Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 152 Monkey King Struggle for Hegemony New King and Old King [Please subscribe]

The Zhou family's [Jasper Spirit Bee] will collect flowers and pollinate the Wang family's elixirs, and the Wang family will also be able to receive spiritual honey later.

Of course Wang Zhixiong would not refuse such a good thing coming to his door.

He didn't even bargain with Zhou Chun on the amount of spiritual honey in return, and quickly agreed to the matter.

After finalizing the matter in this way, Zhou Chun returned to the family with a successful mission.

At this time, both the Pulse Protecting Pill and the Pulse Nourishing Pill have been obtained, and only the other spiritual pill, Jin Ling Qi Adjusting Powder, has not yet been obtained.

But the formula of Jinling Tiaoqi Powder itself is recorded in "Jinding Xuan Gong", and Zhou Chun is not particularly anxious about this matter.

Just ask someone to purchase the relevant materials first. If that doesn't work, you can just ask someone to help with the refining.

Therefore, after returning to the family, Zhou Chun concentrated on preparing for the various matters decided at the elders' meeting that day.

The first is about the formation of the security team.

After discussing with himself, Zhou Chun decided that Zhou Jiapeng, a new foundation-building monk of the Zhou family, would serve as the captain of the security team, and then select six people from the family's late-stage Qi refining monks as team members to form the initial security team.

Every day, the security team will patrol a hundred miles within Jiufeng Ridge from time to time to crack down on any fighting and killing among the monks within this range.

Regarding this matter, a notice was posted outside the gate of Zhoujiashan to announce the coming and going of casual cultivators, and a batch of special messenger chimneys specially made by the Zhoujia were distributed free of charge.

As long as any casual cultivator activates the communication chimney within a hundred miles of the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, he can attract the attention of the security team and go to the rescue.

After the security team started patrolling, some casual cultivators would see the Zhou family's security team riding an octagonal water deer galloping through the mountains and forests every day, patrolling in all directions.

With the physical strength and speed of an octagonal water deer, it can run hundreds of miles in a circle without even needing to rest.

Seeing this, the casual cultivators who lived near the Zhou family's mountain gate also felt much more at ease, and greatly praised the Zhou family's move.

They, legitimate casual cultivators, are not afraid that the Zhou family will care about their little wealth and ruin their reputation for the trivial things they have.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have settled so close to Zhou's home.

Now that the Zhou family is willing to form a security team to patrol their residence, this has undoubtedly greatly improved their safety.

After the security team started working, Zhou Chun took care of the kindergarten and family school.

The family school is easy to handle. Zhou Chun hired an elderly elder with the word "family" to take charge of this matter. He only needs to teach the young people in the family who have not yet entered the Taoist practice various common sense in the world of immortality and tell stories. Just talk about some things in the world of immortality.

Zhou Chun is well aware of the importance of education and guidance for young people.

Therefore, although he only allocated one monk teacher to the family school due to manpower and the number of students, he also did a lot of other work.

For example, we found some elders in the family to draw materials, and then asked them to make up and process them themselves. We wrote more than 20 stories about family monks uniting and working together to overcome difficulties, so as to cultivate the love of family among these young clan members from an early age.

They would also arrange for family monks to bring some wild beasts to fight with the young tribesmen at selected times, so that several young tribesmen could work together to fight against the beasts that were far more powerful than them.

In this way, they develop their fighting courage and sense of unity.

Because the nursery was to raise the direct descendants of the monks in the family, for safety reasons, it could only be built inside the mountain gate.

After Zhou Chun made some on-site inspections to select the site, he built it in a remote place inside the mountain gate, completely in the style of a high-walled compound.

There are even some street shop models built to make it easier for future children to get familiar with mortal life.

The young mothers and middle-aged women selected from the ordinary people of the Zhou family took on the role of teachers and were responsible for caring for and raising the children sent to the kindergarten.

When those children grow up to be six or seven years old, there will be special teachers to teach them writing and martial arts. They will not be sent to the mortal world to start a family until they reach the age of sixteen.

Because many monks in the Zhou family had given birth to some children and raised them around them.

As soon as the kindergarten was completed and started operating, it accommodated twenty or thirty people of all sizes.

After seeing with their own eyes the living conditions of the children in the nursery, some monks from the Zhou family who were originally worried quickly put aside their worries and took the initiative to express their thoughts on concubinage and having children to Zhou Chun, the deputy patriarch.

In just half a year, the Zhou family had five monks taking concubines, and each of them selected a few at once.

On this day, Zhou Chun went to the animal garden to inspect the situation.

It turned out to be an octagonal water deer domesticated in the animal park. Recently, a female deer gave birth to cubs, and two more were also pregnant.

These monsters in the Zhou family's animal garden are not as free as in the wild, and their food and drink are much better than before.

