Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 151 Distributing the Harvest Visiting the Wang Family【Please subscribe】

However, it was said that after Zhou Chun and his two men defeated the incoming bandit cultivators, they flew back to Jiufeng Ridge without stopping, regardless of their mana consumption.

After actually entering the family mountain gate, the two of them were completely relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Zhou Daoquan did not return to his Feishifeng, and went directly to Pagoda Peak with Zhou Chun to meet with the clan leader Zhou Daoyi to explain the situation of the attack.

"I know about this. It's good that you guys can be fine. As for whether those two bandit cultivators were ordered by Master Jiang, let's just investigate slowly later. The truth will eventually come to light one day!"

Zhou Daoyi nodded, but he was not shocked at all.

Originally, in the world of immortality, this kind of thing is not a rare thing.

Not to mention the Foundation Establishment monks, even the Zifu period monks, if they trade any precious things with others after traveling far away, there is still the risk of being secretly taken advantage of.

For something like this, unless you can capture the bandit cultivator alive and ask him to testify against it, or find something that can be used as evidence in the bandit cultivator's relics, you can only record your grievances yourself and choose the opportunity to retaliate later.

Anyway, if there is no evidence in hand, and the forces behind him cannot cover the sky with one hand, the family sect will definitely not be able to come to help avenge the situation with great fanfare.

As for retaliating with tooth, you can also ask family elders or good monks to help you secretly retaliate.

Of course this can be done.

But the problem is, the two places are so far apart, how do you know their specific whereabouts?

Maybe even as soon as you entered their territory, they already knew about it through various channels!

At that time, someone may plan a counter-ambush and treat you as a bandit cultivator, killing you, making your death in vain!

So when you encounter this kind of thing, usually there is either a really powerful and close elder who is determined to vent your anger on you. Regardless of his own danger and delay in practice, he has been squatting outside the place where the other person practices and lives, squatting him for three to five years. No matter how old you are!

Or you can only wait until ten or eight years have passed and the other party has relaxed its guard, and then look for opportunities to retaliate.

These two conditions are undoubtedly unattainable now.

Even if Zhou Mingde, the Supreme Elder, was very optimistic about Zhou Chun, he would not personally help him assassinate an alchemy master who was in the late stage of foundation building because of such an unfounded matter!

Zhou Daoquan helped Zhou Chun analyze this on the way, and Zhou Chun himself knew it well.

So he didn't expect to rely on his family's help to avenge this, he just explained the situation casually.

After explaining the situation at this time, he and Zhou Daoquan began to distribute the relics left by Wei Tong.

Perhaps it was because he had no fixed place to live and was a bandit cultivator, but the inside of Wei Tong's storage bag was very clean.

Yes, clean!

In his storage bag, apart from some elixirs for restoring mana, healing and detoxifying, and some magic talismans, there were only a bunch of books, jade slips and spiritual coins.

But just because it’s clean, it doesn’t mean there aren’t good products inside.

First of all, there are more than 5,400 spiritual coins alone!

Then those elixirs for healing and detoxifying are also very effective, and they were probably made by Master Jiang.

In addition, there are still two second-level talismans left in his storage bag, because they are two identical "wind talismans".

Maybe Wei Tong bought this talisman in order to facilitate pursuit and escape.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, he had no chance to use these two talismans.

As for those books and classics, Zhou Chun originally had great expectations, hoping to find evidence of collusion between Master Jiang and Wei Tong.

But it is a pity that Wei Tong did not leave such evidence that would obviously facilitate his revenge.

These books and classics only record some cultivation methods and secret techniques.

It seems that the value of these things is not low, but after Zhou Daoyi's original teaching, Zhou Chun no longer dares to be too gullible about this kind of things, so he decided to give it to the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde to study to see if it is true or false. .

Finally, there are the few magical artifacts left by Wei Tong, which are also the most valuable things on his body!

First, there is the pair of mandarin duck swords, which are a set of second-level middle-grade magic weapons with extraordinary power.

Although this object had some damage due to the collision with Zhou Chun's red gold flying claw, these were minor injuries that could be repaired and would not affect its value too much.

Then there is the snake-shaped flying knife magic weapon. This object is also a second-level mid-grade magic weapon. It can trigger powerful burst damage after hitting the target, and is very suitable for use as a surprise attack.

Next is the black gourd magic weapon used by Wei Tong. This magic weapon is only a second-level low-grade magic weapon, but the poisonous smoke it emits is very useful, especially when dealing with some monsters. It has miraculous effects and can also be used as a means of escape. timely cover.

