Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 149 Zhou Chun’s first foundation-building battle [Please subscribe]


There was a loud noise in the sky.

In the red-gold firelight, Zhou Daoquan rushed out with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and a pale face.

He was injured just after receiving two hard blows from the opponent!

This result was something he had never expected before.

"Sure enough, monks like you who are not good at anything but focus on spiritual pets are just like silver pewter spearheads. They are all useless things!"

Looking at Zhou Daoquan, who had been injured by himself, Su Qiang curled his lips and mocked with disdain on his face.

Ever since he reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment and discovered that his strength could outperform many late-stage Foundation Establishment monks, he developed a great sense of superiority towards those whose cultivation was higher than his own but whose strength was not as good as his own.

Although his cultivation speed is slow now, it seems that he has no chance to open up Zifu in this life.

But in the realm of foundation building, there are not many monks who can beat him.

In the future, if he can cultivate to the later stage of foundation building, he will be hard-pressed to find an opponent unless he encounters people with the same cultivation level who have practiced fighting methods like himself!

So what Su Qiang likes to do most now is "bullying the strong with the weak."

Seeing the frightened expressions on those late-stage foundation-building monks after they were defeated by him, he felt extremely happy.

And Zhou Daoquan was ashamed and angry because he was so underestimated.

In fact, he was not as unbearable as Su Qiang said. It was just because he was caught off guard by Su Qiang's attack when he fought for the first time against a mid-stage foundation-building monk who had practiced fighting techniques.

At this time, after having withstood the two ax attacks from Su Qiang, Zhou Daoquan was so ashamed and angry that he quickly launched a counterattack.

I saw him making seals with both hands, pointing at his spiritual pet Zhu Yanhe.

Immediately, Zhu Yanhe raised his head and let out a high-pitched crane cry, flames emerged from his body, and he was suddenly covered with a piece of spiritual armor covered with mysterious flame patterns.

Then it flapped its wings, and billowing flames surged out, condensing into a huge firebird and pounced on Su Qiang.

At the same time, Zhou Daoquan patted the storage bag on his waist, and a gray-white round mirror magic weapon with a handle appeared in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the round mirror magic weapon, and with a burst of magic power, he took a photo of the object towards Su Qiang.

Immediately, a gray-white glow rushed out from the round mirror and shot straight towards Su Qiang.

As if he saw how powerful it was, Su Qiang did not dare to let the gray-white glow hit him. He hurriedly shouted low, waved his sleeves and sacrificed a fiery red jade bead magic weapon, releasing clouds of red glow to protect himself.

As a result, the red cloud was washed away by the gray-white glow, and most of it was extinguished in a short time. Even the jade bead magic weapon was trembling non-stop, and the aura dimmed a lot.


Another loud explosion sounded.

This time, it was caused by the spell cast by Zhu Yanhe falling in front of Su Qiang and exploding.

After a moment, Su Qiang rushed out of the fire, with no trace of pride on his face.

He glanced at the round mirror in Zhou Daoquan's hand with fear in his eyes, and immediately gave a low shout and waved his sleeves to throw a red flag.

When the mana was activated, the red flag fluttered, and huge fireballs were instantly thrown towards Zhou Daoquan.

The two of them were going back and forth like this, fighting with all their strength in the air.

On the other side, Zhou Chun, protected by Zhou Daoquan's spiritual pet, the Earth-armored Bear, also started a fierce fight with Wei Tong.

The earth-armored bear is only a second-level low-grade monster, and Zhou Chun is also in the early stage of foundation establishment. It is almost like two early stage foundation establishment monks fighting against a mid stage foundation establishment monk.

The earth-armored bear let out a low roar, and the earth and gravel on the ground gathered towards it, quickly turning into a thick layer of earth-rock armor to cover its entire body.

And it stood in front of Zhou Chun, firmly protecting Zhou Chun behind him.

Any spells or magic weapons aimed at Zhou Chun were intercepted by him with his body and spells.

Thanks to the protection of the earth-armored bear, Zhou Chun not only sacrificed the token magic weapon given by the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde and released a yellow light shield to protect himself, but also concentrated on activating the magic weapon and Wei. The battle broke out.

He stretched out his hand and patted the storage bag, and a red-gold flying claw flew out, grabbing towards Wei Tong with a fierce claw light.

This relic obtained from the monks of the Hualong Sect more than 800 years ago finally found a use after he successfully built the foundation.

And even though more than eight hundred years have passed, the power of this thing has not diminished much.

The claws it activated were extremely sharp and indestructible. Wei Tong's pair of mandarin duck swords only collided with it a few times before being knocked out and made some small gaps. He roared in distress.

"Damn junior, die for me!"

