Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 153 The Old Monkey King’s Gratitude [Please subscribe]

Animal garden, monkey garden.

As the new king appeared, the monkeys all followed the new king and left the forest glade where the blood of the new king was flowing just now.

Even the old monkeys who had accompanied the old king for more than ten years did not violate the survival rules of the monkey group at this time.

The old king, who had been abandoned by all his people, although his eyes were full of loneliness and unwillingness, he just watched the monkeys go away quietly without making a sound.

"It is also your child. Your child has replaced you as the king of the monkeys. What can you be unwilling to do?"

"Can't you survive without the monkeys?"

"Have you forgotten how you lived before you became the king of the monkeys?"

Zhou Chun looked at the monkey on the ground who was extremely lonely due to failure, and asked a series of questions in a low tone.

He used the language of apes and beasts, so he was not afraid that the monkeys would not understand.

After hearing what he said, the monkey reacted quickly.

His eyes were turning, and there was a look of vague memories in his eyes, as if Zhou Chun's words had awakened some dusty memories.

Then it looked at the human in front of it.

Although more than ten years have passed, Zhou Chun's face has become much younger since he established the foundation. It is still almost the same as when he met the Diamond Monkey at the beginning of the year.

Therefore, the monkey recognized him at once by recalling the past.

Of course it has always recognized Zhou Zhengyong.

After recognizing Zhou Chun at this time, he remembered that Zhou Chun had just saved him from his son.

There was also a hint of gratitude in the eyes of the monkey.

It suddenly stood up, knelt down towards Zhou Chun, and kowtowed to Zhou Chun respectfully.

At the same time, he shouted: "Thank you for your previous rescue. I owe you a life. Please let me follow you in the future to repay your kindness!"

"Oh, are you willing to be my spiritual pet?"

Zhou Chun looked at the monkey with a surprised expression. It was hard to believe that this monkey, who was used to being free, would be willing to take the initiative to end such restraint.

"It's not a spiritual pet, it's just following you to fight for you!"

Diamond Monkey shook his head slightly and corrected Zhou Chun's statement.

It has led the monkey group in the Zhou Family Animal Park for so many years, and has seen many newly born monkeys being taken away by Zhou Zhengyong, so of course it understands what a spiritual pet means.

And just as Zhou Chun thought, how could it be willing to take the initiative to become a human spiritual pet if it was used to being free?

"Then forget it. With your current strength, following me will only be a drag."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and lost interest in an instant.

In fact, even if the diamond monkey is willing to be his spiritual pet, he still has to consider whether to accept it.

After all, he is now a foundation-building monk and the deputy patriarch of the Zhou family. For the third spiritual pet, he can choose an intermediate monster or even a high-level monster!

If he chooses a low-level monster like the Diamond Monkey, he will have to spend more time looking for spiritual objects for its breakthrough evolution.

It seemed that he didn't expect that he would refuse with such a reason, and King Kong Monkey was stunned for a moment.

Then a look of extreme sadness suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Sure enough, once he loses his position as the monkey king, not only will the monkeys leave him, but even these humans will consider him a loser and look down on him!

With this thought in its mind, it felt that the life of a monkey was already meaningless and there was nothing left to remember!

Of course, this change in emotion could not be hidden from Zhou Chun's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun thought for a while, then looked at it and said: "Although you can't provide me with any help in combat, if you are willing, you can guard the cave for me in the future, and I will also give you some help. "

"What does guarding the cave mean?"

The diamond monkey looked at Zhou Chun with doubtful eyes, not knowing what he meant.

"You can understand it as helping me guard my territory!"

Zhou Chun explained in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, the Vajra Monkey immediately nodded in understanding and said, "Okay, then I will guard the cave for you from now on."

After one person and one monkey reached an agreement, Zhou Chun first sent the Diamond Monkey to Feishifeng and asked [Aoki Spirit Ape] to train him.

After the training was complete, he took the monkey back to Pagoda Peak to guard the Zhongping Hall, which was like finding him another job with food and accommodation included.

When Zhou Chun came down from Feishifeng and returned to the Monkey Park, the new king, the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey, was already having a celebration banquet with the monkeys.

The wound on its left face was still wrapped with a bandage, but that didn't affect its happy mood at all.

He was surrounded by a group of monkeys in the center. On each side, there was a female monkey with shiny fur grooming him and catching insects. The other demon monkeys gathered berries and food and presented them to the new king.