The Zhou family has rich experience in breeding animals. In order to cultivate these vegetarian monsters, they have specially searched for and selected several kinds of spiritual herbs that are rich in nutrients.

As long as the seeds of those spiritual grasses are scattered in places with strong spiritual energy, they will grow into spiritual grasses containing spiritual energy in two or three years, and they do not require much effort to take care of.

The Zhou family has opened special pastures in many places in Jiufeng Ridge to plant these spiritual grasses.

Because of the high regard for these eight-pointed water deer, they are given three hearty meals of spiritual grass every month.

It is precisely because of such generous living conditions that these eight-pointed water deer were domesticated quickly and grew very well.

"Our deer park is currently looking for excellent deer species, and is preparing to find a group of female wild deer that can match the size of the eight-pointed water deer to mate with the male eight-pointed water deer, and strive to expand the population in this way."

"Once this is successful, it will also prevent the next generation of octagonal water deer from having deformed fetuses due to inbreeding problems, which will affect the development of the population."

In the deer park, when Zhou Chun was looking at the female deer with her cubs in the distance, the director of the deer park, Zhou Zhengxun, also took the opportunity to report his thoughts to him.

Since Zhou Chun restructured the Zhou family, he also issued a new commendation system to each church.

As long as those who can make outstanding achievements in their positions can receive substantial rewards for their good deeds, they can even directly upgrade their status.

For example, in the beast garden managed by the Hundred Beast Hall, as long as the stewards of each garden can significantly increase the number of monster beasts, they can be defined as outstanding achievements.

Such an incentive system has naturally existed before, but this time Zhou Chun made it more detailed and increased the rewards.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of many Zhou family monks was aroused and they wanted to make some achievements.

After hearing Zhou Zhengxun's idea, Zhou Chun nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, fifth brother, I support your idea very much. You can draft a plan for this matter and outline the various aspects of deer species in your deer park." Write down all the requirements, and then leave them to me for review and approval and send them to the Foreign Affairs Hall, so that other tribesmen can work together to make this happen!"

When Zhou Zhengxun heard what he said, he immediately felt happy and quickly saluted and thanked: "Thank you, deputy chief, for your support."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and said, "No need to thank me for anything. As long as it is for the sake of the family and is beneficial to the family, Fifth Brother can bring it up to me in the future and I will approve it according to the situation."

After inspecting the Deer Park in this way, he went to the Monkey Park.

Although Zhou Zhengyong has now become the deacon of the Hundred Beasts Hall, because the affairs of the Hundred Beasts Hall are in the Beast Garden, he is still in charge of the Monkey Garden.

Moreover, the population reproduction of the Red Flame Diamond Monkey in the Monkey Park was a major matter discussed at the Zhou Elders' Meeting. It was reasonable for him, the deacon of the Hundred Beasts Hall, to keep an eye on this matter.

It's a coincidence.

Zhou Chun came to the Monkey Park with the intention of asking Zhou Zhengyong about the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived outside the monkey park, he heard the roar of a group of monkeys coming from inside, and also noticed the fluctuation of spell energy.

Then with a sweep of his consciousness, he could clearly see the situation deep in the forest.

I saw an open space deep in the mountain forest where the monkeys usually rest and move. The old monkey king Vajra Monkey, who had ruled the monkey group for more than ten years, was now fighting fiercely with his son, the Red Flame Vajra Monkey, who challenged his position as the monkey king.

The old monkey king, Diamond Monkey, was a first-order high-grade monster equivalent to a twelfth-level monk in the Qi Refining Stage when he fought Zhou Chun and the others.

Now more than ten years have passed, and although it has not evolved into a second-level monster, its strength has also increased a lot.

Moreover, its true bone age is only over fifty years old. It can be said that it is in its prime. It is not an old monster that has become weak due to the hopelessness of promotion.

Some of the twelfth-level monks from the Zhou family who were in the Qi Refining Stage couldn't say they could win reliably against it.

But its challenger strength is also extraordinary.

Raised by the Zhou family regardless of resources, the Scarlet Flame Vajra Monkey was already no different from the old Monkey King in terms of cultivation, even though he was only less than ten years old.

And as a hybrid monster, it not only has the same strong physique and spells as the old monkey king, but also masters several fire spells.

Except that its combat experience is not as rich as that of the Old Monkey King, its strength on paper has surpassed that of the Old Monkey King.

I saw two apes that were several feet tall, both covered in golden light. They bared their teeth and waved their fists at each other wildly, hammering their opponents hard.

They are very flexible. Although they cannot fly, they can jump several feet high. Sometimes they jump up and fight each other in the air, and sometimes they jump onto a tree to compete with each other in spells.

Zhou Zhengyong, the deacon of the Hundred Beasts Hall, was watching the battle for the monkey king with his spiritual pet red-tailed monkey and the monster monkeys in the monkey garden.

