Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 159 Traveling far alone, searching for medicine through wood and stone [Please subscribe]

Zhou Daoyi successfully broke through to the late stage of foundation building. There is no need to hide this news.

Soon all the monks in the Zhou family learned the good news.

All Zhou family members are also happy from the bottom of their hearts.

But to say who is the happiest person, it must be Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoquan.

For Zhou Chun, Zhou Daoyi's breakthrough to the late stage of foundation building meant that he could safely switch to "Jin Ding Xuan Gong".

As for Zhou Daoquan, after Zhou Daoyi's breakthrough, he could safely leave his family and travel far away, looking for opportunities to open up the Zifu.

Therefore, not long after Zhou Daoyi came out of seclusion, Zhou Chun asked him to take charge of family affairs again, and he was ready to go out to find materials for refining Jin Ling Tiao Qi Powder.

Medicinal pills such as Jin Ling Tiao Qi Powder are so rare that it is unrealistic to buy and exchange them.

But without this item, the tripod-making level of "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong" will become very difficult.

So Zhou Chun must get this thing.

Now through various channels, he has gathered the other auxiliary ingredients for refining this substance. He only needs two important main ingredients before he can ask someone to open a furnace to refine the medicine.

"The world of immortal cultivation is in crisis. Although your silver lightning python has been promoted to the second level, you still have to be careful when going out alone. Remember the lesson of exchanging pills last time!"

Before Zhou Chun went out, Zhou Daoyi also gave him some advice, asking him to be more careful.

Although foundation-building monks have initially acquired the ability to travel alone in the world of immortality, they are not completely without danger.

Especially monks like Zhou Chun who go out alone to look for certain materials are even more likely to be targeted for this reason.

And being alone in a foreign land, even if someone plotted against him, the family would not be able to avenge him at all, and they would not even know who was plotting against him.

Therefore, Zhou Daoyi could only tell him to be careful and not to expose his wealth or cards easily.

"The younger generation must remember the clan leader's instructions."

Zhou Chun nodded seriously and then left the family alone.

The place he was going to on this trip was Cangzhou, Jingguo, which was thousands of miles away. It was the territory of Yanyang Sect, the great sect of Jingguo.

The two main ingredients for refining Jin Ling Tiao Qi Powder are more commonly found there.

After leaving Jiufeng Ridge, he directly took to the air and headed towards Cangzhou.

This was also Zhou Daoyi's advice to him. Don't easily reveal his possession of a second-level flying magic weapon on the road, and don't expose the existence of a second-level silver lightning python.

In this case, those powerful bandit cultivators with malicious intentions would not look down on him at all, and if the weak ones really took action against him, he would kill them instead.

However, when flying with air control, not only is the speed average, but it also consumes a lot of mana.

Generally, in order to retain enough mana to deal with the enemy in the early stages of foundation building, monks should first find a place to restore their mana after flying thousands of miles away.

But this is not a problem at all for Zhou Chun.

He doesn't have to make any detours to find places where he can recover his mana along the way. He just needs to fly in a straight line along the way.

When the mana consumption is too high, just find a place in the forest and meditate to recover.

In this way, he would not go into the market or the monks' settlement, so he would avoid the trouble of being watched.

So it took him just over three days to arrive in Cangzhou.

Cangzhou is located in the central and western part of Jingguo, and its adjacent Yanzhou is where the Yanyang Sect's mountain gate is located.

This state has many mountainous areas and rich mineral deposits. The environment for cultivating immortals is better than that of Lanzhou, and it is also more prosperous overall.

However, the situation in this state is also relatively complicated. Although the Yanyang Sect is the nominal ruler, in fact due to the rich mineral resources in Cangzhou, the Yuelun Sect and Qinglian Temple have also intervened here to support some forces. .

In the past, there would be reshuffles between small forces here every few years. Except for a few families with deep roots, not many local cultivating families could survive here forever.

Especially when new mineral veins are discovered, wars often start over the competition for the mineral veins.

Zhou Chun also knew that the situation here was complicated before he came, so after arriving in Cangzhou, he did not use the name of the Zhou family.

But this time he did not use the identity of a casual cultivator. Instead, he assumed the identity of a descendant of a cultivator family in Yunzhou who relocated his family's mountain gate due to the invasion of the Hualong Sect.

After all, casual cultivators of his age, not only unique, but also extremely rare, would be too eye-catching with this status.

Although it was relatively rare to be a family monk, it seemed much more normal.

Cangzhou and Yunzhou are thousands of miles apart. Unless you happen to meet someone who is familiar with the situation in Yunzhou, this will not be exposed easily.

After searching for people in Cangzhou, he easily entered Jinquanfang City, the largest city in Cangzhou.

