Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 155: Family Trivia, Silver Lightning Thunder Python is promoted [Please subscribe]

Pagoda Peak, Zhongping Hall.

"Deputy Clan Chief, the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey is too rare. I know that my contribution to the family is not as great as that of many clan members, so I dare not make any delusions."

"But since the octagonal water deer can be mass-bred, then it's not too much for me to ask for one as a contracted spiritual pet for my son, right?"

"Although my son's spiritual qualifications are inferior, he is also a member of the family's bloodline. He has always been loyal to the family and gets along well with the clan members. These are all obvious to the clan members. I am not bragging about myself!"

In the main hall, a monk from the Zhou family with gray hair was saying his request to Zhou Chun with excitement on his face.

This Zhou family monk's cultivation level is not very high. He is only at the ninth level of Qi refining stage. His cultivation level at this age shows that his status in the Zhou family is not high, and it is entirely due to his age.

This old man's name is Zhou Jiakui, he is ranked twenty-third among his peers, and he is currently an elite member of the Zhou family.

He came to Zhou Chun today to ask for an eight-pointed water deer as a contracted spiritual pet for his son Zhou Zhenghuan.

Originally, what he said was both emotional and reasonable. Zhou Chun should consider this elder's request.

But thinking of his son Zhou Zhenghuan's information, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shook his head.

He could only say kindly: "Uncle Twenty-Third, I am not a nephew, but I am inhumane. In fact, the Eighteenth Brother himself is not suitable to raise a delicate spiritual pet like an octagonal water deer. I’ve almost lost my pet to death, so you’d better give up your thoughts!”

The Zhou family is a beast-controlling family, but not every monk of the Zhou family is good at controlling or mastering beasts.

Just like Zhou Zhenghuan, the son of Zhou Jiakui, the old man in front of Zhou Chun, he has a dissolute nature. He likes to hang around and find people to drink and brag when he has nothing to do. He has no ambition or sense of responsibility at all.

I even once put my pet rock-armored pig into the spirit animal bag, but I left the spirit animal bag in a corner of my residence and forgot to open and feed it for a long time.

As a result, the rock-armored pig was suffocated in the spirit beast bag for too long, and finally it couldn't bear it anymore, so it had no choice but to ignore its owner's orders and forcefully break open the spirit beast bag to find food.

How could Zhou Chun feel relieved when such a person was asked to raise an octagonal water deer that needed to eat fresh grass every day.

And Zhou Chun didn't even need to think about it to know that the libertine wanted to contract an octagonal water deer, probably with the idea that when the spiritual pet came of age, he could take him out and wander around away from the family.

But as a father, Zhou Jiakui naturally has a natural filter bonus for his son.

He immediately defended his son and said: "What happened that time was just that my son was careless. Who hasn't been careless yet? Deputy Chief, you can't deny my son's ability just because of this incident!"

"Uncle Twenty-Third!"

Zhou Chun suddenly raised his voice, looked at him seriously and said, "I respect you as an elder, so I don't want to say anything too harsh, but you have to respect yourself!"

"If there are a lot of eight-pointed water deer, as long as you are willing to contribute to the family's good deeds, you can exchange them in any way you want. However, if the number is limited, the family must give priority to finding suitable people to contract for them!"

"Our family's rules have always been like this. Do you want the younger generation to make an exception for you?"

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Chun's tone was very harsh.

He was indeed always polite to his elders, but as the deputy patriarch in charge of family affairs, he was not only polite, but also had a temper.

Generally, he would respond politely to an elder's request, whether he could agree to it or not.

But if Zhou Jiakui treats his politeness as bargaining capital like Zhou Jiakui does now, he will no longer be polite.

At this moment, seeing Zhou Chun's serious face, Zhou Jiakui also trembled and did not dare to say anything more.

I could only sigh in a low voice: "Yes, deputy chief, you are right. I just made a mistake and offended the deputy chief. I apologize to you!"

After saying that, he bowed his hands towards Zhou Chun.

"Uncle Twenty-Third, please go back. If you can find a way to change Brother Eighteen's temperament and come to me again in the future, I will definitely help you handle this matter."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and sent the guests off directly.

But after hearing his words, Zhou Jiakui's face became even darker.

At that moment, he left Zhongping Hall with a disappointed look on his face.

In this way, some people refused, and some agreed. Zhou Chun basically achieved fairness and justice, and decided on the owners of the unborn monster cubs.

The same goes for the monkey cubs including the Red Flame Diamond Monkey.

Zhou Zhengyong's son, Zhou Xinlan, is still up to par. Now he has successfully entered Taoism and has reached the first level of Qi refining stage.

As long as you successfully enter the Tao, you will have the ability to contract with monsters.

