Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 161 A turning point, the dragon is born [Please subscribe]

Lanzhou, blue smoke.

It was the uninhabited island again, and Zhou Mingde came again to wait for the people from Hualong Sect to come and trade.

Now after several transactions, he is no longer as worried about this matter as he was at the beginning.

Especially when Zhou Daoyi's incident of Azure Cloud Python transforming into a dragon was about to come to an end, he felt more confident.

But what made Zhou Mingde's expression slightly change was that the Hualong Sect monk who came to trade with him this time was no longer Lin Yan, a middle-aged woman who had dealt with him several times before, but an old man in red.

"What's going on over there? Why did you suddenly change people without any prior notice? Do you still see me?"

On the small island, Zhou Mingde appeared, looked at the old man in red and scolded him sternly, feeling extremely unhappy.

Facing his scolding, the old man in red also saluted with fear and fear, and explained: "Senior, please forgive me, because Master Lin was injured a few days ago and can no longer perform this task, so the protector can only temporarily order this junior to come. Execute the mission.”

After speaking, he whispered again: "In addition, the protector also specifically asked me to tell my senior that she will come here in person to meet with my senior next time. I hope that the quality of the goods prepared by my senior will be better next time!"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "What does she mean? What exactly does she want to do? Didn't she agree that she wouldn't come forward in person?"

Seeing how angry he was, the old man in red didn't understand why. Since both parties were making such a secret deal, he didn't understand why he was so angry because Lin Hongyu wanted to come over in person.

But whether he understood or not, the old man in red still had a look of fear on his face and shook his head repeatedly: "I don't know, junior. I'm just sending a message for the protector. Please forgive me, senior!"

"Hmph, then next time we meet, I will definitely tell her about this in person!"

Zhou Mingde snorted coldly, took the transaction from the old man in red, and left the island with anger still lingering.

After returning to his family, he specially called Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun to the cave for discussion because of this unexpected incident.

"Tell me, you two, what was her plan for making such a sudden change?"

In the cave, after Zhou Mingde explained the transaction process in one breath, he looked at Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun and asked for their opinions.

Hearing his words, the two of them looked at each other in silence for a moment, and both frowned in thought.

After a long time passed like this, Zhou Daoyi slowly said: "Although the temptress has a bad temper, we can't underestimate her wisdom. She has informed people of this matter a year in advance, which means that she may need to help us." The Zhou family’s strength can do something big.”

After saying that, he answered and asked in self-doubt: "But what big thing can our Zhou family do for her? She can't think that by holding our hands, we can make our whole family join the Hualong Cult, right?"

"Could it be for internal matters within the Hualong Sect?"

Zhou Chun suddenly interjected.

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi both stared at each other.

Then Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "What should I say? Zhengchun, what did you think of?"

"This junior just feels that for the Red Dragon Protector, basically what our Zhou family can do for her in Jingguo is to transport personnel and intelligence as we do now."

"And as long as our Zhou family doesn't show any obvious intention to break up with her, she won't be stupid enough to force us to do things that can easily destroy our family."

"But if it is for internal matters within the Hualong Sect and you want to use us to help her eliminate dissidents, this matter can still be done, and as long as it is done well, both parties will benefit!"

Zhou Chun bowed his hands towards the two elders and expressed his guess with a serious face.

After listening to his speculation, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi both looked thoughtful.

Then Zhou Daoyi nodded and said, "If you think about it carefully, what Zhengchun said is quite reasonable."

"There are also many factions within the Hualong Sect. Generally, the factions are distinguished by the attributes of the dragon's spiritual blood that they incorporate. There must be conflicts of interest between each faction."

"But with the pressure of the leader and deputy leader from above, no matter how fierce the internal fighting is, they may not dare to really fight and cause loss of life."

"In this way, if we really have to eliminate a certain opponent, we can only use the power of outsiders to eliminate dissidents by killing people with borrowed knives!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but look at Zhou Mingde.

Then she said with a worried look: "But if it is really to eliminate dissidents, I am afraid that the opponents she wants to eliminate must also be at the level of protectors. In that case..."

The guardians of the Dragon Transformation Sect have all practiced the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" to the third level.

