"They are two mid-stage foundation-building monks!"

Zhou Daoquan's spiritual consciousness discovered the cultivation level of the two people on the blue flying boat first, and his tone was slightly relieved.

His face darkened, he looked at the two people who dared to come and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why are you chasing us two?"

"Of course he's the one who killed you!"

Su Qiang smiled coldly, immediately jumped out of the flying boat, waved his hand and slashed towards Zhou Daoquan with a sword burning with red flames.

When Wei Tong saw this, he also sneered on his face, raised his hand to put away the cyan flying boat weapon, and used a pair of cyan and black mandarin ducks to slash at Zhou Chun.

"How brave!"

Zhou Daoquan gave a sharp shout, activated his magic power, and used a ruler-suppressing weapon glowing with yellow aura to face the flaming sword.

I saw two magic weapons colliding and clashing in mid-air, with flames and yellow light flying everywhere, and they were evenly matched.

But at this time, Su Qiang was making seals with both hands, and a red-gold fire suddenly appeared in his palms, and then he pushed forward with both palms.


The red-gold fire suddenly expanded and turned into a stream of red-gold fire that swept towards Zhou Daoquan.

Before the streak of red-gold flowing fire could get close to him, a scorching heat wave made Zhou Daoquan's face feel hot. His mind, which had been slightly relaxed because his opponent was a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, suddenly became tense to the extreme.

"Damn it! What this person practices is actually the method of fighting!"

The so-called fighting method is what cultivators call those skills that are extremely slow in cultivation but can master powerful magical powers.

Zhou Daoquan did not expect that the opponent, who seemed to be younger than himself, could actually practice this kind of fighting method to the middle stage of foundation building. What kind of talent is this!

He didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ordered Zhu Yanhe to spit out a pillar of red fire to slightly block the flowing fire.

Then he quickly used a copper-yellow chime instrument and released circles of yellow light waves towards the red-gold flowing fire.

Finally, he waved his hands and made seals again, and a yellow aura quickly erupted from his body, forming a thick yellow shield to protect him.

Almost not long after the yellow shield was formed, the red-gold flowing fire swept in like a flood and defeated the red fire pillar and the circles of yellow light waves, directly submerging Zhou Daoquan.

I saw the red-gold firelight and the yellow spiritual light complement each other. After a stalemate for a while, Zhou Daoquan finally used his deep magic power to exhaust the power of Su Qiang's magic and successfully walked out.

But at this time, Su Qiang's palm was filled with red-gold fire, and he was ready for the second strike!

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