As the most qualified monk among the direct descendants of the "Xin" generation family, and his father is a core member of the family who has made great contributions to the family, he takes the red flame diamond monkey as his first spiritual pet and the family's favorite. Support and training of young people.

This was enough for Zhou Chun to reject other people's requests with confidence.

Time flies, and soon another two years have passed.

During this period, the Zhou family conducted two secret transactions with the Hualong Sect and gained many rare items.

During this period, the Zhou family's second and third Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkeys were born one after another, completely announcing the complete success of the population expansion of this hybrid monster beast.

Moreover, there are several new octagonal water deers in the deer park, and their reproduction rate is getting faster and faster.

Even the Xiangling musk deer brought back by Zhou Chun successfully impregnated two ordinary female musk deer.

The monster beast populations in other animal gardens have also shown healthy growth, with an increase in the number of new monster beast cubs born every year.

At the same time, under the protection of the Zhou family's security team, the number of casual cultivators who come to the Zhou family to practice has also increased compared to a few years ago, which has made the Zhou family's rental income much greater.

These happy events made Zhou Chun and other senior officials of the Zhou family very satisfied and happy, and they had a lot less worries.

For Zhou Chun personally, his own gains in the past two years are not small.

Not only have I mastered the two secret techniques that I had previously practiced, but I have also tempered them more than a dozen times to temper the meridians in my body to the point where they can withstand the invasion of a small amount of gold energy without being injured.

This cleared a big obstacle for him to formally switch to "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" later.

At the same time, under his cultivation regardless of consumption, the Silver Lightning Thunder Python finally accumulated its cultivation to the peak of a first-order monster by slowly taking a hundred-year elixir and digesting it.

Having already reached this point, if it wants to make a breakthrough by slowly accumulating money, it will take at least a few years.

But the 300-year-old dragon's blood ginseng that Zhou Chun had obtained earlier was enough to save him this hard work.

On this day, Zhou Chun called the Silver Lightning Python practicing on the mountain to the courtyard.

"Bai Bai, you must be more ambitious this time and make a successful breakthrough."

In the yard, Zhou Chun gently stroked the silver lightning python's white forehead, and fed it the dragon's blood ginseng with its expectant eyes.

After swallowing the dragon's blood ginseng in this way, it immediately coiled itself up on the coiled dragon pile specially built for it by Zhou Chun in the yard, and slowly fell asleep to digest the powerful medicinal power contained in the dragon's blood ginseng.

When the rock turtle lying down in the yard saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel envious in his eyes.

It actually reached the first-level limit much earlier than the Silver Lightning Python.

However, due to its bloodline, it was unable to achieve breakthroughs and promotions by swallowing powerful elixirs like the Silver Lightning Python Baibai.

In other words, you need to swallow certain elixirs containing special power to achieve breakthroughs and promotions.

At present, Zhou Chun has not had time to find spiritual objects for it to achieve breakthrough promotion, so it can only follow Zhou Chun's teachings to try to develop new applications of its own innate spells and tap its potential in this area.

"Don't be envious of Shitou. After Baibai succeeds in breaking through, we will be stronger and can better find the spiritual objects needed for you to break through and advance."

"Don't worry, no matter what, I will never give up on you."

Seemingly noticing the envy in the rock turtle's eyes, Zhou Chun turned around and comforted the spiritual pet.

He, Zhou Chun, is not a person who likes the new but hates the old. What's more, Yantugui has saved his life many times and helped him a lot since he followed him. He is a truly meritorious veteran.

Naturally, he will not treat this old man badly, and will definitely try his best to make his promotion successful.

Because it was expected that the Silver Lightning Thunder Python would take a long time to be promoted successfully, Zhou Chun told the Rock Turtle to take good care of his home, and then left his residence and went to the Zhongping Hall for work.

When he arrived at the Zhongping Hall, the Vajra Monkey, who had already taken up his post as the spiritual beast guarding the hall, immediately saluted him with his hands in hand.

This old monkey has been trained by [Aoki Spirit Monkey] for more than two years, and his past monkey habits have been changed a lot. Now he is enlightened and understands the importance of pleasing humans.

And Zhou Chun will give it some pointers when he has time to help it better develop its own natural magic power.

Of course, [Aoki Spirit Ape] has more guidance in this regard, and he is the real master in this regard.

At this time, Zhou Chun nodded slightly to the old monkey and began to look at the documents arranged by the transcriber on the docket.

Recently, there was a letter from the Wang family proposing to hold a new joint martial arts competition among the five major cultivating families. Depending on the situation, they also intend to let the Zhou family take over the event.

This was originally a great thing, a recognition of the Zhou family's strength.

But the Zhou family's current situation is a little embarrassing.

In the youth group under the age of thirty, there are almost no talents available, and the person with the highest cultivation level is only at the eighth level of Qi refining stage!