Maybe they were all looking too seriously, and even when Zhou Chun walked nearby, no one noticed.

Zhou Chun didn't bother them, and just watched the battle quietly with his breath restrained.

After fighting like this for who knows how long, the old monkey king seemed to feel that he might not be the opponent of the challenger if he delayed for a long time, so he roared first and launched a decisive battle.

I saw that the golden light on its body was suddenly pushed to the extreme by it, and the golden light on the fist lingered on the paw of the right hand, as if it had put on a claw gauntlet.

Then it roared and waved its right paw and pounced towards the Red Flame Diamond Monkey.

The Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey had not lost to the old monkey king in any of his previous moves, so naturally he would not give in now.

He immediately roared and launched a countercharge.


It was like two huge rocks colliding together, making a fierce collision sound, and the palms of the two monster beasts slapped each other hard on the head.

But the result this time was completely different from before.

The Crimson Flame Diamond Monkey's claws still failed to tear through the old monkey king's defense and cause any obvious trauma to him.

But the old monkey king's claws successfully tore through its defense, leaving a bloody and deeply visible bone claw mark on its left face, almost breaking half of its cheek!

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the monkeys watching the battle, many monster monkeys immediately closed their eyes and were too frightened to look any further.

Many of them were optimistic about the Scarlet Flame Vajra Monkey, but at this time, they did not dare to say a word for the Crimson Flame Vajra Monkey.

"Ginger is still hotter than old!"

Zhou Chun sighed slightly, also amazed by the performance of the Vajra Monkey.

He could naturally see that the move just now was another development and application of the innate spell by the monkey.

The reason why the innate spells of monsters are called innate spells is because they are talents. They can master them without learning, and it is difficult for them to master other spells through learning.

However, innate spells also have a lot of potential that can be tapped. Some monsters whose cultivation is stagnant and unable to move forward will, over the years, discover the potential of innate spells, either by chance or a flash of inspiration. , develop other ways to use the power of magic.

This method of use is somewhat similar to the secret fire control technique used by the hunchbacked old man Zhou Chun had seen in the "Tianling Trial".

Through the control of the secret technique of fire control, it can successfully integrate the originally weak "Fire Bullet Technique" into a spell that is more powerful than ordinary first-level high-grade spells.

The current King Kong Monkey has not yet achieved that step, but it has already taken the most important step.

Over time, if it continues to study, it is difficult to say that it will not reach that level.

"It seems that this diamond monkey is also a manufacturable material. If you can encounter a spiritual object that is just right for it to break through in the future, you can consider helping it break through!"

Zhou Chun looked at the diamond monkey with twinkling eyes, and he felt a love for talents in his heart.

With the example of [Aoki Spirit Ape], Zhou Chun has no objection to cultivating this kind of masterless monster.

As long as it can really be used by me, he won't mind cultivating this kind of monster.

Of course, the premise is that it can show potential worth cultivating!

But just when Zhou Chundu thought that the battle for the Monkey King was going to end with the challenger's defeat, an accident occurred.

I saw the injured Crimson Flame Monkey that fell to the ground, and suddenly the hair all over its body started to burn.

No, it's not the hair that's burning, but a mana-burning flame that appears on its body!


An angry howl came from the mouth of the red flame diamond monkey. It suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a red flame fireball towards the diamond monkey.


The violent explosion directly blew the diamond monkey away, and the golden light on its body was also blown away.

But the Red Flame Diamond Monkey, whose whole body was burning with flames, chased after it before it could stand up, raised its paw and slapped it on the head.

That way is obviously going to kill the Vajra Monkey!

"No! Stop it!"

Zhou Zhengyong, who was watching the battle, suddenly woke up at this moment and hurriedly shouted loudly to stop the Red Flame Diamond Monkey.

But how could the Red Flame Diamond Monkey, who was extremely angry now, listen to his words.

The claws slammed down at the monkey below very firmly, without any hesitation.

Fortunately, there was Zhou Chun at the scene.

At the critical moment, Zhou Chun hurriedly flew in front of the Vajra Monkey and held up the magic shield.


After an explosion, the Red Flame Vajra Monkey was knocked back a few steps by the huge backlash force.

Although Zhou Chun is only a monk in the early stage of foundation building and has not practiced any powerful techniques, the gap in his realm of cultivation is there after all.

The physical power of the Red Flame Vajra Monkey could not even break through the previous defense of the Vajra Monkey, so how could it possibly hurt him.

At this time, after driving away the red flame diamond monkey, he immediately released a coercive aura to suppress it, and then let Zhou Zhengyong, who rushed forward in surprise, pull it away for treatment.

He looked at the diamond monkey on the ground.

Let me give you a warning in advance. I am going to participate in a hiking activity today. I can't type during the day. I shouldn't be able to update at 8pm, maybe until 11pm, and then the update tomorrow morning will probably be postponed to noon!

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