The protective golden light that Wei Tong activated at that time was a jade magic weapon.

But whether this magical weapon was too fragile or had some flaws, when Zhou Chun dug it out, it was already broken and could no longer be used.

As for which magical weapon on Wei Tong's body is the most precious, it must be the cyan flying boat magical weapon.

This object is only a second-level low-grade magic weapon, but its flying speed is extremely fast. It allows Wei and Tong to catch up with the target faster than ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks. It can be said to be an excellent weapon for chasing the enemy and escaping.

Calculated in this way, the total value of just the four magical weapons obtained from Wei Tong has exceeded 10,000 spirit coins!

Looking at this pile of things, Zhou Chun was a little worried about how to distribute them.

He wanted the cyan flying boat weapon, but he knew that this object was also very useful to Zhou Daoquan.

So I didn’t know how to speak.

But at this time, Zhou Daoquan took the initiative and said: "You killed the man purely, so I won't be greedy for merit. Just give me the pair of mandarin ducks and two swords, and give me two thousand spiritual coins."

But he took the initiative to give up the blue flying boat magic weapon, and even took only one magic weapon!

"How can that be done!"

"If it weren't for you, elder, who held back the strongest bandit cultivator, I would have been dead long ago!"

"And if your earth-armored bear, elder, hadn't sacrificed his life to protect him and blocked that man's attack, this junior wouldn't have been able to kill him!"

"What's more, this matter happened entirely because of the juniors. Elder, you are completely implicated by the juniors!"

Zhou Chun shook his head repeatedly, finding it difficult to agree with Zhou Daoquan's proposal.

But since Zhou Daoquan is willing to give up the cyan flying boat magic weapon, he has nothing to worry about.

Dang Ji said: "Otherwise, elder, please take the Yuanyang double-knife magic weapon and the flying knife magic weapon, and then take three thousand spiritual coins, and we will share the rest of the elixirs and talismans equally."

"That won't work. If it's distributed like this, I'll take the lion's share. How can this be okay?"

Zhou Daoquan also waved his hands repeatedly, unable to agree with Zhou Chun's proposal.

Both of them are unwilling to take advantage of others. This kind of good thing that ordinary people think can be taken advantage of, but both of them disdain to do it.

Of course, this is also related to the close relationship between the two and their unwillingness to ruin their own image.

So after you pushed me for a while, the two finally reached an agreement.

Zhou Daoquan took away the Yuanyang double-knife weapon and the snake-shaped flying knife weapon, and took another 1,400 spiritual coins. Everything else was divided equally.

Calculated this way, Zhou Chun got almost 60% of all the gains, and Zhou Daoquan got 40%.

After dividing the things, the two of them went home to rest and never mentioned it again.

A few more days passed like this. After Zhou Chun had finished recuperating and refining the newly obtained magic weapon, he went to the Wang family in Red Medicine Valley to express his gratitude in person.

This time he traveled alone, using his newly acquired flying magic weapon, and it took him less than half a day to reach the Wang family in Hongyao Valley.

This is also Zhou Chun's second visit to the Wang family.

After he handed over the greeting card and learned that the deputy head of the Zhou family was coming in person, the head of the Wang family, Wang Zhixiong, also came to the mountain gate to greet him in person.

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist Zhou, please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

As soon as the pot-bellied Wang Zhixiong came out, he laughed at Zhou Chun and welcomed him into the mountain gate enthusiastically.

In fact, in the past few years, Zhou Chun has acted as the agent for the Zhou family, and the two of them have communicated through letters many times, so although they don't meet often, they have been friends for a long time.

This time Zhou Chun came to visit the Wang family, not only to thank the Wang family for their help, but also to establish friendship and discuss cooperation.

Therefore, after Wang Zhixiong entered the Wang Family Mountain Gate and the guests and hosts took their seats, Zhou Chun, who was not too aggressive, immediately handed over his hands and thanked him: "Thanks to Wang Daoyou and the Wang family's news, Zhou was able to get the two needed things one after another. Miraculous Pill, today Zhou came to visit, mainly to express his gratitude for this matter."

Hearing his words, Wang Zhixiong immediately waved his hands and said, "You're welcome. Fellow Daoist Zhou is really being polite!"

"The friendship between your two families and the exchange of news don't matter. Why do you need to come here to express your gratitude for such a trivial matter!"

"If it's for family matters, it's really nothing. But this is Zhou using family channels to do something for himself, but he must come in person to express his gratitude to feel at ease."