Compared with Hongyafang City and Donglingfang City that Zhou Chun had visited before, Jinquanfang City is much larger, with more shops and a lot more monks.

Moreover, Zhou Chun also discovered that there were quite a lot of foundation-building monks coming and going here.

When he was in Hongyafang City, it was difficult to see a foundation-building monk even when walking around on the street.

But after he walked around Jinquanfang City, he saw three foundation-building monks passing by.

Obviously, being able to attract so many foundation-building monks here means that they can find what they need in the shops in Jinquanfang City.

This gave Zhou Chun more expectations.

After some investigation, he walked into a shop called "Mushi Zhai" in Fangshi.

This "Mushizhai" is a grocery store. They sell elixirs, spiritual gold ores and other items, but the price is slightly higher than the market price.

After Zhou Chun entered, he saw the shopkeeper conducting a transaction with a customer.

Seeing him come in at this time, the shopkeeper, although he was only in the Qi Refining stage, did not immediately neglect the previous customer because he was a Foundation Establishment monk.

Instead, he bowed his hands apologetically and said, "Senior, please wait a moment. After this junior completes the transaction with this fellow Taoist, I will entertain the senior."

Perhaps it was precisely because of this attitude that the customer who had cultivated in the Qi refining period was greatly satisfied.

He quickly paid the spirit coins and left the store with the purchased items.

At this time, the grey-haired shopkeeper stepped forward with an apologetic expression and saluted Zhou Chun and apologized: "Senior, I have troubled you by waiting for so long. I would like to apologize to you."

"It doesn't matter. Everything is first come, first served. The shopkeeper didn't do anything wrong."

Zhou Chun waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

Then he looked at the shopkeeper and asked, "I wonder if your store sells gold-leaf bamboo roots and top-grade golden rat galls that are over 500 years old?"

Hearing his words, the shopkeeper immediately shook his head and said: "Senior, the two kinds of spiritual things you mentioned are available in the store, but the age and quality of the medicines do not meet your requirements."

Zhou Chun had already expected this answer.

After all, golden leaf bamboo roots that are more than 500 years old can not only be used to refine Jin Ling Qi Tiao Powder, but can also be used to refine some more advanced elixirs, which can not be bought in ordinary stores.

The high-grade gold-eating rat gallbladder needs to be harvested alive from the body of a first-grade high-grade monster beast, the gold-eating rat.

Generally speaking, this kind of first-level high-grade gold-eating rat is the rat king of a rat group. It is extremely difficult to capture it alive to extract its courage!

Therefore, he did not show any disappointment at this time, but continued to look at the shopkeeper and said: "Jiang heard that your store has a business offering rewards for found objects. If Jiang is willing to buy these two items at a price higher than half the market price, , what does the shopkeeper think?"

Offering rewards for finding objects is a special business of some shops in the city.

Generally, only stores with a wide range of channels will open this kind of business.

They will ask the customer to add a certain amount of reward based on the value of the spiritual object they are looking for, and then use their strong network to collect relevant spiritual objects for the customer.

Zhou Chun also came here to inquire after finding out that "Mu Shi Zhai" had such a business.

When the shopkeeper heard what he said, he quickly replied: "Our store does engage in the business of offering rewards for finding objects, but if the seniors want to do this business, it is not the juniors who can make the decision."

"Then please ask the shopkeeper to invite someone who can make the decision."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and asked him to invite someone.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he cupped his hands and said, "Senior, please come back in the evening. The manager of our store should be able to come to the store by then."

"Okay, then Jiang will come back in the evening."

Zhou Chun stared at the shopkeeper for a while, then finally nodded, turned and left the store.

After he left, the shopkeeper quickly closed the door and went to the backyard of the store.

Soon after, he returned to the front hall, reopened the door and went about his business.

In the evening, Zhou Chun arrived at the "Mu Shi Zhai" store as scheduled.

Seeing his arrival, the shopkeeper hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and said: "Junior has met senior. The manager of our store is already waiting in the backyard. Junior will take you over to meet him."

After saying that, he took Zhou Chun outside a living room in the backyard, and then returned to the front hall.

Zhou Chun walked into the hall with the door open and saw a middle-aged woman with mid-level foundation-building cultivation sitting inside making tea.

When he saw him entering the room, the other party stood up and greeted him: "Friend Jiang, you are polite. My surname is Luo and my name is Qingyi. I am currently the steward of Mushi Zhai."

"You are so polite, Fellow Daoist Luo. My surname is Jiang Zishan and I come from Yunzhou."

Zhou Chun bowed his hand and gave a salute, and also reported the origin of his pseudonym.

