Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 158 Dao Yi comes out of seclusion, and the cloud python turns into a dragon [Please subscrib

Time passed, and soon a joint martial arts competition among the five major cultivating families was held at Jiufeng Ridge, the gate of Zhoujia Mountain.

Although it was a joint martial arts competition between the five major cultivating families, because the Mu family in Biyun Mountain suffered a catastrophe, they could only run with them this time.

In order to make this event a success, the Zhou family also invited many people with good connections to watch the ceremony.

They also include the Li family and the formation You family, who were friends with them in the past.

With the Zhou family in Jiufengling now developing in great strides, the two families have begun to pay attention to their friendship with the Zhou family again, and they have gradually increased their contact with each other.

The main reason is that now Qinglian Temple is not so wary of them. Even if they move around each other, they no longer have to worry about them forming a new force.

"Brother Chongshan, why don't you see Brother Dao Yi come out to preside over such a grand event today? I haven't seen Brother Dao Yi for more than ten years, and I miss him very much!"

After the representative of the You family, an old man named Yu Jinfang, who was in the late stage of foundation building, arrived at the scene, he couldn't help but see that the person hosting the event on behalf of the Zhou family today turned out to be Zhou Chun, a younger generation he had never seen before. Frowning, he was slightly surprised and asked Zhou Chongshan, the second elder of the Zhou family next to him, about the whereabouts of Zhou Daoyi, the head of the Zhou family.

"The patriarch is currently in seclusion to attack the late stage of foundation building, but he cannot come out to host this grand event."

Zhou Chongshan responded to the other party's question calmly, and then said firmly: "Besides, Zhengchun is the next patriarch of my Zhou family, so we think it is very appropriate for him to host this grand event."

He naturally heard the contempt for Zhou Chun in Eugene Fang's words, so he firmly defended Zhou Chun's status at this time.

When Eugene Fang heard what he said, he was slightly startled, then smiled faintly and didn't answer any more.

This attitude made Zhou Chongshan even more unhappy.

It is true that he studied under a monk from the You family, but that does not mean that he can sit back and watch the You family humiliate the Zhou family.

Besides, when he first learned art, the Zhou family paid the full tuition for him, so he didn't owe the You family much.

"Young friend Zhengchun is quite good. I've heard of his name in the Li family. It's really enviable for the Zhou family to have such an outstanding junior emerge!"

At this time, the Li family representative monk named Li Cunguang on the side smiled and spoke to ease the atmosphere, which was regarded as relieving Zhou Chongshan.

Compared with the You family, the Li family and the Zhou family have a deeper relationship and cooperate more closely.

Therefore, the monks of the Li family know more about the current situation of the Zhou family.

Li Cunguang had already heard about the fact that Zhou Chun, the deputy patriarch of the Zhou family, had been in charge of clan affairs for several years.

After hearing Li Cunguang's praise, Zhou Chongshan's complexion really improved a lot.

Then he saw Li Cunguang nodded with a smile and said: "Although Zhengchun is good, it is nothing compared with the geniuses of your Li family, brother Li. I heard that your Li family had a pair of twin baby boys a few years ago, and they turned out to be two brothers." Everyone has high-grade spiritual root qualifications, and this kind of thing is really rare in a thousand years!"

Li Cunguang couldn't help but laugh out loud at these words: "Hahaha, I didn't expect this to reach your ears, Brother Chongshan. It seems that those two boys really became famous before they even started school!"

Although the number of twin brothers in the world of immortality is small, it is not impossible to find them.

But both brothers have high-grade spiritual root qualifications, which is very rare as Zhou Chongshan said.

For such a pair of brothers, and being born into a wealthy family of cultivators like the Li family, their future achievements must be extraordinary.

Li Cunguang monks like Li Cunguang are naturally happy from the bottom of their hearts to have such a talented descendant in their family.

Seeing that the topic had reached this point, Eugene Fang couldn't help but interrupt and said: "It is said that after some people at Qinglian Temple heard the news, they all wanted their brothers to worship in it. The ancestors of the Cunguang brothers would agree. Is this about this?"

"I don't know about this Li. How the ancestor behaves is beyond my ability to guess!"

Li Cunguang's eyes flashed, he shook his head slightly and said nothing.

After being bored like this, Eugene Fang's eyes darkened and he stopped talking.

They were chatting in the audience, but the monks from several families were already fighting in full swing on the stage.

This time, the participating monks from the Wang family, Sun family, and He family are also very strong.

