Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 154 The breakthrough period, the monkey king gives birth to cubs [Please subscribe]

Southeast of Lanzhou, Biyanze.

At this time, the ten bandit cultivators captured by the Zhou family from outside Hongyafang City, as well as the three mortals with spiritual root qualifications secretly collected through the hands of casual cultivators, were all sent to a building deep in Biyanze. On the small island.

This island is very remote and there are few resources around it. Very few immortal cultivators will set foot on it.

What's more, even if there are immortal cultivators who come here, as long as they are not Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators, they will be scared away by the [Aoki Spirit Ape] on the island.

On this day, Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder of the Zhou family, quietly left Jiufeng Ridge and came to this island secretly.

He first scanned the captured bandit cultivators with his consciousness.

These bandit cultivators have been drugged and kept in a coma, guarded by the [Aoki Spirit Monkey] around the clock, and they don't even know where they are.

The other three mortals who had dreams of cultivating immortals were placed in a cave and were not allowed to go out.

The Zhou family did not deliberately deceive these mortals. They had made it clear to them in advance that if they wanted to become immortals, they would have to go far away and it would be difficult to come back to see their families.

And since these mortals voluntarily chose to embark on this path, they can't blame the Zhou family for trapping them when they get to the Hualong Sect.

After exchanging a few words with [Aoki Spirit Ape], Zhou Mingde hid in the dark and waited for the arrival of the Hualong Cult personnel.

After waiting like this for almost half a day, a giant black turtle suddenly emerged from the lake outside the island. On the back of the turtle stood a middle-aged woman wearing a red robe.

Of course, this kind of news cannot be hidden from Zhou Mingde on the island.

When he discovered that the woman in red was not Lin Hongyu, but a missionary of the Hualong Sect who had reached the late stage of foundation establishment, he was relieved.

To be honest, he was still a little worried about meeting alone with ruthless characters like Lin Hongyu outside the Zhou family.

Fortunately, Lin Hongyu kept her word and didn't come in person.

Immediately, after casting a spell to cover his face, he appeared in front of the man.

"Junior Lin Yan, pay my respects to senior."

At this time, seeing Zhou Mingde coming out, the woman in red got off the turtle's back and hurriedly saluted him.

"Oh, your surname is also Lin. Are you from the same family as Taoist Fellow Lin?"

Zhou Mingde looked at the woman in red and asked in a low tone.

Hearing this, the woman in red quickly shook her head and denied, "No, senior has misunderstood. Junior just happens to have the same surname as Lord Protector."

"I see."

Zhou Mingde nodded and did not dwell on the matter anymore.

He immediately looked at the other person and said, "Then Daoist friend Lin should have told you everything, right? Have you brought the things?"

"Yes, the protector has already explained everything clearly to the junior, and the junior has also brought the things exchanged."

As the beautiful woman in red spoke, she took the initiative to pat the storage bag on her waist, took out three jade boxes and handed them to Zhou Mingde.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde very cautiously opened the jade box with magic power from a distance without touching the jade box personally.

Inside the opened jade box, there were three different kinds of rare treasures.

What was contained in a jade box was a dark red spiritual ginseng that was of excellent quality, probably a red blood ginseng.

Another jade box contained a red jade stone three fingers wide and half a foot long.

What was inside the last jade box was a reddish-brown egg.

"Dragon blood ginseng that is over three hundred years old, and a piece of red dragon jade. The last egg is the egg of the dragon-born monster, the red flame dragon python."

Just as Zhou Mingde was looking at the treasures in the jade box, Lin Yan, the woman in red, had already introduced the origins of the three items to him.

There is no doubt that these three things are special products of the Hualong Sect.

As a force that may be protected by fifth-level dragons, there is no shortage of dragon-blooded spiritual objects in the Hualong Sect.

As a protector of the Dragon Transformation Sect, Lin Hongyu may not be able to obtain those high-level dragon-blooded spiritual objects, but it is certainly not difficult to obtain some low-level dragon-blooded spiritual objects.

After all, when practicing the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" of the Dragon Transformation Sect, various dragon blood spiritual objects are needed to assist.

But Zhou Mingde just nodded slightly and said: "The things are pretty good, but next time I hope to exchange them for things that our Zhou family needs more. Here is a list, which I will give to Fellow Daoist Lin when I get back."

"Yes, the junior will definitely bring the senior's words and things."

Lin Yan, the woman in red, respectfully agreed and put the jade slip given by Zhou Mingde into her storage bag.