At this time, you can see the status of the monkeys in the monkey group.

Those monster monkeys that offer food and are devoured by the Red Flame Vajra Monkey can sit down close to it and then enjoy the excess food on site.

Those demon monkeys who offered food but the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey only tasted it briefly and then threw it away could only pick up the thrown food sadly and sit down on the edge.

After offering the food, the demon monkey showed no interest in even tasting it. Instead, it knelt on the ground with frightened eyes and begged the Red Flame Vajra Monkey for mercy.

These monster monkeys either had enmity with the Scarlet Flame Vajra Monkey before, or they were loyal subordinates of the old monkey king. The Crimson Flame Vajra Monkey did not like them.

If they were in the wild, the Red Flame Diamond Monkeys would drive them away from the monkey group even if they did not kill them at this time.

But since these monster monkeys are the property of the Zhou family, Zhou Zhengyong will naturally not let them be lost for no reason.

Therefore, with Zhou Zhengyong's intervention, the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey did not drive these monster monkeys away in the end, but only reduced their status to the lowest, requiring the most labor in the monkey group and having no mating rights.

"Brother Yong, look at this red flame diamond monkey, when he becomes the monkey queen, when can he mate with the female monkey?"

In the distance, while Zhou Chun was watching the celebration banquet held by the monkeys for the new king, he also asked Zhou Zhengyong beside him about the important matter of the monkeys' reproduction.

When Zhou Zhengyong heard what he said, he immediately replied: "It should be soon. You see, it is letting the female monkey sit next to her to comb her fur and catch insects, which means that he is already interested in the female monkey."

After that, he added: "Let me observe it for a few more days. If it doesn't act, I will try it with some drugs."

"It's best to let it mate with the female monkey on its own. After so many years of waiting, it's not too late."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no need to use drugs.

Drugs used to arouse the arousal of monsters are usually used on mature monsters that are not in estrus.

No one knows whether the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey has reached maturity. If drugs are used to force it to go into heat and mate with the female monkey, even if the female monkey does become pregnant, the fetus may have certain blood defects.

If this kind of thing really happens, it will cause losses to the family.

"Okay, I understand."

Zhou Zhengyong responded and took note of the matter.

At this time, Zhou Chun seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly said: "By the way, nephew Xinlan should be involved in spiritual practice now, right? Brother Yong, you should be more careful about this matter. It's best to let your sister-in-law give you more advice. Let him enter the Tao as soon as possible."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Zhengyong immediately laughed and said: "You don't need to tell me this, Thirteenth Brother, his mother cares more about it than anyone else!"

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with some curiosity and asked, "But Thirteenth Brother, you have so many things to worry about every day, why do you suddenly talk about this?"

"If the Crimson Flame Vajra Monkey can really reproduce and breed, and nephew Xinlan can enter Taoism and practice before the second Crimson Flame Vajra Monkey is born, Brother Yong, as long as you do some good family deeds, I will be sure to help you let him His contract is the first spiritual pet!"

Zhou Chun didn't shy away from anything and directly stated his plans.

"Thirteenth brother, you..."

Zhou Zhengyong looked at Zhou Chun with his mouth slightly open, his eyes full of emotion.

As a father and the manager of the monkey park, he didn't dare to think about this matter.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chun would take the initiative to help him worry about this matter, which made him extremely moved.

"Brother Yong, you don't need to say anything. Although I am doing this because of our friendship, it is also because nephew Xinlan has good qualifications and good conditions. He fully meets the requirements of the Red Flame Diamond Monkey contract."

Zhou Chun waved his hand, signaling to Zhou Zhengyong that there was no need to say more words of thanks, and he directly stated the reason.

Then he waved his hand and said: "In short, whether this matter can be accomplished depends on whether the Red Flame Diamond Monkey can successfully reproduce the population, and secondly, nephew Xinlan himself must strive for success and enter the Tao as soon as possible!"

"I understand. I will supervise these two matters with all my strength. I will not let my thirteenth brother, your hard work go in vain!"

Zhou Zhengyong nodded seriously with a serious face, keeping this gratitude in his heart.

After parting ways with Zhou Zhengyong, Zhou Chun even took a special look at the fragrant musk deer he brought back.

As the most precious free-range monster in the animal garden and even the Zhou family, the fragrant musk deer has set aside a separate habitat and arranged for special personnel to monitor it.