With this secret technique at hand, the strength of every Dragon Transformation Sect protector will not be much worse.

This is also the advantage of some big forces. The powerful inherited secrets they master can guarantee that the monks in their sect will be stronger than most monks of the same level who are from ordinary small forces.

Although Zhou Mingde was quite strong, if he wanted to kill a Dragon Transformation Sect protector alone, he would have to pay a huge price to do so.

It’s just possible!

But Zhou Mingde's eyes flashed at this time, and he said in a low tone: "If she really uses us to eliminate dissidents for her, that would be a good thing!"

"In this way, she will have something in our hands, and we don't have to worry about her suddenly turning her back and exposing our existence!"

"She can even cancel the dangerous deal she made before!"

The current cooperation between the Zhou family and Lin Hongyu is completely forced and helpless because the other party has taken advantage of them.

If he could, in turn, hold Lin Hongyu's hand, he would have something to talk with.

In Zhou Mingde's opinion, this was safer than killing Lin Hongyu secretly.

After all, no one can guarantee that Lin Hongyu will have left a back-up plan long ago. As long as she dies, she will trigger the back-up plan and make the Zhou family's secret deal with her public.

As for the price to pay for killing a Dragon Transformation Sect protector.

Zhou Mingde immediately looked at Zhou Daoyi and said: "If Dao Yi's Azure Cloud Python can successfully turn into a dragon, with its help, it is not impossible to kill a Dragon Transformation Sect protector!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Daoyi was also slightly startled.

Then he murmured to himself with a complex expression: "So, did that witch take this into account?"


There is a story!

After hearing Zhou Daoyi's words, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed as if he had discovered something.

He had already heard that Zhou Daoyi's tone was unusual, and his name for the red dragon protector was also a bit strange.

But even if Zhou Chun was smart, he would not have thought at this time how close the relationship between Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu really was.

I just secretly guessed that the patriarch might have an unusual grudge and entanglement with the red dragon protector.

But Zhou Mingde waved his hand at this time and said: "In short, although these are just our guesses, it is better to prepare in advance. Let's prepare based on this guess!"

But only he can make this preparation.

Zhou Chun can't intervene in that level of battle at all, he can only give some advice and strategies.

So in the following time, Zhou Chun also dealt with family affairs while intensively making final preparations for converting to Kung Fu.

One year passed quickly.

Zhou Mingde went to the small island of Biyanze as promised, and also met Lin Hongyu who came as promised.

After he returned to his family, he called Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun into the cave.

"Masachun really guessed it right!"

"She came to see me this time just to ask our Zhou family to help her eliminate a competitor, and he is also a red dragon protector of her own faction!"

"And she also promised me that as long as our Zhou family can help her get rid of this competitor, she can no longer ask us to provide her with manpower. As long as we maintain intelligence exchanges and cooperate with each other to seek our own interests in the future!"

Inside the cave, Zhou Mingde looked quite excited and talked to Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun about what he had gained from his trip.

Obviously, he was happy from the bottom of his heart about this result.

And while he was talking, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out something and showed it to the two of them.

"This poisonous dragon cone talisman is something she specially prepared for our operation to be successful. It is made from the fangs of the third-level poisonous dragon."

"As long as we can find an opportunity to put this thing into the body of the red dragon protector, the poison of the poisonous dragon alone will make her irreversible!"


Zhou Chun keenly heard what Zhou Mingde was referring to.

Dang even asked: "Is the Red Dragon Protector Lin, whom Protector Lin asked us to deal with, also a female cultivator of the Dragon Transformation Sect?"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, he nodded immediately and said: "Yes, according to Lin Hongyu, the Dragon Transformation Sister is currently her biggest competitor in the Red Dragon lineage. Not only does she also have the cultivation level of the middle stage of Zifu , she is also the concubine of a certain Red Dragon elder from Hualong Sect!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help frowning and whispered: "Since the target is the concubine of a monk in the Golden Core stage, and she has cultivation in the middle stage of Zifu, can our Zhou family really kill her?"

"Even if we can kill her, wouldn't we have offended that Golden Core Stage cultivator?"