He roared angrily, made a seal in his hand, and a blue-white wind dragon roared out and swept towards Zhou Chun.


Without Zhou Chun's need to respond, the earth-armored bear suddenly roared, and a ball of rich yellow spiritual light spurted out from his mouth, turning into a ball of yellow clouds and wrapping around the wind dragon.

But at this moment, Wei Tong's eyes flashed with pride, and with a sudden gesture, the green and white wind dragon suddenly exploded and turned into a hurricane that swept towards Zhou Chun.

Huang Xia was blown away by the hurricane and suddenly scattered into pieces, making it difficult to gain momentum.

At this moment, while the attention of Zhou Chun and the Earth Armored Bear was attracted by the hurricane, a ray of fire flew out of Wei Tong's hand, quickly bypassed the Earth Armored Bear in front, and hit Zhou Chun behind.

Zhou Chun's consciousness swept away and he discovered that there was a snake-shaped flying knife inside the fire.

Fortunately, he also kept a hand.

At this time, he also raised his hand to strike, and a golden light shot out from his sleeve, just in time to collide with the fire light coming from behind him a few feet away.

But when the golden light collided with the firelight, a golden spike was quickly knocked away.

Then the snake-shaped flying knife that had not exhausted its remaining power burst into flames again, and hit the yellow light shield outside Zhou Chun like a red fire snake.

Suddenly, as if the shield had been struck by lightning, countless cracks appeared as fine as spider webs.


Along with an explosion, the shield, which had reached its endurance limit, finally couldn't hold on and burst into pieces.

But the snake-shaped flying knife had exhausted its power at this time, and was waved back by its owner.

At this time, the earth-armored bear realized that he had been deceived. After resisting and dispersing the hurricane, he roared angrily and directly swung his claws to condense a huge stone as big as a house and hit Wei Tong.

But Wei Tong just flashed his figure and easily avoided the bombardment of the boulders, and didn't take the earth-armored bear's counterattack to heart at all.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun in amazement and shouted: "What a junior! I don't think you are young and your cultivation is not that great, but you have a lot of treasures in your hands!"

After saying that, he showed a greedy look again and said in a low voice: "But this is good. After killing you like this, our harvest will be greater!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist again, and took out a black gourd magic weapon.

But as soon as his magic power was activated, thick gray-black smoke spewed out from the black gourd and swept towards Zhou Chun and the Earth Armored Bear.

At the same time, he also used the snake-shaped flying knife again, hiding it in the smoke and killing Zhou Chun together.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun dared to let the unknown smoke get close easily, and hurriedly encouraged a gust of wind to blow towards the smoke.

But the smoke was an unusual thing and was not affected by the strong wind he drove.

Seeing the smoke billowing in, and its momentum was already unstoppable, Zhou Chun could only try his best to use the token magic weapon to protect himself, and at the same time used the "Five Elements Spirit Armor Technique" to give himself another layer of protection.

Soon, the billowing black smoke engulfed all the Earth-armored Bears and Zhou Chun on the ground.

Because he had a shield to protect him, Zhou Chun was not able to discover the effect of the black smoke for a while.

However, he quickly discovered the snake-shaped flying knife magic weapon that was covered by black smoke, and hurriedly took out the long nail magic weapon given to him by the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde and rushed forward.

Although in terms of quality, the long nail magic weapon is obviously not as good as the snake-shaped flying knife, it can also play a great role in consumption and interception.

But as soon as he received the attack of the snake-shaped flying knife, the earth-armored bear suddenly roared. The sound was extremely violent and filled with an uncomfortable emotion.

This made him seem to realize something, and he suddenly shouted: "No, the smoke is poisonous!"

Then he hurriedly patted the storage bag on his waist, intending to take out the detoxifying pill and give it to the earth-armored bear.

But at this moment, Zhou Chun suddenly sensed a powerful spell wave.

It turned out that Wei Tong had inspired another second-level talisman, and it seemed to be a precious second-level middle-grade talisman!

This made Zhou Chun's heart sink, and he hurriedly took out a second-level talisman and activated it.

A lifelike fire dragon suddenly swooped down from the black smoke, and then collided with a golden sword soaring into the sky.

But I saw the golden light swaying and the fire shining brightly.

Soon the golden sword was extinguished and scattered by the fire dragon.

However, at this moment, a huge figure suddenly jumped up, and his palms glowing with yellow light suddenly struck the fire dragon.


There was a roaring explosion, and a wave of fire shot into the sky, wiping out most of the black smoke.

The huge body of the earth-armored bear that was blown away also made a huge dent in the ground.

But this giant beast was a second-level monster after all, and it quickly got up from the ground again.

But compared to its previous powerful and domineering image, its hair was now burnt black, and blood was leaking out from many parts of its body, making it somewhat embarrassed.