After hearing what he said, the woman named Luo Qingyi just smiled, not knowing whether she believed it or not.

Xuanji raised his hand slightly, made an invitation gesture to him and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, please sit down first and let's have a cup of tea before we talk."

With that said, he picked up the steaming teapot, took a cup of tea and handed it to Zhou Chun.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Luo, for the tea."

Zhou Chun thanked him, but he just took the tea and smelled it briefly before putting it on the table.

Naturally, he would not dare to actually drink tea and wine given by strangers when he went out. Doing so would be enough to give him face.

When Luo Qingyi saw this, she didn't show any displeasure.

He just took a sip of the hot tea and looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "Did Fellow Daoist Jiang come all the way from Yunzhou just to buy two elixirs?"

"Yes, after many inquiries, Jiang found out that only Cangzhou in Jingguo has the chance to find golden leaf bamboo roots and top-grade golden rat galls that are more than 500 years old."

Zhou Chun nodded and admitted without hesitation.

This is nothing to keep secret, nothing to admit.

Seeing this, Luo Qingyi immediately continued: "Golden leaf bamboo grass that is more than five hundred years old is very rare. There are almost no wild ones. We can only find them from the medicine gardens of various families."

"Although our store knows which forces have such spiritual herbs, if Fellow Daoist Jiang wants to buy them with spiritual coins, I'm afraid no one will sell them!"

"As for the high-grade gold-eating rat gallbladder, it is difficult to preserve for a long time and difficult to obtain. Our store cannot find it for the time being. We can only provide you with information about several wild gold-eating rat groups. Take a look. Can you get the medicine yourself?"

After saying this, she picked up the tea and sipped it gently, waiting for Zhou Chun's reply.

After Zhou Chun heard what she said, he frowned slightly and began to think deeply.

After a period of time passed like this, Zhou Chuncai looked at Luo Qingyi and said, "When Jiang went out, he only brought spiritual coins to buy elixirs. If he buys golden leaf bamboo roots at twice the market price, wouldn't it be okay?"

When Luo Qingyi heard this, she immediately shook her head and laughed: "Fellow Daoist Jiang is also a family monk. You should know how hard it is to find such ancient elixirs. Generally, unless there is an urgent need for money, which family will exchange such elixirs for them?" Spirit coins?"

"Not to mention twice the market price, even if it is three times the market price, no family will be willing to sell it!"

How could Zhou Chun not understand this truth?

But after he suffered a big loss from Master Jiang last time, how could he dare to expose any rare things easily now?

Especially exposed in a place like "Mushizhai".

At the moment, he could only sigh helplessly: "Hey, Jiang knows what Fellow Daoist Luo said, so please tell Fellow Daoist Luo first which families have golden leaves and bamboo roots. After Jiang returns to the family, let the elders of the family take care of them." Come and exchange for something of equal value!"

After saying that, he clasped his fists and said, "Also, please tell Fellow Daoist Luo the location of the gold-eating rats. Jiang will also go there with the elders in his family to get the medicine!"

"That's easy to say. If we just want to provide information, fellow Daoist Jiang only needs to pay 500 spiritual coins."

Luo Qingyi narrowed her eyes and quoted the price with a smile.

I have to say, the price she quoted was very bad!

Five hundred spiritual coins are enough to buy a five-hundred-year-old golden leaf bamboo grass.

Of course it was the kind of wild elixir bought from casual cultivators.

But Zhou Chun knew that he could only give this money to himself.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a matter of five hundred spirit coins!

"Well, here are five hundred spiritual coins. Fellow Daoist Luo, please keep them."

He happily took out a big money bag, counted five hundred spiritual coins from it and put it on the table.

"Then please wait a moment, Fellow Daoist Jiang. I will enter the information you want into the jade slip and give it to you."

With a smile on her face, Luo Qingyi scanned the number of spirit coins on the table, took out the jade slips on the spot, entered the relevant information, and handed it to Zhou Chun along with a map of Cangzhou.

After Zhou Chun got the things, he didn't want to stay any longer. He immediately clasped his fists and saluted, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Luo, for the hospitality. Jiang will take his leave now."

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, go slowly, I won't see you off."

Luo Qingyi said and watched Zhou Chun leave the room.

Then she looked at the five hundred spirit coins on the table, and immediately put them into her storage bag with a smile on her face.

This is the advantage of doing a reward business. In many cases, there is no need to actually help exchange things, just provide a piece of information.

The premise is that you must have a broad enough network of contacts and a strong background.

"Well, if any of them really makes a deal with someone, let's give them a hundred spiritual coins. This way, we won't be able to get in and out of Mu Shi Zhai!"

Second update!

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