Especially the He family of Qingzhu Mountain, maybe because they were dissatisfied with the results of the last martial arts competition, they wanted to get it back this time. The participating monks of the He family were full of fighting spirit and performed very well.

When the top ten players in the youth group appeared, the He family took four, then the Wang family took two, the Sun family took three, and the Zhou family barely took one.

At the same time, in the elite group, the top three in the Zhou family's previous internal competition also successfully entered the top ten, finally saving the face of the host family.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhixiong, the head of the Wang family, couldn't help but smile at Zhou Chun and said: "Fortunately, Fellow Daoist Zhou has succeeded in building the foundation. Otherwise, if Fellow Daoist Zhou participates in the elite group this time, the Zhou family will probably occupy the top ten spots." 40% of the quota!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang said this, and Zhou doesn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed!"

Then he shook his head and said: "This time we can still occupy three places in the elite group. Next time we lose our capital, I'm afraid our Zhou family will be at the bottom!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhou's words are too modest. We have all seen the changes in the Zhou family in the past ten years. It is worthy of being a thousand-year-old family. Its heritage is indeed beyond the comparison of a small family like me!"

Sun Zhongping, the head of the Sun family, also intervened at this time, his words full of emotion.

The Sun family is closest to the Zhou family, and he is more aware than the other clan leaders of how much the Zhou family has changed.

In the past, he felt that the Sun family might not be inferior to the down-and-out Zhou family.

But after witnessing the changes in the Zhou family for more than ten years, he had to admit that the Sun family was indeed worse than the Zhou family in every aspect.

This feeling is not only felt by Sun Zhongping, but also by the head of the He family and Wang Zhixiong next to him.

Mu Yuntian, the helmsman of the Mu family, even said at this time: "What Daoyou Sun said is true. In terms of underlying strength, the Zhou family is indeed inferior to us and other families. Being able to form an alliance with the Zhou family is what our family did in the first place. The most correct choice!”

The Mu family is now greatly favored by the Zhou family, so he naturally does not hesitate to cheer for the Zhou family in such situations.

"Fellow Daoist Mu is right. Forming an alliance with the Zhou family was indeed the right thing for us to do."

Wang Zhixiong glanced at Mu Yuntian, smiled softly, and praised him with a smile.

Nowadays, the Zhou family's rapid development seems unstoppable. Whether they are envious or jealous, they all want to deepen their relationship with the Zhou family.

"Fellow Taoists, you have commended me. We, the Zhou family, have always been very grateful to have been recognized and accepted by your fellow Taoist families. We, the Zhou family, will always remember the help of your fellow Taoist families over the years."

"From now on, our families will have to help each other and advance together and retreat together!"

Zhou Chun cupped his hands and responded with a smile.

Obviously, his response made Wang Zhixiong and others very satisfied, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

In the next competition for the top three, the Zhou family in the youth group voluntarily gave up, and only the three in the elite group wanted to fight hard.

However, in the final battle for first place, Zhou Zhengyong unfortunately lost to a monk from the Sun family.

After all, his cultivation level was one level behind the opponent, and the opponent seemed to have stayed at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage for several years. He was very proficient in spells, and he had also developed a secret weapon that was no less powerful than the "Xinjin Sword Qi". technique.

Even though he refined the green bronze tripod magic weapon and the red copper ball magic weapon given by Zhou Chun, he was still defeated by the opponent's secret technique.

For the first place in the elite group last time, the Wang family took out a Foundation Building Pill as a reward.

But that's because they were sure of winning, so they took out this item as a reward to bring face to the family.

The Zhou family is not so sure of winning this time, nor can they produce something as precious as the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Therefore, the reward for the first place in the elite group was replaced with a second-level low-grade magic weapon.

To make up for it, the Zhou family took out a lot of reserved monster eggs and monster cubs as rewards for the monks who followed.

In short, although the Zhou family gained a lot of face this time, they also really paid a lot.

But this has to be paid, because next time it is the turn of other families to hold an event, the Zhou family can also take their things for free.

After the event, Zhou Chun also led the elders of the Zhou family to personally send all the monks who came to watch the ceremony out of the mountain gate.

After seeing off all the guests, several senior executives of the Zhou family gathered together and talked about the results of this event.

Zhou Chun was the first to say, "Although we didn't win first place this time, our Zhou family still managed to save their face and didn't make a big fool of themselves."

"And after this event, our Zhou family has completely become one with the other families. From now on, at least their people will no longer treat our Zhou family as outsiders!"