At this time, Zhou Mingde also flicked his sleeves, closed the lids of the three jade boxes again, and put them into the storage bag.

Then he pointed in a certain direction and said: "The person is right there. Go and take him away yourself. I will take the first step."

After saying that, he jumped into the sky and returned to Zhou's house.

And after seeing him leaving like this, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the woman in red, Lin Yan.

Then he quickly rushed towards the direction pointed by Zhou Mingde.

When she found ten unconscious casual cultivators inside and three mortals locked in the cave, she felt relieved.

After a while, ten bandit cultivators and three mortals were all carried by the woman in red onto the back of the giant black turtle in the water.

Then, as if she suddenly appeared, she dived into the water with the giant turtle and left the water.

Besides, after Zhou Mingde returned to his family, he also called Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun to the cave to talk about the transaction.

"So far, it seems that the other party is keeping his word, and we can continue to act according to the plan."

"But for the sake of the safety of the family, Dao Yi, you still have to work harder. Now it all depends on you."

Having said this, Zhou Mingde also looked deeply at Zhou Daoyi.

"Don't worry, Elder Taishang. This junior is also well aware of the great responsibility he has on his shoulders and dare not slack off at all times."

Zhou Daoyi nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: "If everything goes well, the junior should be able to break through within three to five years!"

"Okay! Then let's keep pretending for a few more years."

Zhou Mingde said "Hello" and was very satisfied with the answer.

Then he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out all three jade boxes.

"These three things are of no use to me. Please take them and dispose of them carefully. Be careful not to let the news leak out because of them."

After saying that, he gave the things to Zhou Daoyi.

"Yes, we will take care of it, don't worry, Supreme Elder."

Zhou Daoyi responded and accepted the things.

Next, the two of them stayed in Zhou Mingde's cave for a while, and then returned to Zhongping Hall.

"This three-hundred-year-old dragon's blood ginseng has come at just the right time. Zhengchun, please put it away. When your silver lightning python has accumulated enough, you can use it to advance to the second level."

"As for this red flame dragon python egg, let's let a few elders see who is willing to cultivate it. Although it is only a low-level monster, if it is cultivated with dragon blood spiritual objects in the future, the chance of being promoted to the second level is still high."

"Our family does not have a refiner who can make full use of this dragon-blood jade, so we will keep it temporarily to see if we can exchange it for anything we need in the future."

In the Zhongping Hall, after Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun returned, they directly arranged the ownership of the three treasures obtained from the transaction.

The less people know about this kind of illegitimate thing, the better.

Therefore, it is impossible to release it to ordinary tribesmen for exchange and use.

As for family leaders like Zhou Chun and others, the good deeds in their hands are usually not used up, so it is just right to exchange these things as an offset at this time.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not give in. He accepted the dragon blood ginseng very generously, and according to what Zhou Daoyi said, he notified several elders to discuss the ownership of the Red Flame Dragon Python eggs.

After some deliberation, the Red Flame Dragon Python Egg was still pocketed by Fourth Elder Zhou Jiarui.

After disposing of the things exchanged in this way, everything in the Zhou family returned to peace.

At this time, knowing that the clan leader Zhou Daoyi still had three to five years to successfully break through to the late stage of foundation building, Zhou Chun also began to prepare for the transfer of cultivation techniques.

Through his continuous use of his own money to issue gold energy collection tasks, the amount of gold energy collected now is quite large.

Therefore, he can boldly use part of the gold energy as consumables to try out the simulation.

Just like the process when he first practiced the secret technique of "Xinjin Sword Qi", those who practice "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong" must first let the meridians of the whole body be able to withstand the invasion of gold energy.

As long as the final step of casting the cauldron is not carried out, this act of absorbing gold energy will at most cause slight injury to the meridians, but will not be life-threatening.

In the quiet room, Zhou Chun was sitting cross-legged, then raised his hand to lift the lid of the gourd that contained gold energy in front of him, and made a slight seal.

Immediately, an invisible golden energy was drawn out by him, penetrated directly into his body along his nostrils, and entered his lungs.

Among the five internal organs, the lungs belong to metal, so it is most suitable to spread the metal energy throughout the body through the meridians in the lungs.

But after all, gold energy is an extremely destructive external evil spirit. Even though Zhou Chun's meridians have been strengthened a lot after building the foundation, the sudden attack of a large amount of gold energy at this time made him sweat on his forehead and clench his teeth in pain. .