After Zhou Chun said this, he continued: "Zhou knew that if he gave you any heavy gift, Daoist Wang would be unwilling to accept it. It happened that when he participated in the Tianling Trial last time, Zhou got some elixirs that are rarely seen in the outside world. Seeds, the Wang family has been skilled in cultivating elixirs for generations, so this must be the most appropriate thank you gift."

After saying that, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out several jade boxes containing elixir seeds.

Sure enough, after hearing that the gift he sent was elixir seeds, Wang Zhixiong's eyes suddenly showed surprise and excitement.

He immediately responded with a smile: "It's hard to worry about fellow Taoist Zhou, so you're welcome to Mr. Wang."

Then he took the jade box and looked at it in front of Zhou Chun.

While looking at it, he also expressed his own opinion and asked Zhou Chun for confirmation.

This also allowed Zhou Chun to see his advanced knowledge of elixirs.

He originally took out these unspecified elixir seeds just to see what Wang Zhixiong was capable of.

Unexpectedly, among the five elixirs, the other party actually recognized four of them based on their seeds, and only one of them was slightly misunderstood!

Immediately he also sincerely praised: "Wang Daoyou is indeed a well-educated family, Zhou Mou is impressed!"

Hearing his words, Wang Zhixiong, who had just obtained several rare elixir seeds, smiled in a good mood and said: "Hahaha, Zhou Daoyi praised me so much. Since our Wang family is based on the cultivation of elixirs, if we have this ability, No, wouldn’t it make people laugh!”

"Haha, it's good that Fellow Daoist Wang likes this gift."

Zhou Chun laughed along with him, and then his face suddenly became solemn. He looked at Wang Zhixiong solemnly and said, "In addition to thanking fellow Taoist Wang and the Wang family for sending the message, Zhou came here today because he also has something to ask and remind fellow Taoist Wang."

Seeing him change like this, Wang Zhixiong was slightly startled, and then the smile on his face faded, and he responded seriously: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, please tell me."

After hearing this, Zhou Chun said: "A few days ago, Zhou went to Donglingfang City for the second time to complete the transaction of Yangmai Pill with Master Jiang. He was followed as soon as he left the market, and then he encountered Attack by two monks in the middle stage of foundation building."

"Fortunately, Zhou was accompanied by the third elder at the time, and Zhou was able to work with them to repel the enemies and kill one of them."

"Although Zhou did not find any evidence related to Master Jiang on the enemy he killed, the matter is so strangely coincidental that it is obviously hard to escape from it!"

"If the Wang family cooperates with them in the future, they still have to pay more attention."

After that, he also described to Wang Zhixiong the magical weapons used by Wei and Tong and the magical powers they were good at.

Compared with their faces, the cultivators' magic tools and magical powers are more identifiable and more eye-catching.

Especially those who are mid-stage foundation-building casual cultivators like Su Qiang who practice fighting techniques.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Wang Zhixiong was also surprised.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: "There is actually such a thing!"

Then he quickly said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou Mingjian, my Wang family and Master Jiang don't have much cooperation. It's just that one of his apprentices often comes to our Wang family to buy elixirs."

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you don't have to be like this. Of course Zhou knows that this matter has nothing to do with the Wang family. He just wants to remind the Wang family to be careful about Master Jiang."

Zhou Chun waved his hand, indicating that he had no other intentions.

When Wang Zhixiong heard this, he felt relieved and immediately responded solemnly: "Wang understands. Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Zhou. Wang will contact some cooperating forces in Lingzhou later and help Fellow Daoist Zhou find out about the two attackers." identity."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also thanked him repeatedly: "Then thank you Daoist Wang."

After finalizing the matter in this way, Zhou Chun suddenly changed the subject and talked about another matter.

"Fellow Daoist Wang Mingjian, when I came to Wang's house this time, Zhou also wanted to discuss a cooperation matter with Daoist Wang."

"That is, in order for the [Jasper Spirit Bee] domesticated by my Zhou family to maintain a high quality of spiritual honey, it needs to collect a lot of pollen from spiritual flowers as raw materials."

"The Wang family has planted a large number of spiritual herbs and elixirs, many of which will bloom and pollinate."

"Zhou and the Zhou family want to cooperate with the Wang family. When the flowering period of certain types of elixirs from the Wang family arrives, can the Wang family inform the Zhou family that my monks from the Zhou family will come with the spiritual bees to pick the flowers and pollinate them?"

"If this can be done, after the spiritual honey is produced later, the Zhou family will also send part of it to the Wang family as a return gift!"

This is actually the second update today!

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