But in the elite group under sixty years old, there are many monks from the Zhou family who can compete for the top ten.

But because the Zhou family's performance was so impressive last time, the He family, Sun family and other families all expressed that they would restrict the spiritual pets of Zhou family monks from participating, otherwise they would not participate in this martial arts competition.

However, if spiritual pets are really restricted from participating, it will be very difficult for the monks of the Zhou family to achieve any good results.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not agree for the time being, and planned to hold a martial arts competition within the tribe first to find out the background of these tribesmen.

"Well, it just so happens that the first-level magic weapons I eliminated are of no use anymore, so I'll just take out a few and use them as lottery prizes!"

Zhou Chun touched his chin and thought for a while, and soon came up with an idea for a reward for the competition.

Now the clan leader Zhou Daoyi has concentrated on his cultivation and no longer cares about clan affairs. No matter what is particularly important, he cannot be disturbed.

There was no need to disturb him for things like martial arts competitions within the clan.

So after Zhou Chun figured out the prizes, he notified all the tribesmen who met the conditions to get ready.

After a few days of this, on the day when the event started, Zhou Chun and several elders came to the scene.

Before the contestants officially took the stage to compete, Zhou Chun, the deputy patriarch, also gave a speech.

"Fellow tribesmen, the purpose of this martial arts competition is to test your cultivation achievements and let the family leaders see your abilities."

"So don't have any selfish intentions, and do your best."

"Anyone who performs well today will receive relevant rewards from the family."

After a brief speech, at Zhou Chun's signal, the fourth elder Zhou Jiarui, who served as the referee, came on stage and began to read out names to call people on stage.

I saw that among the people participating in the martial arts competition today, there were many acquaintances of Zhou Chun.

His contemporaries such as his third sister Zhou Zhengjing, eighth brother Zhou Zhengtao, and tenth brother Zhou Zhengyong are all contestants in the elite group this time.

Their cultivations are all at the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage at worst, and they have all cultivated first-level high-grade monster beast spiritual pets. Their strength is considered relatively strong among monks of the same realm.

There are also some monks of the "family" generation who have also cultivated to the tenth or eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage under the age of sixty.

"Looking at this situation, if a joint martial arts competition is really held, our Zhou family can only work hard on the elite group. If one person from the youth group can enter the top ten, it will be considered as saving face!"

In the audience, Zhou Jiapeng, the newly promoted sixth elder of the Zhou family, looked at the Zhou family monks competing this time and couldn't help but shake his head in disapproval.

He also participated in the elite group fighting competition last time and made it into the top ten.

So he undoubtedly has a say in this matter.

"Actually, this is also normal. According to the past rules of several of their families, there are martial arts competitions held every ten years or so. Almost no family can perform well twice in a row."

Zhou Chun said his opinion calmly, but he had nothing to regret.

A family that cultivates immortality may be able to have Zifu monks and foundation-building monks from generation to generation.

But it is undoubtedly unrealistic to expect a group of outstanding tribesmen under the age of sixty and under thirty to emerge every ten years or so.

This is also the reason why several cultivating families jointly organize this kind of martial arts competition.

Since no family can perform well all the time, everyone has the opportunity to stand out, so that it makes sense to always participate.

But having said that, several elders still felt a little uncomfortable thinking that their family might be at the bottom.

The third elder, Zhou Daoquan, couldn't help but said: "Actually, our Zhou family just happened to run into it. If we had come to Jingguo a few decades earlier, there would have been several Qi refining period ten people under the age of thirty appearing every ten years or so. It’s not a difficult task for a top-level monk.”

"If it had been twenty years later, when the younger members of the family had grown up, they would have been able to take on responsibilities and assume important responsibilities!"

Having said this is like saying nothing.

A few decades ago, how could the Zhou family look down on small families like the Wang family and the He family? They were not on the same level at all!

Therefore, several other senior officials of the Zhou family, including Zhou Chun, could only smile bitterly at this time.

Didn't answer the question.

The last few chapters have been a bit scattered, I know, but after all, it is a family-style fairy tale. If these things are missing, it is like a soup without chopped green onion. Without it, you will always feel that it is missing some flavor! As for some book friends who care about writing about other family geniuses, there will definitely be some, but this book is still in the early stages, and the protagonist has just taken power. I must make you familiar enough with the protagonist and not distract from the protagonist’s sense of existence. When the protagonist's presence is enough later, and you can tolerate it even if he doesn't appear for two or three chapters, just write some supporting family characters. This is a must-have distinction. After all, just come up with a group portrait, not that kind of thing. Super boss, few authors can grasp it! In addition, tomorrow's chapter will be on fire. Next, the clan leader breaks through, the azure cloud python turns into a dragon, and the protagonist's skill transfer is successful. These are all things to look forward to!

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