This is also Zhou Chun's worry.

Both of them immediately looked at Zhou Mingde, wanting to hear his opinions.

Faced with the gazes of the two men, Zhou Mingde calmed down and said: "According to Lin Hongyu, the target will have an opportunity to place an order in half a year. That is the best time for me to make a move!"

"As for whether we can really kill her then, it depends on whether the poisonous dragon cone talisman given by Lin Hongyu is as useful as she said."

"Even if the assassination fails, Lin Hongyu's handle is still in our hands, and we no longer have to be controlled and coerced by her in the future!"

When Zhou Mingde said this, he said in a deep voice: "As for killing people who will offend the Golden Core Stage monks of the Hualong Sect, there is nothing to worry about."

"Let's not talk about whether the golden elixir monks can investigate our Zhou family. Even if they really know this, they can't personally risk going deep into Jingguo to deal with our Zhou family for the sake of a concubine. At most, they can send their subordinates to protect the law. That’s it!”

"As long as Lin Hongyu passes on the information to us in advance, how can we be afraid of just one or two Dragon Transformation Cult guardians attacking behind enemy lines!"

After he finished speaking, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun both fell silent.

Both of them knew that these were just the best-case scenarios mentioned by Zhou Mingde.

The worst-case scenario is that not only did they fail to kill the Red Dragon Protector of the Dragon Transformation Sect, but they might be counterattacked because they went deep alone.

At that time, the Zhou family's losses were too great!

But both of them also understood that this opportunity was indeed a great opportunity for the Zhou family to get out of their previous predicament.

Once successful, not only will the Zhou family no longer be controlled by others, but they will also be able to obtain great benefits by exchanging information and spiritual objects with Lin Hongyu.

The point is, they actually have no choice now.

Now Lin Hongyu still has the initiative over them and can expose them at any time and plunge them into a place of no return!

"Half a year should be enough for Qingqing. I can feel that it is undergoing transformation!"

Zhou Daoyi murmured to himself, which was equivalent to acquiescing to Zhou Mingde's words.

And Zhou Chun didn't say anything against it.

Almost three months later, the matter of Zhou Daoyi's spiritual pet Azure Cloud Python turning into a dragon finally came to fruition.

On this day, wind and clouds suddenly gathered above Jiufeng Ridge, and dense dark clouds formed in the sky.

At the same time, strong winds roared across the mountains of Jiufeng Ridge, causing many trees to fall.

Such visions instantly attracted the attention of all the Zhou family monks.

Then the majestic and powerful voice of the patriarch Zhou Daoyi soon resounded through the Zhou family's mountain gate.

"All clan members listen to the order. From now on, everyone will immediately enter a wartime state. All non-Zhou family monks, please leave the Zhou family mountain gate immediately!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Zhou Family Gate suddenly became extremely busy.

First, all the casual cultivators practicing in the Zhou family were awakened, and all the casual cultivators guarding the "Jingling Pavilion" were replaced. They were sent out of the mountain gate as quickly as possible, and they were exempted from today's training fees and mission requirements.

Immediately afterwards, one by one, the Zhou family monks, in accordance with the standards of wartime conditions, quickly went to the various base points of the mountain protection formation to protect the key points.

In less than an hour, only the Zhou family and their Taoist relatives were left inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate.

At this time, Zhou Chongshan, the second elder of the Zhou family, also took action personally, mobilizing the power of a large array to disperse and suppress the strange phenomena of heaven and earth.

A colorful aura canopy was seen covering the entire Zhou Family Mountain Gate, making it difficult for the outside wind to blow in.

At the same time, a powerful five-color light beam shot up into the sky, hitting the thick dark clouds in the sky, and instantly blew away most of the dark clouds.

"What happened? Are there strong men attacking the Zhou family?"

Outside Jiufeng Ridge, dozens of casual cultivators who had been expelled by the Zhou family looked at this scene with astonishment on their faces, and they still don't understand what happened.

At this time, let alone watching, they could not even hear a sound coming from the Zhou family's mountain gate.

But inside the mountain gate, those Zhou family monks who were still confused at first saw a scene that shocked them to the core!

Second update today!

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