"This damn beast!"

In the sky, Wei Tong couldn't help but cursed angrily with an angry look on his face.

If the attack he just made was not blocked by the earth-armored bear, and with his subsequent offensive methods, even if he could not kill Zhou Chun on the spot, he would still be able to injure him.

But the earth-armored bear would rather be injured than Zhou Chun be harmed at all.

This made Wei Tong not angry.

"Then I'll kill you, you beast!"

He yelled angrily, made another spell, and used the wind dragon technique he had used before.

Then he blended the black smoke emitted by the gourd weapon into the wind dragon, turning the originally blue-white wind dragon into a blue-black color instantly.


With a low shout from his mouth, the blue-black wind dragon pounced towards the earth-armored bear.

On the ground, the earth-armored bear also gathered mud into armor again and put on a thick armor again.

Then it opened its mouth and spat out, and a ball of yellow spiritual light turned into clouds and surrounded the area above its neck, protecting its neck and head like a towel.

But after suffering the consequences of the poisonous smoke just now, I was already on guard and knew how to use this method to isolate myself from the poisonous smoke.

It is indeed a monster that has been taught by immortal cultivators for a long time!

Then I saw the clapping palms of the blue-black wind dragon and the earth-armored bear colliding together, and the powerful energy shock wave crushed all the vegetation around the ground and blew it away.

Even the earth-armored bear's heavy body, which weighed tens of thousands of kilograms, was unable to withstand the powerful impact in the end. It rolled twenty or thirty feet on the ground like a rolling boulder before stopping.

And just when the body of the earth-armored bear stopped, Wei Tong's snake-shaped flying knife weapon that had been used to attack Zhou Chun suddenly shot towards its eyes.

But how could Zhou Chun let his sneak attack succeed.

He once again used the long nail weapon to block the flying knife weapon, allowing the earth-armored bear to have time to react and wave its paw in time to fly away the subsequent flying knife weapon.

In this way, with the cooperation of the earth-armored bears, Wei Tong was unable to do anything against each of them and the bear.

This situation quickly aroused dissatisfaction from Su Qiang.

He immediately roared from a distance of more than ten miles: "Wei Laoer, what the hell do you do for a living? Can't you even take care of a little baby and a beast?"

Su Qiang couldn't help but be angry.

Because he found that without Wei Tong's help, he would have been able to fight Zhou Daoquan alone and lose both sides.

It is completely unrealistic to kill an opponent alone.

This made him, who was used to thinking highly of himself, feel so good.

It happened that a quarter of an hour had passed since the battle started, and Wei Tong still didn't see the slightest sign of victory.

This naturally gave him an outlet for his anger, and he started to curse in anger.

After Wei Tong was scolded a lot, although he was annoyed that Su Qiang scolded him harshly, he did not dare to offend him and scolded him back.

So he could only pour his anger on Zhou Chun and Tujia Xiong.

"Damn beasts, damn juniors, you made me spend so much money, I will have to skin you and cut your bones to get rid of my hatred!"

He cursed loudly, took out a second-level middle-grade magic talisman from his storage bag, and raised his hand to activate it.

After the magic talisman was activated this time, he was knocked to the ground, and then the ground split open instantly, and a six to seventy-foot-long rock-earth dragon emerged and pounced on the earth-armored bear.

The rock-earth dragon is not only extremely hard and powerful, it can also break into pieces and reunite them.

Although it was not as powerful as the previous fire dragon, it caused the earth-armored bear to feel great pressure and threat, and had to fight with it with all its strength.

This made Wei Tong's mind move, as if he saw another opportunity, and immediately turned his attention to Zhou Chun.

Then his expression suddenly changed.

A white long bow suddenly appeared in Zhou Chun's hand, and he was aiming at him with an arrow.

Regarding the fighting in this book, let me explain. At least for the fighting of monks below the Golden Core stage, this book refers to the Shushan model, that is, there are two types of magic weapons, one is the flying sword, and the other is other weapons that can release various A magic weapon with magical powers.

Magic weapons such as flying swords are hard, sharp and fast, and are used for frontal attacks. Other magic weapons are good at changing magical powers, but the body of the magic weapon is somewhat fragile (except for magic weapons such as shields).

Therefore, when monks fight, they will use flying swords and other magic weapons to fight with each other, and then compete with spells, magic talismans, and other magical powers.

In other words, as an ordinary monk, no matter whether you know any sword secrets or not, you must at least have one of these magic weapons. Otherwise, when fighting, as long as they can withstand a wave of attacks from you, the flying sword will continue to chop down randomly. , the killing effect is unmatched by other magic weapons and magical powers, and it consumes less mana.

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