Then Zhou Chongshan also nodded and said: "Zhengchun is right. Although this event cost the family a lot of money, it also allowed the family to show its influence. At least the Li family and the You family will have more influence through this event." You know, although our Zhou family is a little weaker now, our life is not much worse than theirs!"

As soon as these words were said, the third elder Zhou Daoquan said with deep agreement: "What the second elder said is that although the Li family and the You family are powerful, they are basically isolated by the local forces."

"Now they can still rest on their laurels, so it's hard to see anything, but if they haven't been able to integrate into the Jingguo in a hundred years, it won't be that easy for them to support their big family after all their laurels are gone! "

The greater the power, the more resources it needs to support itself.

However, the Li family, the You family, and the Zhou family are all outsiders, and it is already very difficult to find a piece of land to live in. It is simply impossible to seize the land.

And if you can't enclose the land and occupy resource points such as mineral veins and spiritual mountains, you can't open a market to collect rent.

It would be very difficult for a big family like the Li family and the You family with hundreds of immortal cultivators.

After all, the more people there are and the more people with higher cultivation levels, the more resources are needed to support them.

It is simply unrealistic to support such a large family by relying solely on the Li family's own alchemy skills and the You family's formation skills!

However, due to their huge size, other local immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou simply do not dare and are not qualified to form an alliance with them and carry out in-depth cooperation and exchanges.

In this way, if resources cannot be absorbed from local immortal cultivating families and the family's finances cannot make ends meet, the capital will soon be exhausted.

At that time, the huge Li family and You family will probably split into multiple small families, each of which will find another way to make a living.

This is almost an obvious conspiracy, and many people can see it.

Therefore, Zhou Chongshan also said with some schadenfreude at this time: "The Li family and the You family are like this, and the guys at Spirit Beast Villa are the same, and they will even be worse than these two families!"

"According to my opinion, it would be fine if Hualong Sect doesn't take any bigger actions in the future. If there are bigger actions, Qinglian Guan will just give them some sweeteners. I'm afraid they can only serve as cannon fodder for others. To consume.”

"Even their Jindan-stage ancestors will have to go to the front line by then!"

He has friendships with many monks from the three families, which should not be the case.

However, the Zhou family has been in trouble over the years. When they encountered danger several times, the family ignored their past friendship and no one came to help.

And now the monks from the two families seem to have developed a mentality of being superior to the Zhou family, feeling that the Zhou family is no longer worthy of being compared with them.

This made him very angry.

So it’s not surprising that we are now gloating over misfortunes.

"The Li family and the You family, let's just leave them alone. Anyway, they can maintain their friendship if they want to. If they don't want to, we don't have to beg them, lest it seems like our Zhou family can't live without them!"

Zhou Chun also didn't have much favorable impressions of these two families who had been close friends for a long time, so he didn't want to talk more about the two families at this time.

As for Spirit Beast Villa, in his mind it was a hostile force. If the Zhou family had a chance in the future, they would definitely attack it. There was no need to discuss it now.

After briefly sharing the family's recent financial income and expenditure and population changes, Zhou Chun asked the elders to go back first.

After another half a year passed, Zhou Daoyi, who had been in seclusion for several years, finally successfully broke through to the late stage of foundation building and came out.

"Congratulations to the patriarch for his great improvement in cultivation. My Zhou family has another late-stage foundation-building monk."

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun saw Empress Zhou Daoyi coming here after successfully leaving seclusion, and he immediately saluted with joy and congratulated her.

"It's just something that was expected. There's nothing to congratulate."

Zhou Daoyi waved his hand, then looked at Zhou Chun and asked: "It seems that a lot of things have happened to my family in the past few years of my retreat?"

"Some things have happened, but they are not big things and are not worthy of alarming you, the patriarch."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he briefly explained various things that had happened in the past few years.

Finally, he looked at Zhou Daoyi expectantly and asked: "Clan Leader, since you have made a breakthrough, when will the result of the Qingyun Python turning into a dragon that day come to an end?"

"Two years ago, I gave Qingqing the inner elixir of the green dragon to take. Now it is still sleeping and digesting the power of the inner elixir. It may take another year or two to see the results!"

After Zhou Daoyi finished speaking, his consciousness suddenly moved and he said to Zhou Chun: "The Supreme Elder has summoned me. I won't talk to you anymore. If you have anything to do, we can wait until I come back."

Today's first update

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