Fortunately, he had had this experience before. Although the pain was extremely painful, he did not panic at all. He just concentrated on using his magic power to push the golden energy in the body to move slowly and prevent it from wandering randomly into the heart vessels. important part.

After staying in the quiet room for half a day, Zhou Chuncai walked out of it with a pale face and came to the courtyard.


He opened his mouth and vomited, and a large pool of blood appeared on the ground.

This is the internal bleeding damage caused by the golden energy traveling inside the body.

After vomiting out the accumulated blood and water in his body, Zhou Chun felt his body relaxed a lot and immediately went back to his room to recuperate.

In this way, in the following time, Zhou Chun will absorb golden energy every one or two months to temper the meridians in his body, so that his meridians can become adaptable to this external evil energy.

On this day, Zhou Chun received good news from Zhou Zhengyong.

A female monkey who is often doted on by the new monkey king, the Red Flame Vajra Monkey, has been found to be pregnant.

After learning about this, he also went to Feishifeng very seriously.

"Currently, nothing can be seen from the pregnancy appearance, but according to Zhengyong's statement, it is basically more than 90% certain that the female monkey is pregnant with the species of the Red Flame Vajra Monkey."

"I firmly believe that this time we will be able to allow monsters like the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey to breed into a formal population in the Zhou family!"

On Feishifeng, Zhou Daoquan faced Zhou Chun who came to inquire about the news, and confidently expressed his judgment.

Obviously, he has never had any doubts about what he said.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also smiled and said: "If the elder says this, this junior will feel relieved, so this junior will just sit back and wait for the good news."

Then he said goodbye to Zhou Daoquan and went to the library again.

When he walked into the library, he saw the diamond monkey who was learning to write with the [Aoki Spirit Monkey].

When he saw him coming in, the monkey wanted to put down his pen and say hello to him.

But the green-haired giant ape slapped it on the head unceremoniously.

After a while, it whimpered aggrievedly, could only spare its head, and continued to write.

When Zhou Chun saw this scene, he also showed a smile and watched from the side.

After he finished writing the words "King Kong Monkey", he looked at the giant green-haired ape and asked, "How is it? Mr. Ape, do you think this old monkey is worthy of being a disciple?"

Hearing this, the green-haired giant ape immediately replied: "Although it is a bit stupid and has a hard temper, it should be fine for being used to look after homes and nursing homes. The rest depends on its own destiny."

Zhou Chun naturally understood what the word "creation" at the end meant.

He did not express any opinions on this matter, but just smiled and said: "Then I'd like you, Mr. Yuanyuan, to take the trouble to teach it etiquette, so as not to cause any trouble to the younger generation in the future."

"It's easy to talk about this. As long as you send more spiritual fruits and spiritual wine, I will make the old ape obedient and make everyone praise him."

The green-haired giant ape patted his chest and immediately made a promise.

Therefore, only if you have received it, you will want more.

In the past, the green-haired giant ape was used to a simple diet and had no desires or demands.

But after enjoying the spiritual fruits and spiritual wine that Zhou Chun bought with spiritual coins from outside several times, it felt bland and uncomfortable when eating ordinary wild fruits and water.

Now it even knows how to mix the wine with water and taste it slowly.

"No problem, this matter will be taken care of by this junior."

Zhou Chun agreed with a smile, and then exchanged some words with the diamond monkey before returning to Pagoda Peak.

Two months later, good news came from Lu Park.

Several ordinary female deer caught from outside and paired with each other have become pregnant with male octagonal water deer.

Although the offspring produced by this combination of monsters and beasts may not necessarily become monsters.

But as long as two or three of the ten can become monster beasts, it will already be a big profit.

What's more, the physical strength of beasts containing the blood of monster beasts will be much stronger than ordinary beasts, and they are also excellent mounts.

And the monsters mainly cultivated by the two families have received good news one after another, which is undoubtedly a very good sign for a beast-controlling family like the Zhou family.

Many of the older generation of Zhou family monks regarded this as a sign of the family's rejuvenation and were sincerely happy about it.

However, the issue surrounding the distribution of these newly born monsters immediately became a headache for Zhou Chun, the deputy patriarch.

Whether it is the red flame diamond monkey or the eight-pointed water deer, they are both excellent contract partners for monks in the Qi refining stage.

Therefore, before the cub was born, some monks from the Zhou family came to him and wanted to make a reservation.

There are more than half a million words. In the past two days, I am going to check the previous articles, proofread the follow-up outline, and sort out my thoughts, so the update time may not be so stable, but I will try my best to ensure that there are two updates.

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