Its habitat is not only stocked with many snakes and insects that like to eat, but also more than a dozen ordinary female muskrats caught by the Zhou family from various places.

It's just that although drugs have been used to aphrodisiac, and the fragrant musk deer and ordinary musk deer have been mated many times, no female musk deer has been able to conceive a musk deer so far.

However, mating between monster beasts and ordinary beasts is a matter of luck, so we can only keep trying.

Anyway, what is certain is that there is no reproductive isolation between monster beasts and beasts of the same kind!

After Zhou Chun inspected and saw that Xiang Lingshe's living conditions were fine, he left with peace of mind.

A few days later, Zhou Chun received news from Zhou Zhengyong that the Red Flame Diamond Monkey had begun to mate with the female monkey. The Beast Hall was also following up on the matter and would report relevant information in a timely manner.

The plan for capturing female wild deer from Lu Park was also quickly submitted. After Zhou Chun saw that it was OK, he sent it to the Foreign Affairs Hall and was picked up by members of the Zhou family or some licensed cultivators.

That's right, the Zhou family has now begun to allow some casual cultivators who have gained the trust of the Zhou family to take over tasks from the Foreign Affairs Hall.

This is mainly a relatively low-paying outing mission. The Zhou family monks may not want to take it, and forcibly assigning it will easily cause complaints from the clan members.

So Zhou Chun came up with a white list of casual cultivators. As long as the casual cultivators are on the white list, they can take on some tasks from the Zhou Family Foreign Affairs Hall.

For those casual cultivators, as long as they can earn spiritual coins without any danger, the fatigue and hardship are nothing.

Things like capturing ordinary beasts, which require a lot of time but are low-reward, are looked down upon by the monks of the Zhou family, but in their eyes, it is a very good task.

Time is not valuable to them, but cultivation costs money!

So they are most willing to do something that is extremely difficult and can earn spiritual coins.

After all the internal reforms of the Zhou family were carried out in an orderly manner, Zhou Chun began to work on another important matter.

That was the secret deal with Lin Hongyu, the red dragon protector of Hualong Cult.

This matter attaches great importance to confidentiality and cannot allow ordinary tribesmen to participate. Many aspects can only be done by Zhou Chun himself.

For example, find the location of the transaction, determine the approximate time of the transaction, and the object of arrest, etc.

For almost a month or two, Zhou Chun was busy with this matter.

After such a busy time, he felt that it was almost done, so he personally sent the transaction time and location to the other party according to the contact information Lin Hongyu had left.

Then when the time was almost up, Zhou Daoquan, the third elder of the Zhou family, secretly took the [Aoki Spirit Ape] and left Jiufeng Ridge.

Red Rock Mountains.

On a mountain peak more than a hundred miles northwest of Hongyafang City, three bandit cultivators were hiding in the treetops and grass, waiting for the "destined person" to pass by.

Those who are cultivators can endure loneliness.

Sometimes they can stay in the wild for ten days and a half.

If it doesn't open for three years, it will last three years if it opens.

This is the most typical portrayal of the life of a bandit cultivator.

Sometimes once the order is done, you can really practice without going out for a year or two.

At this time, the three bandit cultivators on the mountain peak have been squatting for four or five days, but they have never encountered anyone passing by the mountain.

But they were all very patient and no one complained.

But while they were patiently waiting for their prey to appear, they did not realize that they had become prey in the eyes of others.


Suddenly, a bandit cultivator on the tree seemed to have noticed some movement and hurriedly opened his eyes to look where the movement came from.

Soon he saw a green-haired giant ape walking up from the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing that it was a monster, a look of disappointment flashed in the bandit cultivator's eyes, but he still reminded his companions who were squatting nearby to be alert.

But just when several bandit cultivators were still hesitating whether to attack a monster beast, several green auras suddenly flew from a short distance and quickly turned into thorns and vines to tie them up.

"It's a second-level monster!"

A bandit cultivator exclaimed in disbelief.

Then, before they could struggle, they were already dizzy and began to fall asleep under the influence of the thorn toxin that pierced the skin.

When they closed their eyes, they only saw a green-haired giant ape walking up to them with cold eyes and lifting them up.

In this way, Zhou Daoquan, who was in the late stage of foundation building, conducted a reconnaissance search, and then marked the location for [Aoki Ape] to arrest him.

It took less than three days for all ten bandit cultivators to be caught and transferred to a special place for detention.

For the sake of safety, the final real transaction will be done by Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder of the Zhou family.

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